custom church furniture | custom church pews

Web Name: custom church furniture | custom church pews






Bringing beauty to your churchYour church is more than a building. It’s your community, your family, and your faith. That’s why we take pride in offering high-quality custom church furniture at competitive prices. When it comes time to furnish, renovate, or decorate your place of worship, we’ll treat it with as much care and respect as you do.80+ years of expertise in custom church furnitureWe have the experience and specialized skills to complete projects big or small, local or national, thanks to 80+ years in business. Whether your project is a new design or your existing décor needs repair, we’ll work with you to achieve the aesthetic you’re looking for.We understand that style and design make a big impact in your space. We can create custom in-house designs for new pieces, or we can fabricate furnishings from your architect’s designs.Our employees are skilled craftsmen who work with a variety of materials, including:metalstonefiberglassplasterMeeting your project s unique needsThough custom church furniture is our specialty, we can also help you with your unique projects. We have the experience and skills to provide high-quality historic restoration, statue repair, custom millwork, and building preservation. Get in touch to discuss how we can meet your project’s needs.Quality work at a reasonable priceLet us bring our years of experience to your custom church furniture project. View our past work to see what we can do for you, and contact us for your custom quote. 2020 St. Paul Fabricating & Decorating CompanyHigh-Quality Custom Church Furniture 1750 Thomas Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104Ph: 651-632-5860Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

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Building high-quality custom church furniture for more than 80 years. Contact us for your custom quote. 

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