Students for Life @ University of Arizona

Web Name: Students for Life @ University of Arizona






MeetingsPlease see the calendar for location and details. Meetings are a fun, informative means to help advance the pro-life cause at the University of Arizona. Snacks are provided as available. Our Mission To educate the public about the value of all human life from conception until natural death. What we doHere's what we do regularly as a club or have done in the past: Genocide Awareness ProjectThe Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will bring their educational Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) to the Mall of the UofA. 40 Days for Life 40 Days For Life. Please check 40 Days for Life (Tucson) for more information and join the Facebook page. Come out to pray for the conversion of the Tucson abortionist Dr. Richardson and his clinic. See directions below: Vigil Location: Old Pueblo Clinic 5240 E. Knight Drive, Suite #112 Vigil will be held on Beverly Street, adjacent to the Knight Drive. Vigil Times: Monday through Saturday 6:00 am to 6:00 pm In case you are not familiar, 40 Days for Life is a time of prayer for the unborn children who are violently killed by those who do not value their lives to protect them. It is a vigil held in front of abortion clinics across the nation in the hope that we will be able to save the lives of children and persuade others to speak out for those who cannot fight for themselves. Hope MobileThe Fatima Women's Conter has volunteered to bring their Hope Mobile to campus at least monthly, beginning April 18, 2011, to offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to UofA students. Students for Life @ UofA will be hosting their visits. Abortion Breast Cancer Connection AwarenessThe Tucson Komen Race for the Cure of breast cancer is coming to Tucson on April 10 at Reid Park. Because the Komen Foundation has consistently denied that breast cancer is a risk of abortion, dismissing it as a "debate in the past," we would like to to distribute brochures informing the Tucson community that at least "29 out of 38 studies conducted worldwide over 40 years showed an increased ABC [abortion breast cancer] risk." See, e.g.: They found that "a statistically significant 40% increased risk for women who have abortions" exists, and that a "270% increased risk of triple negative breast cancer (an aggressive form of breast cancer associated with high mortality) among those who used oral contraceptives [a Group 1 carcinogen according to the World Health Organization] while under age 18 and a 320% increased risk of triple negative breast cancer among recent users (within 1-5 years) of oral contraceptives," also exists. For an excellent overview on how breast cancer is a risk of abortion and oral contraceptives, read Lanfranchi 2009. Informative LinksWhat everyone must know: At least 1 dozen per day in Tucson! (source: accounts of those praying outside Tucson s main abortuary) Hispanics and African Americans have abortions at 2 and 3 times the national rate, respectively (source)

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