Treasury Curve - Treasury Optimized - Treasury Curve

Web Name: Treasury Curve - Treasury Optimized - Treasury Curve






Treasury Curve Treasury Optimizedtc-editor2021-07-13T05:06:47+00:00 Optimized TreasurySave time and make money by optimizing your organization’s treasury function.Optimized TreasurySave time and make money by optimizing your organization’s treasury function.Play VideoIf you are a Finance or Treasury leader,you are probably seeking to…If you are a Finance or Treasury leader, you are probably seeking to…Decreasemanual effortReduce processinefficienciesEliminatecostly errorsImprovevisibilityLowercostsOptimizecashImprove workflow complianceWe often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see Many find their treasury department is inefficient. Most processes are manual, information is delayed and often inaccurate.We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see They have a number of banks and asset managers, each with multiple accounts.We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see The day starts with someone assigned to pull down different csv files or download data—using separate pass keys to login to each portal—and manually integrate this information into a larger spreadsheet.We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see Then comes the internal communications, with phone calls, emails, and attachments, which make for messy workflows.We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see The treasury staff then pulls in information from different departments to create an overall picture of the day’s cash needs and priorities.We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see Information also needs to be pulled from and inputted into existing enterprise systems.We often hear you are dealing with many constraints.Here’s a typical picture that we see We often hear you are dealing with many constraints. Here’s a typical picture that we see All this often results in costly errors being made due to errors from manual data entry, data-mapping issues, missing data, late data, etc.And here are the key costs of the situation And here are the key costs of the situation Wasted TimeManual activities, coupled with  spreadsheet and email-driven workflows, take lots of time!Wasted ResourcesThe time spent on the manual tasks takes away from higher-order, value-add activities.Wasted ProfitsThe costs to run the treasury function, coupled with the lack of optimization of free cash, lower the overall value to the business.Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…To us, an optimized treasury is one where processes are automated and information is timely and accurate.Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…It all starts with a Transactive Treasury Dashboard where all who need it can access it, anytime, anywhere, on any device. They can see what they need to see, and do what they want to do, all from “one place.”Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…This Transactive Treasury Dashboard is connected to our cloud-based treasury management solution that creates “one source” for all the data, acting as a hub that aggregates data from all sources, interacts with spreadsheets and enterprise systems, and embeds workflow and compliance.Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…This makes your treasury function more automated, timely, and accurate, with controlled, intelligent automation; something we call “Autonomous Treasury™.” This ensures your accounts can be automatically balanced, and free cash can be invested, all based on limits you control.Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Treasury Curve is also a Supervised Financial Institution. As such, we are obligated to protect your account and user information and activity.Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Furthermore, Treasury Curve can be low cost, or even no cost, when you place offsetting investment balances through Treasury Curve.Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Here’s how we help our clients optimize their treasury function…Treasury Curve can maximize the financial value of your treasury by helping you make better use of everyone’s time, and by creating additional time for more value-added thinking so that everyone can do their best work.Treasury Curve can maximize the financial value of your treasury by helping you make better use of everyone’s time, and by creating additional time for more value-added thinking so that everyone can do their best work.Putting Treasury Curve to work at TIBCO…Putting Treasury Curve to work at TIBCO…“Within weeks, Treasury Curve onboarded all our banks globally, automated many of our manual tasks, freed up significant time for our staff to be more strategic, and uncovered millions of dollars in excess cash which, when invested, significantly improved our bottom line. *—Tom Berquist, CFO, TIBCO Software, Inc.What’s the value of an Optimized Treasury for your organization?What’s the value of an Optimized Treasury for your organization?*Provide us with your name and corporate email and we will send you a free value assessment tool so you can estimate the value of optimizing your treasury.Value Assessment Tool Treasury Curve Value Assessment ToolSchedule a meeting with a Treasury Curve expertSchedule a meeting with a Treasury Curve expertFind out if Treasury Curve is a good fit for your Treasury optimization initiative by scheduling a free 30-minute discovery session.Your cash balances may qualify you for our full suite of technology at no cost. Find out now.*Any claims, statements or testimonials may not be representative of the experience of all clients and is no guarantee of future performance or success.Investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and annuities are:Not FDIC Insured | Not Bank Guaranteed | May Lose ValueInvestments in money market funds are not guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. While money market funds seek to maintain the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in these funds. The prospectus is available via the link to the asset manager on the Research page in the column entitled Fund Company URL. The prospectus contains more complete information about each Fund including distribution fees and expenses. An investor should read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.Treasury Brokerage, LLC is a registered broker-dealer and a member FINRA/SIPC.Securities offered by Treasury Brokerage, LLC a member of FINRA/SIPC.  |  brokercheck.finra.orgSecurities offered by Treasury Brokerage, LLC a member of FINRA/SIPC.brokercheck.finra.org1.877.9TCURVE | info@treasurycurve.comSOLUTIONPARTNERSWHY US?ABOUT USFOR CORPORATIONSFOR PUBLIC SECTORFOR PE VC FIRMSFOR WHITE LABEL PARTNERSLegalPrivacyTerms of UseAcceptable Use

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