Europa Organisation

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Organise your virtual event

Europa Group advises you to choose and implement the best digital solution, the one perfectly adapted to your situation.
E-conference, e-workshop, e-congress, webinar...: the offer is vast, technical and complex. Which formats for which needs? We have the answers.


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Best practices in digital events

Bringing together your scientific or medical community through a virtual event is a complex challenge. However, if it is well thought out, the virtual congress, webinar or digital workshop is a fabulous educational and communication tool. In order to help you make the transition to digital, our experts have written these 10 Best Practices for you.
Objectives, formats, interactivity, contents, broadcast techniques, budget, financing, partnerships, etc. Discover our tips for a rich and relevant digital event.


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Our news

Rising to the challenge of bringing medical communities face-to-face in the midst of a pandemic! Last January we organised in Paris the Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie and the major French... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2022 LINNC Live Talks : un format pour connecter la communauté médicale toute l'année Maintaining and developing your community necessitates enabling its members to meet up several times a year to learn and share.... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2022 Participants are clearly willing to travel to join international gatherings Whether in Miami at the LINNC Americas (an interventional neuroradiology course targeting the American continent) or at the AVM... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2022 Francophone congresses are again filling convention halls After two years of postponements or fully virtual editions, congresses are reopening their doors, and it’s a joy for everyone to... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2022 At PCR, continuing medical education is free PCR's medical education activities in interventional cardiology are a signature of EUROPA GROUP's expertise. Between its various... Europa Group Oct2021 Did you know that Europa Group is a medical publisher? Did you know that EUROPA GROUP is a publisher of scientific publications? Every year we publish, for example, the PCR Randomised... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Oct2021 Europa Group nominated for EY's Entrepreneur of the Year Award Florence and Marc Doncieux, founding CEOs of EUROPA GROUP, have been nominated for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award (... Europa Group Oct2021 Europa Group to organise future SFSD congresses We are very proud to count among our clients the French Society of Digital Health, whose mission is to promote humanistic remote... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Aug2021 Nouvelle initiative de prévention sur le risque cardiaque Since the start of the pandemic, many patients requiring cardiovascular care have been denied timely treatment. Fear of the virus... Europa Group Aug2021 EuroPCR 2021: when the digital congress opens a new era for medical education. Discover in this new article how EuroPCR, the leading international congress in Interventional Cardiology, has invented a new way... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Aug2021 EuroPCR: back to a first! EuroPCR, the leading international congress in interventional cardiology, created a new generation of hybrid format last May.... Europa Booking & Services, Europa Group, Europa Organisation Jul2021 EuroIntervention : new amazing impact factor! The publishing branch of Europa Group, Europa Digital & Publishing, is proud to announce the new Impact Factor of its... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Jul2021 Nous recrutons !! We are recruiting in Toulouse!We currently have 5 vacancies: 2 Congress Registration Project Coordinators; 1 Digital Marketing... Downtown Europe, Europa Booking & Services, Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group, Europa Organisation, Europa Organisation Africa, Europa Organisation Asia, Insight Outside, Meeting Lab Jul2021 IAPCO certification IAPCO is the most demanding international association of event professionals. To be part of it, you have to pass a certification... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Jul2021 When cardiologists make TV! After an incredible success this winter, the GRCI is continuing its television adventure by broadcasting a new show live from our... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Jun2021 "Practical transfusion day" takes place this week! The SFVTT congress (The French Society of Transfusion Vigilance and Therapeutics) will take place this Thursday, June 3, in a... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Jun2021 Interview with Ariel Cohen, Président of French Society of Cardiology Professor Ariel Cohen, President of the French Society of Cardiology, did us the honour of answering our questions about the... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2021 This week: French-speaking neurologists join their annual e-congress! The second digital edition of the Jnlf 2021 - Congress of Neurology organised by Europa Group starts tomorrow!The French-... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2021 The GRCI reinvents the digital congress! In the context of the pandemic, the GRCI (Groupe de Réflexion sur la Cardiologie Interventionnelle) congress has become GRCI le... Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2021  The leading Course in interventional cardiology is LIVE now! Day 1 of EuroPCR2011, the leading course in interventional cardiology - THE must-attend event for the international community of... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2021 Innovating to prepare the future of medical education EuroPCR, the leading congress in interventionalcardiology, is being held this week in a digital version at the cutting edge of... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group, Europa Organisation May2021 Best practices in virtual events Bringing together your scientific or medical community through a virtual event is a complex challenge. However, if it is well... Downtown Europe, Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group, Europa Organisation Apr2021 Major event on green energy transition in Africa coming soon! Our colleagues at Downtown Europe are organising this amazing event!One of the many initiatives to power Africa's development... Downtown Europe Apr2021 Rely on the digital event! Because every day we must continue to reinvent the best way to be together, Europa Group is at your side to help you find THE... Europa Group Apr2021 A semi-immersive platform made in Europa Group for the Alzheimer digital congress! The virtual Alzheimer's conference takes place tomorrow and Thursday! Proud of the Europa Group IT teams who have developed the... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Dec2020 PCR Valves e-course blows up the participation counters! Europa Group teams organised a fantastic e-event this week. 6,300 e-participants joined the PCR valves e-course and shared... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Nov2020 PCR Valves e-course happening now! "Brief, sharp and short answers to big problems" : one of the goals of the PCR Valves e-course happening now on internet and... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Nov2020 Insight Outside finalist of theTrophées de l'Innovation Very proud of our subsidiary Insight Outside in the finals of the Throphées Bref Eco de l'Innovation!Noted for the creation of... Europa Group, Insight Outside Nov2020 Publish a relevant video interview at low cost: it's possible! 80% of content viewed on the internet is video. As community manager of professional networks, we know how much better a video is... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Nov2020 Lights, camera, action! 80% of content viewed on the internet is video. As a facilitator of digital communities, we know how much better a video is than... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Nov2020 Collège National des Cardiologues des Hôpitaux : ready for the digital experience! The 26th CNCH congress organised by Europa Group will take place on 27 and 28 November. A unique digital experience that will... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Nov2020 First European e-Day of Cardiology from 15 to 17 January 2021 EUROPA GROUP is organising the first European Cardiology e-days in January.The best of the digital congress will be brought... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Nov2020 PCR Valves e-course starts sunday! After the huge success of the first PCR e-course in june we can't wait to discover the coming PCR valves e-course the EUROPA... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Nov2020 Great success for the cardiology webinar organised in partnership with Sanofi Genzyme The webinar is an excellent distance education tool. The one organised by Europa Group in partnership with Sanofi Genzyme for the... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Nov2020 Need medical education? We have the best solutions! The need for physician education is more alive than ever! While traffic to the disciplinary websites run by Europa Group is... Europa Digital & Publishing, Europa Group Nov2020 Econgrès du Printemps de la cardiologie: full cardboard for Insight Outside! No loss of participation compared to a physical event, the adrenalin of a physical congress, thousands of interactions, satisfied... Europa Group, Insight Outside Nov2020 Insight outside : our Grenoble-based subsidiary successfully surfs the digital event! The resilience of our subsidiary Insight Outside is an example in the events sector. Customer feedback is exceptional, both in... Europa Group, Insight Outside Nov2020 Europa Group organises the hybrid congress of the Société Francophone du Nerf Périphérique (French-speaking society of the peripheral nerve) As scientific society of neurology whose aim is to promote the study of the peripheral nerve as a new discipline, the SFNP has... Europa Group, Europa Organisation Nov2020 +86% of visitors this fall! EuroIntervention, the EAPCI's official journal published by Europa Digital & Publishing, records audience records on its... Europa Digital & Publishing Nov2020 A major Cardiology e-event starting today! Spring into Autumn? It's possible thanks to the digital edition of the "Printemps de la Cardiologie", an event of the French... Europa Group Oct2020 PCR Valves e-Course 2020: 3 days of digital learning coming soon! After the huge success of the first PCR e-course held last june, Europa Group organises the PCR Valves e-Course, that will take... Europa Group Oct2020 The Internationale Association of Lawyers is holding a virtual congress on October 28, 29 and 30. Europa is proud to organise the next UIA congress, a 100% digital event, accessible in three languages, which should gather up to... Europa Group Oct2020 e-Video-Digest: the first virtual digestive endoscopy congress is approaching! Due to the health context, Vidéo-Digest has been adapted into a digital version, which will be freely available on November 13.... Europa Group Oct2020 A great success for the 100% digital back-to-school days of the Mutualité Française A fully digitised annual highlight that brought together up to 923 participants. Live transmissions , organisation of the GA, a... Europa Group Oct2020 Europa Group will organise the World Geography Congress in 2022 The exceptional Congress of the International Geographical Union will celebrate in Paris in 2022 the 100th anniversary of its... Europa Group Oct2020 PCR e-course: 90,000 connection hours over 3 days for the first e-course in interventional cardiology! Discover this case study to understand how our teams were able to attract more than 15,000 participants worldwide around a... Europa Group Oct2020 Who to contact for your project? Due to the current situation it can sometimes be difficult to reach the reception of our agencies.Who to contact in case of need... Europa Group Oct2020
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Congress Keynotes

Expert insights at the service of your communities EuroPCR 2021: when a digital congress opens a new era for medical education For the past 33 years interventional cardiologists have recognised the PCR community for its development of countless activities for their continuing medical education. Interview with Ariel Cohen, President of the Société Française de Cardiologie (SFC) « We succeeded the challenge of creating a digital congress. There will be a before and an after the 2021 edition! » GRCI le Mag: the transition of a congress into an online medical programme In the context of the pandemic, the congress of the GRCI (Interventional Cardiology Reflection Group) became GRCI le Mag. It comprised a total of 9 live broadcasts over the 3-day congress, at 8 am, 1 pm and 8 pm. Le Printemps de la Cardiologie Le Printemps de la Cardiologie is an annual event of the Groupe de Reflexion sur la Recherche Cardiovasculaire (GRRC), a subsidiary of the French Society of Cardiology, which is held every year in May and brings together nearly 500 participants. BHRM 2020, the annual congress of the Belgian Heart Rhythm Associaton (BeHRA) When organising a congress for the 14th consecutive year, the pleasure of meeting clients and partners with whom we enjoyed working during many years is combined with the challenge of making a new mark for the event. PCR e-course: 90,000 connection hours over 3 days for the first e-course in interventional cardiology! The Covid-19 global pandemic is shaking up the world of medical congress. More than ever before, the need to come together to progress has become clear to all. To be or not to be (on social media)?! Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram… Is your scientific society intimidated by the prospect of being on social media? If so, the risk may not be the one you imagine it to be! What if it could help you expand your community? Case study: the digital expansion of Encéphale Encéphale, a community of French-speaking psychiatrists, recently used the services of Europa to develop their digital strategy. Originally wary of using social medias, they have totally adopted these tools, successfully helping to promote their activities and congress. How to boost the educational value of my congress? The main goal of a medical congress is to make a real impact on the practice of its participants, by proposing a scientific programme that effectively contributes to improving patients’ health, both on a short- and long-term basis. General public healthcare communication: an open opportunity! One in 20 searches on internet relate to healthcare, but the reliability of online medical resources leave much to be desired. Could communication that targets the general public be an open opportunity for scientific societies?

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