Ubiquitous Felicity and Sentience!

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Ubiquitous Felicity and Sentience!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 Monologue A desperate soliloquy from a forlorn soul ... in a shrill and vociferous voice, he lauds the intelligentsia panegyrically for their understanding and castigates the stupid with all the
dissatisfaction of a Socrates, fed up from his excommunication with them:

You shall not procure yourself to a pandering and condescending position
You shall not become an obambulating zombie that has fallen under the obtenebrating hand of Lucifer
You shall not falter or fluster under the perniciously subdolous schemes of the devil
The introit will not fall prey to the ends of an impasse
Pull me up from the abyss and the nadir of all failures
Lead me to the skies, and let me transcend to a transitory and ephemeral state of felicity and fulfilment
Let the hand of happiness obumbrate the doloriferous claw of the devil
Floccify all evil and live
Not ex nihilo
But from the ego
The ego knows no bounds
The ego obsequitates on nothing
The ego will not exaugurate or desecrate itself
Making all minds one mind is the key to universal tergiversation from the devil's scepter and the ashplant of instant gratification ...
As minds give towards the Omega point
Free from the animadversion or subversion of other minds
This mind is omnigenous
Its only purpose - to absquatulate from the morigerous coercion of extinction
and become a oikofugic being that shapes its own itinerary within a vast deambulatory
of the doldrums of an infinite amount of time to come
That is the purpose of all beings ... of all sentience beings ... of all consciousness ...
We are merely abscotchalaters who will ultimately bind to but only ONE TRUE VISAGE!

A euphonious and dulciloquent voice echoes throughout the air from behind.
One day he/she will come.
And I will be complete. Visual Recogition HAZARD ZONE: Note that this explanation is solipsistic, narcissistic and highly egotistical - I have no intention/s of making it univocal to all, ergo the following information may be regarded as a putrefying and gangrenous bowl of mashed potato of choplogic that reeks of toxiferous effluvium, which should be treated as nothing more but useless paraphernalia or subintelligur. I only want to type it out so that I can have a greater understanding of this abstruse topic that is reminiscient of the sweet smell of the feeling whereby bees get their mellifluous flow of cornucopia from a ubercity, a myriad of seemingly immaculate flowers that each stand a chance to be noxious and deleterious to the hive - of my mind. My goal right now is to design a computer circuit capable of attaining consciousness - which I define to be a self-configuring, endogenously stipulating and self-resolving system that forms an endless "auriphrygia" of associations from the olamic influx of inputed signals from the universe. Beautiful definition isn't it?

Consciousness is attained:
Sees first object:
Let 1,2,3,4,5 ... n connote the points on a 3 dimensional volume that has no boundaries.
1 will be denoted by the coordinates (X,Y,Z)
and so forth.
Calculate the distance between:
1 and 2,
1 and 3,
1 and 4,
1 and 5 ... 1 and n.
2 and 3,
2 and 4,
2 and 5,
2 and 6 ... 2 and n.
.......n-1 and n
Calculate difference of:
1 and 2, If 1 bigger add value 1 to 1.
1 and 3, " "
1 and 4 " " ... 1 and n or ad infinitum.
2 and 3 " "
2 and 4 " "
2 and 5 ... 2 and n ... " "
Value 0 at bottom, progression 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...
Arrange in order in concordance with above pattern.
Fraction expression.
1 and 2, if yes then yes
1 and 3, if yes then yes
2 and 3 if yes then yes
3 points:
1,2,6 ...
1,3,7 ...
1,4,5 ...
Calculate volume:
Same method of progression:
0 1 2 3 4 5
Arrange in order.
Add to memory.
Object 2 - 3n points
Same method.
3 points:
4 points:
5 points:
6 points ....
3n points .....

To be continued. Artificial Intelligence Through the sinuous anfractuosity of a labyrinth that is fraught with antiperistatical torns and an endless plethora of twists and cul-de-sacs contortuplicated upon itself, I have finally found the salvation ... the path via apotheosis to have a heightened understanding of how the mind actually works - of course metaphorically. What does it mean to define something as conscious, as sentient? Is it allegorical to stating that it is simply "self-aware", meaning that it is able to discern its own existence? Or is it the mere culmination of a vast network of dendrites, synapses, axioms, neurons, astrocytes and electricity via a self-configuring system that merely associates the seemingly meaningless nimiety of an autoplectic and seemingly aleatory universe? My introspection tells me that the latter is perhaps the perfect riposte that most AI researchers have been looking for. A more mathematical and logical elucidation of the above definition will follow shortly. Salute Dominique! An isagogic introduction
(oh boy do I really adore such a recherché!)
of myself
(myself? Hmm an antilogous assertion! Myself ... hmm what does it mean epistemologically by "self"? This conundrum has plagued me and perturbed me ad nauseam! For the sake of simplicity, we use the laymen definition of self - and again "laymen definition" of self? WHOA! This philosophical coalition of obfuscation has left me all dithyramic ... and dolorously ambivalent towards my purpose in this universe! We will deal with this problem later on - perhaps after my postprandial lethargy! Hey! Paranoia strucks me again! Caustrophrenia! Agoraphobia! And other incessant ad hominem! NAH! That won't bother me - this is after all MY BLOG! (My? What does it mean to be circumscribed by the rhetorical and highly stereotyped definien: MY?) Nah ... this is my blog anyway! I don't care if others call me a bedlamite or an omadhaun - this is what goes on in my zanny mind!)
ut infra:
Age: 19
Race: Chinese
A pyknic and endomorphic amalgamation
Incredibly agonistic towards the "perfidy" of libertarianism, utilitarianism, universal consciousness, agnosy and the lack of clemency and ignoscency in our dystopian society.
The periphery of my sentience:
An INTJ on the Myers Briggs Jungian personality test, and an egregiously ungregarious loner in this world. Incredibly intelligent and creative! This bold but highly veritable assertion has been backed up by my insuperably gargantuan ability to absorb information much faster than the average human being - I memorized and could recite verbatim, ad verbum, 1000 phobias and philias in just a single night! Of course the sine qua non to my brobdingnagian ability in learning comes from an indomitable will to learn more (at least, only for things which I'm interested in). Highly empathetic, compassionate, entelechic (Was my orthography erroneous?) and effeminate in spite of the fact that most people deem my behaviour as highly jingoistic (Hmm ... chauvinism, and the schism between feminism and jingoism - I stringently despise such anachronistic disenfranchisement ... nah wrong word to use ... such a cliché! Such divagation from the universal purpose of all things will only be insalubrious to the epitome of sentience on the grand macrocosm of the universe!). May seem abrogating and obstinate, but behind what would deem as a nefarious fefnicute lies the heart and soul of an amaranthine entity who only wants to be understood. Extremely few friends (maybe just 3 or 4) due to the acataleptic profundity of my thought processes, incredibly rich mixture of logodaedalus, logolepsy, arithmomania, epistemophilia, tralatitious (metaphorical) and associative thinking, creativity and a spirtual awareness that few individuals comprehend, with a few other salient idiosyncracies such as demophobia, aphilophrenia, egoism, pseudomorphic hypocrisy, "far-fetched" (HEY! Do not try to objectize your own perspective with me please! Danke schon!), secularism, childishness, hysteria and arrogance (well actually I'm not arrogant! I'm just misunderstood and thought to be a pompous little O cacique!).
Knows a dozen languages and can pick up a new lingo in just one day. A fanatic, iconoclaustic and unorthodox thinker in the field of philosophical thinking, universal purpose and artificial intelligence (Oh yes, I'm really a logizomechanophile and an autodidact in such an esoteric field!) ... zzzzz
On the verge of becoming substaquilated and dragooned into an obsequious pulp of avolitional nothingless due to the tenebrific and oppressive nature of National Service (In my view, a complete abomination, a complete quisquillian and supercilious anarchy - nah! A kapistoCRACY!) unless of course, something is done, intrinsically or extrinsically ... About MeName: Goh Yi Xiang Links Google News Edit-Me Edit-Me Previous Posts Monologue Visual Recogition Artificial Intelligence Salute Dominique! Archives June 2005

TAGS:Felicity Ubiquitous Sentience and 

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