Piedra Resources, LLC | Oil and Gas Exploration | Midland, TX

Web Name: Piedra Resources, LLC | Oil and Gas Exploration | Midland, TX

WebSite: http://www.piedrallc.com





A Proven Track Record of ResourceDevelopment and Exploration PIEDRA RESOURCES, LLC IS A PRIVATELY HELD, OIL GAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION COMPANY. About Piedra Founded in 2004 by Energy Executives Robert Beecherl and Chip Smith in partnership with EnCap Investments L.P. With a focus on the Permian Basin, Piedra strives to create value through exploration, development and acquisition of natural gas and oil reserves. With the expertise and experience that Piedra was built upon, we pursue the exploration and development of lower-risk resource plays with scalability and upside. Our team has a proven track record of drilling and operational excellence. Energy Executives Robert Beecherl and Chip Smith founded Piedra Resources, LLC, with an intent to operate as good stewards of land and resources within the oil and gas industry. For over two decades they have utilized technology, science, discipline and expertise to create value through exploration, development and acquisition of oil and natural gas reserves.

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We Are Piedra, a privately held, oil & gas exploration and production company. Learn more about us.

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