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Ahora se ha liberado: 325 #12 Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial (ACN) September 24th, 2020 ES | PDF: 325 #12 Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial EN | PDF: 325 #12 ‘Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’Descargue la portada de alta resolución aquí.Presentando 56 páginas de anarquía anti-organización, insurrección y anti-civilización del siglo XXI. Una colección de textos y cartas críticas desde el punto de vista anarquista que examinan los nuevos cambios en la producción y el control social provocados por las nuevas tecnologías que están marcando el comienzo de un mundo carcelario totalizante y el avance de máquinas más inteligentes que las humanas.CONTENIDO : 325#123. Editorial4. Automatización, robótica y mano de obra en la 4ta y 5ta revoluciones industriales8. Desde la revuelta a la insurrección Extracto9. Una pequeña crítica a la ciencia y su mundo10. Mundo COVID-19: Las epidemias en la era del capitalismo12. Las fracturas del Dominio13. Ataques incendiarios coordinados contra antenas de retransmisión en Grenoble, Francia14. La cuarta y quinta revoluciones industriales17. La reproducción artificial de lo humano: El camino del transhumanismo24. Psicología de la máquina: una ley de desaparición26. Mirada oblicua30. Teléfonos inteligentes, tonos, Capital31. Sociedades sin dinero en efectivo y criptomonedas: fin de la era tradicional de la banca y las finanzas34. Contribución a la reunión internacional contra las tecnociencias del anarquista encarcelado Dino Giagtzoglou40. La sociedad cibernética y su mundo52. Contra starlink54. Espacio : parte 155. Pronto, cerca de tu casa57: Cronología de acción directaRED ANTI-COPYRIGHT 2020 Tags: 325 Magazine, Analysis, Anti-Prison, Anti-technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial Reproduction, Biotechnology, Coronavirus, Crypto-Currencies, Cybernetics, Fifth Industrial Revolution, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Insurrection, International Solidarity, Konstantinos Yagtzoglou, Nanotechnology, PDF, Prison Society, Robotics, Sabotage, Starlink, Technological Singularity, Transhumanism, Zine Posted in Library | Italy: International Call for Solidarity 9th-24th November October 16th, 2020 SOLIDARITY MOBILIZATION 9th-24th NOVEMBERThis autumn several prosecutions, which involve hundreds of anarchists, will take place in Italy. In these investigations public prosecutors and judges want to put the anarchist ideal under trial. The attempts to reduce different tensions and practices in various legal schemes, i.e. the hateful and pathetic division between “good and “bad anarchism, aim to repress those who fight, making them face decades of imprisonment.In a period in which the imposed living conditions are increasingly harsh, it is essential to fight: to respond to the violence of the State, to the regime of oppression that tries to impose, attempting to attack anyone who expresses solidarity with those who have already chosen on which side to stand.We will stand, close and complicit with our comrades, and not only in the courtrooms: we call for two weeks of mobilization from the 9th to the 24th of November, as an opportunity to create moments of active solidarity in the streets or wherever we choose to express it.ALONGSIDE ALL THE ANARCHISTS ON TRIAL!AGAINST PRISONS AND FOR THE FREEDOM OF ALL PRISONERS!FREEDOM FOR ALL! Tags: International Solidarity, Italy, Repression, Trial Posted in Prison Struggle | Banner Drop Action by Anarchist Comrades in Malaysia October 14th, 2020 We were told by friends in Malaysia that the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic has gradually subsided since the pandemic struck earlier this year.Until the Sabah state election was held on September 26. Power-mad politicians have campaigned in Sabah which at that time was spreading brutally this pandemic.Politicians from Peninsular Malaysia, who originally came from controlled areas, entered Sabah, which at the time was experiencing a contagious outbreak to campaign to ensure their party won. And then brought the epidemic of the disease back to Peninsular Malaysia, thus triggering new infections and clusters when the virus spreads again.As a result of politicians not taking care of these SOPs and quarantine, the situation in Malaysia today is getting worse where the people are restless with the new wave that is hitting soon. Politicians are blaming the people again for the new wave as if the people are not following the SOP and social distancing.Malaysians to some extent began to reject these irresponsible politicians because they did not take seriously the issue, involving the health of the people.The people are fed up with dirty politics and political coups that are more important than the health of the people. Because of that, the people began to show their dissatisfaction through various mediums, to make politicians aware of the courage to take responsibility for their actions and the mistakes they have made.Friends there demanded that these politicians step down from their respective seats because they had failed in managing the well-being of the people.Salute Malaysian friends!via AWW. Tags: Banner drop, Coronavirus, Elections, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Perak Posted in Direct Action | UK: Solidarity Apothecary fundraiser for Belarus ABC October 14th, 2020 The Solidarity Apothecary is screenprinting tshirts to help raise funds to send to Anarchist Black Cross Belarus.You can buy one here: https://solidarityapothecary.org/store/People in Belarus are no stranger to state violence or repression living under a Dictatorship. However, as people have taken to the streets to protest, thousands are experiencing state violence at an unprecedented scale. In the first three days of the uprising in August, more than 5000 were detained by police. Many are experiencing beatings, torture, rape and sexual assault. One person was murdered. Despite the repression, people continue to fight on the streets.Income from this t-shirt will go towards defendant support, meeting people from jails, legal costs and other anti-repression work. Solidarity is the peoples’ self defence!Please note this is a pre-order. An order will be placed with the printer on the 3rd of October and may take longer than usual to screenprint due to covid-19 restrictions. Thank you for your patience!To learn more about the situation in Belarus check out: ABC Belarus – https://abc-belarus.org Belarus: Anarchists in the uprising against the Dictatorship – https://crimethinc.com/2020/08/12/belarus-anarchists-in-the-uprising-against-the-dictatorship-an-interview Pramen (for translated news) – https://pramen.io/en/main/ Tags: ABC Belarus, Belarus, International Solidarity, Police Brutality, Repression, Social Insurrection, Solidarity Apothecary, Torture, UK Posted in Prison Struggle | ES/EN Estado Español: Concentración solidaria con el compañero anarquista Gabriel Pombo Da Silva October 14th, 2020 El compañero Gabriel Pombo Da Silva fue arrestado en Portugal, el 25 de enero pasado, en virtud de una ODE, Euroorden, emitida por el Juzgado de lo Penal nº 2 de Girona, del que es magistrada juez Mercedes Alcázar Navarro, la cual, en mayo del 2016, ordenó al entonces director de la cárcel de Dueñas (Palencia) ocultar la orden de liberación inmediata de Gabriel quien, tras tres semanas de “secuestro”, fue finalmente liberado el 16 de junio, por lo que se iniciaron los trámites para denunciarla por prevaricación. A cada cual la conclusión de la obcecación de esa magistrada juez en proceder mediante una ODE a la persecución europea del compañero, pese a que Gabriel fuera puesto en libertad en España, dicho 16 de junio de 2016, al haber cumplido la totalidad de su condena. Se aclara que con posterioridad a esa fecha, el compañero no ha sido incriminado por delito alguno, por lo que no existe ninguna sentencia de condena posterior. Read the rest of this entry Tags: Anti-Prison, Badajoz, Demo, FIES, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Girona, International Solidarity, Repression, Spain Posted in Prison Struggle | Arson of Labour Offices Building in Regent Complex of Keerom, West Papua by Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell FAI/FRI October 14th, 2020 FR | Keerom, Papouasie occidentale (Indonésie) : Incendie des bureaux de l’agence pour l’emploiPT Freeport Indonesia (FI) has been present in Papua for decades since the start of the annexation of West Papua by colonial Indonesia. What PT FI produces is only natural destruction, expulsion of indigenous people, and genocide. We think Freeport s existence can only be destroyed if West Papua is separated from Indonesia, but it is not the formation of a West Papua state that we want, but the West Papua Confederation, people control not state control!We (Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell Informal Anarchist Federation) send our greetings to Lekagak Telengen, Egianus Kogoya, and other West Papuan guerrillas who are among the lush forests of Papua. We invite our comrades who live in cities to start urban guerrilla units and start attacks on the symbols of capitalism and the colonial state of Indonesia.We clearly declare our hostility towards the opportunist politician Benny Wenda and other shits at the ULMWP who can live comfortably in a foreign country while trying to take struggle for West Papua liberation leadership control. True liberation is from gun and civilian insurrection, not lobbies in air-conditioned buildings!We also don t forget to send our hugs to comrades in Indonesia who are starting a rebellion against the Omnibus Law and Joko Widodo s neoliberal regime, to our comrades in Malaysia who have to face repression for fighting the fascist kingdom of Malaysia, to the YPG-YPJ guerrillas in Rojava who are facing asymmetrical war against Turkey, and anti-authoritarian insurgents around the world.We claim the burning of the labour offices building in the regent office complex of Keerom, West Papua during the riots on 1 October 2020. We are among the masses angry at Indonesian colonialism, this is just our opening attack and this is not the last. Get ready for explosion and explosion that will keep on the track!If the state and capitalism still exist, peace will never be realized. Therefore, the state and capitalism must be destroyed at once !!Let the fire light up the liberation of West Papua.Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell (FAI-FRI) Tags: Anti-Colonialism, Arson, Indonesia, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front, International Solidarity, Keerom, Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell - FAI/FRI, PT Freeport Indonesia (FI), Sabotage, West Papua, West Papua Independence Posted in Direct Action | Update on the Trial of Anarchist Prisoners in Tangerang and Bekasi Indonesia October 13th, 2020 A report written by the Anti-authoritarian Federation (FedAO) of Indonesia and an update to “Anarchist Prisoners Trial in Tangerang and Bekasi in Indonesia.”Monday, September 28, 2020, the Tangerang District Court (Pengadilan Negeri) Judges read out the verdict of the trial of alleged vandalism. The Judges sentenced Muhammad Riski Riyanto Bin Abdul Syukur and Rio Imanuel Adolof Pattinama aka Petrus Adolof Pattinama to prison for 10 (ten) months in case No: 1136/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Tng because they were considered legally and convincingly by the judges, spreading false news, and deliberately spreading disturbances among the people as regulated in Article 14 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 1, Year 1946, concerning Criminal Law Regulation.Meanwhile, Rizki Julianda aka RJ aka Zonee, who was tried separately in case No: 1135/Pid.Sus/2020/ PN Tng, was sentenced to imprisonment for 8 (eight) months because he was proven legally and convincingly committed in public orally or writings incite in order to committing a criminal act, committing violence against public authority or not obeying either the provisions of the law or a position order given based on the provisions of the law as regulated in Article 160 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). Read the rest of this entry Tags: Bekasi, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Repression, Tangerang Posted in Prison Struggle | Berlin: Liebig34 is evicted (Germany) October 12th, 2020 9 October 2020It feels incredible to type these words into the keys: The Liebig34 is cleared.At 7:00 a.m. Robocops started sawing and flexing fences, doors, windows and barricades and at 11:00 a.m. the last inhabitants* of the Liebig34 were dragged out of the rooms.We are sad. We are crying. We are exhausted. WE ARE ANGRY.They can‘t imagine the determination they have awakened in us. This act of violence will explode in an act of counter-violence and self-defense. Already so much solidarity has happened in the last nights, months, years and has shown what we are capable of doing. This eviction is a moment of radicalization. We can use it and together we can express our hatred for this shit.Even if the press, politicians, cops and Nazis are now taking pleasure in our loss, we are turning powerlessness into anger. So many borders have been crossed. We shout NO in your spiteful eats. You can have our house, you will never get our passion. We are so much more than this house – we are anarchists, feminists, queers and antifascists who will now channel their anger and attack capitalist patriarchy to the last.We call for the demo from 21:00 in Monbijoupark. We call for decentralized actions. Let us experience a wild and chaotic October together!34 million property damage – we are already well on the way.Liebig34 lives. Liebig34 fights.Liebig34 Tags: Berlin, Eviction, Germany, Liebig34, Liebig34/XB, Repression Posted in Social Control | Yogyakarta, Indonesia: CCF / Nemesis Action take responsibility for the arson of a luxury car October 9th, 2020 FR | Yogyakarta (Indonésie) : La CCF/Nemesis Action revendique l’incendie d’une voiture de luxeES | YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA: «CCF / ACCIÓN NÉMESIS» ASUME LA RESPONSABILIDAD DEL INCENDIO PROVOCADO DE UN COCHE DE LUJOGR | Ινδονησία, Γιογκιακάρτα: “ΣΠΦ / Δράση Νέμεσις” – Ανάληψη ευθύνης για τον εμπρησμό πολυτελούς αμαξιούYogyakarta Indonesia : We claim the burning of a luxury car in front of the Sinar Mas office last night on Ring Road Utara Yogyakarta. And it s not just solidarity for combatants on the streets against the Omnibus Law. But because we understand that the Sinar Mas Group is responsible for the destruction of rainforests in Indonesia to be converted into the palm oil industry.Solidarity for all combatants throughout Indonesia. Solidarity with Belarus. Solidarity for anarchists in Chile, Greece, Hong Kong, Rojava!Long Live the Rebellion! We want the world and we want it on fire .Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Nemesis Action Kami mengklaim pembakaran mobil mewah di depan kantor Sinar Mas semalam di Ring Road Utara Yogyakarta. Dan ini bukan hanya solidaritas untuk kombatan di jalanan melawan Omnibus Law. Tapi karena kami paham bahwa Sinar Mas Grup bertanggung jawab atas penghancuran hutan hujan di Indonesia untuk dikonversikan ke industri Sawit.Solidaritas buat semua Kombatan seantero Indonesia. Solidaritas buat Belarus. Solidaritas untuk kaum anarkis di Chile, Yunani, Hongkong, Rojava!Panjang Umur Pemberontakan! We want the world and we want it on fire .Konspirasi Sel-sel Api / Aksi Nemesis Tags: Arson, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Nemesis Action, Ecological Destruction, Indonesia, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Solidarity, Sabotage, Sinar Mas Group, Yogyakarta Posted in Direct Action | Andare alla radice Marco Camenisch John Zerzan October 8th, 2020 IT | PDF: Andare all radice Marco Camenisch John Zerzan Andare alla radice È uscito l´opuscolo “Andare alla radice” contenente un intervista di John Zerzan a Marco Camenisch.PREFAZIONEIn una soleggiata cucina del sudest della Svizzera ho preso parte a questa magnifica conversazione con uno dei miei eroi, Marco Camenisch, e un caro amico che gli aveva più volte fatto visita durante i molti anni passati in prigione. Quest’incontro aveva per me un valore importantissimo, soprattutto perché, a differenza di Matteo, avevo conosciuto Marco solo la notte prima. Scriversi è una cosa, per quanto molto preziosa, ma di certo nulla può sostituire la possibilità di sedere faccia a faccia, l’uno di fronte all’altro. La nostra causa comune, per come la vedo io, è quella di eliminare la civilizzazione, la sua marcia funebre, e sostituirla con comunità di rapporti diretti, faccia a faccia. La società di massa ha soppresso la comunità. Ogni volta che ci s’incontra, come nel nostro caso, ci si prepara al suo ritorno. La nostra esplorazione ha ravvivato in ciascuno di noi l’anelito profondo per un nuovo mondo. È presente in ognuno, per quanto soffocato o deformato, nonostante le mastodontiche e onnipresenti forze contrarie. Le ore passate in così buona compagnia mi hanno rigenerato, stando assieme a guerrieri che non si arrendono. Prima di tornare in Italia con Matteo, ho salutato Marco che stava pulendo il pavimento della cucina della casa dove alcuni compagni ci avevano ospitato. Sorrideva e canticchiava, e questo mi ha reso ancor più felice!John ZerzanEugene, Oregon, febbraio 2020 Andare alla radice The booklet Going to the root has been published with an interview by John Zerzan with Marco Camenisch.PREFACEIn a sunny southeastern Swiss kitchen I took part in this wonderful conversation with one of my heroes, Marco Camenisch, and a dear friend who had visited him several times during his many years in prison. This meeting had a very important value for me, especially because, unlike Matteo, I had met Marco only the night before. Writing is one thing, though very precious, but certainly nothing can stop you from sitting face to face, one in front of the other. Our common cause, as I see it, is to eliminate civilization, its funeral march, and replace it with a community of direct, face-to-face relationships. Mass society has suppressed the community. Every time we meet, as in our case, we prepare for its return. Our exploration has enlivened in each of us the deep yearning for a new world. It is present in each one of us, no matter how stifled or deformed, despite the mastodontic and omnipresent opposing forces. The hours spent in such good company have regenerated me, being together with warriors who do not give up. Before returning to Italy with Matteo, I said goodbye to Marco who was cleaning the kitchen of the house where some of our comrades had hosted us. He was smiling and humming, and that made me even happier! John Zerzan,Eugene, Oregon, February 2020https://istrixistrix.noblogs.org/ Tags: Analysis, Anti-Nuclear, Anti-technology, Ecological Destruction, Interview, Italy, John Zerzan, Marco Camenisch, PDF, Repression, Switzerland, TAV, Zine Posted in Library | COVID-19 : La Anarquia en Tiempos de Pandemia (Madrid, España) October 8th, 2020 El próximo día 23 de octubre tendremos una interesante charla y debate en el Ateneo con el título: COVID-19 : LA ANARQUÍA EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA.Quedáis invitados Salud para tod@s. En el EKO, calle Ánade 10 -Madrid (Metro Oporto) a las 19:00 horas. ATENEO LIBERTARIO DE CARABANCHEL LATINA PARA Y POR LA ANARQUÍA Tags: Coronavirus, International Solidarity, Madrid, Spain Posted in Autonomy | Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Eric King Flipping the Script (U$A) October 8th, 2020 Eric King describes himself as a 33-year-old vegan anarchist political prisoner and poet who was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a Congressperson’s office in Kansas City, Missouri, in September 2014. King was charged with throwing a hammer through a window of the building, followed by two lit Molotov cocktails. The criminal complaint states that both incendiary devices failed to ignite. King was identified as a suspect by local police because he had previously come under suspicion for anti-government and anti-police graffiti. After accepting a non-cooperating plea agreement, King was sentenced to ten years in June 2016. His release date is October 2023. He has served his time in various facilities of the federal Bureau of Prisons, or BOP.King is currently facing one count of assaulting a government official for an incident that occurred in August 2018 at the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Florence. According to King’s account, he was taken into a mop closet, out of sight of prison cameras, and beaten up by a corrections officer. The officer then said that King had assaulted him. King has been housed in a segregation cell at FCI Englewood since August 2019, fighting this charge. Overall, King has spent about three years in solitary confinement. He now faces a maximum of 20 additional years in prison. Read more about Eric King here: supportericking.org. My toilet is right next to my cellmate’s face, not hyperbolically, it is literally three inches from where he lays his head. I am in the FCI Englewood Secure Housing Unit (SHU)—the oddest SHU in the Bureau surely. In this segregation unit, you will get inmates from the Low [security prison], pre-trial people and folks like myself and my cellie who are on writ [having a court case] from other penitentiaries. This oddball combo makes no sense and causes a localized class system, all a part of the psych-ops of this odd rust bucket of a prison.On August 17, 2017, I was taken into a mop closet by Super Patriot Lieutenant. I have been in solitary ever since, 19 months and counting. I learned how bad it can get, discovering new ways they can torture you; mentally and physically. Whether being choked while being held in four-point restraints for seven hours, being held in a cell for four days without a functional toilet filled with someone else’s feces, I have seen their brutality and am stronger for it. I hope. Read the rest of this entry Tags: Eric G. King, International Solidarity, Isolation, Letter, Repression, USA Posted in Prison Struggle | Aplazamiento Manifestacion en Defensa de los Puestos de Tirso de Molina Madrid, España October 8th, 2020 APLAZAMIENTO MANIFESTACIÓN EN DEFENSA DE LOS PUESTOS DE TIRSO DE MOLINADesde la asamblea de los puestos políticos de Tirso de Molina hemos decidido APLAZAR la convocatoria de MANIFESTACIÓN del próximo 11 DE OCTUBRE.En su lugar realizaremos, como venimos haciendo desde hace más de dos meses una CONCENTRACIÓN EN LA PLAZA A LAS DOCE DE LA MAÑANA.La caótica situación que estamos viviendo en Madrid en las últimas dos semanas nos ha llevado a tomar esta decisión. Los madrileños somos víctimas de las políticas partidistas tanto del gobierno regional como del central, que no dudan en usarnos como rehenes de estrategias “sanitarias” que tienen poco que ver con la salud pública, y más con los cálculos electorales o de posibles mociones de censura. Asistimos atónitos a medidas de control de la epidemia de cara a la galería, cuyo objetivo final no es la defensa de la salud de los trabajadores, inmigrantes, pobres, etc, y a las amenazas veladas de nuevas medidas restrictivas de las pocas libertades que nos quedan. Ante este panorama preferimos seguir con el formato de las concentraciones todos los domingos en la plaza, espacio amplio en el que podemos mantener suficiente distancia, sin renunciar por ello a seguir movilizándonos en defensa de nuestros legítimos intereses.Animamos a todos los compañeros/as que tenían previsto acudir a la manifestación a que en su lugar se acerquen este domingo a la plaza a las doce de la mañana, para decirle al alcalde y al concejal de centro que ¡los puestos de Tirso se quedan!Esta desconvocatoria es un APLAZAMIENTO así que permanecer atentos a próximas convocatorias.¡NO PASARÁN!#tirsosequedaAsamblea de los puestos de Tirso.MÁS INFORMACIÓN: https://puestostirso.noblogs.org/ Tags: Coronavirus, Demo, Madrid, Spain, Tirso de Molina Posted in Autonomy | Berlin: Two excavators torched on Implenia construction site – Defend Liebig34! (Germany) October 8th, 2020 On October 9, the Anarcha-Queer Feminist House Project at Liebig Strasse 34 is to be evacuated. Another eviction that joins a long list of forced evictions and displacement processes of recent years, which are always enforced with all violence and political will, no matter what government. Just like the Schwarzer Kanal car park, which resided on the banks of the Spree on Michaelkirchstraße until 2010.Today, Kreuzberg is the figurehead for marketing strategies to attract nouveau riche and technology companies. And what is still missing there is of course nothing other than luxury apartments and start-up offices. So even this last fallow area of the former car park is disappearing beneath the concrete. Pressure to perform, competition and smart separation are promising. The Elements, as the construction project is called, is being implemented by the Swiss construction company Implenia, which recently achieved some notoriety for its involvement in the new prison building in Basel.Whoever came up with this name in his or her styled office, whoever is responsible for the construction in the executive suites and political rooms let them know that we are not forgetting the history that this place actually tells us. Just try to bury it with your diggers, it continues to grow between us and in other places. These are the moments when we discussed at the fire bucket and laughed under trees. Moments when we met in places like these, became rebellious and organized against the monotony and cruelty of the conditions that surround us.We have no hope in the political theater of parliaments. Politics puts its protective hand over capital and sends its willing henchmen to beat us out of our homes if the law so wishes. There can be no dialogue, because the rulers have long since made it clear where they stand. Innumerable occupations of the last years have been mercilessly cleared away. Tenants are thrown onto the street in the middle of a pandemic, while at the same time there is talk of consideration. There is actually no more dishonest way of doing things.Well, we will not leave this eviction unanswered either. Because what we are left with is solidarity and the knowledge that we can strike back at any time. Like last night, when we used incendiary devices to torch two excavators at the construction site of The Elements . Maybe you should think about the four elements again, fire doesn t seem to get you very well at least.Greetings, Some chaoticsTranslation from IMC DE.More solidarity actions here. Tags: Arson, Berlin, Germany, Implenia (Construction Company), Liebig34, Liebig34/XB, Sabotage, Solidarity Action, The Elements (Gentrification Project) Posted in Direct Action | Statement from Subversive Comrade Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz in Chile October 6th, 2020 ES | Comunicado del compañero subversivo Pablo Bahamondes OrtizHistorically, the prison has been designed for those who for various reasons do not fit in or do not submit to the logic of domination and exploitation that the powerful on duty offer as the life we ​​should live.Prison is one more consequence of our unwavering conviction to declare ourselves eternal enemies of capital, the state and its lackeys. Political prisoners are the ones who assume with our own lives the propagation and expansion of the permanent insurrection against misery and the destruction of humanity as a whole.Subversion is the essence of every process of struggle, be it popular or revolutionary, which reaches a point where they tend to stagnate as a result of countless events… but mainly where a large part of the organization have agreed to spaces of power, turning to a fight of an institutional nature and framed under the rules of the powerful, thus maintaining the governability of the bourgeois state and seizing the dreams of the poor. Read the rest of this entry Tags: Chile, Letter, Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz “OSO” Posted in Prison Struggle |


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