Watchung Sail and Power Squadron - Home

Web Name: Watchung Sail and Power Squadron - Home






The Watchung Sail and Power Squadron would like to welcome you to our website! We believe this site can be a valuable resource for our members and for visitors who care about safe and enjoyable boating. Please take the time to browse through our website as we're sure you'll find the information both interesting and valuable. Our primary objective is the promotion of safe boating through education. Chartered in 1956 as a unit of United States Power Squadrons®, we have provided basic boating courses for the general public and advanced courses for our members every year since our founding. In the pursuit of our main objective, a number of secondary benefits accrue to our members. The link to The United States Power Squadron website will cover the insurance discounts, marine supply discounts, etc. that are all benefits of membership. The members of Watchung Sail and Power Squadron, however, would tell you about the social events like picnics, dinners, raft-ups, and cruises. They’ll talk about the great bonds they’ve developed with other members and their families over the years. We now have second generation members who saw the joy their parents derived, and are carrying on the tradition of safe and enjoyable boating. We are located in the Union County and Eastern Somerset County area of New Jersey. We are named The Watchung Sail and Power Squadron since, if you take a look at a map of our general area, most of our members live in communities that are located in and around the Watchung Mountains, such as Scotch Plains, Warren, Watchung, etc. For a detailed map of our location, please click on the following link: Google Map of Union County. Our squadron is one of sixteen-squadrons in District 4. If you would like to consider membership and take advantage of the many benefits, please contact squadron Education Officer, Ted Wallace at If you would like to take a course you see listed in our BOATING COURSES section, please email our squadron Education Officer, Contact Richard D. Sendell at (908) 812-2760 or email at Richard Sendell

TAGS:and Sail Watchung 

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