Universalis home page

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Welcome to Universalis! What is the Liturgy of the Hours? Find out here.

Free on the Web Readings at Mass

For each day and the week ahead. As used in the UK: Jerusalem Bible and Grail psalms.

Click here to see the page.

Liturgy of the Hours

The prayer of the universal Church, seven times a day.

Office of Readings Morning Prayer (Lauds) Mid-Morning Prayer (Terce) Midday Prayer (Sext) Afternoon Prayer (None) Evening Prayer (Vespers) Night Prayer (Compline)

Apps and programs

If you have a registration code, click here for instructions.

More pages: Mass Today (combining the Order of Mass with the readings and prayers), Spiritual Reading, Angelus, Lectio Divina, Rosary. No Internet connection needed. All dates, not just a week. Official psalm translation for the Hours. New American Bible readings at Mass if you are in the USA. More languages, including Latin. More choice of layouts: page-turning as well as scrolling; and large print.

Free trial of everything for a month. After that, you can choose whether you want to buy. You can get individual apps for your phone or tablet (it’s about £10), or a single registration code which covers all your phones, tablets, computers, and e-books.

Free trial of the app for Android

Free trial of the app for iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

Free trial of the program for Windows

Free trial of the program for Mac

The spoken word

In the apps, you can get all the Mass readings and all the Hours spoken in English, right through, every day. You need a subscription for these (monthly or yearly), but you can listen to a free sample before deciding, and the first month of each subscription is free. Try it!

Sung Latin Compline is also available for purchase in the apps. It isn’t expensive. Hear samples for Android and iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. E-books

You can create e-books for your e-book reader (including the Amazon Kindle), and there are some ready-made ones you can buy as well. They cover the Mass or the Hours for every day within a given period. Here are the full details.

We help you

Universalis is not technical. It is designed for real people, and it is easy. You can see some video instructions here for Android and here for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. Or you can contact us. We answer!!!

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