
Web Name: Apttpteach

WebSite: http://www.apttoteach.org





Over the last several years I have put together a series of notes on various Biblical and Theological topics. These notes were designed to be used in classes that I teach. With the aid of this site I can make these notes available to my students and anyone else that might find them helpful. They represent a "work in process" as I am frequently updating their content as I gain more or better understanding.For those of you who might not know me, I have provided some basic information about myself in a short biographical summary in the 'About' section. The purpose of this site is outlined in a values and vision statement. I also include a doctrinal statement that will indicate some of my basic theological assumptions.I offer this material with the expectation that it will edify the Christian community, and develop the interest of the non Christian who is exploring the world of ideas in search of truth.Perfect Peace for Imperfect Peoplein an Imperfect WorldJim's latest book, Peace Seekers, is written for imperfect people seeking inner peace in an imperfect world. The book looks at three Biblical stories that reveal both paths and roadblocks to experiencing the peace that is embedded in the Christian message of grace. Read more ... A Path for Imperfect People Making PeaceIn an Imperfect WorldThis book argues that the Christian life is motivated by grace and that personal inner peace is key to social reconciliation. The book looks at three Biblical stories that reveal both paths and roadblocks to being a peacemaker. Peace Makers should be especially helpful to for people who are looking for more than just political strategies for social peace but see the need for personal power to be peacemaking. Read more ...


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Apt to Teach Bible and Christian teaching

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