





Fresh Ideas, Insight and Content for Childrens Family Ministry Leaders

HomeResourcesTrainingProduct ReviewVolunteersFamily MinistryOct 7, 2021How to Get Kids Excited About Sharing Their Faith9:23 AM Dale Hudson No comments

"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone" is for kids as well.

Kids can learn to share their faith and be bold witnesses for Christ.

Let's look at a few ways we can get kids excited about sharing their faith.

Teach children what the Bible says about sharing our faith with others. You can use verses like...

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone." Mark 16:15

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30

Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:18-20

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people." Matthew 4:19-20

Share motivational truths about the importance of sharing our faith.

Our faith becomes stronger as we express it; a growing faith is a sharing faith. Billy Graham

The greatest way we can show love to another person is by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to them.

Help them create tools that they can use to share their faith.

I created a teaching series called "The Blab Lab." It has 4 sessions. In each session, kids create a tool they can use to share their faith. Here is an example from one of the lessons.

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In the course of the sessions, kids make 4 tools that they can use to share the Gospel. I had one girl that took one of her witnessing tools to school and shared it with her entire class.

The Blab Lab teaching series is available at this link. It can be used for a Sunday school class, small group, large group worship lesson or a Wednesday night program.

Emphasize sharing your faith on a consistent basis. Here are a few ways you can do this.

The empty chair. Have an empty chair up front. Let the kids know the chair represents their friends, family, neighbors, school mates, etc. that do not know Jesus. Who is sitting in their empty chair? Encourage the kids to invite them to church and share their faith with them.

Who's your One? Have kids think of one person they know that needs Jesus. Ask them to focus on sharing the Gospel with that one person.

Church invite cards. Have 5 invite cards available each week. Ask the kids to think about someone they can invite to come with them to church the next weekend. Ask 5 people to commit to inviting their person that week to church. Make a big deal about it. Give the 5 kids one of the invite cards to use for the invitation. Have everyone pray for the five kids they will be inviting. I saw new kids come to church each week and accept Jesus into their life as a result of doing this.

Motivate them to share their faith and bring people to church.

Have a guest contest. I once had a boy bring 26 people to church for a guest contest.

Give a prize to everyone who brings a guest. Give a prize to the person they brought as well.

Have kids and parents invite their family and friends to their milestone events. Milestones like child dedication, baptism and graduation are great events to invite people to. You can then strategically share the Gospel with everyone at the event. Go the second mile and provide kids and families with invite cards they can use for their invites.

Teach them how to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead them, guide them and empower them as they share the Gospel and invite people to church. When you do this with the kids, God will move in their lives and in the lives of the people they talk to.

I remember one Easter a new lady came to church. When we asked her what brought her to church, she said she was a crossing guard at a school. One of children she was helping cross the street gave her an invite card to Easter services and so she came.

I believe if we will get kids excited about boldly sharing their faith, that we will see God use them to bring many people to Christ.

Your turn. How do you encourage kids to share their faith? Share your ideas and strategies in the comment section below.

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Oct 6, 2021Another Creative Idea from a Church I Visited9:02 AM Dale Hudson No comments

This past weekend, I was doing a volunteer training and church consulting with a great church in Waco, Texas.

They had several creative elements in their children's space including an indoor playground and cool large group space for pre-teens (see pictures below).

The best creative idea I picked up from them was a set of posters they created to help kids and parents discover who they are in Christ.

They used all 26 letters of the alphabet to highlight the imagery. You can see this below as well. I love this idea of using the alphabet to help kids and families get a clear picture of their identity in Christ.

I would encourage you to make time to visit other churches to get ideas. There are a lot of great ideas out there that you can get permission to use in your children's ministry.

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Oct 5, 2021This is What Children's Ministry Looks Like 8:03 AM Dale Hudson No comments

I am always looking for ideas for children's ministry. Especially when I am traveling.

This past weekend, I was flying to Waco for a children's ministry event. As I was walking down the jet bridge, I noticed they had some posters displayed. I stopped to take a picture of some of them.

What was on the posters was awesome. They had pictures of....well here, you can see them for yourself.

It was cool how they used digital imagery to communicate what they were about and what it looks like.

This is a great idea to use in children's ministry. What if you created posters that had pictures of your volunteers in action and said things like...

This is what a servant's heart looks like.

This is what impacting the next generation looks like.

This is what leaving a legacy looks like.

This is what discipling the next generation looks like.

This is what serving Jesus looks like.

This is what making a difference looks like.

This is what a parent partnership looks like.

This is what spiritual growth looks like.

You could put these posters in your children's ministry hallways and other high traffic areas.

These posters could be used to elevate serving in children's ministry, for reminding volunteers why they are serving and enlisting new volunteers.

What I love about this imagery is this - it doesn't come across as begging for more volunteers. Rather, it shows a vision of what can happen when people serve in children's ministry.

Everyone wants to know their life made a difference. Everyone wants to leave a legacy. Everyone wants to be a part of something that is eternal. These posters are a great reminder of those things.

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Sep 30, 2021Cool Rolls Downhill9:35 AM Dale Hudson No comments

What does your seating layout look like when you have an age difference in your class or service?

An example would be having 1st graders and 5th graders in the same room for a children's worship service.

In the past, I would always put the 1st graders up front and the 5th graders in the back.

It was that way until I read this statement by Walt Disney.

"It was the first entertainment that Walt Disney had ever designed expressly for children. 'But we are not going to talk down to the kids,' he told his staff. 'Let's aim for the twelve-year-old. The younger ones will watch, because they'll want to see what their older brothers and sisters are looking at. And if the show is good enough, the teenagers will be interested, and adults too.'"

Once I read that quote, I knew I had to make some changes in my seating arrangement. With Walt's help, I realized that you should place the older kids up front with the younger children behind them.

Why? Two reasons.

Reason #1 - If you place younger children up front, the older children will see the younger children in front of them and will check out because it is too "babyish."

Reason #2 - Younger children want to be like the "big kids." They look up to the older kids and when they see them singing and participating in front of them, they will join in as well.

Anytime you have different age ranges together, your target should be a 5th grade boy. If you connect with him, you will catch the attention of all the kids in the room.

Something else to consider as well. The reason you should target 5th grade boys specifically is because girls are okay with something that appears "boyish." But 5th grade boys want nothing to do with something that appears "girlish." And when you lose the 5th grade boys, you will lose the entire class.

Another way to say this is - "Cool rolls down hill." When the older children think something is cool, it will run down to the younger children and they will think it is cool as well.

Check your classroom. Having behavior problems? Kids saying the class or activity is "boring." Can't seem to get the kids engaged with what you are presenting? Check the age you are targeting. You may not be targeting the older kids.

You may be trying to roll "cool" uphill and that just doesn't work.

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