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How To Increase Vibration On The Internet

Increase Your Vibration

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction or vibration? These universal laws govern our entire universe, yet the majority of people have no idea that they even exist. Over the last 10 years of my life, I have made it my mission to understand the law of attraction better than almost anyone on the planet. I have shared my secrets on my monthly internet podcast for years and soon I will be launching more tools to help amplify your success with the law of attraction. In the movie, The Secret, Bob Proctor explained the law of vibration in the most clear way I have ever heard anyone describe it. In fact, the law is so basic that the majority of people don’t have a clue that it even exists. People that are highly successful in life sometimes use the law and never understand why they achieved great success. The bottom line is it comes down to having absolute certainty in whatever you do. If you are confident about your ability and your product there’s no way you can fail. Sure, you might fail the first couple times but in the end, you will break through. In fact, setbacks are valuable because they teach you lessons if you are smart enough to learn from your mistakes.

Making money online is easier than ever before. The internet has gotten so large that almost every conceivable niche imaginable can be represented somewhere online. One of the best strategies for success is too narrow your focus down to a micro niche that you are an expert at. In reality, everyone is an expert at something and it’s important to identify what your true strength is. Over the years, I have focused on the self-improvement and success niche. That’s what first led me to discover the law of vibration and attraction. This universal law once properly understood, will change the way you look at the world. If studied closely, you will see evidence of it’s existent strung all throughout your life. When you confident and have complete certainty in life then you will almost always break through and succeed. When times become difficult and uncertainty creeps in you begin to see yourself fail. The question you might be asking yourself is how does one create certainty when they are really uncertain. You do this by tricking the brain to believe something that isn’t true only this time it’s for a positive outcome. Usually, people apply this principle in reverse and convince the brain of something that isn’t true that will harm them. For example, if you see a pretty girl and convince yourself that you are not good enough for her. You have already made up your mind that your not good enough, and that energy will resonate through your interactions with females. Instead, if you were to simply convince yourself you were good enough for any girl then that energy would attract the women you desire. Everything on the planet is vibrating at a certain frequency and you will attract things into your life that are vibrating on the same frequency of your dominate state. This makes up the law of attraction.

There are many different ways to change your vibration including meditation, deep breathing, exercise, yoga, and even sex. When you find yourself in a negative state of mind it’s critical that you begin recognizing the subtle energy shifts. Once you become self-aware and begin recognizing your moving into a negative state, then you can begin training yourself avoid them all together. The great leadership coach Stephen Covey says “There’s a space between stimulus and response and this space can be cultivated to become larger over time.” You can not change the world around you and instead you must focus and change what’s going on inside.

If you would like to learn more about the law of attraction, I would start off with Bob Proctors 6 minutes to success. It is what I started with and has changed my life forever!

How To Control The InternetWho Really Controls The Internet And How Can You Take Control

The Technology age is here,  and the new battle space is the internet. Originally, the internet was used primarily for researching information online. Technology has improved making the internet more than just a thing we use for research, instead, it’s become an internal part of our everyday lives. Studies project that mobile and wireless devices will explode in popularity far beyond even the current rate of growth. Currently, the average person carries 1-3 devices and within the next 10 years or so, people will carry between 5-10 WiFi capable devices on their person at all times. To most this sounds like a science fiction movie, but these are statics coming from credible rating agencies. Large event facilities have gotten the memo and began beefing up their Wi-Fi capability up to 10 times its current capacity. As bandwidth speeds improve, more people will turn to video streaming to both send and receive information. Recent studies project that up to 90% of the internet could be video in the coming years. Smartphones like the Apple iPhone allow everyone to have high definition camera on them at all times. Users of popular applications like Instagram and Snapchat are almost entirely mobile-based. As technology continues to quickly evolve people will eventually do everything entirely on a mobile device. Using devices will become second nature until we reach a point where they will be implanted in our body.

We’ve established the importance of the internet, now the question remains, how do you control the internet? If the internet is soon going to be a part of every aspect of our life, then it becomes critical to learn how to use it properly. Entrepreneurs that can successfully harness the power of the word wide web for personal gain will make some of the biggest fortunes ever known to man. Those who fail to adapt to the newest technology will fall behind the curve and end up becoming irrelevant in modern society. In order to master the digital space, one must first master their own mind. Digital marketing is similar to every other occupation out there in the fact that if you want to be a true leader in your field you need to use every advantage possible. You must find a way to be smarter, quicker, and more focused than your competitors. Over the years, I have developed a routine that has dramatically helped me grow as a person based on the secret law of attraction. This daily regimen focuses on harnessing my energy and willpower directly at the goal I wish to accomplish. The secret to success is the ability to control the mind, and harness it’s power towards a specific aim. In your mind, there should be no doubt, no worry, or no chance of failure. Once one begins to take on this mindset he will suddenly see the doors open. Controlling the internet simply means using leverage to direct and control it. The goal would be to tilt the scales in such a way that money flows into you at all times. This gone by done a variety of ways including passive income streams, client work, advertising, and more. In fact, there are limitless ways to make money off the internet, the only barrier is your own mind.

If you want to control the internet your going to need a lot of dedication, talent, and ideas. While the ideas and possibilities are almost limitless, the ability to execute these ideas is the real challenging part. Using tricks like the law of attraction, positive thinking, and daily affirmations you can supercharge your success and create a life you’ve always dreamed of. You can also learn more on the law of attraction by Bob Proctor’s six minutes to success which is a great course to get started with.

How To Find A Great SEO CompanyFinding A Great SEO Company In Your Town

Being in the computer industry, we deal with a lot of different areas of websites and web work. In the most recent of years, there is a growing market and demand for search engine optimization and search engine marketing. Now even though some web designers claim to know and be able to do SEO, I am here to let you know that this is not always the case.

The fastest way to figure out if anyone understands SEO is to ask them what sites they have ranked. If they hesitate, run. If they cant show you a number 1 ranking, run. Most web designers know on page SEO which is a really good platform to start from. This however, does not mean you will rank on the first page of Google. It does help, but is not powerful enough in most cases to actually rank you. Some designers, dont even know proper on page SEO, but for now I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

The true power will come from an SEO professional. A real profession Like SEO Vancouver WA, will not only know proper on page SEO, but have added power outside of your website to use to essentially power up your site which causes it to rank.

Now if you ask most supposed online professionals they will laugh or tell you that this is a myth. I am here to say, it is not. I have seen first hand a true professional SEO at his best and even what he does. It is a game to them really. Give them some money and time and they will work magic for your business like you wouldnt believe.

What does this mean to you? Lets give you a list of benefits:

New CustomersMore presence onlineMore traffic (helps ranking long term)Social proofMore conversions (more money)Positive ROI for their serviceA more powerful site

These are all plusses! Now, how do you really find one of these pros? Lets start here, where do you live? I live near Beaverton Oregon for example so if I wanted to find a professional SEO in my area I would type something like Beaverton SEO and based on the results it should be very apparent that the top guys would be the best SEO company to choose because that is their job. If they cant beat out their own competition, then how would they be able to help me? Their results prove their worth. Very simple and it doesnt have to be any more complicated than that.

Now a good SEO will cost a lot more than you run of the mill guy who says he can rank you for $500 a month or less. These people are a joke, seriously. Just some of the tools a professional use cost more than that a month. Everyone seems to have this pre-conceived idea that SEO is cheap. Let me tell you, you will get what you pay for. Just some of the power they push can cost thousands of dollars at their cost. This is what it takes to go after money making keywords.

Here is our recommendation For SEOs in Oregon:

Oregon Web Solutions | Portland SEO
1717 NE 42nd Ave #3800
Portland, OR 97213
(503) 563-3028

Let me add a quick video I found as well that talks about some great SEO tips:

Well that is my overview of what it takes to find someone to help you rank on google. Thanks for reading and look forward to seeing you on the next one!

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