Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs | Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Web Name: Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs | Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs






The Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota ranks among the country’s top 10 professional public policy and planning schools, widely recognized for its success in advancing the common good through a comprehensive, world-class program. The School offers six distinctive master’s degrees, a doctoral degree, and six certificate programs that match students’ passion with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to solve real-world challenges.Note to undergraduates: While the Humphrey School does not offer a bachelor's degree, there are multiple ways for undergraduates to join our community and begin their journey to change the world.  Redesign for Whole Families SummitThe Redesign for Whole Families Summit is using a virtual format to lift up conversations and insights from the human services sector. Presented by the Future Services Institute, the summit is a season-long journey of learning; featuring both speaker-led and sector-focused conversations. Learn more and registerEquity and Inclusion: Humphrey School in ActionLearn how our school community is using research, outreach, and activism to advance justice for all. Read about the workCivios: A Public Policy Podcast with PurposeDid you know that the Humphrey School has a podcast? Dive deep into faculty research with Civios, our collection of podcasts, videos, and mixed media. Explore the collectionUndergraduate Opportunity: Junior Summer InstituteOpen to undergraduate students entering senior year, the Junior Summer Institute is a rigorous seven-week fellowship for those interested in public policy graduate programs and careers in public service. Learn more and applyMedia Relations: Let Us Connect You to an ExpertWhether you are looking to interview a specific faculty member, need us to offer a suggestion based on the story topic, or are looking to interview one of the many notable speakers we bring in, your first call should be to Humphrey School communications. Connect with usCOVID-19’s Unequal Impacts on Minnesota WorkersNew research from the Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy shows that women workers, particularly women of color, face a dual vulnerability in the pandemic: higher risk of exposure to the virus at work and of being laid off. Read the reportPreviousNext

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