
Web Name: Terrapsychology.com

WebSite: http://www.terrapsych.com





Everything converses.what is terrapsychology?Terrapsychology is a growing field of studies, ideas, and practices for reimagining and restorying how deeply and intimately our psychological life is involved with our surroundings, whether human or other than human.More informally, we tend how the world gets into the heart and how the heart reflects the world. TP explores how terrain, place, element, and natural process show up in human psychology, endeavor, and story, including myth and folklore.what does terrapsychology do?Terrapsychology explores how terrain, place, element, and natural process show up in human psychology, endeavor, and story, including myth and folklore.We are restorying and thereby reenchanting our relations with the world, and therefore with each other and with ourselves. TP is a deep psychology not only of humans, but of everything we interact with.What we do and who we are links to where we are, and when. What emerges when we listen, imagine, and feel into rich intersections of psyche, story, symbol, body, mood, and place? When we put the presence ofworldat the center of psychology?new stories for coming home to our homeworldA prime task of terrapsychology is to tell stories about our intimate involvement withthe multileveled presence of our living Earth, including that of specific places, creatures, and materials. What links us to places and animals, breezes and floods, towns and homes and strangely willful everyday objects travels along bridges of symbol, metaphor, image, and and dream.reenchantment and inspirationWe can t reenchant and heal the world without a reenchanting and healing worldview and thoughtful actions to inspire change.deep dwelling and conscious locationWhere we are and come from profoundly influences who we are and how we live. How much do you know about your surroundings?restorative ideas and practicesTerrapsychological work in the world strengthens social justice through restorative conversations and skills.terrapsychological inquiry for researchTerrapsychological Inquiry offers qualitative tools for Earth-honoring forms of inquiry inside and outside higher ed.when psychology needs therapyMainstream psychology has succumbed to planet-wrecking commercial, political, and military agendas. Is it curable?

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Resources for reimagining our relations with self, others, place, nature, and Earth.

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