




Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Unravelling Text : : Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore (2017)Last year I had an opportunity to take calligraphy workshop for students from design school (Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology). It was two week long course and first time these students going to experiment with letterforms.

This workshop (elective) started with learning basic hands traditional roman italic and devanagri scripts, then moving to bit free brush letterings, then total experimental and conventional ruling pen, cola pen with mark making. In between they were inspired with videos, presentations of the works of national international calligraphers around the world.

Students enjoyed both the styles traditional, conventional as well as wild, experimental. But glad to hear majority preferred the traditional calligraphy learning. They were super enthu, sincere while learning these scripts.

Below are two short videos, first one is about actual workshop in progress and other is about final display.

No comments: Thursday, May 31, 2018 36daysoftype with daddy and daughterI was observing and admiring a lot on instagram about #36daysoftype. But never dared to participate as I wasn't sure about commitment and patience. This time I thought of giving it a try. It was fine for me to leave it incomplete, I was prepared. I fixed on this decision when me and my 7 year old daughter were playing 'rangometry'* and trying out different shapes, making random characters and objects. Obviously my first try-outs were letterforms and was quite hooked on making, arranging, composing letters as results were not bad.

36daysoftype exercise is pretty simpleanyone can participate, no fee, no registration. Participant needs to make, draw, create, write or shoot one letterform each day and upload it on their respective instagram handle. End of 36 days, you get 26 alphabets along with 10 numerical like a basic font family. You can wish to pick-up any theme for your set or not compulsory though. It's fine if you miss one or two days, you can catch up by posting them later. There are no hard and fast rules, its purely fun and experience purpose.

I decided to work on obvious theme of geometry with colourful shapes. Creating letterforms with primary colours and shapes is a TASK, it sounds and looks simple but IT'S NOT. I tried to create non-obvious, unconventional forms maintaining the readability. I was attempting to make as simple as possible but couldn't give justice the legibility. Also few letterforms needed more shapes to complete. None of the letterforms were created at first take; I approved each letter after 2-3 try-outs.

Here its the complete set of my 36 letterforms. Not fully satisfied but pleased to participate and managed to post it regularly (read: deadlines). My assistant 'designer' of this game was a daughter who helped me to decide what was working and what needed an improvement. Her constant complaint was "you are making complicated letters" I am amazed with her simplistic design solutions and not to carried away because of many options.

Here are the rangometry shapes from which we created alphabets. Rangometry is an excellent teaching aid which is used in my little one's school. To make complex subjects simpler. I think its an excellent tool for graphic designers too make logos, symbols and any graphic-geometric forms.

No comments: Alvida Delhi : : Namaskara BangaloreI have shifted, relocated and moved to BENGALURU from DELHI. Its been a month now, I am in Bangalore. I was staying in Delhi for 12 years. I have love and hate relation with this city. I came to Delhi for a job in design studio thinking of exploring new city, culture, traveling to fascinating places, eating amazing food and meeting interesting people etc. and stuck there for almost a decade.

Delhi witnessed many memorable events of my life my first art exhibition, my first published calligraphy work in international magazine (Letter Arts Review), TV shows and interviews, my first TEDx, birth of my daughter and most importantly my journey as a calligrapher and independent designer anchored here. Met amazing people, clients and friends here.

We too witnessed the flavour of "Delhi dilwalon ki" many times. Now onwards I won't be answerable to the cliche 'how come Mumbaikar adjusting and liking in Delhi'

We have shifted to BENGALURU thinking of exploring new city, culture, traveling to fascinating places and meeting interesting people etc. and hope to stick here for another decade...

No comments: Sunday, March 25, 2018 Twisted Type : : MICA, AhmedabadDecember 2017; I had an opportunity to conduct a calligraphy workshop in MICA institute, Ahmedabad. MICA has a course "Crafting Creative Communication" commonly called as CCC, under which they had planned elective programs with industry specialists and explorer of new crafts like film making, photography, story-telling, branding, radio communication etc.
My course "Twisted Type" was planned to introduce the calligraphy as an art form, the technical aspects of typography and ending with implementation of learning in commercial application with some exercises.I was fortunate to work with these 21 enthusiastic and sincere students. Full four days (including some mid-nights) comprised with basic calligraphy hands, introduction to typography, emotive typography, hand-lettering exercises then moving to experimental expressions with innovative tools and final group project. Being a residential campus it was fun-filled, homely atmosphere keeping the enthusiasm, curiosity intact andoverallfreshness in work.
Most of the modules were interactive, activity and games based. Love the energy passion of thesefirst time hand-letterers, brush holders and ink-splatters! The work they had delivered was totally incredible. Here I am sharing videos of course and final display.

No comments: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Manohar HandwritingMy hand-writing had few influences from childhood, one is my mother who still (at 70yrs) has impeccable, consistent, neat (un-shaky) handwriting and second one was our society guard Manohar. His job was to write information on the common board which is to be placed at the main entrance; so anyone enters or exits can view this. Recently when I went home, I didn't notice that large black board with beautiful devanagari, chalk letters. Why? because the master Manohar who used to write is passed away after major illness.

Sad to know, these blackboards will be empty or won't be embellished same as with Manohar's handwriting. I am sure, residents will manage without his handwriting someone else (or digital printouts may be) will take over his place. The purpose is important; good skill is value addition that's how we looked at him. There were very few appreciators who actually told him or gave rewards for his extraordinary skill.

I find it amazing because he was lefty. I have special respect for left handed calligraphers/ writers. He was true to his work; his name means beautiful (Manohar means beautiful in Sanskrit and Marathi)

Thank you Manohar for being there during my upbringing and exposed the kids like us to the "good handwriting" we never interacted on this subject, I wish I could and I wish I documented your few lettering samples. But I am glad that on my last visit I clicked few pictures while you were writing the board. That's good enough memory for me to cherish.

No comments: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 मन
मन वसन दषट कम नय रमन सरवथ पपबदध नक रमन धरमत नत सड नक हमन अतर सर वचर रहTiny canvas artwork for Saint Ramdas' manache sholka (मनच शलक)
No comments: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 LISTENThere is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. RUMI.

No comments: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 KexperimentAnother sketch on paper; later coloured with pencils. Strangely the forms are quite distorted (in terms of finesse) but luckily I managed this consistently ;)This is a family of letter "K" (क) of devanagari also reminds me of single-blade-pinwheel-toy; we used to play with ;)

No comments: Friday, June 17, 2016 LettermuseIts my muse. The letter 'K' (क ) of devanagari. The beauty of this letter lies in its simplicity, two circles (actually one complete and other incomplete oval) separated, divided, parted by long stick, line or border. Many connotations to derive from.
No comments: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 CallihuntHere its the trophy (gold award) and certificate of appreciation for the Callihunt 2016, I was selected as a gold winner from the entries received from all over India. The event was very well organised, managed and presented by APSC team. I will cherish this moment and it definitely gives boost for love for writing.

No comments: Saturday, June 4, 2016 BoostThe best birthday gift ever!
This news came in an email and then a phone call to believe myself.
AsI am selected as a gold winner for Nationwide Callihunt 2016!!
It was organised by Achyut Palav School of Calligraphy and this is the first time they have introduced this competition to find the calligraphy talent across India and of course to encourage the art of beautiful handwriting it is also an occasion of 7th annual day of the school.

Thanks and best wishes to APSC team and Achyut Palav. It is a big encouragement and big push to work better and explore the art further and of course the pressure to maintain. ;)
I will post the entry which I have submitted in next post.

No comments: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 Experimental ToolThread tied at the end of a stick (actually carving tool) makes an excellent tool. Great texture, amazing fluidity and unexpected results perfect combination of any calligraphic art.

No comments: Sunday, May 29, 2016 SpaceAnother composition with black ink on white textured paper, with new tool I discussed in last post.

Simply love how the way letters overlap each other and create the dramatic space among themselves. Some tight, compact, some loose, some wants to be with someone, some wants to be away, some extends their hands and some literally pushes to make their own space. Eventually makes a harmonious community.

Ain't we also behave like this?

No comments: Friday, May 27, 2016 New Tool MadnessMadness mania by this newly acquired tool.

No comments: Strokes )
Its fun to see how letters can formed by just extending expanding their counters, strokes, bowls and what not. Result with amazing forms counters. This animal like creature was purely unintentional.
No comments: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Let's take a break!This was the art piece, I created taking breaks in between my regular graphic design work. The canvas was lying on the desk for really long time; rather it was keep inviting me to do something. This artwork created in some 6/7 sittings. Good fun and good recharge therapy. Should keep some more empty papers canvases in front ;)

No comments: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Surprise at backI was arranging my old artworks and papers and accidentally noticed the other side of its beauty. How amazing the paper and ink react to each other The patterns they form, textures they create; their relationship definitely works. It also opens the new doors of art of looking sideways ;)

No comments: Monday, May 23, 2016 10th World Calligraphy Biennale, Jeollabuk Do (Korea)Finally completed my Calligraphy Biennale post (Sorry it was the last year's post)

Here, I am writing this post sitting at Incheon Airport of South Korea, waiting for my flight to India (via Hong Kong). Why I am here because I was invited to participate attend the exhibition of 10th World Calligraphy Biennale, Jeollabuk, South Korea. Me and Mr. Achyut Palav (a well known and talented calligrapher from, Bombay, India) were only from India showcased the work.
It was a great opportunity to experience this event as the first time I met, talked and saw the south east asian calligraphy practitioners and masters and their great body of work. Primarily, the Chinese, Japanese, Korean scripts were on the display, I am glad Indian script (devanagari) also made into this league.
This conference was comprised of grand inauguration, exhibition, paper presentations (I wish they could managed English translations) and of course sight seeing and food treat. Sori Art Centre, a venue was amazing space and huge. This biennale is on till 15th November 2015, more details here

Me with my showcased piece

On the concluding gala dinner night, all the invited calligraphers had
to "write" something in their language (with provided brush ink)

Master calligrapher Wang Dongling (he is genius)

Other calligraphers work simply stunning, you can experience the devotion, passion and command of these 30-40 years.

This piece is by "yours truly" Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (The World is One Family)I was nervous doing brush work in front of the legends.
No comments: My Messy DeskAfter a long break on the blog starting this new post on messy note ;)
I have shifted to new place last year and made a workstation arrangement such that where I can have TWO desks small desk for laptop where I usually end up spending more time and right opposite other big desk for calligraphy and other hand-done stuff. This keeps reminding me to take a break from mechanical/mundane stuff and use your brain and hands for other productive works too.

No comments: Friday, September 4, 2015 Calligraphy Symposium : : BruggeThis July I went to Brugge (Belgium) to attend Calligraphy Symposium, organised by University of Sunderland, UK. Under that I have taken a week long workshop/class by Brody Neueanswander, a great great calligrapher whom I am great admirer since when I started taking calligraphy seriously.
Here are few images of symposium.

Brugge cityscape, lovely charming environment

The workshop venue

We also visited Brody's studio, a great inspiring place

Collaborative artworks, so much fun while doing these

Artworks of other students of other batches

Artworks of other students of other batches

My name label and glance of what I have done

No comments: Monday, February 23, 2015 Lovei heart you
i like you
i love you
no matter what this new lingo emoticons say!
i always want you
to be with me
in this exciting journey

No comments: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Haanji Festival at Korean Cultural CentreOngoing Hanji* Festival at Korean Cultural Centre, New Delhi India.
I am honoured to be a part of the art exhibition along with talented Korean Indian Artists.
(Bottom right side is my showcased artwork: United Family)

Here its the poster with other event details

*Haanji: Traditional Korean Paper.1 comment: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Happy Diwali from TaipeiHello Friends!
Wish you a very happy Diwali and prosperous new year.
Made this quick sketch during transit in HongKong airport where I have to wait for 3 hours for my next flight to Taipei.

1 comment: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)++ R E S P E C T ++All images and text Nikheel Aphale (credit is given if I showed someone's work) Do not borrow or steal, its not a good practice :)
++ P E R S O N A L L Y ++nikheelCurrently New Delhi, IndiaI was interested in art and lettering since childhood. My teachers all agreed my handwriting was not only readable but beautiful and nice. So in school I was the permanent member to write daily quotes, common area instructions and notice boards. After 10th class I enrolled in an art school to become a commercial artist. There i was exposed to Calligraphy and Typography where my love for letters bloomed. We were taught our local script Devnagri as well as the Roman.My work reflects the image-centric visual abstraction of letterforms, where legibility often plays asecondary role. I like to explore compositions of letters and expose their hidden beauty through interesting forms, spaces and surfaces with the help of unconventional tools and techniques.I graduated in Applied Arts from L.S. Raheja School of Arts, Mumbai, followed by post graduation in Graphic Design from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. I currently work as an independent graphic designer and calligrapher in Delhi.I religiously collect macthboxes, vintage stuff, plain notebooks, alphabets textiles also A truly Bollywood devotee, foodie and avid traveler.View my complete profile++D E S I G N for Y O U++Any kind of calligraphy and graphic design services, get in touch with me on
(logos, book designs, book covers, invitations, calendars, name plates, place cards, paintings, any innovations and experiments you think of...lets have a chat!
++ H I T S ++++ A P P R E C I A T I O R S ++++ S O F A R ++ 2018(5) June(1)Unravelling Text : : Srishti Institute of Art, Des... May(2) March(1) February(1) 2016(15) August(1) July(1) June(4) May(9) 2015(2) September(1) February(1) 2014(6) November(1) October(1) June(1) April(1) February(1) January(1) 2013(10) December(3) November(1) July(1) June(1) May(1) April(1) January(2) 2012(9) December(2) August(1) June(1) May(1) April(1) March(1) February(1) January(1) 2011(12) December(1) October(2) September(1) August(1) May(1) April(1) February(2) January(3) 2010(20) December(3) November(2) October(1) August(3) July(1) June(1) May(3) April(1) March(2) February(1) January(2) 2009(13) November(1) October(2) September(1) August(2) July(1) April(1) March(1) February(2) January(2) 2008(23) November(3) October(2) September(3) August(1) July(2) June(2) May(2) April(3) March(1) January(4)++S E A R C H++++ W O R K ++Calligraphy(70)Devnagri(34)Art(22)Greeting(16)Typography(14)passtime(14)India(11)exhibition(11)sketchbook(10)delhi(9)Experiments(8)Products(8)Featured(7)Festival(7)Paper(7)Travel(7)leehkin(7)Illustrations(6)abstract(6)artwork(5)devanagari(5)Diwali(4)Nameplate(4)commissioned work(4)workshop(4)#calligraphy(3)Invite(3)Wall(3)book cover(3)break(3)texture(3)Aksharaya(2)Amsterdam(2)Calendar(2)Digital(2)Film title(2)Food(2)Happy New Year(2)Lamp(2)Letter Arts Review(2)Lettering(2)ONE ASIA(2)Quotes(2)Thank you(2)Travelogue(2)achyutpalav(2)appreciation(2)award(2)callihunt(2)canvas(2)doodles(2)handwritten(2)ink(2)jaipur(2)letter art(2)penguin(2)#calligraphy # Symposium #Brugge(1)#calligraphy #artwork #artpiece #ink #black #gold #abstract #canvas #contemporary(1)#calligraphy #biennale #worldcalligraphybiennale #jeollabuk do #southkorea #korea #southeastasia #asia #devanagari #india(1)#calligraphy #greeting #roman #valentineday #valentine(1)#calligraphy #workstation #studio #leehkin #delhi #india(1)#handletters #abstract #form #roman #letters #typography(1)#handrawn(1)#practice #strokes #black #ink #typography #art #abstract #leehkin #delhi #india(1)2011(1)36daysoftype(1)Alice Young(1)Ampersand(1)Anokhi(1)Anokhi museum of block printing(1)Art Music Institute(1)Atali Ganga(1)Bahman Panahi(1)Barcelona(1)Birthday(1)Bollywood(1)Channel(1)Christmas(1)Collection(1)Colours Decor(1)Elephant(1)Flourishes(1)Friends(1)Gift(1)Graphics(1)Green House(1)Gurgaon(1)Harivansh Rai Bachchan(1)Hello(1)House Warming(1)IIC(1)Koeweiden Postama(1)Korea(1)Koshish(1)Logo(1)MICA(1)Magazine(1)Matchbox(1)Megha Punater(1)Mocha-arthouse(1)NID(1)News(1)Notebooks(1)Paintings(1)Paperbags(1)Pool(1)Poosapati Parmeshwar Raju(1)Rain(1)Recycle(1)Rishikesh(1)SOX(1)Script(1)Sev(1)Sona Commercial(1)Strokes(1)Tricolite(1)Vaani Arora(1)Valentine Day(1)Wedding(1)Zefrank(1)adil writer(1)ahmedabad(1)anindiansummer(1)apsc(1)arpana caur gallery(1)arthouse(1)calligrapher(1)cloth(1)composition(1)contemporary(1)crossroads(1)cut-nib(1)delicious(1)devanagri(1)eco friendly(1)facebook(1)fatheranddaughter(1)freelance(1)gestural writing(1)goldwinner(1)graphicdesign(1)guests(1)haanji(1)hachette(1)handdrawn(1)handletters(1)harvest(1)inks(1)jawahar kala kendra(1)kabir(1)khargosh(1)leehking(1)letters(1)manacheshlok(1)manoj das(1)marathi(1)moleskine(1)mumbai(1)muse(1)new beginning(1)note(1)omair ahmed(1)paresh kamdar(1)practice(1)promotion(1)qamar dagar(1)quote(1)ramdas(1)relocate(1)rhythm(1)rumi(1)russian centre of art and science(1)scribbles(1)scrolls(1)studio(1)tattoo(1)teaching(1)website(1)FEEDJIT Live Traffic Feed
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