rocky's bru

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Badlishah told to go on leave after ordering audit on Mara CorpBangsar, Dec 4: Something is brewing in Mara Corporation, according to twentytwo13 s latest scoop Three months into office, Mara Corp s group CEO suspended ,that suggests a possible change in leadership. I would have added the word again somewhere in that intro. This isn t the first time Mara Corp, the Mara, is in the news for the wrong reasons. It won t be the last, either. It s what some Melayus up there are good for, if you ask me.In a nutshell, not long after Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin became Prime Minister, a new CEO was brought in to clean up and consolidate the four-year old Mara Corp. The new man, of course, wanted due diligence to be carried out. He is, after all, a banker. He brought in some good Malays to help him, including former CEOs of public listed companies. When word got out that Earnst Young would be picked as the auditors, a special Board Meeting of Mara Corp was convened. At the meeting, a prepared statement was read out, accusing the group CEO of abuse of power, blah blah blah. Mr Group CEO denied the silly allegations, of course. He was scheduled to present his plans for 2021 at the scheduled Board Meeting on Nov 30 but the Board wanted him to go on garden leave instead pending an investigation into the allegations.A politician and a former Member of Parliament is now said to be the executive director of Mara Corp, appointed by the Cabinet Minister in charge of Mara, YB Abdul Latiff Ahmad.End of story?Latest: The Opposition leader talks to The Vibes A week earlier, I issued a statement. If our concessions are not met, we will opt to reject Budget 2021 in total. What happened (on Thursday) was that the finance minister made major concessions. - Anwar: Government conceded to Opposition demands, 29 Nov 2020Original articleBangsar, 28 Nov: I haven't agreed with Anwar Ibrahim in ages. But I m inclined to agree with the Opposition Leader s decision last Thursday to not shoot down the Budget 2021.Anwar had instructed Opposition MPs to not bloc vote against the Budget and all but 13 did as told. The 13 - a dozen of Mahathir-Mat Sabu's men and a lone PKR MP who claimed he did not get the memo - stood up to demand a bloc vote. But 15 were needed and because the Opposition was two MPs short, the Budget was passed at policy level .Over tea yesterday, the pro-Umno blogger Big Dog asked me how I would interpret Anwar's action. I said, more or less:Firstly, it shows that Anwar has the confidence of the majority of the Opposition MPs. Even the DAP, which was so enamoured of Mahathir after Lim Guan Eng was made Finance Minister (short lived, alas), had stood (or, rather, sat) solidly behind Anwar. Not Mahathir.Secondly, Anwar decided to let Tunku Zafrul's Budget live on after the Finance Minister had granted last-minute concessions that fulfilled not just Pakatan Harapan's demands but also those of Umno's. One MP told me there were so many concessions it was as if Zafrul had tabled a totally different Budget from the original one. What does this show? It means there is actually still hope that this government can be schooled to give more to people who need, like extend the moratorium till March. Because the Budget survived Thursday, MPs will now discuss it at committee level from this week until the crucial 3rd reading on Dec 15.Thirdly, it shows that Anwar is loyal to the King. Unlike the 13.Finally, and Anwar may not admit it, I think he aimed to rile Tun Mahathir. And the Old Man was absolutely peeved, said the Opposition leader's maneuvering was a sell-out and akin to legitimizing Muhyiddin's 'backdoor' government. He was also terribly annoyed because Anwar's move had exposed him for the very negligible support that he commanded. Amanah president Mat Sabu s statement earlier today - Stand firm behind Anwar, PH, says Mat Sabu-means Mahathir may have zilch.Ku Li: Reckless, hypocrite or hero?Kuala Lumpur, 23 Nov: Ku Li can rant all day about "political corruption" for all we care. At the end of the day, the MP for Gua Musang, like most politicians out there, probably has a vested interest for wanting to ditch this week's crucial debate on the Supply Bill. He probably just wants PM Muhyiddin Yasin out of sight.The thing going for Ku Li, the man who's been wanting to be PM himself for the longest of time, is this: so many other MPs share that same vested interest.But as a voter, I totally disagree with Ku Li's decision to boycott Parliament during the debate of the Budget 2021. As MP, it is his duty to attend, if not to take active part, in the debates of the Dewan Rakyat. To boycott the Parliament just because the Speaker disagreed with him on how a vote of no confidence should be carried out is reckless. To claim he's doing so to fight "political corruption" is hypocritical.And who is Ku Li to call the government appointed by the Yang DiPertuan Agong, as provided for under the Constitution, a "backdoor government"?Ku Li must retract his letter to the Speaker (which, by the way, was sent on Saturday, an off day, I believe, and was all over the media on Sunday, still an off day, therefore not giving the Speaker any chance to respond, that is if Ku Li had wanted one, in the first place).The MP must carry out his moral duty as an MP, which is to be in Parliament. He is paid good taxpayers' money and accorded great perks to do at least that.Don't vote for the Budget 2021 if you think that will be the right thing to do. There will be more than a hundred other MPs who will do that, so what's the big deal? Ku Li's vote is just one of them but crucial nonetheless. So debate and vote. Boycotting is cowardly.If the Budget doesn't get the number of votes from MPs it requires this Thursday 26 Nov, PM Muhyiddin will have to go. We will either face a general election or we will leave it to the wisdom of His Majesty's once again to appoint a Prime Minister whom he thinks commands the majority of support from the MPs.If the King decides against a general election and uses the provisions under Article 43 and appoints someone else but not you as PM, please don't you go around calling it a "backdoor government" again, Ku Li. Show respect for the royal institution that you yourself come from.The called him Mr Natural RubberBSC, Nov 18: In Legacies for Generations, a tribute to his father BC Sekhar, the good capitalist Datuk Vinod B Sekhar tells us of how former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin had forced the man who modernised Malaysia's rubber industry to leave the country in search for a living abroad.They forced the man that created and implemented SMR (Standard Malaysian Rubber) and had saved the Malaysian economy giving it the backbone and footing that would allow the Mahathir administration to make her The Tiger economy to leave the country and accept a position in London, just so he could make a living and take care of his family.It broke his heart, as he loved his country so much.Vinod, the chairman of the Petra Group, wrote the article in memory of his late dad, who would have turned 91 yesterday.I hope Mahathir and Daim, in their old age, have a sense of remorse and regret for how they treated the great sons and daughters of Malaysia. Because my father was not alone. His was a generation of great nation builders. Country first. We sadly don t really have many of those anymore.I am sure Tun M, 95, if he's not in hisI don't remembermode, will tell us that he had his 'reasons' for doing what he allegedly did to BC Sekhar. Just as he had his reasons for putting out to pasture judges Tun Salleh Abas, 91, and Datuk Syed Ahmad Idid, 82, among others. But I'm not sure people would believe him. In fact, I'm quite sure a lot of people have stopped believing whatever he says these days.But I don't really care about that. I'd say, forget about Mahathir or Daim. I'd rather focus on the point Vinod is making in his article about our nation builders. It is true, we don't really have many of those anymore. We need to do something about that.Former Health Minister tweets about BC SekharUnited! United! Hell, yes. But instead of getting everyone - the MPs, detractors, and the hopeful people -to rally behind him, which was the plan, Prime Minister Muhyiddin's Budget 2021 have united them against his Government, instead.Dr M: 'I will support budget only if it's realistic'; Anwar: Budget 'unrealistic'Kuala Lumpur, 9 Nov: The theme of the Budget 2021 is STAND UNITED, WE SHALL PREVAIL Teguh Kita, Menang Bersama. Won't blame you if it sounds to you like an election manifesto because it does sound to me like a good general election manifesto.Here are the first two pages of the Budget :But what could have been a walk in the park for Muhyiddin and Co is now a painful swim in mud and sludge. Where did the Budget go wrong? Was it the RM85 million for JASA? Was it the unjustifiable, nearly RM4 billion more for the Prime Minister's Department? The record amount of debts the Government will accrue just to keep paying their high salaries and service their debts?It may be all of that and the fact that the people are not stupid anymore, which means it's not possible to even fool some people some of the time. Some people are pleased with it but everyone has something in the Budget to bitch about, from healthcare spending 'cuts' to unreal tax revenue forecast for next year and the absence of a real, long term plan to help the increasing number of poorer and jobless Malaysians.Stop thinking like a banker, Zafrul toldBut, most of all, I think the Budget is a victim of a Government losing the trust of the people, especially since its botched attempt to impose the Emergency on all of us. And, believe it or not, there are still Ministers in Muhyiddin's Cabinet who are still threatening us with it, even after the King has said NO to it. This alone has convinced me that even if Tengku Zafrul Tengku Aziz, the Finance Minister, had tabled last Friday a different Budget, the best Malaysian Budget ever, he would still find us standing united against him, the Budget, Muhyiddin's government.I won't be surprised if Zafrul's first Budget will also be his last. I will be surprised if this Budget is passed.Related:A Budget negating the need for an Emergency - The MoleMsian govt prepared to return to King, ask for state of Emergency if necessary - TodayRockybruRocky's Bru is Malaysian journalist Ahirudin Bin Attan, who advises the, and any blogger in need of free counsel. He is the President of the National Press Club Malaysia 2019--2021 [image: Sabah Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun says Rumah Merah Cluster and Dbajaru Cluster have contributed to the spike in Covid-19 case...The average daily Covid-19 cases in the Klang Valley has spiked by 25% from 578 cases from Nov 28-Dec 4, to 724 cases from Dec 5-Dec 11. The post Malays...KUALA LUMPUR Harga runcit petrol ROM95, RON97 dan diesel masing-masing naik tiga sen seliter bagi tempoh seminggu bermula tengah malam ini. Menurut kenya...On 16 Feb 2011, Mahathir wrote: apa yang keluar dari bibir Nik Aziz sebagai tujuan hidupnya ialah untuk memenangi pilihanraya dan menjadi pemerintah ber...*Khazanah's choices in the sales of Silterra: Nation Builder, Manufacturer, Stock Market flip artist and Slave Driver*Previously, Silterra sales issue ...14 Oktober 2020 yang lepas, laman blog ini telah menyiarkan artikel yang bertajuk *'Kita Sibuk Dengan Covid-19, Setpol Muhyiddin, Saiful Adli, Sibuk Jua...Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin is at a crossroad to put money where his mouth is, in the perspective of integrity and proper governance. The ...SO MANY comments about the new Perak state government. So many prophecies about the possibility that Umno will join force with any interested parties ou...1. Apabila belanjawan di lulus tanpa tentangan di peringkat bacaan kali ke-2 di Dewan Rakyat, ini bermakna Kerajaan sudah pun diiktiraf oleh pembangkang, k...The nursery rhyme 'The house that Jack built' was one of the Nursery Rhymes I learned during my colonial education. (You can read the complete rhyme he...Like many other citizens, I hope the Malaysian parliament will adopt the 2021 Budget with acomfortable margin. A...(MMO) Umno is not being sidelined by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary-general Tan Sri Annuar Musa said in a Faceb...Sebelum ini, kalau barang mahal kita cakap harga YAHUDI. Sekarang ni kalau barang murah, kita boleh cakap harga MUJAHID.Gila ke apa jual tanah satu hekt...Politicians are back in power at Mara CorpBadlishah told to go on leave after ordering audit on Mara Corp Bangsar, Dec 4: Something is brewing in Mara Corporation, according to twent...

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