HCSs Place My Place to Post My Personal Things That Are Public

Web Name: HCSs Place My Place to Post My Personal Things That Are Public

WebSite: http://hescominsoon.com





Hescominsoon November 29, 2020 Christianity Church Music Has gotten too entirely predictable at least in churches.  The worship music has become acoustic guitar based.  Most of it is fairly predictable.  Every once in a while a local band comes up with a song that s pretty good like the worship leader at North valley came up with one called holy moment that s pretty good.  Read more Hescominsoon November 16, 2020 Home Audio It is nearly impossible to find non-digital music anymore.  There s vinyl of course but right now I do not have the finances to rebuild my HiFi system at least not all at once.  Modern digitizing has made music easier to obtain but also much harder to sound truly immersive.  I see folks playing stuff through their Read more Hescominsoon October 7, 2020 Anti-Americanism Politics It s all over the news.  Where are the riots done by anyone who is not on the left? NYC Mayor goes after Jewish holiday celebrants.  This is not the first time he has done this and he routinely uses photos of pre-covid Jewish gatherings as examples of what not to do.  Deblasio also allows BLM/Antifa when Read more Hescominsoon July 16, 2020 Covid-19 New World Order Let’s assume that the events of the last five months are neither random nor unexpected. Let’s say they’re part of an ingenious plan to transform American democracy into a lockdown police state controlled by criminal elites and their puppet governors. And let’s say the media’s role is to fan the flames of mass hysteria by Read more Hescominsoon July 2, 2020 Covid-19 Health Pandemic Masks have little to no effect. The transmission of Sars-COV-2 is not aerosol. It s contact. Specifically fecal-oral.  That s right folks your butt to your hands to surfaces.  Gloves don t help as they are a hard surface so all kinds of virii can live a very very long time and get spread.  The following post has Read more Hescominsoon May 28, 2020 Fakenews New World Order the big tech companies now also search your cloud archives for inappropriate: content. build your own storage and do not expect the cloud to keep your data safe unless you setup Pre-encrypted cloud backups..then the big tech folks cannot see your content..yet you have a cloud backup. True you are using their platform under their rules but Read more Hescominsoon April 28, 2020 Covid-19 Health Pandemic Well imagine that..two doctor s posted something based on data they have seen and youtube..citing their new community guidelines specifically the section that says anything disagreeing with the WHO will be taken down..has taken down the videos. I didn t have a chance to rip them. The hunt now starts for me to find another copy and put Read more Hescominsoon April 13, 2020 Covid-19 Health Pandemic Fauchi should be fired along with Birx.  Why Trump has not overridden these clowns is beyond me. Fauchi has been caught in more than one lie.  Karl points this out quite clearly: Market-Ticker link There s links in there where you can hear things for yourself.  Governors are now crying for 500 billion in Read more Hescominsoon March 31, 2020 Covid-19 Health Pandemic all being reported right here folks..it s up to you to read them at this point I ve spilled quite a bit of digital ink on this..and i see more and more folks like lambs to the slaughter. We are being lied to..yes even by Trump either he is actively lying or is totally incompetent. Why he is allowing Read more Hescominsoon March 31, 2020 Covid-19 Family Health Pandemic If these lockdowns were actually working why are the numbers going up?  It s because the transmission vector is NOT aresol..it s hand to face via surfaces.  Where is the largest case of surface transfers?  The healthcare system itself.  The transmission vector has long been known to those who do not listen to the media that the main Read more Hescominsoon March 23, 2020 Covid-19 Health Pandemic THE SIMPLE NUMERICAL FACTS [Comments enabled] FACTS: Last year flu, CDC: 490,600 hospitalizations and 34,200 deaths. Case fatality rate on the same testing basis for Coronavirus today: 6.97% Right now, US, 31,888 positives, 398 deaths. Case fatality rate considering that essentially all Coronavirus tests to date have been in hospitals: 1.25% But that s not fair, because the CDC says only 12% of Read more Hescominsoon March 21, 2020 Covid-19 Family Health Pandemic tons of Americans are.  With our medication culture you get something that takes advantage of your basic physiology then add body chemical altering drugs in mass quantities to it..and you get problems.  Found this is the comment section of karl s latest post: Coronavirus and medication From the French Government: The virus has just been shown Read more Hescominsoon February 2, 2020 Star Trek I have seen plenty of folks complaining about how STP is not moving fast enough in the first few episodes.  I find it refreshing that they are building the backstory and foundation first not just ramming stuff through.  It is nice to see.  So far things are going well and I have finalized my plans Read more Hescominsoon January 19, 2020 Star Trek ok the series of star trek on cbs for me has been garbage..however picard has me hopeful although cautiously. I hope things will go well some of the previous st s are coming in but I am anxious to see what Patrick has done and allowed.

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