Welcome to the Conflict Help Center

Web Name: Welcome to the Conflict Help Center

WebSite: http://conflict911.com





Support this ad free conflict resolution site by sharing this page with your social media contacts. That helps us help you. Welcome To The Free Conflict Help Center Where ever people gather and interact there will be differences of opinion, conflict, disagreements, disputes and arguments. It's a normal part of human functioning. We all have a tendency to shy away from conflict or view it as a negative process. What's easy to forget is that conflict can be a negative thing, or it can be positive depending on the characteristics of the conflict, and how we manage and handle disputes and disagreements. This public service site was built to help people improve their ability to manage conflict effectively once it starts, and to prevent unnecessary conflict and misguided conflict escalation Features of This Conflict Site Read free articles, tips and hints about managing conflict, interpersonal disagreements, and arguments written by conflict author and consultant, Robert Bacal Find hundreds of free conflict management and resolution articles annotated and available on the Internet. This conflict material ranges from the abstract (models of conflict) to conflict style instruments you can take online, through to workplace violence. We've included hundreds of hints, tips and practical suggestions about how you can reduce the frequence and intensity and damage of conflict situations at home, and at work. Learn: We've produced an innovative book on preventing conflict, and some shorter tools called helpcards that will help you with anger management, thinking through conflict strategies and getting along with other people. They pertain both to conflict, and to communication, since communication is so often implicated in conflict situations. Free previews are available for all of these learning tools, and they are available in printed format or via electronic download. Subscribe free of charge to our Work911 newsletter that contains updates on new articles added to the site, and articles, tips and hints on all aspects of workplace success Suggestion: There is a huge amount of conflict management, resolution material on this site. We suggest that you take your time and explore using the links in the top menu, and/or the drop down menus at the top. The Conflict Library on this site contains over 1,000 articles, resources and tools to help you understand and manage conflict more effectively. To access all categories about conflict click here. Men and Women Tend to Argue About Different Things, in Different Ways By MICHELE WILLENS - Really interesting. A look at how men and women argue about different things, and why. Some Deborah Tannen quotes included. Cross Cultural Communication: Translation and Negotiations By Harvard Law - If you negotiate across languages, check out these tips on things to be aware of when using a translator or interpreter. Power in Negotiation: The Impact on Negotiators and the Negotiation Process By Harvard Law - Interesting and thought provoking look at power and status within the negotiating process. Negotiation Tactics: Solutions for Avoiding Intercultural Barriers at the Negotiation Table By Harvard Law - A little lightweight considering this comes from Harvard law school, but the idea is sound: looking at cultural differences when negotiating. Methods for Resolving Conflicts and Disputes By Oklahoma Bar Association - From the Oklahoma Bar Association, here's overviews of the various methods available for addressing conflict, running from negotiating and mediation through to going to court. It's a handy summary of options. If You Can't Recognize Abuse In The World, You Won't Be Able To Stop It In Your Home By Lisa Merlo-Booth - If you can, put aside being pro or con about Donald Trump but read this and focus on his behavior and that of other candidates that are, in essence verbally abusive. Take special notice of how verbal abuse is excused as being honest, etc. Bullying Works: Why People Fear Donald Trump By Stanton Peele - From Psychology Today, a psychologist looks at Trump's behavior and notes that one of the reasons its used is because bullying works, particularly when bystanders do not intervene or convey their refusal to accept bullying. Trump Cards: The Abuser's Game-Changer By Cindy Burrell - Trump cards are often used by verbal abusers to end a conversation. Learn more about what they are so you can recognize them if you use them, or if somehone uses trump cards on you. Consider Trump: Will a School-Yard Bully Soon Rule the USA? By Greg Holt - This is clearly a partisan politics piece, but it addresses an interesting question: Is Trump's behavior as a candidate a legitimate reflection of himself as a person, or is it, to a great extent, put on and orchestrated. The answer: It's real. Donald Trump and the art of the insult By Roy Peter Clark - A fun analysis of Trumps Boast and Insult approach to interactions that includes some very clever insults from past presidents, a comparison to promos from professional wrestling and more. Read it for the nuggets of truth about American society. How to handle Donald Trump's bullying By Dana Milbank - Looks at Trump's campaign behavior in light of bullying, and compares its features to how child bullies behave. Applies not only to children but contains some hints about how adults might want to handle bullies they encounter. Just how unique is the political rhetoric of the Donald Trump era? By Janell Ross - An intelligent and relatively politics free discussion of political rhetoric, discussing those in the past who have used it well, and also attack tactics of the current campaign. QUote: "So I do have to acquiesce that there is a tenor in the current political rhetoric that is dangerous, especially to those who are minorities or who see themselves as less than powerful." Established in 1992, Bacal Associates is a small training, consulting and publishing company with a core business centering around all aspects of communication, including helping deal effectively with conflict, dealing with difficult people, and dealing with hostile customers. Privacy Policy It Takes A Village To Teach A Child For teachers, educational administrators and parents, but particularly for educators often in conflict with parents. The Workplace World Our main site with over 400 articles on life in the workplace. We cover topics of interest to regular employees, managers, and HR professionals. Defusing Angry Customers Hundreds of techniques, tips, advice, taken from our books on dealing with difficult customers and conflict with customers. Philosophy We believe in a lean, information packed user experience. We limit the use of graphics and stress quality content. We also believe in a NO HYPE environment. Our product and service descriptions are free of overblown claims, and selling.

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