The Pollination Home Page

Web Name: The Pollination Home Page






At left: Poorlypollinated blackberry. The ovules in the center were notfertilized by a pollen grain, so they did not develop drupelets. Themost likely cause was insufficient bee visits. To enlarge and comparewith a well pollinated berry click on the imagebees for your crops? Choose from a worldwide list of beekeepers whoprovide pollination service. Click the pollination beekeeper linkbelow. No endorsement implied by listing.PollinationBeekeepers(Apicultores que alquilan las colmenas de la abeja para la polinización)Reconstruction underway Justus von Liebig, a German chemist of the 1800s proposed asignificant principle of nature. It's called Liebig's Law of theMinimum, or sometimes the Law of the Limiting Factor. Liebigused a barrel as an illustration. The barrel can only be filled to thelevel of the shortest stave. Likewise in many areas of the naturalworld, one factor can limit the whole. For example,there are eight amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. These mustbe present in our food, or we will suffer nutritional deficiencydiseases. However, they must be present in a proper balance. If one ismissing, the others cannot be utilized. Corn is a majorfood of Native Americans. However, if too much corn is eaten, one willsuffer deficiency, because it lacks one of the eight essential aminoacids - lysine. If lysine is added, the remainder of the nutrients canbe used. Whether they knew the reason or not, theyinvented athat solved the problem. They added beans to the diet,creating "succotash," Beans supplied the missing amino acid and made abalanced diet. Farmers know that one deficient mineral can causea serious cropfailure, because the plant cannot properly utilize the other mineralswhich are present. They rely on soil tests to identify any limitingfactors so they can be corrected. Pollination can be a limitingfactor in horticulture. Every other necessary cultural need may be met,pollination failure can limit the quality, the quantity, or even denythe yield altogether.Liebig'sBarrel Dr. Malcolm (Tom) Sanford, FloridaExtension Specialist published, in my estimation, one of the mostimportant papers on pollination in the 20th Century. His 1998 paper wasthe beginning of an official awareness of what beekeepers were seeingall along: "Pollination, the Forgotten Agricultural Input." Pollinatordecline, and the need to manage pollination are the reason ThePollination Home Page and its predecessors, Palmetto Pollinator and ThePollination Scene, were begun more than two decades ago. Now it is recognized as more than an agricultural issue, andis time for an upgrade. So welcome to Pollinator 2.0. Theold page has been taken down and is being rebuilt, piece by piece withmore information, updated and additional links, better graphics, newvideos and a whole lot more. This is the happening place for anythingto do with pollination, and it will also include some side trips.Welcome!Dave, AKA Pollinator, or sometimes The Old Drone(Drones don't normallyget old, unless they fail to fulfil their function in life.)All about pollination (Under Reconstruction)Environment: pollinatoreducation, pollinator decline, pollinator protectionThe world of bees (except honey bees)Honeybees and their managementNon-bee pollinators: bats, butterflies, birdsPollination managementPlant-pollinator databasePollinationservicesBooks, links and other resourcesOpportunities: Education, Events, JobsII. TheOld Drone's Blog New! Check it out.III. Other topics of interest (Lots more comingsoon)Beneficial Insects (and Other Helpful Creatures)Pollinatorsaren't the only good bugs. OtherBeneficial Insectsand Creatures Ourexhibit at the 1997 South Carolina State Fair took a blue ribbon!New! Swarm capture FAIL videos; then swarm capture success!(Note:the videos in this story are in Flash format, so they should be able tobe played by both PCs and Macs. However, your visus software may blockthem, and you'll have to change settings to see them. Because they arehigh definition, they are very large files, and folks who have dialupInternet may not be able to download them.Photos and videos may not be reproduced without permission!Gardeners ResourcesHow do I know if my cukesor squash aren't gettingwell pollinated?I don't think I have enough bees. How do I do hand pollination?I have a really nice tasting apple. Can I grow apple trees from seedsyou are looking for the Pollinator Partnership recently featured in OrganicGardening magazine,theircorrect address is your visit there.(Whenyou finish there, y'all are welcome to come back and visit here awhile.)Write to the Webmaster Meet the WebmasterTo Use Photos from this website Disclaimer#1: Opinionsaren't facts; learn the art of discrimination. Opinions presented foryour use andamusement; use at your own risk. No endorsement is implied for anythingon linked pages.We cannot guarantee the validity of information, the honesty of theproprietors, nor thequality of products for sale, nor anything else.Disclaimer#2 I gratefullyacknowledge the help of many people on this page. But any errors aremine alone. My wifehas been giving me some kind of herbal extract to make me smarter. Ithasn't helped, butpeople do seem nicer to me.

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