Arkansas Gravestone Photo Project | Search for Arkansas Gravestone Photos, Tombstone Pictures, and B

Web Name: Arkansas Gravestone Photo Project | Search for Arkansas Gravestone Photos, Tombstone Pictures, and B






The mission of the Arkansas Gravestones Project is to capture and archive digital images of our ancestors gravestones. As decades pass the inscriptions on many gravestones are becoming difficult, if not impossible, to read. These archived images are one means of preserving these important records and simultaneously assist family history researchers who use this valuable, free, information-rich resource. WHO ARE WE The Arkansas Gravestones Project is a privately sponsored, non-commercial, non profit, educationalsite, the success of which depends on the activities of many volunteers and other individuals who contribute photographs to be archived. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are seeking volunteers to take and upload digital photos of gravestones in many Arkansas counties. If you are interested in becoming involved in this rewarding activity, please contact the state coordinator. (contact us) ARKANSAS GRAVESTONES COMPANION SITE Additional information about the project may be found at: Info VETERAN MEMORIALS As a way to honor our Veterans in Arkansas, we have created a special database. All records for Veterans include the word Veteran in the surname field. Duplicate submissions of photographs will undoubtedly occur as the web site grows and as additional people become involved in the activity. A member of the administrative team for the web site will consolidate the biographical information submitted induplicate records, and select the photograph with the best clarity and composition for placement on the website.

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Search genealogy records and archive gravestone, tombstone, and memorial photos in Arkansas cemeteries.

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