Home | Yoga | Yoga Warrior

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WebSite: http://www.yogawarrior.co.za





description:Press pause. Yoga Warrior offers people the chance to stop, to step into a yoga class and, through its movements and flow, connect breath, body and mind in one single moment.

We live in a world, which doesn’t allow us to stop.

Every waking second is filled with stuff to do.

Our minds race fifteen minutes ahead of our bodies, always chasing the next thing, the next action, the next box to tick.

It seems that everything we do, even when it’s fun, becomes a shallow interaction.

Yoga Warrior offers people the chance to press pause.

To stop, to step into a yoga class and, through its movements and flow, connect breath, body and mind in one single moment.

A moment where you are able to go deeper and discover your true self.


Founded by Clara Woodburn in 2006 and acquired by Genna Pearson in 2016, the name ‘Yoga Warrior’ exudes the strength and courage of not only the women who have played a role in growing this yoga brand but the people of Johannesburg as well, for whom the studio serves as a sanctuary. The Warrior pose is symbolic of building strength, both inner and outer, that the studio offers to all.

The foundation of Yoga Warrior lies in hatha vinyasa: a traditional blend of flowing yoga poses guided by precise attention to alignment and connection with the breath.

The studio aims to share the numerous benefits of yoga with as many people as possible and provide old and new practitioners a sanctuary where they may continue to learn, grow, and find the path to their inner peace.


“My journey with yoga started in 2005 in UK, where I joined some Hatha Yoga classes at the local gym out of curiosity, during a trying time in my life – physically, mentally and emotionally. I was living overseas, all alone, having completed a grueling MBA and subsequently landing a new and very demanding job in a new city, trying to find my feet the same year I lost my father.

I met Clara and her husband Andrew on one of many frequent business trips back to Joburg in 2006 when I first saw the intriguing name ‘Yoga Warrior’. Upon moving back to Joburg in 2007 I joined the Yoga Warrior studio that belonged to my friend and dived into the teacher training the following year to take my practice deeper and explore this 5000-year-old practice. I was, and still am, a perpetual yoga student on a journey exploring different styles, teachers and locations whenever I can and am always on a quest to learn more.

Everyone can do yoga and benefit from it – it is my purpose to facilitate this and make it accessible and continue the superlative training for new yogis as well as new teachers through our yoga school.

Yoga Warrior, Genevieve (Genna) Pearson
Owner of Yoga Warrior

“Originally from England, I ended up in a stressful career in NYC, having lost my mother in 1999. I felt alone and unable to cope. I was dragged to my first yoga class in 2000 in NY and slowly healed myself as I immersed myself in yoga, learning to be ‘present’.

After experiencing 9/11 first-hand, and questioning what to do with my life, I woke up one day and realised that yoga was it. I completed my teacher training in 2003, reconnected with an old flame as I returned to UK and joined him in SA in 2004. Finding a scarcity of yoga offerings in Joburg, I started offering my own classes to share the benefits I had experienced.

Yoga Warrior evolved as did my life in South Africa, reflecting beauty, strength and simplicity. ‘Yoga Warrior’ was me, and even now, having evolved to Living Warrior, the Warrior remains the symbolic thread that has woven through my life tapestry, embracing physical, mental and emotional challenges and drawing on that strength to overcome these.”

Clara Woodburn
Founder of Yoga Warrior

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Yoga Warrior CC
082 559 6713 . info@yogawarrior.co.za
Ground Floor, Design District Building, 6 Tyrwhitt Ave (cnr Keyes Ave), Rosebank, 2196, Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2020 Yoga Warrior. All Rights Reserved. unagency

I discovered hatha yoga at the local gym in 2005 while I was living in the UK, in between a hectic corporate life which had me on a plane every 5 days. Following an intense year of studying as well as losing my father, I had not given myself the time or space to recover from these life-altering events and my time on the mat became sacrosanct, as it was here I began to reconnect with and rediscover myself.

Yoga soon permeated every aspect of my life, from regaining health and vitality to rebuilding me emotionally and spiritually. I completed the Yoga Warrior Teacher Training in 2008 after moving back to Joburg, never intending to teach but immersing myself in all things yoga – attending workshops and retreats wherever and whenever I could. Yoga formed a key part of my sport training to tackle extreme marathons and high-altitude mountaineering while offering mental clarity and tools to manage the stress of a demanding day job.

My yoga journey has since brought me to owning and redefining Yoga Warrior while playing a pivotal role in my becoming a mother. It is this nurturing quality of yoga and having experienced the benefits first-hand that have propelled me into teaching, focusing on pre-and post-natal yoga, alongside assisting sportspeople build strength and endurance to complement various activities.

Genna’s classes will challenge you and help develop your practice while creating a space for you to breathe and reconnect with yourself. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned yogi, her classes will work you physically and help prepare you mentally, allowing you to embrace your body (and soul) with compassion as you tune inwards, learning to respond to what your needs are.


In 2008, finding myself floundering in the deep end of parenthood, I took the advice of a good friend and hooked myself up with a yoga class. The spaciousness those precious hours on the mat brought to my cluttered life quickly became not only indispensable but deeply cherished.

Yoga soon began to heal the physical injuries I’d brought to the mat. I’ve never been an especially spiritual person but when my yoga practice began to facilitate the healing of my emotional injuries my practice became so much more than stretching and breathing.

So it came to be that in 2015 I completed the Yoga Warrior Teacher Trainingand life was never the same again. From the heart of this Jozi girl comes a core and movement-orientated yoga offering. Sprinkles of HIT and animal locomotion woven into traditional Hatha Vinyasa and pranayama make for a fresh yoga experience. Expect intensity. Expect to sweat. Also expect to delve down into yourselfto draw back the curtains and reveal your already intact wholeness and completion.


My deep driving desire for as long as I can remember has been to make a success of my life. And success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realisation of worthy goals. I found yoga during my final year of university. It started out as a crush, and in no time developed into a love affair. Fast forward a number of years, and my love for yoga is stronger than ever, and keeps growing every time I step on my mat. Sharing this gift with others is my reason, I believe, for becoming a teacher.


My dream growing up was to become a ballet teacher. But as I grew older, the competition grew stronger and the constant need to be the perfect ballerina began to take a massive toll on me. After a friend introduced me to yoga I discovered that my yoga practice brought me the same joy as dancing but even more so because there was no demand to perform and there was no pressure to be perfect.

My classes offer sequences with variations for all levels but my ultimate intention is to allow my students to experience a quiet place of stillness and the benefits of living in the moment, leaving them feeling calm yet energised.


I completed my Vinyasa RYT 200 teacher training at Yoga Warrior in 2015 and also have a background in Karate, Tai Chi and Kiyushu Jitsu. I am passionate about being able to demonstrate the beauty and power of the art of Yoga in all its forms and expressions.

My yoga style is one of evolution: A Kaizen process incorporating expressions of meditative movement into a holistic system to unite and explore mind, body and spirit in a fluid way.


I was introduced to yoga in high school where it was used as an informal warm up practice for ballet and contemporary dance classes. I never really thought of it as yoga at the time, but I came to miss it and attended my first formal class during my third year of university in an attempt to restore the physical fulfilment I used to get from dance classes. I was hooked from that very first class and maintained a practice during university holidays by watching yoga videos.

My first few years as a yoga student were facilitated by the most wonderful teachers from gyms and studios all around the world. Each one provided an opportunity for me to get to know a different side of myself that really grounded me during a time where everything else around me seemed to change so rapidly. I came to learn that there was so much more to yoga than the physical practice of asana and it very quickly turned into a regular ritual that provided a great sense of freedom and joy. It then seemed natural to take on a teacher training course in 2016 so that I could share the experience with others.

I teach to share the freedom and joy that I get from yoga, so my classes are fun, light-hearted and upbeat while simultaneously nurturing for both the mind and body. My classes are suitable for all levels and you will leave feeling refreshed and inspired.


Karen loves teaching flow classes as students get to combat the effects of stress. Her classes mostly focus on gaining courage and confidence to push students to reach their utmost potential on the mat and in life, letting go and focusing on the positive. Her students will leave her classes feeling confident, courageous, positive, elated, energised and uplifted.


Specialising in Vinyasa and yin/restorative styles of yoga. Through three years of travelling and teaching, meeting and practicing with some of the world’s best teachers, I came to merge my favourite parts of each practice to create a knowledgeable, challenging yet fun teaching style.

My classes concentrate on linking the breath with movement, leading to a playful, compassionate and challenging flow. I acknowledge that everybody is different, and people come to a yoga class wanting to achieve different things. My main aim is to offer a versatile experience which is both physically and mentally challenging.

Throughout my classes, variations are offered for those who need to work on the stillness and meditation the yoga practice offers us, and more advanced options for those who want a challenge. The overarching purpose of the class is for everyone to leave the room feeling better than when they first entered – because the greatest thing that yoga taught me was to live in the moment, to be happy and to appreciate everything in life.


It was after giving birth to my daughter that I made my way into my first yoga class. And I couldn’t get off the mat ever since. Inspired by one of my first teachers, I decided to do a Teacher Training shortly after I began practicing to deepen my own understanding of yoga and my own practice and not with the intention of teaching. Though, following the given path and resonating with my journey more than anything I ever had before, it didn’t take long for me to decide to teach and share my passion for the magic that is Yoga. 

I resonates most with a strong, intelligent and creatively sequenced practice and prefer to teach what I resonates with. Though I have experience in teaching all levels of students at various studios. If practiced authentically, Yoga is a mirror, a reflection of ones essential self and intrinsic quality, a portal through which I hope to teach others how to experience the best of themselves and how to be here, now.


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A few years ago, I was looking for a way to move my body and signed up for a few yoga lessons. The feeling of calm that I left with after each lesson came as a very welcome surprise. It helped me to process a lot of hurt and sadness that I was working through, so I made sure to practice more often. In 2016, I completed my teacher training through Yoga Warrior and at the age of 29, I can finally say I am happy and can breathe for the first time in my life. 

Yoga is life-changing! In my classes, you can expect to play, take a tumble or two and engage with your mind as you move.


I discovered yoga in April 2000 in New York City. It was love at first sight. I was still in the corporate chapter of my life then, but yoga eased in to my being until yoga was my life, life was yoga. Since then I’ve become a study jock of anything yoga and cannot get enough of exploring and delving into it further and further. Nothing has captured my interest and my heart as much as yoga.


Originally from Romania, as an expat living in South Africa, I soon felt lost and unhappy. Then in 2012 I stumbled upon this book called “A Systematic Course in the Ancient Techniques of Yoga and Kriya” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and I started practicing pranayama, meditation and asana. The changes in my state of mind and my body happened so quickly and I was hooked.

In my classes I like to combine strong sequences that keep you engaged in your body with a healthy dose of mindfulness practice. I always put the wellbeing and safety of my students first, so my classes are designed to suit all levels. My aim is for everyone to leave the class feeling good about their body and their practice.

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Press pause. Yoga Warrior offers people the chance to stop, to step into a yoga class and, through its movements and flow, connect breath, body and mind in one single moment.

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