How To: Revenge - The best revenge is living a good life - for everything else, theres How To Reveng

Web Name: How To: Revenge - The best revenge is living a good life - for everything else, theres How To Reveng






Fake vomit is a necessary evil sometimes, but you ll have to get your hands dirty making vomit with these tasty recipes. We ve created 3 great recipes for you to make and try out on your own. Are you the type of kid that is trying to dupe your parents to get out of school? Are you the social prankster that will walk out into a crowded public street, concealing your concoction in a towel, pretend to gag, and reveal this mess to the disgust of onlookers? Do you want to make a trip to the movie theaters hell for all the audience around you?Well, we hope not, but we re going to be providing this educational article on how to make fake vomit. There are actually multiple ways to create realistic looking puke, which we ll outline some of our favorites in this article.Making Fake PukeThis is a terrible looking fake puke product, so we ll teach you how to make your own below!Vomit caused by throwing up typically consists of stomach fluids and acids, also known as gastric acid. This is formed in the stomach and mixes with undigested food to help break it down. No matter what it contains, it also always smells terrible. Likewise, it is also one of the most disgusting sounds people can hear. That guttural-wrenching Ullugghh . Yuck! The thought of it even sends shivers down our spines.People throw up typically from being sick, with things such as sea sickness , car sickness, or even from being really really drunk. Also, when someone close by you is also sick and expelling their most recent meal or drink, everyone around them well get sick as well, which leads to social puking. There are also chemicals known as Emetics which can help facilitate vomiting too. Our goal is not to teach you how to throw up with a product (there may be another article about the), but actually what household items you can use to produce your own nasty looking and smelling puke!3 Good Recipes For Fake PukeVomit is easily created with a few pantry items you can find around the house. We ve identified 3 ways to make fake vomit. Let us know which one is your favorite!Method 1: How To Make Fake Vomit EasilyIngredients:1 Cup cooked Oatmeal:Nothing better than Oatmeal to make come back up again!Used for consistency and base in your mix of ingredients below. The old fashioned or rolled oats variety works best, although instant oatmeal is used for another technique below.½ cup of sour cream or ranch:Good, ole daisy brand sour cream. Can t go wrong with the smell!The sour cream gives it a little color and astringent smell, similar to the vinegar below. Similar to ranch, it will do the same thing.2 chopped cheese sticks:These cheese sticks provide the glump you ll need.You ll chop up the cheesticks to provide the chunks in your chunky mixture. String cheese works best, and you can eat some while making this prank.1 uncooked egg:The yolk and whites are nasty gooey things. Do you want just the whites?This provides the slimy texture of your batch of slime. The product above actually acts as an egg separator.1 can of split pea soup:Don t you love the color green?The wonderful color green, aka the color of your acid within your stomach!Small handful of Raisins:Yay! Raisins! Great for chunksRaisins held break up the green and chunky mixture. So, what exactly did you eat beforehand?1 tbsp of vinegar:Just a little bit of acid can go a long wayVinegar provides the smell, since it is an acid as well.One large cooking pot:Nice and non-sticky for your sticky mess!What you ll use to cook mix the ingredients.Process:Step 1: Mix ingredients within the large cooking pot you grabbed for your creation.Step 2: Cook on low heat for a few minutes, until you can t take the smell anymore!Step 3: Let cool, and place it where it causes the greatest effect.Method 2: How To Make Fake Puke In The ToiletIngredients:Saltine crackers or rich sea biscuits:This will provide your mushy-gushy for your wonderful up-chuck.Saltine crackers are used as a base, similar to the oatmeal in the prior method. You ll want to chew these up for a greater effect.Bowl or Toilet:The playground for placement of your prankDiHydrogen Monoxide, aka H20 the leading molecule for life!This provides the liquidity in your puke! Don t have to use anything other than sink water.Puppy or cat food:This alone looks good enough to prank someone.This stuff stinks, and reminds people of the foul smell of your stomach acid.Process:Step 1: Chew up the crackers until they are nice and mushy gooshy.Step 2: Spit in your bowl or toilet.Step 3: Mix water into the bowl (If you don t have a toilet handy)Step 4: Add cat food, dog food or tuna to the mixture for smell, and have it lay on top of the toilet like you missed!Method 3: How To Make Fake Puke FastIngredients:Instant Oatmeal:Muahahah. Oatmeal is king for making it look like the real deal.Those packets work wonders. We d suggest the Banana one for the stench.Colored GoldFish:Use the Red Green types for realistic coloring!Oh man, they re good. Just do actually get sick by eating the whole box! They provide the color you need to make it realistic.Bread:Nothing tastier than nature!Bread helps provide some chunks for you, since when you eat you don t fully chew your food do you?Applesauce or Baby Food:Definitely something was mushed up by some teeth here.Mott s applesauce, such a tasty treat.. also the remnants of a meal un-digested.Water:Does drinking smart water make you dumber?Water gives life, and gives you the ability to make your oatmeal bread concoction meld together easily!Bowl:Place a bag in it you slob!Just something to mix your goop in!Process:Step 1: Add oatmeal into bowl (½ cup or 1 cup) and combine with bread.Step 2: Pour water over the dry oatmeal bread, until the water just covers the mix.Step 3: Add the crunched up colored goldfishes to give it a little pizzazz. Chew them up if you d like as well. Spit really does help here.Step 4: Add some of the apple sauce or baby food, whatever you have available.Step 5: Throw in the microwave for a few minutes, until you like what you see.Step 6: Add additional water and mix to desired consistency.Use these wisely! These 3 methods of making fake vomit are sure to get you out of school or trick anyone who sees it. Great acting doesn t hurt either just don t overdo it! Put them in plastic bags to take to-go, or place in your toilet and let your intended victim unwittingly find the gross concoction you have made.As always, let us know what you think in the comments! Sometimes chasing down a skunk requires the need to remove the stench that they can leave behind. Depending on what prank you may have pulled, there could also be a need to remove some horrendous odor that remains. Also, dogs cats love chasing small animals, until they come home with a tail between their legs after they were sprayed. So this begs the question: What is the best way to remove the skunk smell? (or similar nasty odor that could remain?)You can smell these things from a mile away!We ve all heard about tomato juice and how it can remove the intense scent left behind, but the who wants to go through that whole ordeal with the stickiness it can leave behind. Because of this, we have actually found the best way to get rid of the stench from Skunks.Removing the Smell from Skunk SprayThe Skunk is a mammal which is able to secrete an oily liquid from it s rear end, that has a foul smelling residue which is colloquially referred to as the skunk smell . They re small, hobbling creatures that scare very easily. Instead of running away like most prey animals, these guys rear their hind quarters to threaten any animal that might think of it as food for that night. This could be a problem if some skunk decides to spray your dog, cat, or even yourself! Should you ever find yourself in an unlucky situation with a skunk, don t panic skunks spray because they re afraid or startled, and the spray is offending due to the fact that it s used as their only defense mechanism. If you re like many people who encounter a skunk and freak out, you ll more than likely come in contact with that nasty, penetrating skunk stench sprayed from their buttocks. Instead of burning your clothes and washing yourself scalding hot water, or deciding to douse yourself with sticky tomato juice first try this remedy on how to remove skunk smell that isn t so drastic of a measure. A Skunk smell can be removed, but only with a little elbow grease on your part.How to remove skunk smell from skin, clothes, your home, your pets!First things first: Immediately prior to washing get those clothes off and into the laundry as soon as possible. When it comes to the pieces of clothing, furniture, or carpets, you will need to get those washed as quickly as time permits, using something like a fabric cleaner will help get rid of the nasty scent and any stains may help alongside your laundry detergent.Immediately spray at the point of contact that your pet (cat, dog, varmint) got hit with our home remedy. The key is get your pet showered as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. If unfortunate if it s yourself that has been skunked, so get to the shower as quick as possible as well. Isolating the pet, a person, or thing that has been sprayed is crucial in keeping the fumes and liquid from spreading all throughout your home.The quicker they get into the laundry, the better chance of the smell washing off and not setting in. In addition to using your regular laundry soap, try soaking the clothes in some other household chemicals to help wash off the smell, as well. Skunk spray is full of oils that stick to the fibers in your clothes as well as skin or pet fur, so something to help dissolve the oil or counteract it works best. We searched far and wide, but wouldn t you know we should ve asked someone who s been there and done that. That s how we came up with this grandmother s homemade remedy option.The best solution is to neutralize the Skunk odor using the following formula to actually change the chemical structure of the compounds in skunk spray that make it smell so bad, and stick around for such a long time. It s sciency-stuff, so we won t get into it too deeply and this solution is not just for pets, it will work on you too, if you re unlucky enough to get sprayed that is. It s also relatively safer than the loads of chemicals that are on the marketplace.Skunk Odor Removal FormulaWithout further ado, we re introducing you to our amazing smell-removal mixture. To build the best skunk reducing formula known to man, gather these products:I. 1 quart 3% Hydrogen PeroxideThere are many uses for the above product. Hydrogen peroxide is used mainly to disinfect wounds and as a bleaching agent or oxidizer. You can even use it to remove plaque buildup from your mouth. You don t need too much of it, one of these bottles will do.II. ¼ cup Baking SodaBaking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, can be used as a fire extinguisher, in cooking, as well as removing the nasty smells within the refrigerator. We re using it to help eliminate a disgusting smell in our formula.III. 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soapDish soap helps eliminate grease, it also works to dissolve the oils from a skunk. You can use a name brand such as Dawn or Palmolive, yet any comparative dish soap will work. This will help absorb and/or destroy the odor molecules that are oils within a skunk s spray.Step 1: MixingYou ll want to mix these specific ingredients all together. Make sure that you combine it within an open wide mouth container or mixing bowl. This mixture will combine to create air pockets and bubble up profusely, so do not blend it, shake it, or store it in a closed jug or container. This formula will release more air within a shut compartment, and may cause it to explode! (Hey, there might be a clean prank use in here somewhere). For best results use it immediately after you make it, because over time it will lose it s strength and power to remove the smells and oils. When it is freshly mixed and bubbling, that s when it works 100% of the time.Step 2: For your petWet your pet s coat with warm water. Immediately after the fur becomes damp, rub your newly created formula into the spot that was marked by the skunk. Make sure you rub it in vigorously, but not hurting your pet, so you can remove even the slightest trace of that oily spray. Also Caution: you do not want to get any of the mixture into their nose, eyes, or mouth of the animal (it may cause irritation). You may use a microfiber towel place the product onto the face gingerly. It is best left to sit for around five minutes or so, and then rinse it off completely (again, making sure not to get it into the eyes!). Reapply multiple times if necessary.Step 3: For a humanWhat do you do if you get sprayed? Right after mixing, get to the shower! Pour the skunk eliminating formula all over the spot that was sprayed. Make sure to use hot water and as much soap and shampoo as you can handle. Like your clothes, washing your skin as soon as you are able is more likely to wash off the permeating skunk stench. You may have to wash multiple times, or try adding some tomato juice to your bath if you must. While often touted as THE home skunk remedy, it s possible that the natural acid in the tomatoes will neutralize the smell by dissolving the oils.Step 4: Final CleanupLastly, spray or wash everything that came in contact with the smell, like your car, front door, couch, bath mat, etc. A spray odor neutralizer works well. Bleach also works due to the fact that it oxidizes and removes odor quickly. By using this approach, the smell is broken down, and the long-chain oily molecules (again, sciency-stuff) get separated. This approach also gets the smell away from adsorbent surfaces like wood, hair, or even any fabric.We hope that this helps you eliminate a skunk odor from yourself, home, pet, car, or other foul smelling area you have. It s chemical free, and works wonders. Let us know what you think in the comments! Chocolate covered eggs are an Easter Style delicacy around the world, ranging from the German illegal in the United States Kinder Surprise to the famous Cadbury egg these dipped confections are an edible delight to children as well as adults each holiday season. What better than to prepare a sly surprise , but instead of a toy like the Kinder variety, you have something more sinister lurking under that delicious shell? Introducing our take on the Chocolate Dipped Egg Prank.You know those Cadbury Creme Eggs? They are a chocolate covered, creamy filled center candy confection most commonly consumed around Easter? They sort of look like this:Gooey Ooey throughout, or so your victim will thinkWell, we are going to take one of these chocolate dipped candies and completely defile it with something horrendous.How To Make the Chocolate Covered Easter Egg PrankThis article is going to dive into how to turn a raw or hard-boiled egg into something that will mimic the Creme or Chocolate eggs you can buy around Easter time. As we re publishing this article, this season is right around the corner. We guarantee you the Easter Bunny will be labelled a horrible prankster after you successfully pull this off.What Ingredients You NeedThe Chocolate Dipped Egg Prank is actually relatively simple to set up. You need to grab these ingredients and supplies before you begin:1) Gloves (optional):We apologize for this disgusting photo, it was the only one we had.Gloves are not really necessary to complete this, but it definitely does help to keep things sanitary and stop you from getting dirty while making this disgusting candy to prank someone with.2) Eggs:Eggs are very versatile, and mischievous.Raw or Hard-boiled your choice. We chose to do the raw egg for greatest effect, but you can opt for a hard-boiled one, so as to reduce the chances of your victim getting Salmonella poisoning. I mean, if you really want to hit them where it hurts, go for raw.3) Chocolate:Delicious yummy chocolateThis variety is probably the best, in our opinion. It melts easy, has a wonderful sheen and final coat of the pranked egg.4) Stove:This is a hot plate, and works just as well.You ll use your stove to heat up the two pots, also known as a double boiler which you ll see below. Above is a hot plate which is similar, but more compact.5) Double Boiler:Two pots on top of each other, same size!A double boiler allows chocolate to heat up slowly to a set point and not burn. There s a lot of sciency stuff behind it, but the basic component is a pot of boiling water underneath a mixing bowl. The water heats up only to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, which is it s boiling point. The steam then heats up the mixing bowl which will hold your chocolate used to coat the egg.6) Tongs:Like crab clawsThe tongs will allow you to coat the egg effortlessly in the double boiler, without hurting yourself.7) Wax Paper:Any brand of wax paper will do.For placing the eggs on after coated, prior to sticking them in the fridge to solidify.8) Festive Foil or Cadbury Creme Eggs:What sinister thing could be lurking underneath?Foil works wonders if you get a variety in blue, however just using old and carefully removed authentic chocolate covered eggs that you rewrap can work wonders as well.9) A Serving Plate:Pretty sure this isn t an Easter style plate.Not needed, but adding presentation allows you to execute this dastardly deed onto your expecting target. Preparation is 80% of the battle.Making the Easter Egg PrankThe process is relatively simple and straightforward. You ll want to gather your supplies from earlier on your workstation, and get ready to get dirty.Step 1:Take an egg or two out of the fridge and allow to warm up to room temperature for about an hour or so. This will allow it not to build up condensation on the outside of the shell when you immerse it into chocolate later.Step 2:Put your pot of water onto the stove, and heat it up over medium-high heat. Place the large mixing bowl on top of the water, in effect creating your double boiler.Step 3:Pour the chocolate wafers into the double-boiler, until fully melted.Step 4:Place your egg into the melted chocolate with the tongs. Fully coat all sides. You may want to repeat this process 2-3 times, resulting in an evenly coated chocolate egg shell.Step 5:Lay onto wax paper, and then place into the refrigerator for 30 minutes to an hour, or until hard.Step 6:Wrap in your foil of choice, and prepare your prank to get your victim!How to pull off the Prank!What are you to do with it when once you ve made it?? Here are a few ways to have this prank go down.I. You can have an eating contest:One especially naughty trick is to only make one nasty egg, and have a who can eat a chocolate egg the fastest contest . Let your mark scream in agony as they crunch down on the slimy insides of the egg.II. You can leave it to be found:Just leave it on the table with other treats. Easy enough, right?III. Make it Spicy!Add in some capsaicin for double the torture. Place it in with the melted chocolate prior to dipping!IV. Just plain give it to them!Most people will gladly accept a candy treat, especially around the holiday seasons. Place it on top of undesirable or less-desirable choices for better chance of them choosing it. If asked, play it off nonchalantly like it s nothing, and you re offering the last one to them. Don t forget to film it!What other thoughts do you have? Please comment below! Ah, we know what you want edible fake poop. We get it, you want to gross out your friends or strangers as quickly as possible! You don t want to use real poop, or have to buy your own fake poop whether it be poop soap or plastic variety. But you still want some? Fear not, we here at How To Get Revenge have decided to share a few ways on how to make fake poop. After the horde of messages we ve received asking about it, we found the simplest way to create the most realistic looking and edible doodoo possible. Read on to learn how to make your own, with simple corner store bought supplies. After you finish, walk your butt down to get some of the ingredients from the store, and then get your revenge or at least prank a few people!Fake Poop Recipe:Fake poop needs to look brownish-black on the color spectrum. Sometimes it contains other things like fiber or corn kernals. The best way we found to make fake poop is to use these ingredients:Peanut ButterThis is the stuff to give the bulk of your fake poopThe first of two main ingredients, peanut butter helps build a base and assists with the color of the novelty edible doodoo that you are creating. After spending a short time in the mircowave, it will form into a crumbley mixture that when extruded through a pastry bag or a sandwhich bag will form the shape of the caca that is expelled from a human.Corn isn t necessary, but it s a great addition!Gross. Yup, to make it look as real as possible, we ve added cooked corn into ours. You don t have to, but it s definitely a great plus. Corn generally goes undigestedChocolate SyrupJust a little bit to add some flavor and color.The other main ingredient besides the peanut butter, the chocolate syrup. This adds the color to darken up poop, almost like you have blood in your stool!Plastic BagYou ll use the plastic bags to hold the now mixed poop, It also really helps extrude the excrement as quickly as possible.ScissorsScissors are sharp, and can be used for multiple productsThis is used to cut the plastic bag into a pastry style squeezer, so you don t get messy placing the crap everywhere.SpoonSpoons galore!This is used to get the peanut butter out of the jar, mix up your mess of a mixture, and place it into the plastic bag for excrement onto the plate or floor. Again, don t want to get messy!Make sure it s Microwave Safe!Used for mixing the poop, what else! It needs to be microwaveable or microwave safe. You ll might want to have gloves as well, just in case it get s too hot.PlateWhat does it look like? It s a plate, of course.Not really necessary it ll be used to display your finalized masterpiece to use at your discretion.MicrowaveMuahahhahah, I love the microwave invention!This nifty technology helps cook the peanut butter to a great consistency. It is important to use because it will add a crumbly-like texture, prior to mixing in the rest of the syrup.Wax paperOptional as well, but it will help handling and presentation of the poop and make your clean up a lot easier.How To Make The Fake Poop:Once you ve gathered all of your ingredients, this is the easy part! Read on to learnStep I:First, you ll want to mix the peanut butter and chocolate mixture together in a bowl with your spoon, enough so that the color is the brown blackness of regular poop. You could always add more chocolate syrup at a later time.Step II:Once you have the amount, color, and consistency seemingly to your satisfaction, you ll want to put your (right now, very TASTY) mixture into the microwave. Depending on the amount that you ve used you might want to add more.Step III:Take that bowl out of the microwave (make sure it s not too hot!) and get ready to mix your poo back to the color you want, while still keeping the consistency. You could always repeat step II to get your desired amount right. Once it s to your liking, get ready to place it into your plastic bag. Now would also be a good time to add your corn or nuts.Step IV:Ready to transfer this to your mold making device? Good. Grab your sandwich bag and scoop the poop into the bag. Take your scissors and make a small incision at a corner. Grab your plate with the wax paper and slowly pump out the chocolate mixture to form life like poop. BE CAREFUL! This is the really messy part.Step V: ??????Whatever you want to do with it. Place it in the toilet, on the ground, or carry it in a napkin in your backpack or pocket to use it at the best possible moment say in a courthouse or at school?Fake Poop PrankWhere do you use fake sh*t? Oh, your hearts content. You can place it in the top of a toilet for the Double Decker prank, you can leave it in an entry way floor, right outside your roommates bedroom. Want to blame the dog? Place it where it usually walks. Send it in the mail and don t hassle with the regulations from the US postal service! Know the oldest prank in the book? It s when you have a brown paper bag, poop inside, and fire lit on the top. You place the steaming, burning pile sack on your enemies door and ring the doorbell. The frightened person will stop it out, having the contents smashed all over their shoes.The best thing you can really do, and since this is edible, is that you can easily not only gross out your friends but you can make them think you re crazy! Grab some of your nasty (yet tasty!) poop that s on a plate, pick it up with your hand, and chow down. Hopefully you re in view of all the victims you are trying to make vomit. Show them the smile with your teeth covered in the chocolate deliciousness, and delight yourself with the fact that everybody else thinks you just had a heaping mouthful of the disgusting and foul bowel movement. Are you interested in how to make a stink bomb? Well, if so, look no further. We present the most widely used process and materials to make a stink bomb.Ever bought one of these stink bombs before? If you look inside, you will find how they make the stench of a thousand buttholes.Glass-style commercial stink bombs!Most stink bombs are created with either Hydrogen Sulfide or Ammonium Sulfide. Sulfur is the main chemical that gives propane gas, commercial stink bombs, and even rotten eggs their stinkiness. It can be found naturally occurring around volcanic active areas, and is a necessary element needed for human health. Hydrogen sulfide is slightly toxic, however, and should be used with caution. You re in luck because our first prank product is made out of the Ammonium Sulfide style stench, which is a less toxic product (but still an irritant) than the hydrogen sulfide.Onto how we make a liquid stench similar to liquid ass, and safer than the glass holding stink bombs.Needed for this version of the prank product you ll need to purchase or gather Ammonia, Matches (or sulfur, if you can get it), a Plastic Bottle or other capped container, and some Scissors.Stink Bomb RecipeIngredients:I. AmmoniaUse caution, this stuff can be dangerous!Ammonia is a pungent smelling gas with the chemical compound of NH3. When dissolved in water, it is known as ammonium hydroxide.  It is part of the chemical that creates the reaction to make ammonium sulfate (the stinky liquid smell).IIa. MatchesThese plain white matchbooks are the type that you want.Match heads are made out of a mixture of phosphorus and potassium chlorate. When struck on the friction pad, they cause a mixing reaction to ignite the head. You ll only need one book of matches to complete this stink bomb. This is where you get some of the sulfur from.ORIIb. SulfurSulfur is this yellow looking powder, this one is food gradeYou can decide to go out and get the actual sulfur chemical, but box of matches is typically easier which is why we re showing you that version. This is what causes the stinky-ness.III. An Empty Container.Something like this MIU glass water bottle would even work.This is just something that is non breakable (or at the very least, doesn t break easy) that can hold the liquid as it reacts over a few days. This MIU Water Bottle should do the trick just nicely. Make sure that you have a cap on it as well!IV. ScissorsTrusty and clean, use to cut the matches.Ah yes, our trusty scissors. Make sure they re sharp, and you don t cut yourself. You really only need these is you are cutting off match heads, and not if you are using the actual sulfur.Making the Ammonium Sulfide Stink BombIt s pretty simple now really. You take your scissors and cut off the heads of the matches, you can use a book or more. Dump them into your handy dandy water bottle. Add your ammonia, careful not to spill. Cap it, and let it sit for a day or two as the reaction occurs turning it smelly. Uncap and pour where you want it to go!How It Works:The hydrogen sulfide in the matches will react with the ammonia,  causing Ammonium Sulfide to be formed. Let is sit for a few days. Use with prejudice on your enemies or friends for a prank. Enjoy your homemade sink bomb!Caution: The fumes are highly flammable and potentially toxic, so only use with direct supervision of parents or other responsible adults. Do NOT mix with bleach. Ammonia and Bleach can react and create chlorine gas a highly toxic gas that can kill you!Stink Bomb PranksWe ll go into some stink bomb pranks in the very near future. Until then, try this out and let us know how yours turns out! We re always interested in hearing back from our community. There are certainly quite a few different pranks that revolve around the necessity of knowing  how to make fake semen. We actually found a few different ways to go about producing your own looking, smelling, and feeling type for your own personal use. Some of these can be used as lubricants, others just for show, while another might even be slightly edible if you use the right type of egg and can handle the taste. Read on to learn 3 different ways to get the desired outcome what you want, and decide what is perfect for your scenario.Methyl CelluloseIn the Porn Industry, they need to have a product that can be used that does not contribute to things such as yeast infection. They need something without sugar and is neutral to the inside of a woman s nether regions. So to help fulfill certain fetishes, they use a product known as methylcellulose.Thick or Thin, warm or cold, this stuff will do the trick when told.This stuff is actually used in the regular film industry as well, because of it s gel like consistency. If you ve ever seen the movie ghost busters, then you know that this is the green gunk that covered all the actors in a few scenes. This particular variety, F50, is the perfect type to make fake cum with. It s a culinary essential but I personally wouldn t eat it. Some types of fetishes need bucket loads of this stuff, and the directors and experts have turned to this stuff to fulfill their needs. If it works for them, it should work for you as well!Where to buy fake cumChoose the size for your dastardly needs.Not interested in buying the porn industries favorite look-a-like and mixing it yourself? Want something easy, ready to use, and you can use as a lubricant as well? Great- you re in luck! You can purchase what is known as cum lube from stores online, which has the look and feel of semen, but at the same time is safe for use in other activities. You can get a small size to just test it out, or opt for the bucket load which truly is a bucket full of this gunk. It s enough to stop anyone in their tracks and say WOW! or to pour all over the place and record the looks on people s faces as they have to clean it up, or make their way through it.Fake Semen RecipeWe know what you re really here for though. Without further ado, here is the recipe on how to make your own fake cum. If you decide to go the route of making your own edible male juice, here is our time tested recipe. You ll need to gather an egg, plain yogurt, water, cornstarch, and just a pinch of salt. Follow these directions, and you ll have something that you may eat and have the look and consistency of the real thing. It is a little bit more difficult than actually making the real thing or using any of the above, but it s definitely worth it.Ingredients:I. EggThis neat device can assist you with getting just the whites1 egg and just the egg whites need. This nifty egg white separator can do the trick for you as well.II. Water1 cupJust need to measure out 1 cups worth of waterHowever you choose to measure it, you ll only need about 1 cups worth of water. 1/4 mixed initially with the cornstarch, while the rest goes in the pan.III. Cornstarch2 tablespoons worth to add the right amount of thickness to your fake semen.IV. Yogurt1 tablespoonWe found the greek style yogurts to have the best consistency.V. SaltReal semen is slightly salty, you can skip this if you want.Just a pinch for flavor. Don t necessarily have to add this, only if you want to make the real thing so to speak.Directions:What you ll want to do is take about a 1/4 cup of that water and mix it with your corn starch to allow it to slightly dissolve. Take the remaining 3/4 cup of water and put it on simmer on the stovetop in a pan. Combine the stirred cornstarch and water into the pan, whisking them together. It will quickly mix together and become very thick. Once it is, remove it from the burner and allow it to cool to room temperature. If you wish to speed up the process, you can create an ice bath to place the pan on or stick it in a fridge to cool down. You ll want to do this prior to adding the egg white, because if it is still hot you risk cooking the egg instead of incorporating it. Take the egg white and yogurt and mix them with the cornstarch and water mixture. During this time, you can add a pinch of salt to get it to the desired taste. Set your mixture aside until ready to use!This will keep for about a day or so, depending on how quickly you can stick it in the fridge. Do not leave it out, since the egg whites and yogurt can easily spoil in room temperature. Or maybe leave it out, if you want to use this stuff for a sickly revenge prank.What to do with it?Ah, now it s done and you want to use it? You or your lover may fulfill a fantasy with this substance.. or you can stick it in a condom and send it in the mail to an unsuspecting victim. While sending ACTUAL sperm may not be allowed, sending this look alike substance in a package is. It can be thrown on beds, door knobs, and car handles. You can squirt it on people, or have a bit in your hand as you go to shake someone else. Have an ex think you re cheating on HIM, and get petty revenge by having fake cum all over your shared bed.. just on his side of the sheets.All this is really gross, and we hope that you wouldn t do anything like this. Our informational article is just for that and we are not held responsible for what you do. We hope you have fun however, and let us know in the comments what you choose to use it for. Happy pranking! In this article, we re going to show you how to deal with a debt collection agency and those nasty debt collectors that come calling at all hours, contacting your friends and relatives, and are generally harassing you. Read on to find out more about your legal rights in this situation. We know there are a lot of people still coping from the great recession, and we re here to help sort out that mess with the options that you have. Use this at your own discretion, and understand the potential pitfalls of going this route.Dealing with Debt CollectorsSometimes dealing with debt collectors just makes you want to scream.Are you being harassed by debt collectors or other agencies? Well, we re here to let you know your rights when dealing with these types of people, and how to avoid these situations in the future.If you owe money to places such as mortgage companies, credit card agencies, or even for your student loans, there are options to help repay. You can get in writing from them and negotiate how to best settle your bills. Ultimately, it s at their own discretion on how to settle your debt with them.Sometimes this debt will be sent to an outside company which will reach out to you to try to collect as much as possible. City governments and credit card companies sell your debt for pennies on the dollar so they get some money, while the collection department pursues the rest of it hoping to make more than they shelled out. Knowing this information will allow you to be ahead of the game when negotiating, knowing you don t necessarily have to pay back the full amount .Some tips Never give out your personal phone number (best bet would be to use a Google Voice Number) and never give out your checking information. This can cause endless harassment by calling you, and have them take out more money than they said they would. Using these tips you can save yourself some headache in the future.If you did however give out your personal number, we know how shady these agents can be. Here are some legal tips to fight them. Warning: use these at your own discretion!Fighting Debt CollectorsUse this drop dead letter we created to tell collectors to stop contacting you!Put simply, fill out and mail a Drop Dead Letter to the collection agency. This literally tells the collection firm to drop dead and to stop contacting you. Thanks to the Debt Collection Fairness Act, you can legally notify an agency to stop contacting you. There are several negatives you should consider before doing so. The collection agency could be trying to contact you in how to save your home, for example if it was a bank that held the note and deed to your home. These companies can also choose to sue instead of working with you to repay, so use this in the most extreme cases, or if the debt collectors are rude and harassing.  Click on the above link to fill out our Drop Dead Letter we created for your use.Submit A ComplaintThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created in July of 2011, meant to help protect consumers with their financial issues. They have a form where you can submit a complaint if agencies still harasses you. After sending the above letter, it may even give you the ability to reach out to a lawyer and have them send a cease and desist letter, and you can pursue damages in small claims court for the violation. The link to the complaint form is here.Sample Drop Dead Letter To Collection AgenciesYou can use this sample drop dead letter when reaching out to collection agencies. Fill out your own name, date, and account number to send it. Don t forget to get a read receipt requested by sending it via certified mail.Be aware of the potential pitfalls and consequences of going this route, and we hope that you can get even with these debt collectors. Sorry this wasn t a humorous way to get your revenge, but with thought we d share this important and necessary information to our readers. In the future we will probably do one that is humorous to say telemarketers or slick snake oil salesmen, which you may certainly appropriate for use with these debt collectors. What ever you choose to do, we here at How To Revenge wish that you live a very pleasant life, and are able to get even when it counts. Until next time fellow readers! Fake blood, nothing could go better with Halloween than this! There are quite a few ways to make fake blood. You can of course buy it from here (vampire fake blood), but if you choose to make it, here is an awesome recipe that is even edible! That s right, you can eat this stuff! Be careful, because it does stain. Enough bugging us already, just in time for Halloween we ve created this edible fake blood recipe for you.Edible Fake Blood RecipeMaking fake blood is relatively easy, and can be done with a few simple household ingredients. You ll want to go out and purchase the following items below if you don t currently have them in your pantry or Kitchen.Ingredients:Corn syrup is made from the sweet sugars from corn. It is basically a fructose and glucose sugar mixture, with different ratios of each depending on type of corn syrup and brand/product you purchase. The Karo brand above is what we used in our test.One Mixing BowlThis is where you can mix the awesomeness, and use it to dole out your disgusting and realistic stickiness of bloood. It will also help contain the mess so your family members won t get too upset of ruining the kitchen counters.Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)Cocoa powder helps darken the blood, while also providing a great thickness factor to it as well. The most commonly known brand in the US is hershey s chocolate, which we ve included above. Also, you can use Corn Starch as a replacement thickening agent.Steps:Creating the fake blood is a relatively easy and straight forward process. You ll want to scoop out about 4 cups of corn syrup (full 32 ounce bottle) and add it to the bowl you don t even need to measure it. Mix with your whisk incorporating a few drops of the red food coloring. Is it as red as you like it? No, add more, if yes, then stop there! Now, mix in the Cocoa Powder to desired consistency, and voila! You re all set. Now what should you do with it? Fake Blood Pranks To Pull:This fake blood that you ve created is awesome. It is edible, it s the color and consistency of real blood, and you can cause some real havoc with it! You can put it on your face and run around in public. You can pretend to throw up with some of it oozing from your mouth. It s even a great addition to your costume on Halloween! Vampires, zombies, gunshot victims, or even murderers whatever you are this Halloween, this quick and easy recipe is enough for you and your friends to enjoy and maybe even have as a treat!Stay tuned for our video recipe to show all you visual learners how we roll! What good is a mannequin head good for other than for costuming, cosmetology, wig holding, and as a jewelry display? Playing pranks on people, of course! Read on to see three of our top mannequin head pranks with videos, and how you can get revenge on people in public or in private.Mannequin head in bed prankThis first prank is great to wake up someone when they are dead asleep. They will stare into the dead and soulless eyes of someone they do not recognize. As their brain is booting up, they will be frightened looking back at the conveniently placed inanimate object.As you can see below, all you have to do is place the head in position next to your sleeping enemy. Poke them, or figure out a way to wake them (loud horns and tickling go a long ways as well), and let them roll over and be greeted by an alien sight! See how freaked out they are, and make sure you get it on video like below!Mannequin head drop prankThis funny prank is in Portuguese, but you can at least get the drift of what s going on in the video below. For a quick explanation of what s happening Basically, they re having some oblivious man who is in on the scheme (who is wearing headphones and bumping music) drop a head off the mannequin, as people (read: the victims of the prank) are walking behind him. With convenient coincidence, a group of workers follows along with a large board across the path perpendicularly crossing the point of view of the dropped head and the victims. One of the workers swoops down to pick up the fake head, while a human double appears from below the street. In a hidden compartment located within the sewer, a lady wearing a wig will place her head almost exactly where the fake head was dropped. As the unsuspecting victims try to help out by calling out to return the fallen item, they reach down and are greeted with a loud shriek from the alive person below holding only a grip full of the wig that she was wearing. To see it in action, check it out here:If you re interested now, you can purchase your very own mannequin head here:Just For Laughs Mannequin HeadLifeless eyes and a full head of hair, this mannequin head is definitely frightening.Mannequin Head In Shirt PrankWant a way to creep out people in department stores? Look no further. With the similarity to slenderman no coincidence:Slenderman prank costume, similar to the mannequin heads hereThis prank will frighten the living crap out of people wherever you re at. Something that is against the norm of society, seeing an elongated neck chasing you around the store will frighten even some of the most hardened of us. This quick 6 second clip shows how simple it really is:Pretty scary if you ask us. Want more pranks, or know of any other uses of Mannequin Heads? Write to us below in the comments! We re going to be completely honest here fake bullet holes are pretty darn lame looking. Plastic covering with silver and black paint definitely do NOT look realistic. Don t believe us? See the image below:Fake Bullet HolesNon realistic looking car bullet holes.Do you really want these actually fake looking things on your own ride? Well, it might be cook to buy and put on someone else s car or bike, but we ll leave that up to you.You can purchase them anywhere from $2 up to $12, with the average price around $5. This is a solid deal, and they can be found in a metallic version for use on cars, or glass version for use on windows. The ones that we have come across when we bought a few don t look realistic at all, and honestly, unless you live in the ghetto will you have to worry about getting your car shot up. Actually, if you live in America, it s a real occurrence you might have to be wary of. Places like New Jersey, Oakland, and Texas will have real bullet holes lining people s car doors. Other than that, you ll probably look like someone trying to fake something that you re not. On the other hand, you might be able to fake out someone who really lives in the ghetto and might get their car shot up which is kinda funny if you ask us. It can be an option that you have to consider on your own.During our search for the best fake bullet holes, we did come across these bullet hole temporary tattoos:these fake temporary bullet hole tattoos look pretty neat.They re actually a prosthetic attachment you can use if you want to prank someone while you are dressed up for Halloween, or just want to give a scare to a loved one while you re at it. Use some fake blood, get a ruined t-shirt and rip some holes into it, add the blood to the shirt and ground, and around your lip, and await for your roommate or significant other to come home and find you there after a false home invasion . Scare the living daylights out of them. You can also have a fake gun at the scene of the crime, like you just had enough and decided to take it out with yourself. It s a much safer way than doing the real thing, and you can remove the stickers not real bullets.In terms of whether or not you should buy fake bullet holes or not, they can be added to stocking-stuffers or for a unique birthday gift. They look great when attached as a prosthetic in the image above, or on some car. You can buy them here:Buy Fake Bullet Holes.Our verdict? They re cheap, and not so much of a waste of money for the novelty. Just don t have this be the end all be all gift for someone. Think of it more like a side dish to a entree plate. It s a product that can compliment a prank or gift for someone.

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