Divestopedia - Sell your business on your terms

Web Name: Divestopedia - Sell your business on your terms

WebSite: http://www.divestopedia.com





EBITDAC: The Mother of All Add-backs How are add-backs used to normalize EBITDAC as the basis for valuation? Learn here. The Intellectual Capital Agrarian No matter what your profession, no matter what your company does, no matter what your life situation may be — we all follow this fundamental and deeply rooted... Measure of a Company’s True Intrinsic Value Today, most business enterprise do not have the information and monitoring tolls required for the effective management of intangible assets. Selling Your Business: What Sale Process Is Best? If you've ever thought about selling your business, you've probably thought about how you should do that. Do you sell to your biggest competitor? To investors? Here are... How Targeted Should Your Sale Process Be? With significant pros and cons to both a narrow and a broad sale process, how do you determine the right number of buyers to approach? Business Valuation Excel Template: 10 Simple Steps to Success Determining the value of your business is the starting point to building value. Here’s how to set up a simple valuation template in excel. The Value of a Valuation The best valuations cover all the basis. Are you getting the best? Find out what nuances are often overlooked in a business valuation and take steps today to a Cash Forecast Excel Tool: In Tough Times, Cash is King In the hopes of helping business owners through these tough circumstances, we have built a weekly cash flow tool in excel. We'll walk you through the steps and thought... Private Equity Deal Sourcing Strategies in 2019 Here’s a look at the current landscape of deal sourcing technology, platforms and services that you can use. Three Ways to Sell a Company When it comes to selling a business, it certainly isn't a one-size-fits-all situation. However, careful planning and research is essential if you are to succeed in your... Investors Decision Making Process Why You Should Know it Before Going to Market The more knowledgeable you are about investors and their mindsets, the more successful you will be during an M&A event. Being able to target the right investor for your... Podcast: What Happens if You Lose Your Biggest Client? Interview with Larry Armstrong Finding out the hard way that your main source of revenue is no longer viable is a crushing blow for all businesses. What do you do when you need to pivot your business?... How Goodwill Impacts Business Value Never underestimate the value of goodwill. Learn how goodwill can have a positive impact on your business valuation and also on your bottom line. Top Excuses Owners Use to Avoid Exit Planning You will rationalize reasons to stay involved in your business until you've missed your golden opportunity to exit. If anything in this article rings true for you,... Podcast: How to Play Defense - Tax Tips and Tricks U.S. and international tax laws for entrepreneurs and freelancers considering a move. Business Valuation: An Analysis of Risk In valuing a business, an appraiser must analyze every aspect and quantify his/her analysis of the company’s risk into value. George Abraham of Business Evaluation... Does M A Tech Disintermediate Investment Bankers? 100%. It s a case where that perception could be altered a little bit. Take the deal marketing example you mentioned. Oftentimes the investment bankers are... What are the current challenges concerning valuation uncertainty? Note: This content originally appeared in T/A Economics and has been published here with permission.The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) provided insight... What are the best methods to find buyers for a business? I am of the opinion that in order to maximize value in the sale of a mid-market business, a widely-marketed sale process should be conducted. This means getting a... When is the best time of year to sell a business? There are plenty of articles answering the question: how long does it take to sell a business? The typical response is that it takes about 8 to 12 months to... What should I look for with non-cash consideration? Receiving consideration other than cash is not uncommon. In fact, it is very rare that vendors receive all cash for their business. Different forms of non-cash...

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Helping private company owners and entrepreneurs sell their businesses on the right terms, at the right time and for maximum value.

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