tigercompetencies / FrontPage

Web Name: tigercompetencies / FrontPage

WebSite: http://tigercompetencies.pbworks.com





If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. Get control of your email attachments. Connect all your Gmail accounts and in less than 2 minutes, Dokkio will automatically organize your file attachments. You can also connect Dokkio to Drive, Dropbox, and Slack. Sign up for free.TIGER Informatics Competency Collaborativemembers, please clickon wiki infoto find information on how to use and contribute to this wiki: wiki info All others - enjoy reading about the activities of this collaborative.For more information on the TIGER initiative please visithttp://www.tigersummit.com/NEW!9 November 2010Baseline Informatics Competencies for Nurse Managers:Nurse Manager Informatics Competencies.pdfContributed by Michael D. Hart, Arkansas Childrens's Hospital, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer13November, 2009Speradsheet listing all recommended TIGER Informatics Competencies:TIGER_Competency_Items2.xlsxMANY thanks to Sunmoo Yoon, Columbia University Graduate Student, for helping TIGER create this spreadsheet27 August, 2009TIGER Informatics Competencies Collaborative Final Report:TICC_Final.pdfDraft RecommendationsComputer Literacy 2_Examples.docBasicComputerCompetencies_rev.docTIGER_Competencies_Summary_Report_information literacy dt (d1).docCategory Overview_awareness_SarahT.docTIGER_Competencies_Summary_Report__compiled_d1[1].docTiger Competencies infocontains information about the TIGER Informatics Competencies Collaborative (TICC).WG1 infocontains information about TICC Working Group 1WG2 infocontains information about TICC Working Group 2WG3 infocontains information about TICC Working Group 3Competency Lists contains bare naked lists of relevant (broad definition of relevency here) competencies with sources cited. Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above. What a huge help. I love wikis and have realized that it is essential for team work and meeting deadlines. THis is just awesome. Thank you.Allow informatics tools, principles, theories and practices to be used by nurses to make healthcare safer, effective, efficient, patient-centered, timely and equitable Interweave enabling technologies transparently into nursing practice and education, making information technology the stethoscope for the 21st century TIGER Websitewww.himss.org/tigerTIGER Collaboratives Fully Engage in HIT Standards and Interoperability DevelopmentCreate Innovative and Effective Staff Development/Continuing Education ProgramsA Virtual Demonstration Center to Showcase Healthcare Information Systems and Technology for Nurses

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