Sports Injury Prevention Informational Website

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Looking to Stay Ahead of the Competition in Sports Orthopedic Rehab???Discover How We Can Help You!Free MasterclassThe 12 Rehab Training Traps that Clinicians and Strength Coaches Fall Into...How Avoiding Them Will Improve Your Expertise, Trust, and Clinical Results!Sign UpGet access to our popular Injury Rehab Game Plans, a NEW CEU Course Every Year, Research Reviews, Exclusive Videos Interviews, as well as 24/7 access to ask questions!Join TheSports Rehab Expert FAST TRACK! The Ultimate Guide to Recovering from Hip Impingement Without SurgeryHip Impingement (also known as FAI) can be a major frustration for athletes and active individuals. This article is designed to be a resource for providing the best holistic treatment approach to help you resolve this issue.|Image1|... keep readingHamstring Injuries - Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy (Should You Stretch The Area)In this episode we discuss why stretching a proximal hamstring injury can be one of the worst things you can do for treatment. Especially early on in the recovery process!... keep reading3 Best Ankle Mobility Drills To Improve Squat DepthAnkle mobility is often limited in many individuals. A lack of ankle range of motion can reduce ones ability to squat among other things. Unfortunately typical methods of stretching the calf or foam rolling your calf muscles leads to results that are temporary and less than desirable. I have found these 3 drills to be very effective at improving ones ankle mobility.... keep readingTop 3 Tips To Get Your Athletes and Clients To Buy Into Treatment Plan of CareWhether you are a Physical Therapist, Chiropractor, Athletic Trainer, or Strength Coach, gaining trust and having people believe in what you are telling them is imperative! Trust and 'buy in' is necessary to build relationships between you as a Practitioner and them as a client. Without this, rehab and treatment can prove difficult or unsuccessful no matter how good your clinical skills are.... keep readingTop 3 Exercises To Instantly Improve Shoulder Mobility That Are Better Than Stretching!Shoulder flexibility is desired and often sought after trait which is believed to have injury reduction benefits. However, many people fail to appreciate the structure of the shoulder prior to deciding to endlessly stretch and force the shoulder into position which they currently cannot achieve.... keep reading The Easiest Knee Pain Exercise and AssessmentKnee Pain is one of the most common diagnosis in the world that results in millions of dollars spent on surgery, rehabilitation, and disability. It is wildly misunderstood and often times over complicated!... keep readingFoot Pain After Running Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome & Morton's Neuroma TreatmentFoot Pain After Running. Treating Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Morton's Neuroma Treatment... keep reading4 Tips To Improve Your Plank and Back PainPlanks are presumably one of the most popular body weight abdominal exercises. Usually, the intention of the exercise is to promote abdominal strength while simultaneously reducing low back pain. However, the exercise often strays from its intended purpose due to improper form, lack of body awareness, and excessive hold time.... keep readingComplete Guide For IT Band Pain with Full Rehab ProgramOne of the most common injuries in runners is IT band syndrome or lateral knee pain. Many people try endlessly stretching and foam rolling this area in hopes to get relief. Instead what they get is sometimes temporary relief. But always feel the need to stretch or foam roll the area because the problem keeps returning.... keep readingThe Most Overrated Exercise For Knee PainThe most overrated exercise for knee pain and why I have significantly reduced how much I use the common exercise in the clinic... keep reading More Featured Atricles Sports Rehab Expert212 Morgan St.ManchesterMichigan48158United StatesEmail:

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