Home - The Centers for Vulvovaginal Disorders

Web Name: Home - The Centers for Vulvovaginal Disorders

WebSite: http://www.vulvodynia.com





EFFECTIVE 5/14/2020: The CVVD's DC and NY offices will be reopening on 5/19/2020 and 6/3/2020, respectively. We will continue to offer telemedicine appointments to vulnerable patient populations and to those who are unable to travel overseas to see us. We will continue to update this page and our phone systems during this time. Please visit our FAQ page, last entry, for more information about this change in operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. At The Centers for Vulvovaginal Disorders, we believe every woman has a voice that needs to be heard. We are experts. We are advocates. We are on your team.Please call (202) 887-0568 x101 or complete the form below.  Our FAQ page is a wonderful resource for patients, both new and established! Check it out now! Dr. Goldstein changed my life. For women who think they have no options left, he is a miracle worker. Beth N., Leesburg, VA I had a great experience with Dr. Goldstein and more importantly, he promptly and accurately diagnosed and successfully treated me. Now 2 years after treatment, things are still going great and I continue to remain pain-free. Lynn B., Los Angeles, CA I had the best experience with Dr. Goldstein. After 10 months of pain and 7 different doctors this was the first doctor who evaluated and treated me as an individual. Dina, from Monsey, NY I've been so happy while sitting in Dr. Goldstein's office hearing the stories of all of the women he has helped over the years. They come from all over the world to see him. Laurie A., Fl. I'm eternally grateful to Dr. Goldstein for his time and expertise. I am so much better! I can't thank this man enough for everything. I feel reborn!Terri, North Carolina

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Center devoted to sexual pain, sexual dysfunction, vulvar pain, vulvodynia, lichen sclerosus, decreased libido, offices in Washington, New York, Annapolis

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