Christian marriage couples individual counseling retreat couple retreats

Web Name: Christian marriage couples individual counseling retreat couple retreats






description:Christian counselor George Hartwell M.Sc. personal and marriage retreats for bonding with life transformation therapy

George Hartwell M.Sc.

(M.Sc. is Masters of Science in counseling and clinical services at University of Calgary)

- Christian Counsellor (serrving Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton and Toronto.)

- I bring in depth insight that will lead you toward heart healing and love restoration.

- My practice is interactive, prayerful and focused on discovering and dealing with root issues.

- We work together, and with God in the team, to seek guidance, comfort and godly truth to deal with your core beliefs.

- My 40 years experience, my clients and professional abservers have found that this process is ideally suited for the achievement of permanent life transformation.

- Some call this process 'Depth Oriented Brief Therapy.'

Phone/ text: (416) 939-0544 or (416) 234-1850

Email: ghartwell (at)

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

(Suite #123, 1454 Dundas Street East,

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E-mail George


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marriage retreat
individual therapeutic retreat

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so that God can heal your life:

God's Healing
George Hartwell M.Sc.
George's Articles


Thank you for your kind and gentle touch in dealing with such delicate heart and soul matters. (Sonia, clients say)

George is very flexible and truly caring (Tish, clients say)

Here is what is hard for me to say without tears. Thank you for so changing my life. You manage to say things in a way that helps us to understand without feeling judged or condemned. You have given (my husband) a better understanding of who I am and permission to move his mother out of first place in his life.

You have taught us the skills to effectively commuicate with each other and in doing so have brought us much closer together. (Peter and Kathy, clients say)

I have found George to be an extremely insightful counsellor. (S. D., clients say)

George is a very trustworthy man and has many years of experience and wisdom in the area of counselling. It is with conviction that I recommend George as a highly skilled and trained counsellor. (Rev. Andy L., clients say)

What is important is that you did inner healing. In previous counseling they threw out a lot of stuff (deliverance) but there wasn't a lot of inner healing. (testimony from intensive therapeutic retreat)

So the precision in dealing with what has to be dealt with is a nice part of this - Jesus leads just exactly to the spot that needs to be dealt with. It gets dealt with and then you are to the next spot. (Rev. Paul White, feedback on an intensive therapeutic retreat)

I recommend George as a counsellor. He is a wise man with much experience. (Father Bill Comerford)
George Hartwell M.Sc.

a Masters degree, University of Calgary (Clinical Psychology)
30+ years of clinical experience

a caring and compassionate counselor

a non-religious non-judgemental Christ-follower who shines God's loving heart to my clients.

accountability through my Board of Reference

client feedback under clients say

You will learn more about me through About

Agape Christian Counselling. (Agape means 'God Love')

In person appointments are 90 minutes for a fee of $180 (Canadian).or $120 for 60 minutes.

Office at: Suite 123, 1454 Dundas Street East, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4X IL4.
Serving: Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, and Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

On the path to love, life and healing

Professional servicesclients say Articles About Us Contact Us E-mailSite Map Christian Marriage Retreats Christian Personal Retreats

About my Marriage counselling / therapy

Christian Marriage counselling

Marital Therapy - focussed on bonding and the love connection.

Christian marraige retreats

Marriage counseling Retreats - also focussed on bonding and the love connection.

Christian premarital counselling

Pre-marital Counseling - package focussed on enhancing bonding, assessing the relationship and understanding personality differences.

I believe that marriages are worth saving if they are safe and life-giving; that individuals are worthy of love and respect and that therapy needs to provide a safe emotional place in the session and in the marriage for both partners.

About my Individual Therapy / counseling

Personal therapy including phone counselling

Life transforming therapy - a professional way to find and deal with root issues.

Christian therapeutic Retreat

Individual Therapy Retreats - allowing root issues to be dealt with.

Academic Coach / Performance coaching - achieve results that reflect your talent by understanding and dealing with blocking beliefs.

Therapeutic Spiritual Direction - on finding your life direction and opening up your relationship with God.

I have seen lives transformed and marriages stablized and I believe that God is working with us to heal our lives.

Professional servicesclients say Articles About Us Contact Us E-mailSite Map Christian Marriage Retreats Christian Personal Retreats

My Contact Information

Couple work and marriage transformation My Consistent Fee Policy $120 / hour

Phone: (416) 234-1850,

To e-mail me use this link: E-mail George

Office Location: 1454 Dundas St. East, Suite 123, Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario, Canada.L4X 1L4 Office is on the second floor of a mall that is just East of Dixie and on the South side of Dundas. Phone Counselling or Skype - georgehartwell: fee of $120 per 60 minute sessions pro-rated for longer sessions. Retreats: When you may come to Toronto for a few days or a week and receive 6 hours of therapy per day it is considered an intensive therapeutic retreat. It is more effective than weekly sessions for discovering key insights, understanding the interaction of personality with marriage and making significant changes. Nonrefundable deposit is required when booking a retreat.

Retreat Fees and Phone Counseling Fee:is $120 per hour.

Couple Sessions: Couple therapy fee is $180 per 90 minute session. I suggest the 90 minute office session to overcome the frustration many couples feel after a 50 minute session where issues may not be either fully aired or resolved. One person can leave feeling misunderstood and a couple can feel there is not enough progress.

Payment: Cash or check (on a Canadian bank), or money order in person. Credit cards are processed in advance by PayPal.

Discounts negoiated for those in financial need..

Professional servicesclients say Articles About Us Contact Us E-mailSite Map Christian Marriage Retreats Christian Personal Retreats

More about Christian Marriage Retreats

Christian Marriage Retreats

My Christian marriage retreats are exclusively for one couple; involve only private therapy sessions not group work.

Marriage counseling at a marriage retreat often results in the marital bond, intimacy and passion restored at a depth not possible in a group setting.

Feedback from Marriage Retreats

Vern and Mary said: The non-threatening environment enabled us to open our hearts and minds to see our situation in a more positive way. George's professionalism, and acute awareness of communication is positively unique.

Ed and May say: We found our marriage retreat with George to be freeing. We are on a new path and direction with the tools that can heal us and change us.

Emile and Mark: After our sessions, we felt we had forgiveness, peace and a direction for the future.
George brought us through our sharp pain and hurt, and took us to a place that allowed us to heal, to forgive each other and most importantly, to let Jesus Christ into the center of our marriage.

More about Christian marriage retreats.

Book a Christian Marriage Retreat to
focus on your marriage, especially to
- restore security and bonding,
- deal with a marital crisis,
- reconnect after a separation.

Book your exclusive time with George.

local: (416) 234-1850.

More about Christian couple retreats More about Individual Christian retreats

Christian Personal Retreats

A Christian personal retreat sessions involves exclusive sessions with George Hartwell M.Sc. crafted so that God can heal your life.

An office retreat involves 3 to 6 hours of therapy per day over 2 to 5 days. Concentrating therapeutic time like this enhances the benefits of therapy.

The usual location is my office in Mississauga, Ontario - just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Alternative locations may be arranged at your request (and on added expense).
Individual Therapeutic retreats

Wendy was surprised that I could have an encounter with God so easily and that He was so willing to heal me right then, right there. See: testimonies.

I've never developed compasion for myself before - learned how to do it and actually do it. I am healing a little girl in a woman's body. Tish

More about an individual Therapeutic Retreat.
Look at an individual couple retreat.

Goals of a personal retreat:

- to target core beliefs and root issues in your life

- to achieve inner and emotional freedom in your life

- to allow God's love, life and truth will heal trauma

- comfort broken hearts and

- transform your life.

(416) 234-1850.

Use link to: E-mail George

Professional servicesclients say Articles About Us Contact Us E-mailSite Map Christian Marriage Retreats Christian Personal Retreats

Motivational speaker, conference speaker

George is available to speak at conferences or facilitate retreats.

Get a fresh perspective on: 1. Christian Psychology of the person. What happens when you understand the role of the human spirit?

2. Roadblocks to Marriage. Learn what I discocvered by doong intensive retreats with couples. See Ten Blocks of Marital Intimacy.

3. Rethinking spiritual warfare, curses and demons from my 40 years experience as a Christian counsellor and charismatic Christian.

4. Secrets of Prayer: A preview of topics from my book on prayer.

5. Inner Healing, Psychotherapy and the Psychology of Memory. Insights into the latest developments in these fields.

See also topics listed below under George's Fresh Perspectives on:

More about facilitator for a Christian Retreat.

George's Fresh Perspectives on:

Life Transformation Therapy

Faith of the Heart

Love Letters to God - life changing intimate journalling

Theophostic Counselling - a positive and misused tool

anger management sessions

nervous breakdown

Christian Marriage Counselling

Family System

Bonding, Marriage and Silent Divorce

See: Articles

Life Transforming Encounters with God in listening prayer

Put in on the Altar

Prayer for the Broken Heart

George's fresh perspectives on:

Nervous Breakdown and Life Crisis

Dysfunctional Personality Patterns - their genesis and their nemisis

Managing Anger and the Human Emotions

Decision Making in a many option world

Dreams Interpretation and Therapy

Depression and the Human Spirit

Smart Fear

Anxiety symptoms

Breaking Curses

Key terms: marriage counselling Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto. Marriage counseling Oakville, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton. Marriage counsellor counsellors Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto. marriage therapy therapist therapists Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Content on this page: marriage retreat,Individual retreat, Christian retreats for groups

Also see: phone counseling, nervous breakdown, Prayer for a broken heart,

Key Terms: family counselling counseling mississauga, Oakville, Toronto, Brampton. family counsellor, counselor, Oakville, Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga. family counsellors counselors Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto, family therapy, therapist, therapists Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto, Brampton.

Key terms for this page: marriage counselling retreat retreats marriage counseling retreat retreats, marital counselling counseling retreat retreats couples counselling counseling therapy retreat retreats Mississauga, Toronto, Oakville, Brampton, Ontario, Canada, New York,

Key terms: couple couples counselling counseling mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Toronto. Couple couples counsellor counselor Oakville, Bramption, Toronto, Mississauga. couple couples counsellors counselors Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto, Ontario, canada, Couple couples therapy therapist therapists

Contact by phone anywhere in USA or Canada Phone: (416) 234-1850 or Contact by: e-mail

Achieve a breakthrough in individual emotional or marital issues in 10 to 20 sessions with Life Transformation Therapy.

Counselling practice at Suite 123, Dundas Street East, Mississauga, Ontario.

I provide 60 minute Christian phone counseling sessions across United States and Canada based on my regular office fee. Call for an appointment.

A Christian marriage and individual retreat is for intensive therapy work by George using Life Transformation Therapy with one couple or individual at a time. Full retreats are held at an Ontario retreat center or suitable location. A mini-retreat is held at my Toronto (Mississauga) office. A retreat may be planned for from two to 5 days. Call to discuss specific dates.

Counsellor Personal coach Personal Therapy Marriage Counselling RetreatsFees Location Resources Articles Christian Counsellors Seminars Survey Testimonies site map

ASee my web site on prayer, breaking curses, Listening prayer. At the moment there are articles on: Faith of the heart prayers, Head vs Heart Faith in faith of the heart prayer, How to do Healing Prayer, How to break a curse, What is listening prayer?, how to do listening prayer, How to pray for protection, prayer with the human spirit, types of prayer - intercessory prayer, What is prayer?, What is the power of prayer? How to do healing Prayer, Healing prayer for cancer.

TAGS:couples individual Christian marriage couple retreats counseling retreat 

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Christian counselor George Hartwell M.Sc. personal and marriage retreats for bonding with life transformation therapy

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