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Oregon State University is actively engaged in monitoring the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation. OSU Keep Teaching resources are available to faculty to help transition on-campus courses to an online format.

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Academic Technology Spring 2021 Newsletter

Learn about workshops, webinars, and updates for academic tools such as Canvas, Top Hat, and Gradescope

Sections in Canvas

If you teach multiple course sections you now have many new options to manage assignments, grades and communications by section.

New Faculty Training Portal!

Faculty and staff can access their university-required training through training.oregonstate.edu, a new employee training website for Oregon State University.

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Frequently Asked Questions Can I add someone to my Canvas course?

Instructors can add an OSU individual to their Canvas course as a Canvas teaching assistant (TA), Grader, Designer, or Observer via the Add TA...* link on the course navigation menu. Instructors cannot add students to their Canvas courses. Learn how to use the Add TA... tool and the permissions of each role.

Can I add someone to my Canvas course? How do I import a Word document?

The basic steps include:

Prepare your docx file: First, using the Styles menu (not the formatting menu) in Word, make sure you apply NORMAL styling to the entire document; and apply Heading1 style to your chapter headings. In Pressbooks, go to: Left Menu/Tools — Import. Select: File Type: docx Choose your file from your computer Upload Select which content/sections you want to import Decide whether the content/sections are: front-matter, chapters, or back-matter Import Arrange your chapters in the right order Test some exports, clean up markup, and off you go!

The Pressbooks User Guide provides more details, including tips for formatting your Word document prior to importing, and screenshots. It also provides a link to a YouTube tutorial video which may be useful to you.

How do I import a Word document? Top Hat: How can an instructor add a student as a TA in their Top Hat course?

OSU students can be added as TAs to a course using the same email (ONID) address. Please read Top Hat's support article here for more details.

Top Hat: How can an instructor add a student as a TA in their Top Hat course? How do I create a media (audio or video) assignment in Canvas?

To create and successfully manage a media assignment in Canvas, use the following two documents. The first document is used by faculty to create the assignment, the second document should be added as a link in the assignment so students have the information they need to complete the assignment.

Kaltura Instructor Guide: Create a media assignment in Canvas Kaltura Student Guide: Instructions for creating and submitting media to a Canvas assignment How do I create a media (audio or video) assignment in Canvas? Once I create or upload media to Kaltura, what edit options are available?

You have the ability to edit the video file directly, and you have options for modifying player features. Check out some of the articles below for ideas:

Edit video file Access the Kaltura editor Edit a Kaltura video

Add a hotspot to a video Create or edit an interactive video quiz Edit other video options Add captions to a video Insert slides into a video Add chapters to a video Attach a file to media Replace a video with another video Once I create or upload media to Kaltura, what edit options are available? Top Hat: Is it possible to prevent students from responding to questions outside of class?

Yes and no. Top Hat Attendance provides a 'geolocation' feature to prevent students from responding to attendance outside of a physical area. Top Hat questions do not have the geolocation feature so technically you cannot prevent students from responding to questions remotely. However, you can make it very difficult for students to respond correctly from a remote location.

Read the article How can I prevent students from responding to questions outside of the classroom with Top Hat? on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

Note: geolocation is not applicable in the remote teaching environment.

Top Hat: Is it possible to prevent students from responding to questions outside of class? Can I download my videos? Can I allow others to download my videos?

Yes and yes. Check out our articles below for instructions:

Download your own media files from MediaSpace or Canvas Allow others to download your media files Can I download my videos? Can I allow others to download my videos? What is the vision for the future of [emailprotected]?

What is the vision for the future of [emailprotected]? Top Hat: If students experience connectivity issues, is there something I can do to help?

For in-person classes, yes, while it isn't possible to avoid all connectivity issues, Top Hat has several features that faculty can enable or request to be enabled to help minimize student connectivity issues.

Read the article What are the Top Hat options to help with connectivity issues? on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

For remote class sessions in Zoom, if students are experiencing issues with a low-bandwidth connection, share these tips for improving their Zoom experience.

Top Hat: If students experience connectivity issues, is there something I can do to help? What is Accessibility Check?

Accessibility Check (also called UDOIT) is a tool for faculty to quickly identify and fix common accessibility issues in their Canvas course content.  This tool is not visible to students in Canvas. A few of the accessibility issues that the tool will detect include missing alternative text for images, poor color contrast, and missing descriptive link text.

Read the article Accessibility Check in Canvas on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

What is Accessibility Check? Can students view their Turnitin originality scores before an assignment is graded? Yes, if the assignment is not muted; no, if the assignment is muted. Can students view their Turnitin originality scores before an assignment is graded? What is Gradescope?

Gradescope is a suite of tools designed to make grading more consistent, fair, and efficient. Teams can grade scanned exams asynchronously, with or without rubrics; an instructor can grade the same question in all exams (and modify grades for multiple exams simultaneously); a faculty member may review all grading by a single TA and quickly make adjustments; graders can re-use comments/feedback in multiple exams (or modify for individual students). Gradescope also allows instructors to incorporate auto-graded bubble-sheet questions in their exams and assignments; the analytics provide both summary statistics and detailed item analysis.

Read the article Use Gradescope in a Canvas course on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

What is Gradescope? Top Hat: Can I edit slides within Top Hat?

Yes, it is now possible to edit slides within Top Hat!  Top Hat announced they've partnered with Microsoft to allow for easy slide editing. 

Tip: This new feature is currently in beta. If you don’t see the "Edit in Powerpoint" option in your course, complete this beta sign-up form and Top Hat will give you the chance to try it.

Top Hat: Can I edit slides within Top Hat? What is Unizin?

What is Unizin? Can I create a column in the Canvas gradebook for an in-class assignment?

Columns in the Canvas gradebook are directly linked to graded activities in the course. Creation of a graded assignment, graded discussion, graded quiz or a graded survey will result in the creation of an associated gradebook column in the course.

Read the article Set up and manage the Canvas gradebook on oregonstate.teamdynamix.com

Can I create a column in the Canvas gradebook for an in-class assignment?

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Learning Innovation Center (LInC)
Academic Technologies
165 SW Sackett Pl Rm 466
Corvallis, OR  97331
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