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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. If you want to use an article on your site please click here. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required. Terms & Conditions | Updated Privacy Policy Top Story Magnesium and K2 Optimize Your Vitamin D Supplementation During COVID-19 days and into winter flu season, supplementing with just vitamin D isn't enough and may even be harmful. If you're taking it alone without these 'helpers,' you not only need 2.5 times more oral vitamin D to improve your levels, you... Trending News What You Need to Know About Vitamin C Dosage The optimal dosage of vitamin C is much higher than the established recommended daily allowance (RDA) but has been hampered by faulty methodologies, which yielded incorrect conclusions. Trending News Full-Fat Dairy Can Help Lower Blood Pressure Nearly 90% of people may be metabolically inflexible, signaling a higher risk for infectious illness. Data show that dairy may reduce symptoms; include other simple strategies in your overall health management plan. Weekly Health Quiz: BFR and COVID-19 Take this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week. Top Story The History of Blood Flow Restriction Training In the 50-plus years I've been so passionate about exercise, I've never seen any fitness method as beneficial for health as this one. Originating from Japan, this safe method (even for the elderly) can help you build muscle, as well as grow more... Trending News Dr. Meryl Nass: Why Is Protecting COVID-19's Origin so Important? Pandemic, plandemic or scamdemic? The manufactured anthrax crisis initiated the PATRIOT Act, one of the most severe compromises of our personal freedoms. Now, COVID-19 is set to drive a stake through your heart, and rob you of even more of your... Trending News COVID Immunity Passports Raise Ethical and Privacy Concerns Governments and private businesses are currently developing immunity passport programs that would allow people who have proven immunity against COVID-19 to move freely about. Experts worry, though, that a host of practical and ethical problems makes... Trending News Handheld UV Light Device Can Kill COVID-19 A personal, handheld device that emits high-intensity, ultraviolet light and kills the coronavirus has been discovered, but there s a shortage of transparent electrode materials that are needed for the UV devices. Consequently, scientists must... Top Story Deconstructing Bill Gates’ Agenda With neither health nor medical education, Bill Gates is busily crafting plans for controlling the global population and reshaping the world post-COVID-19 - with a little help from his friends at the WHO, the World Bank and Big Pharma. Trending News How Short Fingers and Low Testosterone Make You Vulnerable Men having a ring finger that's longer than their index finger, which leads to a smaller digit ratio, suggests higher exposure to testosterone in the womb, which is linked to a lower risk of dying from COVID-19. Trending News New Research Points Toward Coronavirus as Being Both Leaked and Engineered Sharply conflicting information on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 has headlined the news in the past few months, but a new study points toward it being a lab-created virus that somehow escaped. The same study seems to rule out the possibility that... Trending News Ford’s New Technology Can Heat Up Car Interiors to Kill Coronavirus Ford has developed a new software patch for police vehicles that can heat up the interior to 133 degrees Fahrenheit, effectively killing the coronavirus by 99%. The software can be installed on Ford police Interceptor Utility hybrid SUVs... Top Story Why COVID-19 Disproportionately Affects the Elderly While underlying health conditions raise your risk of death from COVID-19, they don't fully explain why the virus can be a mild illness in some but life-threatening in others. Find out how biological differences influence your risk of death and... Trending News COVID-19: Antiparasitic Offers Treatment Hope One long-standing medication with an established safety profile offers hope for the treatment of COVID-19. It's crucial you don't use this type. Instead, try these strategies. Trending News Have We Evolved Into a Parallel Brave New World and 1984? Are we being set up for the dystopian New World Order predicted by Aldous Huxley in his book, Brave New World, nearly 90 years ago? Or, are we now living the 1984 that George Orwell foresaw in his book 71 years ago? If... Trending News Virus Research: A Point of Tension for the US and China Whether the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 originated in a lab or not and evidence is pointing toward the fact that it is there s no question that tension is building between the U.S. and China when it comes to oversight of virus... Top Story Could Mouthwash Be an Ally in Fighting COVID-19? Fighting COVID-19 in its early stages while it is still in your throat, sinuses and upper respiratory tract offers a key advantage for both prevention and treatment. And there are multiple strategies that effectively break down the virus membrane... Trending News Coping With COVID-19 Related Stress COVID-19 has taken a toll on mental health, causing feelings of fear, anxiety and loneliness during quarantine. As lockdowns end, stressors include feelings of uncertainty about returning to public life after spending months at home. The Emotional... Trending News Harvard Study Shows Coronavirus Was in China in August A new study out of Harvard and Boston universities indicates that SARS-CoV-2 may have been circulating in China as early as August 2019. Researchers looked at both satellite images and internet search inquiries to determine there was a steep... Trending News Nursing Homes Say COVID-19 Numbers Are ‘Insanely Wrong’ Recently released CDC and Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) COVID-19 case counts and deaths at U.S. nursing homes are so incorrect, they don t make sense and are insanely wrong, the facilities directors... Top Story Twitter Falsely Labels All Mercola Links as Unsafe Ever since Google started burying our site in its search results in 2019, the big brothers in Silicon Valley have teamed up to destroy natural health. Twitter is now engaging in slanderous practices to scare away readers and decrease views by about... Trending News Testing Sewage Sludge May Predict COVID-19 Outbreaks Sewage sludge may help scientists predict the next local COVID-19 outbreak. Testing is also used to track other epidemics. Here's what to watch for in your toilet. Trending News AstraZeneca Manufacturing COVID-19 Vaccine Before Clinical Trials Are Done AstraZenca is getting a jump on the University of Oxford s COVID-19 vaccine by starting to manufacture the vaccine even though clinical trial results for it aren t expected to be released until July or August. The drug company s... Trending News Infuriating: We May Have Shut Down the Country for Nothing Contrary to initial reports on the infectivity of COVID-19, the World Health Organization now says that asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus rarely spread it to others. From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic... Top Story Newborns To Be Separated From Parents for COVID-19 Testing Two tests within 48 hours, and then if the baby even has a suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection they should be 'perhaps separated from their mother,' according to this doctor. Make no mistake - the neurobiological impacts of this, right into adulthood,... Trending News Carbon Cowboys Versus CAFOs The industrial food system that created CAFOs is breaking down amid the pandemic while small regenerative farmers are thriving. The answer to food safety and security lies in a decentralized food system that connects communities with farmers growing... Trending News Melinda Gates: Equalize COVID-19 Vaccine by Giving It to ‘Black People’ Early On In an interview with Time, Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said that distribution of the new COVID-19 vaccine would need to be tiered so health care workers get it first, followed by black people and... Trending News Norway Scientist Joins Others Claiming Coronavirus Was Created in a Lab A Norwegian scientist who studied the coronavirus spike protein says SARS-CoV-2 is not natural in origin because the proteins appear to have artificially inserted sequences. To add credence to the lab-creation possibility, the... Bacteria/Virus CNN Spreads Deadly Lies About Vitamin D for COVID-19They recently published an article on vitamin D that could be deadly, if believed. Although vitamin D does not appear to have a direct effect on viruses, it does strengthen your immune function, thus allowing your body to combat a virus more effecti... Bacteria/Virus Data Show Cannabis Terpenes May Slow COVID-19 InfectionBased on lab results, this aromatic compound prevents the COVID-19 virus from infecting cells. This fact has been overstated on social media, however. Many benefits may be realized from using it correctly. Health Weekly Health Quiz: Magnesium, Spotify and YouTubeTake this week's quiz to see how well you remember what you read on last week. Interviews Don’t Relinquish Civil Liberties for False Sense of SecurityWith a fast-tracked (and potentially forced) COVID-19 vaccine having the potential to become one of the biggest public health disasters in history, and the H.R. 6666 TRACE Act (which can cause your children to be taken to child services), do this ur... Bacteria/Virus Dave Asprey — How Ketones May Be Useful Against COVID-19The number of people in this country who meet this aspect of health is alarmingly low, and that doesn't bode well for avoiding serious COVID-19 infection. Here are six strategies for correcting this condition to lower your risk of serious illness or... Vitamins Supplements Rhonda Patrick on Vitamin CDoctors who have used it call this underappreciated vitamin a 'premiere treatment' for many types of infections, but others shun it because it doesn't produce significant profits. With high doses it can help eliminate pathogens and could prove to be... Bacteria/Virus Shortage of Organ Donors and Transplants From COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic has created a shortage of organ donors and has restricted living donations. Don't believe these myths about organ donation. Technology Peak Internet — The Censorship Bubble Is About to BurstWill the departure of one of YouTube's biggest channels change its censorship ways? That's what many are hoping for after the social media giant stated they would block any video that goes against WHO COVID-19 guidance - even info from medical docto... Bacteria/Virus Nationwide Bike Shortage From CoronavirusBicycle sales are booming courtesy of COVID-19, which has increased the appeal of individual transportation methods like bicycles immensely, seemingly overnight. Others are drawn in by the chance to exercise outdoors and escape their immediate envir...

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