Home - Welcome To Cancer Cure Foundation

Web Name: Home - Welcome To Cancer Cure Foundation

WebSite: http://www.cancure.org





The ultimate one-stop source for information about alternative cancer treatments, therapies and clinics.This website provides an unbiased analysis of the major alternative-cancer clinics, treatments and therapies. It explains the theories of how these treatments work and where to locate doctors, practitioners and natural-health clinics. It also provides case histories of patients who have benefited from these non-conventional approaches.We show you how important diet and nutrition are to your immune system, and how to prevent cancerous cells from developing. The types of treatments that are or soon will be covered in this website include: metabolic therapy, holistic approaches, Laetrile, 714X, vaccines, Angiostatin, Shark Cartilage, Cancell, Essiac, Budwig diet, Gerson, Hoxsey, hyperthermia, hydrazine sulfate, metabolic therapy, MGN3, Oxygen and Ozone therapy, vitamin therapy, nutrition and enzyme therapy, Biological Response Modifier Therapy, DMSO, Immunology, Rife generators, zappers, amygdalin, Vitamin B17, antineoplastons, green tea, mistletoe/iscador, ganoderma, and more. We will research new therapies and report on them.These treatments can help all cancers, including breast, lung, brain, skin, ovarian, malignancies, and tumors, even when conventional therapies, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery have been tried and failed.We discuss many alternative-medicine clinics and doctors including: Oasis Hospital, Stella Maris Clinic, Issels Clinic,Santa Monica Hospital, Dr. Brodie's Center, Burzynski's Clinic, ITI, Hufeland, IBC, Sanoviv, Schachter Center, and more.We hope that you find the information at www.cancure.org helpful. Let us know if there is any way we can help you. Call us at (800) 282-2873 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2000 Cancer Cure Foundation, Newbury Park, California USAFor problems with this site, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Last updated: 12/15/2015

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