Creative Affirmations, Living the Best You!

Web Name: Creative Affirmations, Living the Best You!






Positive AffirmationsPositive affirmations are a declaration of truth. A truth you want to remember, a truth to live by, a truth to inspire or a truth to motivate. Said with repetition, habits form, and habits change lives! Is there something that you know is true, but need to live more fully?To act out of love?To express gratitude?To recognize the abundance that surrounds you?To care for the health of your body?To live a creative life?Affirm that! Say it over and over again. Act on it. Take responsibility for it. Become that truth! Not tomorrow, or next week, right now…today.Let’s keep in touch…Signup to receive your complimentary Positive Word Dictionary with 390+ definitions and example affirmations! You’ll also get a set of colorful Affirmation Cards & the Creative Affirmations newsletter filled with exclusives!Email  Name  ThenYour e-mail address is always secure!This site is the best stuff I’ve got for taking control and creating change. I have personally used all of the methods discussed, and I always provide you my honest opinion. You will learn: How to set goals that get you excited enough to actually do something about them. Common pitfalls that keep you frustrated with positive thinking. The research behind why saying a few positive words can have a big impact on your life. The best ways to get your kids to think positively. The real story behind the law of attraction. Why “lying to yourself” with flowery statements will not create change. Easy ways to finally de-stress. What self-help books are worth your money. This is real life, and we are making the best of it. If you have found yourself jumping from one self-help book to the next hoping that this one will be “the fix,” this is the site for you. We are breaking the cycle and creating a new you. There are two things I’d like you to know before we get going: You do not need fixing. Refrigerators need fixing. You are already whole and complete. The journey is about simply remembering your greatness. You will not always “feel” like doing what is best for yourself. Do it anyway. Take the walk, sit on the meditation cushion, eat the salad, and remember what you are grateful for. You will be glad you did. Ready for the ride? Great, affirm with me: I am willing to live what I know is true!Want to keep in touch? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and through the Blog. Coping with stress?Chronic Resilience: 10 Sanity-Saving Strategies for Women Coping with the Stress of IllnessBuy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble "Danea Horn has put an honest and wise voice to the intimate journey of illness. She lights a fire for self-compassion and puts stress in its place, while providing empowering suggestions for living with grace and Chronic Resilience. I highly recommend this groundbreaking book." -Kris Carr, New York Times Bestselling Author Table of Contents Positivity Blog meta name= blogcatalog content= 9BC9220232 / The Positivity Blog keeps you up-to-date with all of the additions and changes to the Creative Affirmations website. Subscribe here.About Danea - VACTERL Association Learn about the author of Creative Affirmations & her diagnosis of VACTERL Association.Inspirational Speaker Learn more about inspirational speaker Danea Horn and her highly acclaimed presentations. List of Affirmations Browse this list of affirmations to find the perfect statement for changing your life.All About Affirmations Everything you ever wanted to know about affirmations.Free Affirmations of the Week Free affirmations on a variety of topics.The Top 5 Affirmation Pitfalls These affirmation pitfalls can prevent your intentions from coming to life. Learn how to avoid making these mistakes.Positive Clothing Make your unique positive statement and change the world with this positive clothing and accessories.Affirmation Videos Affirmation videos are a great way to combine the power of visualization with affirmations.Self Improvement Articles Peruse this list of self improvement articles to find just the message you need to read.Articles on Stress Browse through articles on stress devoted to helping you understand stress and get stress relief. Mind Power Understanding your inherent mind power will strengthen your belief in affirmations and accelerate your results.Creative Visualization Using creative visualization will impress your subconscious mind to adopt the beliefs and habits that will bring your dreams to life.The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool that can radically transform your life.Holistic Healing Follow Danea's journey of holistic healing.Redefining Positive: Inspirational Stories Read inspirational stories of people facing challenges and redefining positive.Positive Quotes Positive quotes will inspire you to change your beliefs which will change your life.Positive Words Perusing this list of comprehensive positive words is a great place to begin when writing affirmations.Inspirational Books There are hundreds of inspirational books. These reviews will help you narrow down the self help isle and point you toward exactly what you need to read. Vision Boards Vision boards are powerful tools that work with your natural learning ability to sink your dreams into your subconscious.Positive Websites Here are a few of my favorite positive websites.Free Newsletter Subscribe to 'a positive statement' E-zine from Contact DaneaSite Search Search the Creative Affirmations website.Site Map Creative Affirmations site map.Privacy Policy The Creative Affirmations Website Privacy PolicyDisclaimer The Creative Affirmations Site Disclaimer.Healing from a Broken Heart Moving through the pain of a broken heart toward a brighter future. Marriage Affirmations Marriage affirmations to cultivate lovely wedded bliss.Welcome to Creative Affirmations! I'm Danea Horn, author and speaker dedicated to exploring the most empowering ways to live. I personally know that a dose of positivity can go a long way! Read more..."I highly recommend this groundbreaking book."-Kris Carr, NY Times Bestselling AuthorAmazon | Barnes & NobleSearch this site: What people are saying:"I absolutely love your website!""... easily the BEST "positive" site I've seen." "I love how you've spelled everything out on how to think positively. This is such a valuable website! I'm changing my mind and my life!""I know all this stuff... but sometimes putting it into practice is the most difficult process. This site makes it much easier and attainable." "Thanks to your insight - I am able to focus my life more on the things I love and enjoy."

TAGS:Living Affirmations Creative 

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