You Say it First, a webcomic by Terrence and Isabel Marks

Web Name: You Say it First, a webcomic by Terrence and Isabel Marks






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You Say it First is re-running with directors' commentary! May 11th, 2004 - [36]Fixer-upper (12 of 12)
Re-run for Aug 21st, 2022 Link

Modern Commentary
If you enjoy the Lounge Guys being clever and pulling one over on Brisbane, hope you had a good time here. They're not going to do that too often.
Looking back on it, Brisbane and Kimberly's relationship was the meat of the series. Maybe having Brisbane watch a staticky TV with a bunch of nameless randos for a month wasn't the best thing to do for a second chapter. Like, seriously.
But I felt strongly about it at the time and wanted there to be more characters. We had just lost most of our extended cast when the theatre closed down I've always liked having large casts.
And if I introduce characters like the Lounge Guys, I need the repetition to show that these are characters that Do One Thing. I didn't want people to think there was a trick to them that you weren't getting. They hang out in the lounge, watch TV static, and yell at it as if they are watching different programs. They get a bit of character development eventually, but there are no hidden depths here now.- TerrenceQuick Links:ND Unlimited - our comics hub
Namir Deiter - Isabel's comic
Wonder Kittens - Isabel's new comic
Spare Parts - our other comic, ended
Unlike Minerva - the prequel to this
Kevin & Kell - which we color
Archive Binge - to help you catch up
FBAO Blog - thought experiment in game design

Other comic usefulness:
The BelfryND Unlimited News

07.14.2022 - Terrence Marks:Two awesome things!First, You Say it First is going to be running with commentary starting July 18th - next Monday. Seven days a week. With original commentary AND new modern commentary that has the full benefit of hindsight! Be there!
Secondly, Panda Jenn did a video - Old Furry Websites I Used To Visit. In addition to being an look back at how the internet used to be - and it used to be different - one of those sites was Unlike Minerva, the prequel to You Say it First.
06.02.2021 - Terrence Marks:Over the last month, Isabel participated in Mermay, a mermaid-themed drawing challenge. If you follow her on Twitter, you've probably seen it. Our friend Eric Pearson has compiled them into a video for one-stop viewing. If you haven't seen them, please check then out.

03.24.2021 - Terrence Marks:So, we're less back than we wanted to be.
We really wanted to finish the Amoeba X-ing storyline and we're glad that we were able to. We were hoping that momentum would carry us forward. That was overly optimistic.

The pandemic is still on. We're kinda going crazy staying at home, but it's the safest option for us and those around us. Isabel's art anxiety has gotten worse. We're not ready to come back yet. Sooner than later, we hope. Not as long as last time. But not right now.
02.25.2021 - Terrence Marks:We're back! Update schedule is, well, we'll see how things go. We thank you all for coming back.
06.25.2020 - Terrence Marks:So how are we doing?
Well, main thing is comics are on hold until further notice.

Physically? We're ok. We're staying indoors. We work from home. Haven't left the house in months apart from vet appointments, and we know we're both lucky that we're able to do that. If you can stay home or socially distance or wear a mask, we really appreciate it and thank you for it. We want this whole pandemic thing to be over, because, like everybody else we're kinda tired of it by now. But still staying home.

Mentally? Kinda bad right now, to be honest. 2020 kinda sucks. Everything is just so much right now. It's hard to be creative.

Comics? On hold until further notice. I really don't know if or when we'll be back. I'm sorry. Some days it feels like we've been slowly running out of steam for a long while and these are not energizing times. If we come back, I'd rather we do it vigorously instead of in fits and starts as life wears us back down. I'd hate to say we're coming back, then we don't or we stop after a few updates.

Expiration is turned off for accounts. If you supported us, we sincerely appreciate it and hope you enjoy the backlog of content we have up there.

Cats? Doing surprisingly well so far. Buttons' thyroid treatment was a success. She's put on at least two pounds, which is good since she was on the low side of four pounds before all this. Momo is still around. Her kidneys weren't in great shape at the start of all this and they're very unlikely to have improved. She's doing better than we expected, but we know that won't last forever. Every extra day we have with her is a blessing and we're grateful for it. Beowulf is doing good, to the best of our knowledge. He doesn't have any complaints as long as we feed him before we feed the other cats.

Previous NewsYou Say it First is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.

TAGS:First webcomic it You

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