University of Illinois Press Open Journal Systems

Web Name: University of Illinois Press Open Journal Systems






Home University of Illinois Press Open Journal SystemsUniversity of Illinois Press Open Journal Systems American Journal of Psychology The American Journal of Psychology (AJP) was founded in 1887 by G. Stanley Hall and was edited in its early years by Titchener, Boring, and Dallenbach. The Journal has published some of the most innovative and formative papers in psychology throughout its history. AJP explores the science of the mind and behavior, publishing reports of original research in experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and in-depth reviews of significant books. View Journal | Current Issue | Register A quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of American music and music in America.American Music is the first journal that was devoted exclusively to American music and the wide-ranging scope implied by its title. Articles cover a rich array of composers, performers, publishers, institutions, performing traditions, and events. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Since its inauguration in 1964, the American Philosophical Quarterly (APQ) has established itself as one of the principal English vehicles for the publication of scholarly work in philosophy. The whole of each issue--printed in a large-page, double-column format--0is given to substantial articles; from time to time there are also "state of the art" surveys of recent work on particular topics. The editorial policy is to publish work of high quality, regardless of the school of thought from which it derives. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Black Music Research Journal Begun in 1980, Black Music Research Journal is published in the spring and fall of each year and includes articles about the philosophy, aesthetics, history, and criticism of black music. BMRJ is an official journal of the Center for Black Music Research and is available by subscription and as a benefit of membership with CBMR. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Bulletin is a peer-reviewed journal that contains research, and reviews of books of interest to the international music education profession. It provides an outlet for scholarly publication and is one of music education’s leading publications. View Journal | Current Issue | Register History of the Present is a journal devoted to history as a critical endeavor. Its aim is twofold: to create a space in which scholars can reflect on the role history plays in establishing categories of contemporary debate by making them appear inevitable, natural or culturally necessary; and to publish work that calls into question certainties about the relationship between past and present that are taken for granted by the majority of practicing historians. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Illinois Classical Studies ICS publishes articles on a variety of topics related to the Greco-Roman world. It was founded in 1976 and its editors have been faculty of the Department of the Classics at the University of Illinois. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Italian American Review The Italian American Review (IAR), a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, publishes scholarly articles about the history and culture of Italian Americans, as well as other aspects of the Italian diaspora. The journal embraces a wide range of professional concerns and theoretical orientations in the social sciences and in cultural studies. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association is devoted to publishing the best scholarship on Lincoln’s life, legacy, and literature. As the official journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, the JALA strives to maintain a high level of scholarly excellence while providing readable and informative content. In addition, the journal features several review essays, examining the latest works on Abraham Lincoln and his time. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Journal of Aesthetic Education (JAE) is a highly respected interdisciplinary journal that focuses on clarifying the issues of aesthetic education understood in its most extensive meaning. The journal thus welcomes articles on philosophical aesthetics and education, to problem areas in education critical to arts and humanities at all institutional levels; to an understanding of the aesthetic import of the new communications media and environmental aesthetics; and to an understanding of the aesthetic character of humanistic disciplines. The journal is a valuable resource not only to educators, but also to philosophers, art critics and art historians. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Journal of American Ethnic History The Journal of American Ethnic History (JAEH) addresses various aspects of North American immigration history and American ethnic history, including background of emigration, ethnic and racial groups, Native Americans, race and ethnic relations, immigration policies, and the processes of incorporation, integration, and acculturation. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Journal of American Folklore, the quarterly journal of the American Folklore Society since the Society's founding in 1888, publishes scholarly articles, essays, notes, and commentaries directed to a wide audience, as well as separate sections devoted to reviews of books, exhibitions and events, sound recordings, film and videotapes, and to obituaries. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Journal of Appalachian Studies is a refereed, multidisciplinary publication which provides a written forum for quality scholarship on Appalachian history, culture, and society. The journal, published two times per year by the University of Illinois Press, with support from Marshall University, is the official journal of the Appalachian Studies Association. The journal publishes rigorous work by scholars, teachers, activists, and others that is about the Appalachian region. Topics include, but are not limited to, activism, arts, economics, education, environment, ethnicity, gender, government, labor, literature, LGBTQIA+ studies, migration, politics, race, religion, and women's studies. The current editor invites scholarship which compares Appalachia to other regions in the world and places it in a critical, global context. View Journal | Current Issue | Register JEGP focuses on Northern European literatures of the Middle Ages, covering Medieval English, Germanic, and Celtic Studies. The word "medieval" potentially encompasses the earliest Germanic and Celtic texts; the vernacular and Latin literatures of the Middle Ages in Britain, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia; and any continuities and transitions linking the literatures of the medieval and post-medieval eras, including modern "medievalisms" and the history of medieval literary scholarship. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Journal of Film and Video, an internationally respected forum, focuses on scholarship in the fields of film and video production, history, theory, criticism, and aesthetics. Article features include film and related media, problems of education in these fields, and the function of film and video in society. TheJournal does not ascribe to any specific method but expect articles to shed light on the views and teaching of the production and study of film and video.The Journal of Film and Video is the official publication of the University Film Video Association. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Journal of Olympic Studies is the official publication of the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research (CSSOR), and aspires to be the preeminent international multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal in the field of Olympic research. The Journal publishes high quality academic work on the Olympic Movement, in all of its forms, from scholars in the fields of history, philosophy, communication, ancient and modern languages, literature, visual and performing arts, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, economics, marketing, and law. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Journal of Sport History seeks to promote the study of all aspects of the history of sport. We invite the submission of scholarly articles, research notes, documents, and commentary; interview articles and book reviews are assigned by the Editor. Potential contributors are urged to consult recent issues of the JSH for examples of the format of these various contributions. It is the policy of the JSH not to review for publication a manuscript that is under consideration elsewhere. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Mormon Studies Review The Mormon Studies Review tracks the vibrant, varied, and international academic engagement with Mormon institutions, lives, ideas, texts, and stories. It chronicles and assesses the developing field of Mormon studies with review essays, book reviews, and roundtable discussions related to the academic study of Mormonism. View Journal | Current Issue | Register The Pluralist The Pluralist is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the ends of philosophical thought and dialogue in all widely used philosophical methodologies, including non-Western methods and those of traditional cultures. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Public Affairs Quarterly Public Affairs Quarterly (PAQ) is devoted to current issues in social and political philosophy. It specializes in contributions that examine matters on the current agenda of public policy in light of philosophical reflections and assessments. The journal offers tightly focused philosophical case studies of particular issues in such areas as—social and economic justice; public welfare; individual entitlements, rights, and duties; inheritance, taxation, and distributive justice in general; population policy, abortion, and euthanasia; environmental problems; science policy; the social and political status of women, senior citizens, minorities, and other social groups; arms control, war and deterrence; loyalty, duty, and patriotism; ethical issues in medicine, business, and the professions; criminality, criminal justice, and punishment; and similar topics. View Journal | Current Issue | Register SASS is an association of scholars and others interested in the cultures of the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Founded in 1911, the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study has as its objectives:The promotion of Scandinavian study and instruction in America;The encouragement of original research in this country in the fields of Scandinavian languages, literatures, history, culture, and society and the publication of the results of such research in the quarterly journal Scandinavian Studies;The fostering of closer relations between persons interested in Scandinavian studies in North America and elsewhere. View Journal | Current Issue | Register Utah Historical Quarterly (UHQ) is published on behalf of the Utah State Historical Society since 1928. UHQ's mission, from its earliest issues to the present, is to publish articles on all aspects of Utah history and to present Utah in the larger context of the West. UHQ's editorial style emphasizes scholarly credibility, accessible language, and variety. The journal is filled with articles, book reviews, and photographs, as well field notes about documents, artifacts, historiography, oral history, and public history. View Journal | Current Issue | Register BWGF is an interdisciplinary, generalist journal that publishes the original theoretical and empirical research that centers the study of black women and other women of color, gender, families, and communities.  View Journal | Current Issue | Register

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