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Another notebook drawing from this past January, which was done in pencil and ink. Nietzsche on Life and the Art of Living [Scarborough] The beautiful coastal village of Scarborough, England is host to the Friedrich Nietzsche Society s annual conference. I will be presenting a paper on the feeling of power and its correspondence to actual self-control, assessing the tenability of the account by seeing how it can fit with cases from the psychology literature on mental illness.Dates: September 18-20, 2015Location: University of Hull, Scarborough Campus, EnglandProgram: looks to be fantastic with a great many Nietzsche scholars from all around and at different stages in their careers presenting papers on various topics. Check out the program for further details. Maude s Seminar: Nietzsche on Morality This Spring quarter, Maudemarie Clark will be teaching the following graduate seminar:The seminar will study the development of Nietzsche s thinkingabout morality: what morality is and what Nietzsche s problem with it is, from Human, All-Too-Human (HA) to his Genealogy (GM). We will begin with Schopenhauer as Educator, however, because in that early essay, we find Nietzsche himself committed to the morality he would later reject. We will then move on to such topics as 1) the crude psychological egoism and moral nihilism of HA, 2) the ethical egoism and initial attempt to naturalize morality of Daybreak (D), 3) D s denial of the will and the ego, and perhaps 4) what I can only call the Darwinian-inspired descriptive utilitarianism of Gay Science. The main concern will be to figure out how Nietzsche got from these early positions to the much more sophisticated one we find in BGE and GM. That is, looking at what he might vefound unsatisfactory in his early positions and how his later view improved upon them.This looks to be a great seminar, one that ll explore how Nietzsche got to his final views on morality. Korsgaard on Constitutivism and Animals [Riverside] Chris Korsgaard will be giving a colloquium and a workshop this coming week. The colloquium is titled How to Be an Aristotelian Kantian Constitutivist :Date: 3:30-5:30pm, March 4th, 2015Location: INTS 1113The workshop is on Fellow Creatures: On the Moral and Legal Standing of Animals :Date: 1:00-3:00pm, March 5th, 2015Location: HMNSS 1605BIn preparation for the workshop, the Korsgaard reading group at Riverside has worked through her manuscript as well as several of her papers on animals. Also check out her recent Philosophy Bites on the moral status of animals. Leiter on Naturalism and Metaethics [Riverside] Brian Leiter will be giving a colloquium and a workshop this coming week. The colloquium is titled Normativity for Naturalists : Date: 3-5pm, February 11th, 2015Location: INTS 1113The workshop is on Nietzsche s Metaethics :Date: 11-1pm, February 12th, 2015Location: HMNSS 1605BIn preparation for the workshop, we are to read Nietzsche s metaethics: Against the privilege readings followed by Moral skepticism and moral disagreement in Nietzsche followed finally Huddleston s Nietzsche s Meta-axiology: Against the sceptical readings , which is a paper that, in part, responds to Leiter s two papers. Bernd Magnus Lecture [Riverside] Fred Neuhouser will be giving this year s Bernd Magnus Lecture, which is titled, Nietzsche on Spiritual Illness and Supramoral Autonomy .Date: 3-5pm, January 28th, 2015Location: INTS 1113, University of California, RiversideHere is his abstract:In this talk I examine Nietzsche s conception of spiritual illness, especially as exhibited in various forms of the bad conscience, and I ask what positive potential Nietzsche finds in it. I discuss four features of spiritual illness: the measureless drive to make oneself suffer, self-opacity, life denial, and a self-undermining dynamic in which life exhausts the sources of its own vitality. I offer some suggestions as to how these features of spiritual illness might also be preconditions of great spiritual health, including what Nietzsche calls the autonomy of the supramoral individual. I take all of these topics to be relevant to the question, To what extent is theGenealogy of Morals a theodicy? I look forward to what looks like an interesting talk. From the title, it seems the talk will share similar themes with one of his recently published papers, Nietzsche on Spiritual Illness and Its Promise . I d like to summarize sections 1 and 2 of the sixth chapter of Clark/Dudrick s The Soul of Nietzsche s BGE, and discuss some concerns about their theory of drives as politically ordered.A bit of background: the magnificent tension of the spirit involves the tension between the will to truth and the will to value. As Clark defines it, The will to truth is the will to represent reality in terms of what is actually there (Clark Princeton paper p. 4). She remarks that in her book with Dudrick, by contrast, the will to value is described as a will to represent reality in terms of what the philosopher takes to be valuable but that it would be better to characterize this second will as a will to represent reality in ways that lend support to one s values (ibid.).Keep reading Nietzsche, Value, and Self-Constitution Conference [Oxford] An amazing looking conference is coming up next month. The conference features abstracts of the recent books by Katsafanas and by Clark/Dudrick and papers that engage ideas in the texts presented by a really fantastic list of Nietzsche scholars. Also impressive is the list of scholars chairing the talks.Date: May 17-18, 2014Location: St. Peter s College, Oxford, EnglandProgram: hereAt the conference, Berry who has previously written widely on Nietzsche and ancient skepticism will be talking on agency, Riccardi who has written on Nietzsche s epiphenomenalism will be tackling the space of values (I don t know what the talk is on but the title is reminiscent ofthe space of reasons, and I d imagine it intersects with the Clark/Dudrick discussion of it), Leiter will be engaging what I take to be the Clark/Dudrick distinction between an exoteric and esoteric reading of Nietzsche, Huddleston who worked on a dissertation at Princeton under Nehamas on Nietzsche and culture will be presenting on what I assume is Katsafanas s Nietzsche inspired constitutivism, Katsafanas himself will be discussing Nietzsche s conception of freedom, and Clark/Dudrick will also be presenting a paper whose title is yet to be determined. I wish I could attend this conference. I d encourage anyone out there to make their way to this mecca of Nietzsche scholarship. Some issues that I was thinking to discuss for the presentation:1. What sorts of activities are drives involved in? This would be a good way to start the presentation, as it would show how important and pervasive Nietzsche thinks the influence of drives is on us. For example, drives affect our (i) perception, they affect our (ii) emotions, they influence our (iii) values, they lead us to (iii) philosophize on their behalf, etc.2. What is the structure of a drive? This could be led in with the question, (i) how do we discriminate among drives? This could then bring up the aim/object distinction. Drives could be distinguished on the basis of their general aims, yet Nietzsche still tells us that, because they are unconscious, drives admit of a certain obscurity. Also, in discussing the structure of a drive, I want to mention (ii) how drives show up in our behavior and psychology. The effect of drives show up as symptoms in the person that can be studied and traced back to the underlying drives behind the symptoms. Like Freud uses interpretation to get down to the drives (manifest content, latent content, drive wish), Nietzsche also uses an interpretive method to reveal the psychology at work in the philosopher (metaphysical beliefs, values, drive hierarchy). These can each then be thought about in reverse to wonder how our psychology worked to produce that manifest content and those metaphysical beliefs (including religious beliefs).3. How do drives relate to each other? This looks at the (i) causal versus (ii) political models of drive interrelations. Here is where the strictly dispositional versus homuncular readings come to the fore. In discussing the homuncular reading, I wanted to address the sort of capacities conceiving drives as homunculi requires drives to have, how having such capacities may present some problems, and how the homuncular reading could be reenvisioned to avoid those problems (perhaps by saying not that drives must be minimally conscious to recognize authority, but that drives can be involved in a political structureby virtueof being part of a person with self-reflective capacities and a disposition that makes them care about values. A person s self-reflection can then be understood as an instrument that can be appropriated by drives).4. How do drives relate to the self? Here I d be curious to look at the different ways drives can constitute the self and the problem of not being able to account forakrasiafaced by the strictly dispositional reading. If drives are dispositions, organizing according to brute causal force, then how is one to account for cases of either strength of will and weakness of will, as according to a dispositional reading a person s will would merely be the strongest drive at some time (which goes against our intuitions of a person identifying with some desire that comes in conflict with a stronger desire in cases of akrasia). I want to mention how drives constitute the self in Clark s account and how Katsafanas adds consciousness as a means for establishing agential unity.I was thinking that those four questions could potentially guide the presentation. I plan to spend the most time on the third question as that works closest with the material in the debate between the strictly dispositional (Katsafanas/Richardson) and the homuncular (Clark/Dudrick) reading of drives. I wanted to mention some recent and new secondary literature that may be of interest. First, Katsafanas s recently publishedAgency and the Foundations of Ethics, has a reviewby Alex Silk in NDPR. TheJournal of Nietzsche Studies is now publishing selected papers from the North American Nietzsche Society annual meeting. The recent JNS issue has also published some really interesting papers from a symposium on Clark and Dudrick'sThe Soul of Nietzsche s BGE. Finally, the collection by Janaway and RoberstonNietzsche, Naturalism, and Normativityhas reviews you should check out by both Leiter and Katsafanas. Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache.—Wittgenstein


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Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache. —Wittgenstein

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