Andrew Saul's Natural Health Website

Web Name: Andrew Saul's Natural Health Website






"Andrew Saul's website is great. And it's accurate. I read it all and it's very accurate."(Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD)To quickly find health information at this website: Scroll way down the alphabetical index (in the yellow area to your left), or type in the illness or other topic you are researching in the DoctorYourself "SEARCH"box (above) and click it. Any "sponsored links" or other ads, and any links to commercial websites in your search results If you do not know who I am and what I stand for, here's a live, on stage presentation to get you started.This website may be free, but all content is copyright. Reprinting, reusing, and/or reposting is prohibited without advance written permission. IF YOU NEED HELP FINDING INFORMATION ON THE NUTRITIONAL TREATMENT OF COVID-19: Here is a helpful summary (including comments and direct links) to available material on the net: "Vitamins & Immune Enhancement". This was very kindly prepared for me by a reader. FREE SLIDE PRESENTATION DOWNLOAD:NIH-SPONSORED PRESENTATION SPECIFICALLY ON VITAMIN C TO PREVENT AND TREAT COVID-19.. This is very important. FREE SLIDE PRESENTATION:Detailed Explanation of Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19. FREE DOWNLOAD:Complete Doctor's Protocol for Treating Coronavirus with Intravenous Vitamin C. VIDEO:Coronavirus, Vitamin C, and Censorship: Why are you seeing nothing in the mass media about China already using high-dose vitamin C to prevent and treat COVID-19 coronavirus? Or being falsely told that intravernous vitamin C therapy for coronavirus is "fake news"? From a verified official statement from Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Hospital (In Chinese:"High dose vitamin C treatment of new coronavirus [COVID-19] pneumonia."On the afternoon of February 20, 2020, another 4 patients with severe new coronaviral pneumonia recovered from the C10 West Ward of Tongji Hospital In the past 8 patients have been discharged from hospital. . . [H]igh-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia and critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission. . .[E]arly application of large doses of vitamin C can have a strong antioxidant effect, reduce inflammatory responses, and improve endothelial function. . . Numerous studies have shown that the dose of vitamin C has a lot to do with the effect of treatment. . . [H]gh-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS)."A coronavirus pandemic can be stopped with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular. Preventing and treating severe respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C is well established.(Also, here is the Chinese language edition).The nutritional treatment of COVID-19 is presented, with dosage specifics, in this protocol endorsed by physicians on the editorial board of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. NEW: In this video, Dr. Richard Cheng, reporting direct from China, , calls for immediate use of vitamin C for treatment AND PREVENTION of coronavirus (COVID-19). Here is exactly how to administer intravenous vitamin C to a hospitalized patient with a viral illness, by Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy. (Here is the IV vitamin C protocol in Chinese).INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO TAKE HIGH ORAL DOSES OF VITAMIN C DURING ILLNESS, by Robert F. Cathcart III, MD. This is one of the most important articles at this website. It contains a doctor's answers to many questions about the therapeutic use of vitamin C. SHE SAT IN THE CORNER, silently. The 55-year old woman's face was in shadow, invariably turned down and towards the wall. And that's where she stayed, day after day. She had no appetite, and she never spoke to anyone. Here's how vitamins made her better when drugs could not. How to Treat Whooping Cough with Vitamin C by Suzanne Humphries, MD. Dr. Humphries is a board-certified specialist in internal medicine. This free download of a highly detailed protocol is very important reading . . . and perfect for you to hand directly to your pediatrician. Over 200 NUTRITION REPORTERnewsletters now online for free access. Thank you, Jack Challem! Nearly 600,000 views! High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases. This complete video lecture also includes the question and answer session. [From the Intravenous Vitamin C & Chronic Illness Symposium at the Riordan Clinic, Oct 2016.] How can flushing be minimized? What are the various forms of niacin? How did Dr. Abram Hoffer utilize niacin? All this and more in this very popular article, HOW TO DETERMINE A SATURATION LEVEL OF NIACIN"Andrew Saul is an amazing scientist and contributor." (Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph. D.)Warum ein kranker Korper so viel Vitamin C braucht - Das dritte Gesicht von Vitamin C. Watch a remarkable timeline of vitamin cures . This video shows how doctors have been curing disease with nutrition for 80 years. [Or read the print version.]Look at what is happening right now at the official Andrew Saul Facebook Twitterpages. One Facebook follower says, "Dr. Saul is like the Mr. Rogers of health. He likes you just the way you are and treats you like a neighbor." Juicing! Watch Andrew Saul as interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola. . One viewer says, "Dr. Saul always has a mischievous, amusing, wry sense of fun in his interviews. I got off my rear end and immediately set up my juicer. Thanks!"[Free download of full transcriptWatch our video rebuttal to NBC's hatchet-job on vitaminsQuestions about Niacin? Listen to Andrew Saul being interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola.(This is lengthy and detailed.) Dr. Mercola says: "Andrew Saul is the leader in showing us that supplements are essentially harmless, causing no deaths at all." Radio Interview: Dangers of Hospitals and What to Do About Them: A patient can expect at least one medication error every single daywhile hospitalized (National Academy of Sciences, July 20, 2006). "If you only buy one book this year, this is it. The value of this book, for which no praise is high enough, lies in its massive accumulation of proof. Unfortunately, your physician probably doesn't know anything about all this." (VITALITYMagazine) Plus, the already world-famous DOCTOR YOURSELFBOOK:"One of the best. If every American had a copy of Read reviews DOCTOR YOURSELFis available in Spanish, Polish, German, Italian, Chinese, and several other languages.)click here. No advertising; no products for sale.To read any of 250 free of charge, Click HereAlso available at this website:Andrew W. Saul is Editor of the peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. is his personal, educational website. For contact information, Click HerePSYCHOLOGY TODAY named Andrew Saul one of seven natural health pioneers in 2006 issue. He was inducted into theOrthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame in 2013. For a complete list of all his publications, most of which are available online, Click Here "If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes." Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D.I have seen the foolishness of conventional disease care wisdom. I have seen hospitals feed white bread to patients with bowel cancer and hospitals feed "Jello" to leukemia patients. I have seen schools feed bright red "Slush Puppies" to 7 year olds for lunch and I have seen children vomit up a desk-top full of red crud afterwards. And, I have seen those same children later line up at the school nurse for hyperactivity drugs.I have seen hospital patients allowed to go two weeks without a bowel movement. I have seen patients told that they have six months to live when they might live sixty months.I have seen people recover from serious illness, only to have their physician berate them for having used natural healing methods to do so. I have seen infants spit up formula while their mothers were advised not to breast feed. I've seen better ingredients in dog food than in the average school or hospital lunch.And I have seen enough.Don't bother looking in the history books for what has slaughtered the most Americans. Look instead at your dinner table. There's an old saying: "One fourth of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-fourths keep your doctor alive." We eat too much of the wrong things and not enough of the right things. Scientific research continually indicates nationwide vitamin and mineral deficiencies in our country. We spend over two million million dollars (two trillion) each year on disease care in America. Is it any surprise that doctors consistently place among the very highest incomes?"And we have made of ourselves living cesspools, and driven doctors to invent names for our diseases."PlatoNearly two-thirds of a millionmen died in the Civil War.All other U.S. wars put together add aboutanother two-thirds of a million soldiers killed.That means thatabout 1,300,000 Americans have died, totally, in all the wars in U.S. history.That is a lot of deaths.Today, right now, we lose more than that number of Americans each year because ofcardiovascular disease and cancer.So always remember that disease is the real enemy.About 10 million soldierswere killed in World War I, charging machine guns and getting mowed downmonth after month. There were nearly a third of a million killed at the battle of Verdun alone. A terrible slaughter went onfor four years. Yet, in just the two years following the war, over20 million people died from influenza. That is twice asmany deaths from the flu in one-half the time it took the machine guns.During the American CivilWar, three times as many soldiers died from disease as from battle.Today, alcohol and tobacco kill nearly as many Americans in one year asthe entire Civil War did in four. Alternative medicine works. The natural treatment ofillness can be accomplished safely, inexpensively, and effectively.We've all been taught that anything that is safe and inexpensive cannotpossibly be really effective against "real diseases." It is timeto rethink that, and especially to see for yourself what works.I am an educator, not a physician. My work is not prescription, but rather description. I'd like for us to be free to utilize any reasonable health care approach. To decide, we need education far more than medication.Each treatment regimen includedhere is not mine. I do not stay up late at night making all thisup. These ideas are not original. They are generally not new,either. I have collected the safest and most effective healing approachesthat I can find from physicians worldwide. I hope you find them tobe as helpful as they have been for my family.Natural healing is not aboutavoiding doctors. It is about not needing to go to doctors. A dentistis not upset if you are cavity-free. A doctor should not be upsetif you are healthy.The idea is to be well.The first step is wanting to be. The old Chinese saying is "Whenyou are sick of sickness, you are no longer sick."The second step is to dosomething to improve your health. Each of us is ultimately responsiblefor our own wellness. I think we should leave no stone unturned inour search for better health. I also believe that you get out ofyour body what you put into it. Your body will respond to your effortsto improve your health.The time to start is right now. Another old saying: "If not now, when? If not here, where?If not you, then who?""It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within." This website contains controversial scientific ideas that may be of an offensive nature to some well-educated persons. Parental guidance is suggested." is fabulous and brilliant. Andrew Saul is educating us to educate ourselves. He is taking this battle to Parliament (click here), or wherever it has to go to change things within the medical establishment. Andrew Saul is making a huge difference: he is out there in the vanguard of the orthomolecular movement that is breaking down barriers and breaking down doors."(Margot Kidder, actor and activist)"I had been a practicing pediatric gastroenterologist for 25 years. During that time I watched some really beautiful children and young men and women die under my care because I had nothing more to offer, and unfortunately what I had offered many times only made their lives more miserable. Recent health problems led me to read about Linus Pauling and orthomolecular medicine and it has been like discovering an advanced ancient civilization that I had no idea had ever existed. After reading Doctor Yourself by Dr. Andrew Saul, I have become a very angry man. I've just realized that for 25 years I had been making my patients sick and big pharma rich. I've just realized that those chronic hepatitis patients that died waiting for a liver transplant could have been easily cured with vitamin C. I realize now that my toximolecular medical education only led me to do more harm than good. That is not a good feeling to have. I only wish that all my critically ill patients had read Dr. Saul's book and fired their doctor. Doctor Yourselfin fact has inspired me to now open an exclusive orthomolecular medicine practice for children and adults of all ages, and copies of the book will be in the waiting room for all to read. In the names of all those I didn't help before, I hope this time to make a difference." (Edward Cichowicz, M.D.)"Andrew Saul is a brilliant speaker and writer. His website has an enormous amount of very important information dealing with the use of nutrition in the treatment of mental and physical disease. It is one of the very best I have seen. Thank you, Dr. Saul, for making this information more available and thus promoting the development of the medicine of the 21st century, Orthomolecular Medicine."(Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.)"I am always impressed how very well you do in films, your excellent choice of words to put your thoughts across. You are a masterful speaker! This was again confirmed when I watched the new movie from Australia, FoodMatters." (Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Max Gerson, M.D.) "Andrew Saul believes that education beats medication, and educate he does."(Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients)"You were absolutely magnificent in the Food Matters movie. I just loved your presence."(Dr. Joseph Mercola)"My nutrition professor, Andrew Saul, was someone my classmates and I thought to be quite the 'radical thinker' at the time. Week after week, month after month, he espoused the value of living foods in helping the body to heal itself from physical illness, mental disease and even addiction. Dr. Saul taught us to treat the whole body - not just the symptoms - to prevent and reverse disease, and to do this by eating fresh organic fruits and vegetables, as well as their juices, whole, sprouted grains, and raw nuts and seeds - living foods that exist in nature and have a profund healing effect on every cell in the body. He presented double-blind placebo-controlled studies on various nutrients as well as his own case studies, proving that eating foods in their natural state - unaltered by cooking, processing, preservatives, chemical fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, or genetic modification - does indeed provide the body with all the essential vitamins, minerals, live enzymes, and phytochemicals - everything it needs to prevent and fight off disease and create vitality." (Ginger Southhall, D.C.)"Andrew Saul has a sharp clear mind, a dry sense of humor, and low-key brilliance shining through. This is combined with a heart and intent that is always in the right place." (Howard Straus, award-winning biographer of Dr. Max Gerson)"Modern medicine's narrow approach, to treat every disease as if it were a drug deficiency, has resulted in a steep price for humanity. It is obvious millions have died prematurely since vitamin C was first discovered over 80 years ago. Brave and resolute men and women, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Irwin Stone, Linus Pauling, Ewan Cameron, Emil Ginter, Matthias Rath, Andrew Saul, Tom Levy, Steve Hickey, Raxit Jariwalla, John T. Ely, Hilary Roberts, and others promoted the idea of vitamin C therapy but were readily dismissed, even belittled." (Bill Sardi, author of You Don't Have to Be Afraid of Cancer Anymore)Producer/directors James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch, when asked, "Who are your heroes? Are there people you look up to and learn from?" answered: "Andrew Saul, who's featured in the Food Matters movie. He is humble, experienced, funny and to the point. He's written books, lectured for three colleges, and his command of clinical nutrition is second to none." "I send my patients to your website. Your work is excellent."(Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.)" is an excellent self-health website."(Hyla Cass, M.D., UCLA School of Medicine)"Andrew Saul is a terrific speaker. I have heard him lecture, and always walk away feeling inspired."(Jonathan Prousky, N.D., Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine)"Good on you! That is how you would be complimented here in New Zealand for your website. I strongly agree with what you are doing. And the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine is definitely a good read, in my opinion."(Carolynn Crutchley, M.D.)"Your work in the health care field is magnificent and courageous. I offer you my heartiest appreciation."(Philip Rudnick, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Chemistry)"If you would enjoy access to a huge library of health-related articles with an orthomolecular approach, on a website made by a man with an outrageous sense of humor, try"(Soil and Health Library, Tasmania, Australia)"Practical tips from an excellent advocate of nutritional therapy. Visit for access to a vast amount of information on vitamins and other self-healing resources. The site has abundant evidence, especially, of the high value and healing power of vitamin C and helpful hints about how to get what you need."(The Surgery Coach: Mind-Body Preparation for Faster, Better Recovery)"I love Andrew Saul's book Doctor Yourself! The man is pretty freakin' groovy too. He and his book are wonderful and super clever, as well as funny and witty. This is a great book for laypersons and doctors alike. I would recommend him to patients: a fantastic website and tool to find out much info about your health:" (Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine student, and now Dr. Amandha Vollmer)(Editor's Note: I have waited all my life to be described as freakin' groovy. Now my wish is fulfilled.)"We are very pleased to learn of the Doctor Yourself website, Newsletter, and the consumer information they provide. Dr. Andrew Saul provides holistic information on a variety of health topics and conditions. You'll find everything from healthy eating to exercising."(Peoples' Medical Society)"We very much appreciate what you are doing at your website, and especially like your autobiography."(Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.)"Dr. Andrew Saul has a web site that is must-reading for anyone seriously interested in health and doubtful about the efficacy of conventional medicine. If you are as impressed as I am with the wealth of health information presented, you can subscribe to Dr. Saul's free newsletter."(John Moelaert, author of The Cancer Conspiracy)"If I were president, my Surgeon General would not be a surgeon. I'd want someone like Doc Saul to be the man. I'll bet if Doc Saul was the Surgeon General, we would soon see Medline stop ignoring research from orthomolecular medicine." (Alobar Greywalker)"The National Library of Medicine refuses to index the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, though it is peer-reviewed and seems to meet their criteria."(Psychology Today, Nov-Dec 2006)(If you think it is wrong that your taxpayer-supported US National Library of Medicine excludes the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, you may wish to look here and also here).Conspiracy nut, leftist, madman. These are terms of dismissal so you don't have to listen to the argument. It would be healthier and more fun to hear what someone has to say.Oliver StoneThe specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds such as now rule in the medical profession.Florence NightingaleThe medical profession (is) a conspiracy to hide its own shortcomings. No doubt the same may be said of all professions. They are all conspiracies against the laity... (U)ntil there is a practicable alternative to blind trust in the doctor, the truth about the doctor is so terrible that we dare not face it. George Bernard Shaw, "The Doctor's Dilemma," 1906When asked where he would like to buried when he died, Yogi Berra's answer was, "I don’t care. Surprise me." Let no one who has the slightest desire to live in peace and quietness be tempted, under any circumstances, to enter upon the chivalrous task of trying to correct a popular error.William Thoms, deputy librarian for the House of Lords, c. 1873In landfills, "Whole hot dogs have been found, some of them in strata suggesting an age upwards of several decades." Smithsonian, July 1992, p 5. Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world.Linus Pauling, in How to Live Longer and Feel Better, p. 274 The West was not settled by men and women who had taken a course in "How to Be a Pioneer." (from Educational Wastelands, the 1953 bestseller by Arthur Bestor.)Man is a food-dependent creature. If you don't feed him, he will die. If you feed him improperly, part of him will die.Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.ALGERNON MONCRIEFF: The doctors found out that Bunbury could not Bunbury died.LADY BRACKNELL: He seems to have great confidence in the opinion of his physicians. I am glad, however, that he made up his mind at the last to some definite course of action, and acted under proper medical advice.(From Act III of The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde)Your eyes will blink 450 million times, you will breathe 650 million times, you will grow 1,000 layers of skin, your nails will grow 7 feet, you will lose 70 miles of hair from your head...And your heart will beat 2,500,000,000 times!If you rub your forearm briskly for a few seconds, 300,000 skin cells will come off of it. By age 70, you will shed 105 pounds of skin.IN ONE DAY: a person doing light work sweats three quarts of water... and a baby cries an average of 133 minutes.(Thanks to Science Kit / Boreal Labs)By the time you are 88 years old, you "have consumed 300 tons of food, air and water."R. Buckminster FullerAmericans' wastefulness imperils their future. Our resources are fast giving out, and the next problem will be to make them last.Austin BierbowerApril, 1907The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments.[Dr. Sir Thomas J. Lord Horder of Ashford (1871-1955), physician to several British monarchs]If you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it.Joseph Campbell(Verses upon the death in Baghdad of the physician Yuhanna ibn Masawayh in the year 857).I find medicine is the best of all trades because whether you do any good or not you still get your money.Moliere: "A Physician in Spite of Himself," 1664Some physicians would stand by and see their patients die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin. Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis.Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.This guy's doctor told him he had six months to live. The guy said he couldn't pay his bill. The doctor gave him another six months.Henny YoungmanDoctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.Anton Chekhov, who was himself a practicing physicianFor every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D.The test to which all methods of treatment are finally brought is whether they are lucrative to doctors or not.George Bernard ShawMedicine doesn't get to the root of the trouble. It only conceals it. The result is a more highly poisoned condition which may become chronic disease. All drugs are harmful to the system. They are contrary to nature. . . . Mark my words. There is no way to health except the natural way."M," to James Bond 007, in Ian Fleming's Thunderball.It is a matter of common knowledge that any processing that foods undergo serves to make them more harmful than unprocessed foods.McDonald's Corporation legal statement, shown in the documentary Supersize MeWithout health there is no happiness. An attention to health, then, should take the place of every other object.Thomas Jefferson, 1787An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiar with the idea from the beginning.Max Planckfrom: Concise Directions on the Nature of our Common Food so far as it tends to Promote or Injure Health. Published by Swords of London: 1790, p 7.Disease is the censor pointing out the humans, animals and plants who are imperfectly nourished.Wrench, G. T. The Wheel of Health, 1941. London: Daniel, p 130.The world cares very little about what a person knows; it is what the person is able to do that counts.Booker T. WashingtonThe fellow who has not had any experience is so dumb he doesn't know a thing can't be done, and he goes ahead and does it. Charles F. Kettering When we try to pick anything out by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.John MuirHave no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found. Bertrand RussellMen who achieve greatness do not work more complexly than the average man, but more simply.Mayo brothersAN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is notin any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease,illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatmentor alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual'sacceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Personsneeding medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult yourdoctor before making any health decision.Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized theuse of their names or the use of any material contained within in connectionwith the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copyreproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providingno alterations of content are made, and credit is given.

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Peer-reviewed natural health supersite with hundreds of self-help articles and thousands of scientific references. No advertising, no products for sale. Searchable archive and detailed treatment protocols from medical doctors. Presented by Andrew W. Saul, Editor of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.

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