Old Time Remedies - The remedies our ancestors used - or, at least, were told to use! Folk remedies,

Web Name: Old Time Remedies - The remedies our ancestors used - or, at least, were told to use! Folk remedies,

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Old Time Remedies The remedies our ancestors used or, at least, were told to use! Folk remedies, old wives tales, mediaeval cures they re all here. Put a handful of bran in a pint and a half of cold water, boil it for an hour and three-quarters, then strain, and flavour with sugar and lemon juice. This is a very cheap and useful drink in colds, fevers, and restlessness from pain. Source: Recipes for the Million Chicken tea is made by boiling any part of the chicken, and using the broth weak with only a little salt.Chicken broth is made by boiling a chicken a good deal, and skimming very thoroughly and seasoning with salt. A little rice, or pearl barley improves it, or a little parsley may be used to flavor it.Chicken panada is made by pounding some of the meat of boiled chicken in a mortar, with a little broth, and also a little salt and nutmeg. Then pour in a little broth and boil it five minutes. It should be a thick broth.Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher Mix with two ounces of compound tincture of bark, one ounce and a half of camphorated tincture of valerian, and half an ounce of compound tincture of aloes. Dose : Two teaspoonfuls twice a day. Source: Recipes for the Million Boil 1/2 oz. bark, grossly powdered, in a pint of cold water, till it wastes to a pint; then strain through muslin and bottle it. When the teeth are free from pain, put 2 table-spoonsful of laudanum, then gargle and wash the mouth well with it. Repeat it several times in the day.Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett Balm tea is often much relished by the sick. Sage tea also is good. Balm, sage, and sorrel, mixed with sliced lemon and boiling water poured on, and then sweetened, is a fine drink. Pennyroyal makes a good drink to promote perspiration.Herb drinks must often be renewed, as they grow insipid by standing.Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher Salt and vinegar, bound on a sprain, will relieve the pain in a very little while.Source: Fowler’s Household Helps, A.L. Fowler Cut some codfish to bits the size of a pea, and boil it a minute in water to freshen it. Pour off all the water, and add some cream and a little pepper.Split and toast a Boston cracker, and put the above upon it. Milk with a little butter may be used instead of cream.Ham or smoked beef may be prepared in the same way. For a variety, beat up an egg and stir it in, instead of cream, or with the cream.These preparations are also good for a relish for a family at breakfast or tea.Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher Each of the following remedies have been known to alleviate suffering. Turn up a wine-glass, put a little powdered alum on the round part, rub it to a paste with sweet spirits of nitre, and apply it directly to the cavity of the tooth, if there be one, if not, on the gum round it. Repeat this often. Or: mix 2 drachms of alum, in impalpable powder, and 2 drachms of nitrous spirits of ether. Or: 2 drachms of alum powdered very fine, with 7 drachms of nitrous spirits of ether. Or: a drop of ether and of laudanum on cotton: this will also relieve the ear-ache. Or: 1 oz. tincture of myrrh, 1 oz. tincture of gumlac, 1/2 oz. tincture of bark: mix the two last, shake well, add the myrrh by degrees, and shake well together. 1 table-spoonful to 2 of hot water; wash the mouth frequently, holding it in for some time.Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett Use starch which is ground fine to prevent chapped hands. Every time the hands are washed and rinsed thoroughly, wipe them off, and, while they are yet damp, rub a pinch of starch over their entire surface. Chapping is then not likely to occur.Source: Fowler’s Household Helps, A.L. FowlerOne tablespoonful of sugar.Mix the arrowroot with a little of the cold milk, put the milk into a sauce-pan over the fire, and when it boils, stir in the arrowroot and the egg and sugar, well beaten together. Let it scald, and pour into cups to cool. A little cinnamon boiled in the milk flavors it pleasantly.Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine BeecherNOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor for any medical advice you require.

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The remedies our ancestors used -- or, at least, were told to use! Folk remedies, old wives' tales, mediaeval cures... they're all here.

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