Adbusters Media Foundation | Journal of the Mental Environment

Web Name: Adbusters Media Foundation | Journal of the Mental Environment






The #TrueCost Revolution What s in a price? Raw materials. Labor. Equipment upkeep. Rents and fees. Supply and demand. Taxes. Those things influence how much you pay at the till. But what about the cost of the wrapper you throw away, toxic run-off leaking into lakes and streams, carbon released into the atmosphere — in short, all the noxious side-effects of using or producing everyday things in a capitalist world? Who pays for that? The short answer: We all do. Not all costs are reflected in prices. The sorts of costs that harm the Earth — releasing pollution, toxins, or greenhouse gases into the environment — are called externalities by economists because, in our current (backward) economic paradigm, neither producers nor consumers are made to pay for them. Instead, everyone on the planet pays the price of a world made less livable by the deadly cost of externalities . . . though you can be sure that some people pay a far greater share than others. And let s just say they ain t the same folks who run super-polluting, world-raping corporations. The simple truth is that we don t pay for what we buy. And with every purchase of every item at every cash-register, this massive accounting error is slowly boiling our planet to death — and us along with it. It s time to overhaul all our long-accepted (and now obviously failed) notions about how economics is supposed to work. To make this world livable not just for the future but for mere months and weeks and days to come, we need a radical new way to take stock of how every one of our lives affects this garbage-choked, carbon-clogged, gasping-for-air planet. And that new way of thinking is called #TrueCost. — Kalle Lasn (from our forthcoming book, The Third Force: Field Guide To a New World Order)Read Full Story My Political Awakening I have no memory of my birthplace of Tallinn, Estonia. I was two years old when the Red Army busted through the Leningrad Blockade and marched in. The Russians were hardly liberators. They were almost worse than the Nazis. They’d culled the population of Estonia to a million people, and who knows what fate my family would have met had we not fled on one of the last boats out. We ended up in a series of displaced-persons camps. Food was scarce. Some weekends we walked deep into the German countryside to barter with farmers. Once my mother exchanged her precious fur coat for a bag of eggs and vegetables. I spent the next five years in and out of those refugee camps – till age seven. And then another five years in refugee camps in Australia. I basically spent my entire childhood in a bubble. We’d been kicked out of our own country by the Communists, leaving everything behind. So anything that smelled of collectivism was anathema to my father. “Those commie bastards . . .” he would mutter. I pretended to sleep but listened intently to the drunken late-night banter of Estonian expats . . . “I’d like to line those fucking commies up against a wall and mow them down one by one . . .”Read Full Story — Kalle Lasn (from our forthcoming book, The Third Force: Field Guide To a New World Order) The Russians? Mark, Jeff or Elon? If I’m a DIY’er, whose help do I need? It helps me without the need eat, bathe or breath I think I live for it, at least I’m starting to believe A wise man once told me I should never hit delete but I can’t remember who he was or if he was real My memory is low, better upgrade so it feels and thinks and loves and acts so I needn’t worry Can it do that? Does it worry? Does it hear my inner thoughts? Or are brain waves store-bought? Better Google it to be sure. Raj Tawney is an American nonfiction writer and poet in New York, covering culture, race, food and humanity. He was a featured poet in The Iowa Review s 2020 National Poetry Month series. book. The Third Force The hierarchical, top-down power structures that ruled the world for thousands of years are collapsing before our eyes. The street now has unprecedented sway. Nous sommes sur le point de vous donner les codes. Are you ready?Read Full Story (EN) /Lisez l article (FR) Art or Insult? image source Vice recently ran an article in which photographs of Cambodians disappeared by the genocidal Khmer-Rouge regime were colored and altered to appear as if smiling. But after receiving a rash of outraged complaints from Cambodian cultural and political institutions, the article was taken down. The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts claimed that the manipulated photos seriously affect the dignity of the victims, the reality of Cambodia s history, and the violation of the rights of the [Tuol Sleng Genocide] Museum as the lawful owners and custodians of these photographs. Neth Pheaktra of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (jointly established by the Cambodian government and the UN) called them immoral and an insult to the victims. Some two million people met gruesome deaths at the hands of Pol Pot s Khmer Rouge between 1975 and 1979. In the original article, image-manipulation artist Matt Loughrey was quoted as saying that [o]ne of the classic things is to try to be friendly with your captor. So a smile would seem natural. I m sure it s very easy for the oppressor to smile, because they have all the power, and when you see a smile, you may try to mirror it in order to become synchronized with your captor. To make yourself feel like you have some control. Some insist that this approach is not only distasteful but sinister. Matt Loughrey in Vice is not colourising [the] photographs, according to photographer John Vink. He is falsifying history. Where do you stand? Should reality be manipulated? Do Loughrey s touched-up photos constitute thought-provoking art — or damaging falsehood? Link this. NEW: #WorldwideGeneralStrike t-shirts! We ve had enough of being run into the ground by banks and billionaires, tyrants and technocrats. In the lead-up to the 10th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, we re going to rise up and start calling the shots from below. That s why this summer, we strike. Down with direct action? Dare to wear your heart on your sleeve with a #WorldwideGeneralStrike t-shirt . . . a rousing call to action now and always.Culture Shop On the back cover of the first issue of Adbusters, published back in 1989, was a stern-looking Planet Earth pointing an accusing finger: I WANT YOU TO CURB YOUR CONSUMPTION. The world was in a phase change. The Berlin Wall was about to fall. Solidarity was in the air, and the environmental movement was driving it. We’d seen the whole Earth from space and by God it looked vulnerable, hanging out there in the darkness. Environmentalism wasn’t some kind of consensus we all arrived at: it was an existential reaction that prompted a million gut-level responses. But let’s face it: fifty years of environmental activism has added up to little more than a rounding error on the climate emergency. Now we need to go deep-down, system-wide, third-order. So, in this issue we sink our teeth into the problem of climate change and shake loose one mighty idea — the mother of all metamemes — that’ll show the world a way out of the existential fix we’re in. Don’t believe us? Read on . . . We want you! Join our team! We re looking for an experienced Backend Programmer and a politically savvy Campaign Manager to round out our Vancouver office. Got the stuff? Send us a cover letter with your resume attached.‍ Check out the full job posting here. Facebook, Enemy of Free Speech This summer, our “White House Siege” raised the hackles of the far right, provoking a rabid reaction on social media. But not long after it launched, Facebook censored the campaign s main hashtag, hobbling our efforts to resuscitate American democracy. Despite our inquiries, the social-media platform has never clarified why it did this. Our adherence to peaceful protest being reaffirmed in briefing after tactical briefing, it could hardly have been because our campaign violated Facebook s community standards. None of our WHS-themed posts came close to being violent and graphic content — they stood for the exact opposite — let alone any other form of objectionable content the platform forbids. So, what explains Facebook s actions? We can t be sure, but it s not far-fetched to speculate that the WHS was wrongly and ham-fistedly suppressed for the same reason as so much else on the platform. Facebook knows it has a big problem on its hands, with both misinformation and hate-speech flourishing on its watch. But in the absence of regulation, and with too much of it circulating too rapidly to assess properly, Facebook has resorted to knee-jerk, catch-all, and politically motivated censorship. During these pandemic-plagued times, digital communications have become more crucial than ever to both the discussion of ideas and the organization of dissent. To resist corporations’ policing of internet-based speech, we need to take immediate action — before the digital realm becomes a place where only certain opinions, and certain ideologies, are permitted. Fight for free speech. Resist the tyranny of Big Tech. Join the Mental Liberation Front to take back your mental space by force. #WorldwideGeneralStrike This summer, we strike. We ve had enough of being run into the ground by banks and billionaires, tyrants and technocrats. In our latest issue — AB153: The New Left — we call for mass mobilization around the globe . . . a #WorldwideGeneralStrike in the lead-up to the 10th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. Today we re 14,000 strong. Tomorrow we ll be 100,000. The day after next we could amass a billion people . . . enough to spark a sorely needed world revolution in how we live, love and think. Find a revolt-rousing poster in your copy of AB153. Don’t like it? Make your own . . . show us what you ve got. Then hang em in windows, in the streets, on boarded-up businesses and under bridges. In the Year of the Ox it s strike or surrender, gore or be gored. What will you do?Culture Shop We re near the tipping point. But the possibility remains for explosive challenges to the existing order. In AB 153: The New Left, we hatch a new grand narrative — a set of ideas so fundamental, so systemic, so profound that a sane sustainable future is unthinkable without them. We re about to give you the codes. Are you ready? Get a copy here. Subscribe here. Stay tuned for tactical briefings, campaign info and critical intelligence. Let’s get together, build an empowered global network, share ideas and tactics ... ... and propel the world in brave new directions. Adbusters is one of a handful of magazines in the world that receives zero funding from advertising (print or online), corporate sponsorship or government/foundation grants. We are entirely reader-supported, allowing us to remain fiercely independent in what we do and say. We operate as a non-profit organization, which means that every dollar we raise through the sales of our magazines and other merchandise goes directly back into our campaigns and the production of the magazine. When you subscribe to Adbusters, you are joining a network of artists and activists committed to speaking truth to power around the world. Feedback: You love us? Have something interesting to say? Let us know!

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