Moses Kotane Local Municipality Re Direla Setshaba

Web Name: Moses Kotane Local Municipality Re Direla Setshaba






PUBLIC NOTICE MOSES KOTANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY DRAFT OUTDOOR ADVERTISING AND SIGNAGE BY-LAW. the Moses Kotane Local Municipality intends to amend its Outdoor Advertising and SignageBy-Laws. Read More READ MORE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE: RESOLUTION FOR PROPOSED PROPERTY RATES IN RESPECT OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1st JULY 2020 TO 30th JUNE 2021 MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management Hon. Sello Lehare embark on Decontamination of Mogwase Taxi Rank Mogwase- As part of many initiatives by the government to fight against covid19 , MEC Hon. Sello Lehari embarked on a Decontamination or Disinfection of Mogwase Taxi rank to help curb the spread On Sunday Mayor Cllr Ralesole commemorated the legacy of the late Ntate Moses Mauwane on his Birthday at Pella. Pella Cemetery MKLM Mayor Cllr Ralesole Diale led a delegation comprising of Kgosi Gasebone, Representative from Kotane Family, Acting Speaker Cllr George Moatshe, Portfolio Head of Finance Cllr Lawrence Kapari, Subscribe to our mailing listto ensure you are informed of the current affairs of the Municipality.

TAGS:Local Kotane Moses 

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