TextEditors Wiki: HomePage

Web Name: TextEditors Wiki: HomePage

WebSite: http://www.texteditors.org





PickingATextEditor is a discussion about how to pick a text editor for your use. TextEditorFamilies is the list of editors (by "family") that we cover here. Family Classifications groups editor families by ancestor, platform, implementation language, or other common factor EditorIndex is the list of all editors regardless of family or feature. UnClassified (!) These are editors that have not been put into a "family". Can you help? EditorHistory Information about the development of text editors EditorPower is the discussion about the relative strengths of certain editors GeneralTipsAndTricks are available that work in many different editors. CategoryFeatures -- in which editor is feature X present? Windows editors that work fine WithoutTheWindowsRegistry OtherTextEditorWikis -- this ain't the only one... OrthodoxEditors- Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov's classification of editors as Eastern Orthodox or Western Orthodox CommonGripes -- problems with TextEditors Some Gripes become HolyWars TheIdealEditor -- Help brainstorm the ultimate universal editor. FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions and Recommendations TextEditorVotingPage -- show your support AboutLicenses -- About software licenses for text editors PluginArchitectures is the discussion about shared/common/unique characteristics of how TextEditors do plugins. MacroLanguagePower is a discussion/classification about and the relative "power" of each MacroLanguage out there. EditorsVsIDE -- the battle rages on DebuggerIntegration - how text editors "talk" with debuggers MailIntegration -- how text editors and mail become symbiotic HexEditors -- some text editors have become hex editors, for hex dumps and such. https://www.vmunix.com/vim/chat.html Server: irc.fu-berlin.de Channel: #vim Server: irc.openprojects.net Channel: #vim Server: irc.freenode.net Channels: #emacs #vim #xemacs Ken Thompson creator of UNIX (and ed!), Bjarne Stroustrup creator of C++, and Brian Kernighan of AWK and K R fame, all use sam Dennis Ritchie creator of C used ACME from Rob Pike, also author of sam and both involved in the creation of Plan 9. DavidHeinemeierHansson - Famed Ruby Programmer uses TextMate JamieZawinski - Famed Mozilla Hacker uses XEmacs RandalSchwartz - Famed Perl Hacker uses GnuEmacs (listen to any FLOSS Weekly show) Linus Torvalds - Famed originator of Linux uses MicroEmacs (Linus Torvalds uses a customized version of [uEmacs/PK 4.0.15]) Larry Wall - Famed originator of Perl uses Vim (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzIWdJVP-wo Larry Wall talk at Google) Yukihiro Matsumoto creator of Ruby, Guido van Rossum creator of Python, Rich Hickey creator of Clojure, and Joe Armstrong creator of Erlang, all use GnuEmacs Jonathan Blow - game designer and author of the Jai Programming Language, uses GnuEmacs John Carmack - game developer, co-founder of idSoftware, and CTO of Oculus, uses Sublime Text, used GnuEmacs

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A website about selecting and classifying text editors used in programming systems. These are the programming text editors such as Emacs, VI, Multiedit, slick, Slickedit, ISPF, Notepad, VI and VIM that are used by the vast majority of programmers on UNIX, Windows, VAX, and Mainframe systems. The structure of the website allows any vistor to leave their opinions, knowledge, and mark on the website for others to enjoy.

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