LOVE YOUR SPOUSE | Helping Marriages Last A Lifetime

Web Name: LOVE YOUR SPOUSE | Helping Marriages Last A Lifetime






CASE AND POINT: Have you ever gone to the doctors office for something and then you hear the words, “This is going to cause you some discomfort.” All of a sudden they stick you with something that hurts so bad your eyes bulge out. One time at the doctor’s office they told me to count to ten and the discomfort would be over. Well, it didn’t take, so they had to do it over again. After another set of counting to ten while I was in excruciating pain which they called “discomfort”, I was told we would have to “Try it again one more time.” She said, “I can’t put you through anymore pain so if this doesn’t take, I am going to stop.” I won’t keep you in suspense, it “took” the third time and the counting to ten stopped. I never returned for any more poking and pulling. I don’t believe the doctors anymore when they call something “discomfort.” That bottle should read, RED HOT!There will be a quickening and awareness because our brains are made to respond to information.If the information is good and based on LOVE, wisdom will be further developed.If the information is negative and FEAR based, chemicals that disrupt thinking are released into the brain, and produce stress.This is all scientifically explained in Carolina Leaf’s book, “The Gift Within You.”Those toxic thoughts KILL your brain cells and physically it looks like black oil was poured over your brain.I don’t know about you, but when I start to worry about something, I cannot THINK clearly.Fears destruction tries to dominate our thoughts and cause us to react to situations that will never happen.In Christina Leaf’s book, “A Gift Within You”, she has an array of information on how the brain works.Although this book is not on marriage, it’s information can give you so much insight into your marriage to help you realize that scientifically, it is your choice to “live in love” or “live in fear.”You may try to control fear with reasoning and evaluation, orYou may allow toxic thoughts to dominate you as it throws your body into stress, orYou might make it even worse through wrong reasoning.Scientists call this a “learned” fear because it is not a natural part of how we were created.God called us and has equipped us to “live in love”, but when we don’t, it is a sign that we have surrendered our minds to “toxic thoughts.”There is another book by Kandal , “In Search of Memory” that explains this issue.Your brain has a choice to turn a thought into FEAR or turn that thought into LOVE.The “love” pathway evaluates the toxic fear thought, then hands the situation to God and does not fear.Jas.1:2 (AMP) “Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials or fall into various temptations.”Prov.1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”Remember that FEAR causes the following thoughts to flow: hate, anger, bitterness, rage, irritation, unforgiveness, unkindness, worry, self-pity, envy, jealousy, obsession and cynicism.Travel the “love” path in your marriage and love will be your guide and your rear guard!This has been proven scientifically and all the data on it can be found in an awesome book called “A Gift Within” by Carolina Leaf.From LOVE flows: joy, peace, happiness, hope, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, anticipation, compassion, calmness, satisfaction, inspiration, excitement.From FEAR flows: hate, anger, bitterness, rage, irritation, unforgiveness, unkindness, worry, self-pity, envy, jealousy, obsession and cynicism.You cannot blame your spouse if you choose to have your thoughts operating in a pool of FEAR.1John 4:18 (AMP) “There is no fear in love(dread does not exist),but full-grown(complete, perfect), love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and so he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love(is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection)”.THIS IS AMAZING: Scientists have found that these two emotions,loveandfear, CANNOT COEXIST.WHAT IS AMAZING is the fact that God already said that in 1John 4:18, even before scientist discovered it.Science shows us that when we operate in love, there is a massive unlearning of negative toxic thoughts.The brain releases a chemical called, OXYTOCIN, which melts away negative toxic thoughts.This causes re-wiring of new non-toxic circuits.When we trust, bond and reach out to others, this chemical also flows.As you help your spouse or restore your relationship with your spouse, endorphins and serotonins are released. These chemicals in our body are what make us feelgoodabout ourselves.So when we reach out in love, God blesses us.He detoxifies our brain and increases our wisdom.Don’t be at the mercy of toxic memories.Scientific studies have proved that your brain is made up of about100 billionnerve cells – which look like trees.Psa.1:3 “And he shall be like atreeplanted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”Prov.3:18 “She is atreeof life to them that lay hold upon her…”The more branches you grow on these nerve cells, the moreintelligentyou become.You grow what looks like BRANCHES in your brain as you take in knowledge and store it.Science has proved that when you are not taking in knowledge, the branches in your brain begin todie.When you are able to view your spouse’sgifting, you are now seeing them through Jesus’ eyes.That is why the question we are asking today is “Do You See What God Sees?” and the answer is “NO”!If we saw what God sees, we would have morerespectfor our spouse’s opinion.If you don’t view your spouse as Jesus sees them, you will want them to CONFORM to your way of thinking.Your perspective of your spouse becomesdistortedbecause you are now judging and evaluating them according to your view and not God’s handiwork in their life.In Carolina Leaf’s book, “The Gift Within You”, she scientifically and through God’s word, explains the brain.Her book is on the brain, but I recommend it to every married couple because of all theknowledgeon the way the brain thinks.When you take information into your brain, 100 billion neurons have the POTENTIAL to connect 100 trillion times.In order to understand your husband, you would have to know WHICH way a thought has traveled.It isimpossiblefor you to know which path of thought your spouse’s brain went down and God doesn’t expect you to know that.A wife is a “helpmeet” to expand the husband’s life by taking care of the little details he overlooks.It isnotan opportunity to tell him how dumb he is and how you are tired of his ignorance.It is time of opportunity for you to make himlook goodto his family, his friends, his co-workers and acquaintances.Psa.139:13-14 “…you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I’m fearfully and wonderfully made…”In Wall Street, “diversified investments” help improve returns and balance the risk tolerance. With diversified investments, the possibilities of earning higher returns increases with patience.They put money in a variety of businesses so if one goes down, they have a better chance of the other ones to go up.According to Forbes, investors with the best diversification can last in the market longer than individuals placing all their money into one investment vehicle.One of the greatest challenges in marriage is to have a good relationship with your spouse.Interacting with a spouse who thinks different than you can be frustrating at times.The purpose of your giftedness, is to celebrate your differences from your husbands.There are over a trillion different ways in our brains, of processing information.CASE AND POINT: Right now all the people that are reading this blog, each one will think about it differently. Every person who reads this blog, will process the information differently into their brain. No one else will process it exactly like you.As your husbands “companion” and “helpmeet”, you become a vital asset in His succeeding to fulfill God’s purpose in his life.When you have trouble understanding a friend or family member, your spouse can help you out by explaining how the other person may feel.Your spouse is such a wealth of information to make your lives successful for each other.Over the years, we have learned that selfish people don t last long in relationships. Since we want our union to last, we have found that we need to be authentic, to be real, and to admit when we re wrong. Being real simply means admitting the truth, embracing it, and living by it. It means doing away with false fronts and silly masks.In addition, we have come to realize that we are not very good listeners. Yet how can a couple be real if neither mate asks a question or listens carefully to the answer? How can a spouse feel valued if there is no genuine communication taking place?The world cries out for people who live inrealfamilies, who represent a God who has given them somethingreal something better than the airbrushed images ofBetter Homes and Gardens.How do you deal with household chaos? Do you put on a happy face and quote verses of Scripture, or do you deal with life in a real way, depending on God for real help? Pray that your family members will learn and grow as they move toward God s ideal for them, and they will be real with one another.NOTE: This article came from the book Family Life and Marriage Bible by Dennis and Barbara Rainey.Answer #1. When Barbara and I got married, for dinner I expected meat and mounds of mashed potatoes with butter cascading down the sides. Alas it was not to be!Barbara leans towards exotic tuna casserole and lots of other things I could not begin to identify, and my expectation soon went up in a puff of smoke.The truth is, each partner brings a certain set of expectations into a marriage. When these expectations don t get met, the drought of disillusionment can dry up the dialogue in the streams of your conversation. Don t let it happen to you!Marriage provides a relationship where two people can hammer outrealisticexpectations. Remember, no mate will ever fulfill all of your desires in marriage. Only One is capable of that, and in His wisdom he has reserved that blessed experience for heaven.For help here on earth, ask some probing questions. What expectations of your mate did you bring to your marriage? Which ones got met? Which ones didn t? How reasonable are they? What expectation does your spouse have of you? If you haven t ever done so, why not consider sitting down and communicating your mutual expectations to each other? It might be a real eye-opening experience.NOTE: This article is from the book Family Life and Marriage Bible by Dennis and Barbara Rainey.What kind of a leader is Jesus and how does my marriage benefit from his leadership?CASE AND POINT: When my husband and I went to speak at our church in the PHILLIPINES, it was my first time in that country. I was shocked at the poverty there. It is a country with so many Natural resources. In contrast we were in Singapore first. Singapore is vibrant and filled with new technology and industry. It has no natural resources but it is thriving with business. What make’s the difference is the leaders in those two countries. The Phillipines has a history of leaders and politicians who are not giving back to the people in their country but they are filling their pockets for themselves. While the leaders in Singapore give back to the people of that country plus they give to the growth of the businesses. Leaders make the difference!After Jesus spent 30 years of going to the synagogue and listening to others teach and speak, he finally opens His mouth.Liberty means freedom of choice; personalfreedomfrom servitude or confinement or oppression.Jesus knew that in our marriage we would have a broken heart that needed MENDING.Acts 10:38 “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went along doing good andhealing all who were oppressed by the devil,for God was with Him.”Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”Desire to befreeso you can serve the Lord with a godly marriage.Makesurethat you are sincere to God and your spouse.Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal marital areas ofbondage or torment.Look over yourlife(and ancestry) to discover possible doorways.Determine to be free no matter what demonicgripmay be on you or your marriage.Don’t be intimidated by “what others think.”Associate liberation with Jesus and freedom.Exercise yourfaith as much as possible in your marriage.View this as part of God’sgiftto you in Christ Jesus.Knowing this may be the beginning of freedom for yourfamilyand offspring.Reread Jesus’ job description in Luke 4:18-19 and know that this is your job description as a spouse.In life and in our marriage we will havemental, emotional and spiritual sufferings.God uses these trials to our advantage since the result is discipline and purification.The Apostle Paul said we are to reckon ourselvesdead, as no longer existing, having no will apart from God’s will.Prov. 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”Psa.119:28 “My soul melteth for heaviness; strengthen thou me according unto thy word.”Personal pleasure is not what your moral life consists of. It is being in unity with the will of God.* Crucifying your reliance on your good virtues (moral excellence), temperance, faith, benevolence (kind acts) is a necessary stage.* Cease rebelling against the negative marital circumstances oflife.* The natural man is crucified on the cross and now youproceedto a life in union with God and your spouse.There should be harmony between your will and Gods divine will which results in becoming ONE.Don’t think you can react to your spouse anyway you want and advance in your relationship with God.Partner with the Holy Spirit and you will receive all the benefits of a strong, loving marriage.NOTE: The author is unknown. Read it with an attitude of conquering and completing what you were made to do. About AuthorMarried 51 Years to Richard Salazar1968-83 Employed for the City of Los AngelesEducated: Pasadena City College and Berean Bible CollegeCo-Founder New Harvest Christian SchoolMissionary: 5 years in EnglandNew Harvest Christian Fellowship - Administrator non-profit - Board MemberEmail Subscription Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 679 other followers Email Address:


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