101 Ways to Survive Best Ways to Survive

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WebSite: http://101waystosurvive.com





Here, I show you how to make a thermite composition out of sand! Just get some sand (the whiter the better), aluminum, and sulfur and make sure everything is a very fine powder. You’ll have to grind the sand in a mortar and pestile (interesting side note: I found that’s a pretty good way to clean your View full post Sim Cards are Being Designed to Track Users Governments around the world are expanding their capabilities to track and monitor the activities of their citizens.  One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating sim cards that can reveal a lot of information about users.  Sim cards are being developed and distributed around View full post Basic Rules Regarding the American Flag Most of us consider our nation as something sacred, and our flag is one of the most powerful symbols of our freedom and liberty.  Did you know that the flag is so important that there are actual federal codes that establish rules regarding how it should be displayed?  Let s View full post Tips for Shaving with an Axe or Hatchet We ve all seen art showing brawny, bearded lumberjacks giving themselves a shave with their axe.  The reality is that using an axe or hatchet for shaving is not only possible, but a preferred option if you re stuck without a razor.  Let s take a look at some important View full post How the Federal Reserve Can Take Ownership of the Government We are a nation of laws and a people who are governed by the Constitution.  We see it is a document that cements our rights into stone and gives us certain freedoms that can never be taken away.  Even the recent attempts to curb our View full post Gadgets, apps, automation and all of the other conveniences of modern life have left us lacking when it comes to practicing basic skills. Things like arithmetic, writing, reading comprehension and basic knowledge about science are all things that we will need to utilize in a post-SHTF world. Yet, very few of us have enough experience Continue reading The Swedish Fire Torch – Imagine a wood fire that is completely self-sustaining, burns an incredibly long time, and even features a built-in cooking surface… well this is it! This video demonstrates, step-by-step, just how easy it is to make a Swedish Fire Torch (or “Canadian Candle” as it is sometimes referred to). Also shown Continue reading Unfortunately, during your escape from a riot situation or some other form of social collapse, you will find that washing clothes will be far more difficult than expected. If you don’t have a lot of money in your budget, this simple 5 gallon washing machine may be ideal for your needs. Parts: 1 plunger 2 – Continue reading Here are a few different tarp shelter setups for a 3×3 tarp for more luxurious bivvying. Featuring the DD 3×3 tarp. Almost everyone appreciates the importance of having candles on hand during a power outage. However, not all candles are created equally, and many tend to burn a lot faster than we would like. You can buy special survival candles that are designed to burn slowly, or you can also make your own. In fact, it only Continue reading Eating various critters in the wild is a great way to enhance protein and nutrient intake. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider as you are hunting for your next non-traditional dinner.   Let’s examine the benefits and concerns that exist so that you can maximize this opportunity while reducing health risks. The Bad Snakes, lizards, Continue reading Making a cabin in the woods generally involves the use of lumber that is sourced from the local area. Consequently, the structural framework of the cabin will be determined by the types of trees that are available. It’s important to think about how the wood you use can impact everything from strength to insulation and the Continue reading Heat or ice packs should be part of your basic collection of first aid supplies. You can either purchase commercial products or make your own with material that is usually readily-available. The important thing is to always have some on hand for when a strain, sprain or other injury occurs unexpectedly. Let’s look at a couple Continue reading Did you know that some of the most famous explorers used a very rudimentary tool to make generalized weather predictions? This storm glass was a popular option to other forms of early weather equipment due to its reliability and affordability. You can also make one out of some basic material and have the ability to get Continue reading Using chlorinated bleach or purification tablets are two of the most common ways to purify water. Both are effective options and tablets or bleach can be stored for a long period of time. However, there are some differences between the two products that can influence the .taste and quality of the water. Let’s compare both options Continue reading

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