Antonia Monacelli on HubPages

Web Name: Antonia Monacelli on HubPages






description:I'm a writer at heart. Even though writing was a passion before that, I've known it that I wanted to write as a career from the time I was 12...
88Antonia Monacelli

Joined 11 years ago from Ontario, Canada

Contact Antonia Monacellireport 19 Articles 129 Followers 15 Following AboutArticlesActivityFollowingFollowersFan Mail

I'm a writer at heart. Even though writing was a passion before that, I've known it that I wanted to write as a career from the time I was 12 years old.

I have published my first book, short stories inspired by historical murders, 'Some Families Just Can't Hack It', which is available for kindle and in paperback on I'm currently writing my first novel. I have always been interested in mysteries and psychology, so writing about true crime seemed like a natural choice.

Aside from being a writer, I am an avid reader, a genealogy fanatic, a crafter, a true-crime enthusiast, a darn good cook, a bad housekeeper, an admirer of geisha, a lover of tattoos among other things.

You can follow me on twitter, or 'like' my facebook page and become a fan to follow my updates, and be notified when new articles are posted;!/ToniMonacelli

Accolades1110101001MIn the SpotlightJasmine Richardson, Jeremy Steinke, and the Richardson Family Murders

When children murder, it's shocking. Even more shocking and unimaginable is when children murder their own parents. The youngest person ever charged with multiple counts of murder in Canada is Jasmine Richardson, who was 12 years old at the time of the crime.

In the SpotlightMurderous Children: Alyssa Bustamante (15) Brutally Murdered a 9-Year-Old Girl

9-Year-Old Elizabeth Olten. Family Photo When most teenagers have a Friday off school, they sleep in, maybe get together with friends, or bum around the house in pajamas all day. When 15-year-old Alyssa Bustamante of Missouri had a Friday off from...

In the SpotlightMurderous Children: Cristian Fernandez (12) Killed His 2-Year-Old Brother

A toddler is dead, and another young boy, his older brother, could spend the rest of this life in prison as punishment. The question is - is charging a 12-year-old boy with first-degree murder, and trying him as an adult (a charge which carries a...

In the SpotlightFrom Johnny Cash to Slash: A Guide to Books on Musicians

I am an avid reader of memoirs and biographies, but I tend to prefer those on regular, everyday people rather than celebrities, with one exception; I love books on musicians. If I had to choose a reason why I enjoy books about musicians over books...

In the SpotlightAddiction, Insanity Polygamy: The 10 Best Memoirs

I'm an avid reader, and one of my favourite genres is memoirs and biographies. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love fiction, and most of my favourite books are fiction, but there is just something about reading someone's personal story, and...

In the SpotlightWhy Did Cody Posey Kill His Family? Murder on a New Mexico Ranch

The tale of Cody Posey and the murder of his family is a sad and tragic one. The strange twist in the story is that what makes it so exceptionally sad and tragic is not what you might think.

30True CrimesMurderous Children: Rachel Pittman (16) Murdered a Mother Two Children

5 years ago

It was a house fire that police and emergency services were responding to on May 11th, 2011, in rural Redwater, Texas, but the police quickly realized that something was just not right when the arrived at the scene. The bodies of 34-year-old...

6owlcation.comMurderous Children: 10-Year-Old Joseph McVay Shot and Killed His Mother

5 years ago

On January 2nd, 2011, at 6pm, near Big Prairie in Holmes County, Ohio, an argument between a woman and her 10 year old son over a chore would turn deadly, and change both of their lives forever.

107owlcation.comMurderous Children: Cristian Fernandez (12) Killed His 2-Year-Old Brother

3 years ago

A toddler is dead, and another young boy, his older brother, could spend the rest of this life in prison as punishment. The question is - is charging a 12-year-old boy with first-degree murder, and trying him as an adult (a charge which carries a...

31soapboxie.comWhy Did Cody Posey Kill His Family? Murder on a New Mexico Ranch

12 months ago

The tale of Cody Posey and the murder of his family is a sad and tragic one. The strange twist in the story is that what makes it so exceptionally sad and tragic is not what you might think.

49owlcation.comMurderous Children: Lionel Tate (12) Killed a 6-Year-Old Girl

5 years ago

The story of Lionel Tate, convicted of first-degree murder at the age of 14 following the death of 6-year-old Tiffany Eunick.

65soapboxie.comJoshua Phillips: 14-Year-Old Murderer of Maddie Clifton

12 months ago

It was November 3rd, 1998, when 8-year-old Maddie Clifton went missing in Jacksonville, Florida. Her body was eventually found under Joshua Phillips' bed. The two were neighbours.

130owlcation.comMurderous Children: Alyssa Bustamante (15) Brutally Murdered a 9-Year-Old Girl

3 years ago

9-Year-Old Elizabeth Olten. Family Photo When most teenagers have a Friday off school, they sleep in, maybe get together with friends, or bum around the house in pajamas all day. When 15-year-old Alyssa Bustamante of Missouri had a Friday off from...

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2 years ago

22-year-old Alexandra Tobias doesn't look like your average murderer at first glance, and she's not. The Jacksonville, Florida woman had given birth to her first child only 3 months prior to the incident, and while she was a young, inexperienced...

13owlcation.comParents Who Kill: Elaine Campione Drowned Her Daughters

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Serena, 3, and Sophia Campione, 19 months, were drowned in a bathtub by their own mother. This is an account of the events surrounding the murders including home videos and footage of a police interview.

92owlcation.comMurderous Children: 11-Year-Old Serial Killer Mary Bell

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It was the summer of 1968 in Scotswood, a community north of London in England. Martin Brown's lifeless body was discovered lying on the floor inside a boarded-up, condemned house, with blood and saliva trickling down his cheek. With no obvious...

3Biographies MemoirsAddiction, Insanity Polygamy: The 10 Best Memoirs

10 years ago

I'm an avid reader, and one of my favourite genres is memoirs and biographies. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love fiction, and most of my favourite books are fiction, but there is just something about reading someone's personal story, and...

192soapboxie.comJasmine Richardson, Jeremy Steinke, and the Richardson Family Murders

12 months ago

When children murder, it's shocking. Even more shocking and unimaginable is when children murder their own parents. The youngest person ever charged with multiple counts of murder in Canada is Jasmine Richardson, who was 12 years old at the time of the crime.

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I'm a writer at heart.  Even though writing was a passion before that, I've known it that I wanted to write as a career from the time I was 12...

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