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BerandaShare You Food Recipes To The WorldLamanHomeShare You Food Recipes To The WorldHot Games Welcome to the Blog Indonesian Food Recipes. Here you will find a variety of original recipes are very tasty Indonesia Senin, 22 April 2013Recipe Sayur LodehSenin, 22 April 2013

Sayur Lodeh
On this occasion Indonesian food recipes to share with you a recipe inherited from the ancestors of the nobles in the land of Java. Lodeh vegetable, never heard that name? food soupy coconut milk are very popular because young mothers are distinctive flavor. Let's look at the ingredients and how to make it.


200 grams of jac
kfruit youth / young kluwih
150 grams of green beans, cut into 3 cm @
1 piece of eggplant, cut 2, cut into pieces
50 grams of leaves of young melinjo
75 grams of fruit melinjo
5 green chilies, slit 2
1000 ml thick coconut milk
250 ml of liquid milk
1-2 bay leaves
2 cm galangal, crushed
1 piece of tempeh Semangit
salt and sugar to taste

Spices that are:

2 pieces of red chilli
3 cloves of garlic
7 pieces of red onion
1/2 tsp shrimp paste
1 teaspoon coriander, toasted
1 teaspoon minced kencur

How to Make Vegetable Lodeh:

1. Over medium heat while stirring occasionally, boiled young jackfruit, spices, tempeh foul, greetings, and galangal with liquid coconut milk until soft.
2. Add the remaining ingredients including coconut milk, reduce heat.
3. Cook, still stirring until everything is cooked.
4. Serve vegetables lodeh at least 3-4 hours after being taken off the fire so that the flavors to infuse good

you can replace the eggplant with bamboo shoots or young jackfruit suit your taste.

NAMA ANDA- 06.44Read MoreRecipe Sayur Asem ( Vegetable Asem )

What you want to cook today? Indonesian food recipes this time will share with you recipes is very original and has a cooking menu daily Indonesian family. His name is quite simple "Vegetable Asem" yups. The menu is traditional menu recipe has been around since the days of Javanese royal power and continue to exist until now. These foods can be called by the people because the food dish is simple but has a very lezat.ayo we look at the ingredients and how to make it.


1 piece of squash, peeled, cut into
2 pieces of sweet corn, cut into pieces

1 handful of leaves and fruit melinjo
50 gr peanuts, wash clean, in order for the liquid does not boil brown
6 pieces string beans, cut into pieces
10 pieces of cabbage, cut into pieces
2 bay leaves lbr
2 cm galangal, crushed
3 tbsp sour fruit / to taste
1 tsp sugar
1 liters of water
Salt to taste


5 pieces of red chilli
6 spring onions
3 cloves of garlic
4 items hazelnut
1 tsp shrimp paste cooked / to taste

How to Make:

1. Boil water along with spices, bay leaves, galangal and tamarind fruit. after input boiling corn, fruit melinjo. Stir and let over medium heat until tender.
2. Take a fruit acid that is soft and puree, strain and take the water and acidic water input return
3. Enter the long beans, squash, peanuts are boiled and salt.
4. Vegetables are almost cooked, put the cabbage, leaf melinjo, sugar and cook until boiling. Fire in turn.
5. Remove and serve.

To complement, you may add chili paste, fish fries, or onion on top. Good luck and enjoy this simple dish deliciousness.

NAMA ANDA- 05.47Read MoreJumat, 19 April 2013Recipes Rawon SurabayaJumat, 19 April 2013

Image rsulin.comHow are you? Indonesian Food Recipes this time will share with you the recipe Indonesian food from East Java, precisely from Surabaya city. Our recipe this time is the native cuisine of the city of Surabaya-based beef. Rawon, yups this time we will cook Rawon. Rawon itself has been known since the Dutch colonization in Indonesia. Rawon antiquity is food for the Dutch nobility but now had menhadi heritage foods commonly consumed every day. Now take a look at the ingredients and how to make it.

Materials I:
600 grams of meat rawon, mismatched pieces (a mixture of meat and brisket sengkle)
1500 ml of water
3 cm ginger, crushed
3 cm galangal, crushed

2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
7 pieces of lime leaves
2 stalks lemongrass
2 leeks, chopped coarse
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
50 ml cooking oil

Materials II (puree):
2 pieces of red chilli
7 pieces of red onion
5 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp coriander, couples
2 cm kencur
3 cm turmeric, grilled
6 pieces of beef stew with sweet
2 eye tamarind

Prawn crackers, salted egg, chili paste, short sprouts, fried tempeh

How to make:
1. Boil water until boiling.
2. Saute ground spices until fragrant, add ginger, galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves, scallions, salt, and sugar.
3. Put the meat, and cook until meat changes color.
4. Enter the boiling water, cover the pan, simmer, until the meat is tender, turn off the heat. (Even better rawon ripe presented with two heating).
5. Serve with appendages.

Serves 4

Congratulations creative kitchen and Indonesian delicacies share this to your family :) please leave a comment if you want another menu.

NAMA ANDA- 21.11Read MoreRabu, 17 April 2013Recipes Bakso Malang (MeatBalls Soup Ala Malang City)Rabu, 17 April 2013

Indonesian food recipes this time will share with you loyal visitors of this blog a family favorite recipe Indonesia. Although these foods include food was simple but well-known delicacy in parts of the world until, Say President Barack Obama is really like with this Indonesian food. Meatballs, yups it names our recipes are very delicious eaten ini.Bakso times when the weather is cold, the food is served hot can help you to warm up your body. Meatballs or meet ball soup in Indonesia is very much his version, there Cowhide Meatballs, meatballs tripe, beef meatballs head, meatballs solos, etc.. But that we will discuss is the style Meatballs Malangcity. Why I chose poor meatball? because the majority of sellers are meatballs in Malang Indonesia hehehe
Here are the ingredients and how to make it:

Malang Meatballs Ingredients :
350 grams of beef
50 gr sago flour
100 cc of water ice
1 egg 4 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp pepper
3 tsp salt

Meatball soup

2 liters of water

600 gr knee cattle / beef bones
6 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp pepper
2 leeks, sliced
3 tsp salt

Supplementary Material

10 sheets of dumpling skin, fried

150 grams of wet yellow noodles
10 fried tofu, oblique, slightly nock
Fried onions to taste
Sambal boiled

How to Make Meatball Malang

Ways of making meatballs:1. Puree garlic, pepper, and salt

.2. Minced meat until smooth. Mix the corn starch, spices, eggs, and water ice.
3. Stir well with a slam-slam.
4. Take the third batter to the stuffing out.
5. Boil water, then turn off the flame.
6. Create Rounded meatballs two kinds, one large and one small.
7. Dip in boiling water. Do it until the end
.8. Cook the meatballs float back up, remove and drain. 1/3 dough balls fill in the know
.9. Steamed briefly.

Way of making gravy meatballs:

1. Puree garlic, pepper, and salt.

2. Boil water, seasoning, and bone, cook until boiling, strain.
3. Sprinkle scallions, remove from heat.
4. Prepare a bowl, order noodles, meatballs, and tofu.
5. Pour the sauce, sprinkle with scallions, and fried onions.
6. Serve with fried dumplings and boiled sauce.

For other complementary, you may add dumplings or fried onions on top.

Congratulations create your kitchen and serve Indonesian food enjoyment to your family at home.

NAMA ANDA- 21.54Read MoreRecipes Ayam Kecap ( The sweet soy sauce chicken)

Indonesian Food Recipes time to share with you a simple recipe Indonesian meal but quite a lot of fans because the flavor is very enjoyable for Indonesian families. The name of the food is not too foreign, his name is Chicken Sweet soy sauce. Hmmm definitely know mothers and reliable to cook. Sweet flavored food is very popular among Javanese food ... we just see the ingredients and how to make it.


1. 1 whole chicken, cut into 14 (not including leather, foot, and head).
2. 300 ml of water.
3. Water to boil chicken until all chicken is submerged in a pan.
4. Vegetable oil to taste.

Ingredients for chicken mengungkep:
1. 1 piece lemon, take the water.
2. Salt 1 tbsp.

1. 2 cloves garlic, minced.
2. 12 cloves shallots, sliced.
3. 1 segment finger ginger, chopped.
4. Soy sauce (soy sauce black gold) 10 tbsp.
5. Tomato sauce 2 tbsp.
6. Chili sauce 1 tbsp.
7. Pepper powder 1/4 tbsp.
8. 1 tbsp soy sauce english.
9. Salt 1/2 tbsp.
10. Granulated sugar 1/2 tbsp.

How to Make

1. Rinse the chicken until no longer red her wash water, then coat with salt and lime juice. Kurleb let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse, drain, then set aside. Cook until the water boils, put the chicken and cook until the water becomes cloudy and chicken half cooked. Drain. Set aside.
2. Heat the vegetable oil, put onion and garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant and slightly browned. Enter the ginger, soy sauce, ketchup, chili sauce, and soy sauce english. Stir. Enter 300 ml of water. Cook until boiling. Add chicken was boiled, pepper powder, salt, and sugar. Stir until evenly distributed. Cook until sauce is thickened and almost all leak. Pick up and ready to be served.

Cook with a sincere heart then you will find a pleasure in itself as presents for your family at home.

NAMA ANDA- 06.50Read MoreRecipes Gulai Kikil

Gulai KikilIndonesian food recipes this time will share with you the recipe Indonesian food. Our menu this time named Stew kikil. Food this one is well suited to your dinner meal or meals in time for cold weather. Here are the ingredients and how to make it.

2 pieces kikil cow / buffalo
4 coconut
tofu taste


20 pieces of red onion
10 cloves of garlic
2 lemongrass leaves
4 kaffir lime leaves
2 turmeric leaves
1 cup ground red chili
2 vertebra galangal
4 vertebra ginger
10 pieces of hazelnut
4 vertebra turmeric
4 pieces kandis acid
salt to taste

How to cook:

1. Cow foot of the feathers cleaned and cut into pieces and boiled
2. Prepare to be finely ground spices.
3. Turmeric, lime leaves, lemongrass and just crushed it.
4. Take as many as five cups of coconut milk coconut grater
5. Remove the bones of the foot cow / buffalo. Cut into squares.
6. Mix together all the spices and kikil
7. Enter the coconut milk, cook over medium heat until soft and cooked dishes.
8. Lift and ready to serve.

To complement, you can add tomatoes or fried onions on it according to your taste.

Enjoy and look forward to other Indonesian culinary recipes. Thank you for stopping by on this blog. Your suggestions and comments so we expect to progress this blog.

NAMA ANDA- 05.42Read MoreSelasa, 16 April 2013Recipes Bebek Goreng Surabaya (Fried Duck Ala Surabaya City)Selasa, 16 April 2013

Indonesian Food recipes this time will share recipes roomates of the city is also the capital of East Java. Guess what city is it? yups true, the answer is the city of Surabaya. Surabaya city known as the town hero addition, the city is also known by culinary city. Because the city has a myriad of delicious food satuka one that we will discuss today is Nasi Bebek Surabaya. Curious how to make it? Let's move on. Materials and how to make fried duck Surabaya.


900 g duck, cleaned, cut into four, separate the heads and claws
2 tablespoons lime juice and 1 tsp fine salt
2 cm ginger, grated
4 cm galangal, grated
3 bay leaves
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
2000 ml of water
Cooking oil to taste
Seasonings, puree:
7 red onions
4 cloves of garlic
1/3 tsp cumin, toasted
4 items hazelnut
3 cm turmeric fuel
1 tbsp coriander, roasted
salt to taste

How to make:
1. Marinate duck with lime juice and salt and let stand for 30 minutes, wash and drain.
2. Marinate duck with spices, ginger, galangal, and let stand 1 hour in the refrigerator.
3. Boil water, boiled duck seasoned with bay leaves and lemon grass until the meat was overcooked and quite soft, remove and drain.
4. Heat enough oil over medium heat, fry the duck until browned. Remove and serve with chilli sauce and fresh vegetables.



- Choose the duck is still alive and medium-sized fat but so thick and tender meat. Can also choose the type ticktock (crosses stuck duck or duck tongki) are larger in size.
- Ask artisan dry duck feathers smooth afar it looks cleaner.
- If you want to save time, use a pressure cooker to cook the duck so tender faster.

Nutrition information:

Calories: 214 cal
Protein: 27.75 g
Fats: 8.975 g
Carbohydrates: 4:05 gr

I am sure you will be addicted to this food :)

NAMA ANDA- 23.59Read MorePostingan LamaShare this.Complement your mealTest Footer 1 by : BTFEntri PopulerRecipe Sayur Asem ( Vegetable Asem ) What you want to cook today? Indonesian food recipes this time will share with you recipes is very original and has a coo...Recipes Rawon Surabaya Image How are you ? Indonesian Food Recipes this time will share with you the recipe Indonesian food from East J...Recipes Rendang Padang Indonesian food recipes this time will share recipes that called rendang padang. Rendang (Minang language: randang) is one of the traditi...Recipes Nasi Goreng Jawa ( Javanese Fried Rice ) Nasi goreng Jawa Indonesian Food Recipes this time will share the recipe Nasi goreng Jawa . Wow this is almost the entire fami...Recipes Ayam Kecap ( The sweet soy sauce chicken) Indonesian Food Recipes time to share with you a simple recipe Indonesian meal but quite a lot of fans because the flavor ...Recipes Ayam Goreng Balado ( Balado Fried Chicken) Indonesian Food Recipes this time will share with you a recipe that called Padang food Ayam Goreng Balado . The tang of the ...Recipes Bakso Malang (MeatBalls Soup Ala Malang City) Indonesian food recipes this time will share with you loyal visitors of this blog a family favorite recipe Indonesia. Although these foods...Recipe Sayur Lodeh Sayur Lodeh On this occasion Indonesian food recipes to share with you a recipe inherited from the ancestors of the nobles ...Recipes Bebek Goreng Surabaya (Fried Duck Ala Surabaya City) Indonesian Food recipes this time will share recipes roomates of the city is also the capital of East Java . Guess what ...Recipes Gulai Kikil Gulai Kikil Indonesian food recipes this time will share with you the recipe Indonesian food. Our menu this time named Stew kikil. Food...FollowersKategoriComplement(2)Indonesian food recipes(12)Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

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