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This site currently features bibliographical data to 663 Progressive Rock/Art Rock publications (books and articles). It is intended to provide information for the fan who wants to get a deeper understanding of the music (s)he likes, but also as a source for academic research.I have also tried to provide some comments on those publications I know. If you want to see the bibliography without my comments (the "printer friendly version"), click here!Is this your first visit? Then read on here. Next is the new stuff, followed by an explanation of what you will and what you won't find here. I also suggest you read the young persons' guide to Progressive Rock books!This site features bibliographical data on Progressive Rock. I do not want to get into the discussion of what Prog is, or what distinguishes it from other styles of popular (and classical?) musics. Just a few remarks on what is and will be included here should be enough.Featured on this site are books that cover Progressive/Art Rock in general, or artists and bands who record(ed) music regarded as Progressive/Art Rock. I also decided to add articles by musicologists, but fanzine features and articles remain excluded.Books I don't have full bibliographical data of are marked with a . Concerning those books, the information provided here has been checked, but it is incomplete: an ISBN, a year etc. might be missing. So your help is always welcome! Just send an email to nik@progbibliography.deRegarded as Progressive/Art Rock by whom?Well, by me. This is a natural consequence of the beforementioned fact that it is pretty much unclear, what Prog is (just like any other cultural manifestation). There is of course no dividing line between Prog and non-Prog - and that's fine! But then, one may argue that Gentle Giant may be a little "more Prog" than Genesis and maybe even more than Pink Floyd (please do not contact me about that particular topic, I am sure you have a completely different opinion!). So to give you an impression, or an example of what you can find here: The Gentle Giant book is included here, also the books on Genesis (there have been quite a few...), but you will not find any stuff on Pink Floyd. Although it is without doubt, that this band was very progressive, it was not really Progressive, you know what I mean? Nevertheless, I'm sure you will find some great Pink Floyd bibliographies on the 'net!I list a few titles covering styles connected to Prog, like Krautrock, Psychedelic etc. These are mentioned, when the descriptions of these books I found on the internet gave me the impression, that Yes is at least mentioned... So do not expect a full bibliography of those styles!I will not be able to give full descriptions of all the books and articles mentioned here, for I do not know them all. But I will add some from time to time, to give you an impression of what they contain. Don't worry, I try to avoid the amazon style: "I liked this book, go an' get it".You are not interested in my comments? Just delete them!Please note: I don't sell anything! But you may easily find some, or even many of the books mentioned here. I suggest you try the big online bookstores (US) (UK) (Germany) (France)or for the more rare titles, try national bookstores (Italy)That's where I found most of the books in my own collection. You can also follow the links displayed within the entries, or check the links page, some will lead you to authors' or publishers' websites, where you might also be able to get a book.The availability of many books may vary, so be patient and check those sites regularly.Moreover, quite a lot of the scientific texts (alongside other more easily accessible stuff) have been published on the 'net, I have put links to those on the website. If you happen to find any broken links, please tell me, I don't have the time to regularly check everything. Just send an email to nik@progbibliography.deAnother try would be ebay, you may be lucky there.If you are familiar with library proceedings, you might want to try to get the book by interlending. If you want to check the big libraries worldwide first, I suggest you try search machines like the KVK, a source for worldwide bibliographical data.If you can contribute to this site in any way, like - you know an ISBN, a year, you know the author's name, you'd like a certain book to be added, you are welcome. Those books I don't have complete data of are marked with a "". I have specified my whishes here and there, but in most cases they should be obvious.I especially need information about books on national scenes. It's hard to look for a Prog publication from Israel, if you don't speak Hebrew. Not to mention Japanese...So if you can help in any way, write to The information will be checked and subsequently published here.Here I will collect WARNINGS concerning certain internet stores who are likely to betray you. This is based on my own experience as well as experiences of other visitors of my website.First in line is iUniverse. I had to return a book which they had sent ignoring the cancellation of my order. I never had my money returned! 1. Agi, Yuzuru (ed.): The Bible: Rock Magazine No.04. Osaka. 1981. No ISBN. (A magazine containing biographies and discographies of European (including UK) Progressive Rock as far as known in Japan at that time. Rock Magazine was also known as the distributor of Phew's album „Aunt Sally".) 4. Albery, Nicholas (ed.): Cornucopia of Ideas. London 2001. ISBN 0-948826-58-4. (A compendium of ideas collected by the Global Ideas Bank. Everything from what to do with medication reaching its use-by date to moving the Earth, from following another religion for one day each year to repairing coral reefs with eco-friendly concrete balls. Brian Eno contributes a preface paying tribute to Nicholas Albery, the founder of the Institute of Social Inventions who died in 2001. His preface also highlights the potential impact of "the more modest ideas that turn out to make a big difference." More information and ordering here.) 7. Allen, Daevid: If Words were Birds. London, 1964. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Allen's first volume of poetry. 21 early poems, including the first appearance of 'Captain Shaw & Mr Gilbert'. Allen originally gave copies to all his friends to illustrate, à la Sun Ra - the band illustrating their own LP sleeves. 28 page booklet. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 8. Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 1. 1966 - 69: Soft Machine. Glastonbury 1994. ISBN: 1-899475-00-1. A new edition is expected by november 2005: Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 1: From Soft Machine to the Birth of Gong. Wembley 2005. ISBN: 0946719829. (192 pages). (Daevid Allen's history of the early Soft Machine. There will be a second part called 'Gong Dreaming 2, Gong: 69-75' and further sequels! More info here or here.) 10. Allen, Daevid: What Happened To Walter. A Bananabook for Helen & Walter, The Travelling Allens. 1969. Privately issued, no ISBN. (A little cartoon-type book was drawn by Allen for his parents who came to visit Gilli Smyth and him in Deya in 1969. Allen was slightly aprehensive about seing his parents for the first time since he left Australia 10 years before. Needless to say many things had changed since he left Oz in 1959, added to that they were also meeting Gilli for the first time. This funny fantasy catoon story about how the meeting might possibly turn out was his response. 14 page booklet. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 11. Allen, Daevid: Camembert Electrique Lyric Book. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Reproduction of original lyric inserts. All the lyrics of Camembert Electrique illustrated by Allen. Originally came as an insert in the first BYG pressings of the classic LP. 8 page card booklet. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 12. Allen, Daevid: Free Mother Romania. Invisible Opera Company 1990. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Open Diaries of Allen's Transylvanian Adventures, July 1990. When Allen decided spontaneously to travel to Romania in July 1990, all he knew about the country was from media coverage of the December '89 revolution - which fascinated him - and that there were many, many orphans needing help. He arrived in Bucarest with knowing no-one and with nowhere to stay, but found a warm, generous and stimulating people, eager to communicate on all levels - despite the invisible hand of fear and social repression still hovering over their shoulder. Allen's view of life in Romania has the unique and personal quality of a poet, political observer, traveller, humanist and friend. 40 page book. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 13. Allen, Daevid: Shapeshifter. The book. 1992. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Allen's companion book to Gong's album of the same name. Written and illustrated by Allen. A densely packed book full of detail, an unmissable aid to the fuller and deeper understanding of Gong's Shapeshifter album. The story of Zero the Hero continues, forbidden the use of money, he enters a limbo-like state linked to constant travelling around the world by plane, leaving it briefly at various destinations for further strange initiatory adventures. As the Shapeshifter album is Radio Gnome Invisible Pt. 4, this book is a vital and highly entertaining key to understanding the link between 'You' and the recent 'Zero To Infinitea'. First published in 1992. Contains complete Shapeshifter Lyrics. 56 page book. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 14. Allen, Daevid: Poet For Sale. Illustrated collection of Performance Poetry and Poems. 2003. Privately issued, no ISBN. (The first collection of Allen's performance poetry and poems to be published since 1962. 148 pages, 50 poems, dozens of photographs and illustrations chosen or drawn by Allen exclusively for this book. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 19. Ansali, Paolo/Paolo Besagno/Paolo Carnelli/Daniele Cutali/Matteo D'Agord/Massimo Forni/Emanuele Kraushaar/Paolo Noro/Riccardo Storti/Pasquale Scarpato/Pierpaolo Tondo/Donato Zoppo: Racconti a 33 giri - 50 album per scoprire il rock progressivo italiano. Genova 2003. No ISBN. (Detailed Reviews of 50 essential italian Lps. 13 Authors, foreword by Gianni Leone. Presented by Il Centro Studi per il Progressive Italiano, MovimentiProg and Wonderous Stories.) 22. Asbjørnsen, Dag Erik: Scented Gardens of the Mind. A guide to the golden era of progressive rock (1968 -1980) in more than 20 european countries. Wolverhampton 2000. ISBN: 1-899855-12-2. (The best prog discography I've ever seen: very detailed, all of the albums are described - and it's a lot more than "I like this album" - and there's a HUGE amount of albums there. Caution! This book does not cover the UK and Germany! Look for these countries in Asbjørnsen's "Cosmic Dreams at play" and in Joynson's "The Tapestry of delights".) 28. Balzer, André: Textes Et Chansons - Biographie D'Atoll. (Singer André Balzer's book includes the French Atoll biography in four parts as it is on the four albums "Musiciens-Magiciens", "L'Araignée-Mal", "Tertio" and "Rock-Puzzle". It also includes all lyrics of released and unreleased songs. 86 pages, A5 format. Can be ordered here.) 29. Banks, Peter/Billy James: Beyond and before - The Formative Years of Yes. Bentonville 2002. ISBN: 0-9710493-1-9 (soft cover), ISBN: 0-9710493-0-0 (hard cover with or without CD). (There is a limited edition hardback and a regular softback edition; the hardback is also available with a CD. Banks and Gerard Johnson have been working for some years now on Small Beginnings: Flashback, a music project based around a re-invention of Flash's "Small Beginnings". The release coincides with the 30th anniversary of Flash. Some versions of the book will come with a 20 min. CD, 'Small Beginnings: Flashback (A work in progress)', taken from the forthcoming Small Beginnings: Flashback project. More info at Peter Banks' website, at Golden Treasures Publishing or at the Flash website.) 31. Barotto, Paolo: Il ritorno del Pop italiano. Dal 1970 al 2000. 4. edition, Luserna 2000. Published by the author, no ISBN. The third and expanded edition has been translated into english and published as: 32. Barotto, Paolo: The return of italian Pop. Milano 1996. No ISBN. (The main focus of the book is on the italian Prog scene of the seventies. Younger bands and solo artists are compiled in an appendix. There are also a couple of interviews with the musicians. Very good book! Buy Barotto's book at 39. Benson, Joe: Uncle Joe's record guide: Progressive Rock. Glendale, CA: J. Benson Unlimited, 1989. ISBN: 0-943031-11-7. (A guide to progressive rock albums by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Genesis, Jethro Tull, The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, and Yes. A revised edition is planned for May 2002. ISBN: 094303115X.) 40. Benson, Raymond: Jethro Tull - The Pocket Essential Guide. London 2002. ISBN: 1904048188. (Raymond Benson examines every Jethro Tull album — track listing, personnel, cover art, recording history, and content. The book is released to coincide with Jethro Tull's 35th anniversary in 2003. According to Neil Thomason, this is a useful summary of the basic facts about Tull's career, but offers little that hasn't already been covered by other biographies or indeed websites.) 46. Blasquiz, Klaus: The Fender Bass. Milwaukee, WI 1990. ISBN: 0-7935-0757-X. (Blasquiz, better known to Magma fans by the nom kobaiën Klotsz Zaspïaahk, tells the story of the development of the Fender Bass by describing the different models and their improvements from the original instrument through to its present form.) 47. Blasquiz, Klaus/Cabrel, Francis/Ferstenberg, Muriel/Ruiz, Maxime et al.: Luthiers & Guitares d'en France. Chandelle Productions, Paris 1996. ISBN 2-911962-00-1. (A book about building guitars. 237p. I am not a 100 per cent sure, that the author Klaus Blasquiz is Magma's singer Klaus Blasquiz.) 49. Bowler, Dave/Brian Dray: Genesis: A Biography. New York 1992. ISBN: 0-283-06132-4. 50. (A Band history and discography. Published in Germany (as 'Genesis. Die Biographie') in 1993, 51. + 52. Poland 1995, and updated in the UK in 1994 (softcover) with about 60 more pages. Thanks to Carsten Busch.) 55. Branson, Richard: Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way. London 1998. ISBN: 0812931017. New and expanded edition: Branson, Richard: Losing My Virginity. London 2000. ISBN: 0753504561. (This is the autobiography of Virgin Group founder Richard Branson. Branson got his first million by releasing Mike Oldfield's debut "Tubular Bells" (1998's "Tubular Bells III" put the series' sales over 20 million.) 56. Breitman, Uri: Progressive Rock. From the 60s to the Present. Tel Aviv 2005. ISBN: 965-521-006-5. (In Hebrew (Original title: „Rock Mitkadem"). The book deals with the story of Prog in England from it's origins in the 50s and 60s through it's rebirth in the 90s and reflects on it's future. There is also a chapter on Isreali progressive Rock. This is the first Prog book in Hebrew! More information here and here. Thanks to Uri Breitman.) 59. newly addedBultrighini, Umberto/Gianni Oliva: Dopo i Beatles. Musica e società negli anni settanta (=Universale Carabba 1). Lanciano, Carabba 2003. ISBN - 88-883-4056-4. (The proceedings of a 2001 meeting on music and society in the 70's, with interesting contributions by PFM members Mussida, Di Cioccio and Djivas, 272 pages in italian.) 61. Busson, Thierry/Xavier Chatagnon/Bruno Versmisse: Ange. Le Livre Des Légendes. L'anthologie définitive sur le groupe mythique du rock français. Besançon, Eclipse Ed., 1995. ISBN: 2-911494-00-8. (This book, "Le Livre Des Légendes" is about France's best known Progressive rock band: Ange. Can be ordered here.) 64. Camerlo, Marcelo: The magic land. A guide to south american Beat, Psychedelic and Progressive Rock Vol. 1: Argentina - Uruguay 1966 - 1977. Madrid 1999 ISBN: 8489439168. (Better start collecting now, for it'll be a huge encyclopaedia in the end! Vol 2 will hopefully be: Close to the edge of the topographic ocean of crimson nektar: A guide to Beat, Psychedelic and Progressive Rock in Panama and Ecuador, summer 1971 - autumn 1971. Don't know the book, but the author seems to be very dedicated. Can be ordered here.) 66. Caporale, Piergiuseppe: Banco. Il manuale del gruppo rock. Roma 1982. (This is not a book about Banco...! Here is what the official Banco website says: This manual was published by Antrophos edition in 1982. It arose from the experience of Banco del Mutuo Soccorso and wants to provide help for all who wish to have a band. How to write a track, how to record, how to organise a tour... this and a lot more plus 50 unpublished photos.) 70. Carr, Ian: Miles Davis. A critical biography. London 1982. ISBN: 0-7043-2273-0. Re-issued, London 1984. Also published as: 71. Carr, Ian: Miles Davis: Eine kritische Biographie. Ins Dt. übertr. von Volker Kriegel u. Werner Schmitz. Baden 1985. ISBN: 3-906700-02-X. Also published as: 72. Carr, Ian: Miles Davis: una biografia critica. A cura di Riccardo Bertoncelli; postfazione di Giacomo Pellicciotti. Milano 1982. ISBN: - 88-85008-4 -X. 76. Casas, Quim: Peter Gabriel. Barcelona 1990. No ISBN. (95 pages, written in spanish. Includes a discography.) 77. newly addedCasiraghi, Giordano: Anni Settanta. Generazione rock. Roma 2005. ISBN: - 88-359-5728-1. (429p. Interviews with important people of the seventies, also includes a part on discographies, but rather incomplete. In italian.) 78. Castellini, Davide: Le Canzoni di Peter Gabriel. Commento e Traduzione dei Testi. Rome 2004. ISBN 88-359-5570-X. (175 pages contain english lyrics with italian translations and comments about the meaning of the songs.) 79. Caswell, Judson C.: Minstrel in the Gallery: History in the music of Jethro Tull. From: The St. Cleve Chronicle: The Jethro Tull Mailing List, 7 December 1993, Volume 4 : Issue 92. (This is an online article. Click here.) 80. Cateforis, Theo: How Alternative Turned Progressive: The Strange Case of Math Rock. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 243 - 260. ISBN: 0815337159. 81. Caunes, Antoine de: Magma. Paris 1978. ISBN: 2226005633. (187 pages with illustrations and discography.) 82. Chambers, Stuart: Yes. An endless dream of '70s, '80s and '90s rock music. An unauthorized interpretative history in three phases. Burnstown, ON, General Store Publishing House, 2002. ISBN: 1-894263-47-2. (This is one of those "fan-books", unintellectual and sometimes even anti-intellectual. It will tell you, that Yes is a great band, but won't tell you why. Chambers even tells us, that "these questions are best left unanswered"! That's why I call the book anti-intellectual. Do we have to be grateful to be able to at least ask these questions? The book tells us the view of another fan who's top five are: "In the Presence of", "Give Love each day", "Homeworld", "New Language" and "Lightning Strikes". This should make you careful. On the other hand, it is the only Yes history that focuses on the eighties and nineties. This should make the book worth having. But what's the point in this approach if you can't say why these decades are so much more interesting than the seventies? Chambers, who gives a description of every single Yessong (but leaves out "Money", "Give and Take" and some others for no known reason) even misses the chance to give insight where possible: recent interviews have made it possible to understand the embarrassing process of the recording of "Union" a bit better, but Chamber ignores them in order to be as vague as possible in not answering questions that are better left unanswered. Order your copy by sending an e-mail to Thanks to Rosemary Kenopic, General Store Publishing House.) 83. Charles, Daniel: Hommage an Demetrio Stratos. In: Fragmente. Schriftenreihe zur Psychoanalyse. Nr. 35/36, Kassel 1991, pp 135 - 143. 84. Chekroun, Jacqueline: Marillion. L'ère du poisson. Cagnes-sur-Mer 1994. ISBN: 2-9508781-0-5. 85. Chernoff, John Miller: African rhythm and African sensibility. Aesthetics and social action in African musical idioms. Chicago 1979. ISBN: 0-226-10345-5, 0-226-10344-7. Re-issued Chicago 1981. also published as: 86. Chernoff, John Miller: Rhythmen der Gemeinschaft. Musik und Sensibilität im afrikanischen Leben. München 1994. ISBN: 3-923804-39-3. re-published: Wuppertal 1999. ISBN: 3-87294-838-5. (A book suggested to Bill Bruford by Robert Fripp during the formation of King Crimson in 1981.) 87. Chiriacò, Giampaolo: Area - Musica e rivoluzione (=Rock people 3). Roma/Viterbo 2005. ISBN: -88-722-6853-2. (An 113p. italian book, dedicated to the italian band Area, including a bonus CD of the "Parco Lambro" live concert from 1976 (first CD-reissue) with tracks by Area, Sensation's Fix, Canzoniere del Lazio, Tony Esposito, Ricky Gianco, Eugenio Finardi, Agorà, Taberna Mylaensis, etc... Buy here.) 88. Christopulos, Jim/Phil Smart: Van der Graaf Generator: The Book. Published by "Phil and Jim". 2005. ISBN 0-9551337-0-X. (A VdGG biography. Members of Genesis (Phil Collins, PG, Steve Hackett) have contributed to it ('71 Six Bob tour, where Genesis opened for VdGG). Also in the book is prog artist Paul Whitehead, producer John Anthony (who's production work includes VdGG, Genesis, Queen, Roxy, The Tubes), Armando Gallo (the Genesis biographer), Dave Anderson (Amon Düül II & Hawkwind) and a bunch of people from the Charisma Records office, as well as members from old Charisma bands including Rare Bird, Audience, and Lindisfarne. Also included are interviews with John Frusciante (RHCP), Graham Coxon (Blur), Gary Lucas (Capt Beefheart's Magic Band), Marc Almond, Colin Newman (Wire), Arthur Brown and several others, as well as music producers George Martin and Shel Talmy, movie directors Jonathan Demme and Anthony Minghella, and authors Ian Rankin and Michel Faber. Hardcover, and over 300 pages. There are nearly 300 photos, in both color and b&w (most never before seen).) 89. Cicmil, Slobodan/Goran Vejvoda: Brian Eno: Zaobilazne strategije. Belgrade 1986. ISBN 86-7339-003-8. (A collection of interviews from 1973-1984. Got this information from here.) 90. Clarke, Steve: Genesis: Turn It On Again. The Illustrated Genesis Story. London, New York 1984. ISBN: 0711904421. 91. Clemente, Luis: Triana. La Historia. Second edition, Sevilla 1997. ISBN: 84-930020-0-3. (Biography of the spanish flamenco symphonic Prog group Triana, including a compilation CD.) 92. Clerk, Carol: Marillion in Words and Pictures. London, 1985. ISBN: 0-7119-0768 (paperback). (Mostly photographs, with an overview of the band's history from the early days through the release of Misplaced Childhood. Thanks to John Kuge.) 93. Colbeck, Julian: Keyfax. The Real Story Behind the Synthesizer Revolution. Emeryville, California 1996. ISBN: 0-918371-08-2. (Julian Colbeck played keyboards with ABWH and Steve Hackett.) 94. Colbeck, Julian: Keyfax. The guide to electronic keyboards. London 1985. ISBN: 0-86369-096-3. 95. Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 2. The Guide to Electronic Keyboards. London 1986. ISBN 0-86369-155-2. (Keyfax 2 contains information on classic monophonics like the Moog Minimoog, Source, Rogue, early polyphonic giants Rhodes Chroma, Synergy, Roland MKS-80 etc., and early samplers from E-Mu, to PPG.) 96. Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 3. London 1988. ISBN: 187-095-1034. (Keyfax 3 encompasses everything late '80s, from digital pianos to sequencing software, with synths, samplers, controller keyboards, and home keyboards in between.) 97. Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 4. London 1994. ISBN: 187-260-160X. (Keyfax 4 covers all professional instruments, from synths to samplers to keyboard controllers. Fully updated and revised, each review contains information on available data cards and associated software.) 98. Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 5. London 1994. ISBN: 187-260-1650. (Keyfax 5 is the sister publication of Keyfax 4, concentrating on multimedia and leisure instruments, including General MIDI modules and computer sound cards, digital pianos, and home keyboards. With comparative assessments on computer platforms, a GM glossary, and more.) 99. Colbeck, Julian: Rock talk. London 1989. ISBN: 0750000775 (correct), 0750000783 (pbk), 0356167909. 101. Colbeck, Julian/Tony Mitchell: How to make a hit record. London 1989. ISBN: 1854700073. 102. Coleman, Ray: Phil Collins: The Definitive Biography. First edition: London 1997. ISBN: 0684817845, second edition: London 1999. ISBN: 068486830X. (also published as:) 103. Coleman, Ray: Phil Collins. Die definitive Biographie. Aus dem Engl. übers. von Kirsten Borchardt. St. Andrä-Wördern 1997. ISBN: 3-85445-159-8. 104. Collingbourne, Huw: Genesis - A 20th Anniversary Souvenir - In Praise of a Legend. Lionbond publishers 1987. No ISBN. (A brief history of the band (34 pages).) 105. Collins, Jon: Marillion. Separated out. The complete history 1979-2002. London 2002. ISBN: 1900924498. 106. Cope, Julian: KRAUTROCKSAMPLER: One head's guide to the great Kosmische Musik - 1968 onwards. Löhrbach 1995, ISBN: 0-9526719-1-3. 3rd edition 1996, ISBN: 3-925817-86-7. 107. Cortés, David: El Otro Rock Mexicano - Experiencias Progresivas, Sicodélicas, de Fusión y Experimentales. Times Editores/Opción Sónica/Tower Records, Mexico 1999. 280 pages. ISBN: 968-7817-50-X. (Along with "El Otro Rock Mexicano", David Cortés brilliantly erected a powerful panorama complete with Progressive scenes, psychedelic, fusion and Mexican experimentation ranging from 1967 to today, with an exhaustive discography, bibliography, and list of articles. 280 pages in A3 format are written in Spanish. Get the book here. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 108. Coryat, Karl/Richard Johnston (editors): The bass player book - equipment, technique, styles and artists. San Francisco 1999. ISBN: 0879305738. (This is the right-hand source for players who live and breathe bass - electric or acoustic, beginners or veterans. Details the ins and outs of buying basses and equipment and provides tips on set-up, recording, more. Chapters on technique cover bass basics, theory, fretless playing, slapping and harmonics, a variety of styles, more. Interviews with Stanley Clarke, Jeff Berlin, John Pattitucci, others. Note/tab, 244 pp.) 109. Cotner, John S.: Music theory and progressive rock style analysis: on the threshold of art and amplification. In: Heintze, James R./Michael Saffle (ed.): Reflections on american music. The twentieth century and the new millennium. A collection of essays presented in honor of the college music society. New York, Pendragon Press, 2000. ISBN: 1576470709. (Cotner locates 60s Progressive Rock within it's intramusical and extramusical context. He exemplifies his views with analyses of Zappa's „Hungry Freaks, Daddy", The Velvet Underground's „Heroin" and Hendrix's „Voodoo Child (Slight Return)". Thanks to Ralf J. Günther.) 110. Covach, John: Echolyn and American Progressive Rock. In: Covach, John/Walter Everett (Editors): American Rock and the Classical Music Tradition. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. (= Contemporary Music Review, vol. 18, no. 4). ISBN: 9057551195, pp. 13 - 61. (After a brief introduction into the genre, Covach focuses on the american Progressive Rock scene and the elements that distinguishes it from the european/british scene. The chronological overview consideres music by Starcastle, Kansas, Happy the Man, However, U-Totem and mainly echolyn.) 111. Covach, John: Emerson, Lake & Palmer's Trilogy. From: Progression Magazine, fall 1997. (This is an online article. Click here.) 112. Covach, John: Free Hand: The Gentle Art of Counterpoint. From: Progression Magazine, Spring 1996. (This is an online article. Click here.) 113. Covach, John: Genesis' Selling England by the Pound. From: Progression Magazine, summer 1997. (This is an online article. Click here.) 114. Covach, John: Jazz-Rock? Rock-Jazz? Stylistic Crossover in Late 1970s American Progressive Rock. In: Walter Everett (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999, pp. 113 - 134. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6. (The text focuses mainly on two american Prog bands, namely Happy The Man and the Dixie Dregs and features analyses of some of their pieces and the additional "Medieval Overture" by Return To Forever. The article can also be found here.) 115. Covach, John: Jethro Tull and the Long Song. From: Progression Magazine, summer 1996. (This is an online article. Click here.) 116. Covach, John: Progressive or Excessive? Uneasy Tales from Topographics Oceans. From: Progression Magazine, winter 1996. (This is an online article. Click here.) 117. Covach, John: Progressive Rock, 'Close to the edge', and the Boundaries of Style. In: Covach, John/Graeme M. Boone (Editors): Understanding Rock Music: Essays in Musical Analysis. Oxford 1997, pp. 3 - 31. ISBN: 0195100050. (An analysis of „Close to the Edge" as an example for stylistic experimentation in Progressive Rock. John Covach's website. The online article is here.) 118. Covach, John: Stylistic Competencies, Musical Humor, and This is Spinal Tap (This is an online article. Click here.) 119. Covach, John/Graeme M. Boone (Editors): Understanding Rock Music: Essays in Musical Analysis. Oxford 1997. ISBN: 0195100050. (The book contains several articles, including Covach's „Progressive Rock, 'Close to the edge', and the Boundaries of Style".) 120. Curtis, James M. Rock Eras: Interpretations of Music and Society, 1954-1984. Bowling Green, OH 1987. ISBN: 0-87972-368-8 (Clothbound) ISBN: 0-87972-369-6 (Paperback). (Chapter 24 "High Culture as Popular Culture, II" deals with Progressive Rock.) 121. Cutler, Chris: File under Popular: Theoretical and Critical Writings on Music. London 1985. ISBN: 0-936756-34-9. ISBN: 0946423016 (paperback). Second edition, London 1989. ISBN: 0946423032 ISBN: 0946423040 (paperback). Revised edition, London/New York 1992. 122. Revised German edition, publishers Michael Schwinn 1994. 123. Revised, expanded Japanese edition, publisher Susei Sha 1996. 124. Revised, expanded Polish edition. 125. French translation in train. (Cutler was Henry Cow's drummer.) 126. D'Alesio, Sergio: Genesis. Milano 1981, Roma 1982 and Roma 1984. No ISBN. (93 pages of biography and pictures with a discography.) 127. Dancha, Kim: My own time. The authorized Biography of John Wetton. Schnecksville, PA (USA) 1997. ISBN: 0-9654847-1-8. (Essential - because Wetton was a member of nearly every prog band in history - but too thin! It is the only source of inside information on groups like UK. Wetton is very open, concerning his thoughts on his colleagues. The book has a discography (- 97), a band chronology and a bibliography. Available via John's website.) 128. Dassisti, Franco: Pooh: Quelo che non sai. Milano. 1997. ISBN:88-04-42454-0. (A biography of I Pooh) 129. Dean, Roger: Views. 2nd edition, Limpsfield, Surrey (England) 1975. ISBN: 0-905895-94-0. Reprint, Petaluma 1985. ISBN: 1-56640-448-7. (A collection of Dean's early work, including his illustrations for Yes from 1971-1974 (Fragile through Relayer), and some stage set information. The companion book to Views is Magnetic Storm, which covers Dean's later work. More info on Roger Dean's website, where the book also can be ordered. Thanks to John Kuge.) 130. Dearling, Alan/Mook Bahloo: Alternative Australia. Enabler Publications, Lyme Regis 2000. ISBN 0-9523316-4-0. (Contributors include Daevid Allen and Thom the World Poet. A celebratory, roller-coaster ride through the many parts of alternative Australia. The communities, the tribal elders, the eco-protestors and performing arts scene, it's all here. All manner of contributors including things from Allen and Thom the World Poet. If you want to get the feel of, and understand the alternative scene in Oz, then here is a great place to start. 250 page paperback book. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 131. De Bellis, Pio: Ricerche per un'apoteosi del Pop italiano. 2000. No ISBN. (Strictly Ltd.: 200 copies. Treatise on the italian 70s progressive music, with remarkable openness to other kinds of music and ample spiritual and philosophical reflections.) 132. Dechamps, Christian: Mes Mots d'Ange et autres vers solitaires. Jarville-La Malgrange 1993. ISBN:2-86955-149-5. (Book of lyrics by the Ange leader.) 133. Delâge, Frédéric: Chroniques du Rock progressif 1967/1979. Périgueux 2002. No ISBN. (242 pages, it's all in color and based upon 100 reviews of records, from "Days of Future passed" by the Moody Blues to "The Wall" by Pink Floyd.) 134. Delâge, Frédéric: Genesis: La boîte à musique. Nancy 1998. ISBN: 2-910196-18-6. (John Kuge says: A recent book (in French) that traces the band from their beginnings at Charterhouse through Calling All Stations.) 135. Del Soldato, Elisabetta/Marina Ganzerli: Jethro Tull: Testi con traduzione a fronte. Con un'appendice di commenti di Ian Anderson. Disco per disco. Firenze 1998. ISBN: - 88-09-21285-1. 136. Demont, Max: Counting Out Time. The Worldwide Singles Discography Volume 1. 1993. Privately published, no ISBN. (A book with photos and descriptions of all Genesis and solo 7" singles. Includes rare demos and acetates through the time of printing. 255 pages. Max Demonts website, here, seems to be down.) 137. DeRogatis, Jim: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Prog-Rock Underground (But Were Afraid to Ask). From: Guitar World, 1998. (This is an online article. Click here.) 138. Di Cioccio, Franz: Premiata Forneria Marconi: Due Volte Nella Vita. Milano 1996. ISBN: 88-04-41064-7. (A detailed autobiography that also reveals a lot of unkown inside stories about PFM's career, from the early days until "Ulisse". The book includes a full PFM discography and the band's family tree. 139. di Fonzo, Luigi: Il Rock in Abruzzo. EcamLab, Pescara 2000. No ISBN. (A 250 page history of Rock and Prog in Abruzzi since the late 50ies.) 140. Doerschuk, Bob (Editor): Rock Keyboard, Foreword by Keith Emerson, Quill/GPI Books, New York 1985. ISBN: 0-68802-9612. (This is a collection of interviews with a number of keyboarders, including Rick Wakeman, Keith Emerson and Goeffrey Downes among others, who were not connected with Progressive Rock. Thanks to Bernward Halbscheffel.) 141. Domone, Keith/Domone, Monika: The Barclay James Harvest Story. Swallowtail Publishing, San Ramon, CA 2005. ISBN: 0955119006. (A 350 page history from school days to the present day. With lots of Photos and a band an solo discography. there will be a deluxe hardback and a paperback edition. Expected by october 2005.) 142. Dovico, Paolo/Luigi Riganti: Vinile italiano. Indice del nuovo rock dal 1977 al 2002. Torino 2002. Privately issued, No ISBN. (Only a few Prog albums are mentioned. Order this book from: 143. Ducray, François: Genesis - De Peter Gabriel à Ray Wilson. Rennes 1997. ISBN: 2-912836-01-8. (Small CD-size book with 98 full color pages.) 144. Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. New York 1985. ISBN: 031324605X. 145. Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. A selectively annotated discography. First supplement, New York 1991. ISBN: 0313275424. 146. Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. A selectively annotated discography. Second supplement, New York 2000. ISBN: 0738837547 (hardcover), ISBN: 0738837539 (paperback). (Duxbury's very informative books deal with classical references not only in Progressive Rock, but in popular music in general. An essential work. There is a website by Duxbury: 147. Editorial Board of 200CD Progressive Rock ed.: 200 CD Progressive Rock. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4651820514. (In Japanese. A guide to prog rock masterpieces.) 148. Eisner, Andy: Art- und Progressive Rock. Die kreativste Phase der Rock- und Popmusik? Maturaarbeit, Voitsberg 2005. 149. El Haouli, Janete: Demetrio Stratos - Alla ricerca della voce-musica. N° 33 del periodico Sfera, Milano march-april 1993. (Book + CD). (An essay about Area's singer Demetrio Stratos and his voice which is, as El Haouli concludes, close to the tuva-mongolian throat singing tradition. It also includes writings by Stratos' colleagues and historians of italian Progressive Rock and several of Stratos' drawings and lyrics as well as a complete Area and Stratos discography. The CD is a compilation of Area and Demetrio Stratos tracks. The book can be purchased from 151. Emerson, Keith: Pictures of an Exhibitionist. London 2003. ISBN: 1-904034-79-9. (This is a man's book about a men's world. Full of trips and fucks. Very honest, but not really a chronological history of KE, The Nice or ELP. Moreover, the book sort of ends in 1978.) 152. Eno, Brian: A year with swollen appendices. Boston/London 1996. ISBN: 0571179959. (Brian Eno's diary) 153. Eno, Brian/Jean-Paul Mourlon: Brian Eno Journal - Une année aux appendices gonflés. Paris 1998. ISBN 2-84261-092-X. ("A year with swollen appendices", Brian Eno's diary, translated into French by Jean-Paul Mourlon. Includes a 6-track CD of previously unreleased pieces mentioned in the text. Got this information from here.) 154. Eno, Brian/Russell Mills: More Dark Than Shark. London 1986. ISBN 0-571-13883-7. (With commentaries by Rick Poynor. A collection of lyrics and paintings, with discography and critical essays. Got this information from here.) 155. Espinoza, Barbara: Driving in diverse: a collective profile of Jethro Tull. Kearney, NE 1999. ISBN: 0739203304. 156. Espiral, ?: Jethro Tull. Canciones 1. Spain 2001. (A 160 pages book containing spanish translations of Jethro Tull tracks from "This Was" to "A Passion Play".) 157. Estigarribia, Décio: Yes - Uma Rara Música de Quinteto. Rio de Janeiro 1996. ISBN : 85-85483-34-2. (More information here.) 158. Evans, Peter: Music from the Darkness - Mike Oldfield, 1953-1993. 1994. (An electronic version can be found here.) 159. Everett, Walter (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6. (This is the book sometimes mentioned as "Progressive and Art Rock: Critical studies". It contains chapters on the Dixie Dregs and Happy the Man (by John Covach, see above) and on Genesis' large scale compositions (by Mark Spicer, see below).) 160. Fabbri, Franco: Album Bianco - Diari Musicali 1965-2002. Milano/Padova 2001. ISBN - 88-7966-230-9. 2nd edition: Roma 2002. ISBN - 88-7966-259-7. (249 p. Stormy Six guitarist traces his band's history and the whole italian scene. In italian.) 161. Fabiano, Francesco: Peter Gabriel. Testi originali con traduzione a fronte, discografia completa, guida ai bootlegs. Genova 1999. ISBN: 88-86775-36-9. (192 pages of Peter Gabriel lyrics translated into italian.) 162. Farley, Alan: The Extraordinary World Of Yes. New York/Lincoln/Shanghai 2004. ISBN: 0-595-33133-5. (The 254 page paperback is about the music of Yes, including asking what is the meaning of many classic Yes songs. Unfortunately those are no in-depth analyses.) 163. Feito, Álvaro: Jethro Tull. Traducción de las canciones, Alberto Manzano. Barcelona 1990. No ISBN. 164. Feurich, Hans-Jürgen: Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 173 - 191. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4. (Feurich analizes "Design" and offers a transcription of the song.) 165. Fielder, Hugh: The Book of Genesis. New York, 1984. ISBN: 0-312-08880-9. (It's 128 pages of Genesis "in their own words" covering their history from 1950 to 1984. Thanks to Brad Hancock.) 166. Fiori, Umberto: Listening to Peter Gabriel's "I have the touch". pp. 37-44 in: Popular music 6 (1987). 167. Fitch, Vernon: A Collectors Guide to Soft Machine, Gong, Henry Cow & Related Group Recordings. Pink Floyd Archives (PFA) 1998. No ISBN. (A privately issued 44 pp. book that lists hundreds of live recordings by the Soft Machine and their many offshoots. Other bands listed include Matching Mole, Carla Bley, Delivery, Elton Dean Quartet, El Skid, Hugh Hopper Band, Hopper-Dean & Coxhill, Hopper-Dean-Tippett & Galivan, In Cahoots, Isotope, Just Us, Ninesense, Pink Floyd, Raincoats, Soft Head, Soft Heap, Supersister, Symbiosis, Wilde Flowers, WMWM, Wolf, Robert Wyatt, Gong, Daevid Allen, Mother Gong, Steve Hillage, Tim Blake, Didier Malherbe, Bloom, William Burroughs, Here and Now, Pierre Moerlen, Octavia Neptune, Terry Riley, Kevin Ayers, David Bedford, Lol Coxhill, Mike Oldfield, Caravan, Hatfield and the North, Egg, Gilgamesh, National Health, Gordon Beck Quartet, Bill Bruford Band, Camel, Contrepoint, Ivor Cutler, Allan Holdsworth, Nucleus, Rapid Eye Movement, Tempest, David Sinclair, Dave Stewart, Keith Tippett, U.K., Henry Cow, Art Bears, Duck & Cover, Fred Frith, Skeleton Crew, Massacre, The Work, Peter Blegvad Ensemble, Boulevard Theater, Faust, Slapp Happy, Zu Band and others. It also contains concert dates from the 1960s and 1970s.) 168. Flesca, Valentino: Il pop & progressive in Italia. Varese 1995. Published by the author, no ISBN. (Similar to Paolo Barotto's book, it provides a list of the italian Progressive Rock bands, which is quite complete. Flesca also adds critical discographies.) 169. Forrester, George/Martyn Hanson/Frank Askew: Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The show that never ends. A musical biography. London 2001. ISBN: 1-900924-17-X. (Surprisingly a rather weak book on ELP. It consists of 2 parts: Part one has the band's history, with some information on the years before ELP has been formed, part two consists of analyses of most of the band's tracks. The first part does not provide much new information, despite a very interesting chapter on the disasterous "Works"-tour, part 2 is even weaker, for it doesn't have anything you wouldn't hear by yourself. Nevertheless, it contains a good discography. A new edition seems to be in the making.) 170. Frame, Pete: Yes - The Trip to Asia. Belgium? 1983. (What was that? I want to have this book!) 171. newly addedFreeman, Garry: The Bootleg Guide. Classic Bootlegs of the 1960s & 1970s. An Annotated Discography. Oxford 2003. ISBN: 0810845822. (A 719 page discography.) 172. Freeman, Steven/Alan Freeman: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg. Leicester 1997. ISBN: 0-95295-06-0-X. (A very detailed discography to german Prog- and Krautrock.) 173. Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Progressive Rock: Mainstream - the Golden Era: The DIG present disc guide series #017. Tokyo. 2004. ISBN:4-401-61858-0. 174. Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: Euro Progressive Rock. The DIG present disc guide series #018. Tokyo 2004. (A Disc guide in Japanese.) 175. Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Progressive Rock - Outstanding edition. The DIG present disc guide series #020. Tokyo 2004. ISBN: 4-401-61882-3. (In Japanese. Disc guide: KC, VdGG, Canterbury, Folk etc. The publication of this book completes the trilogy (along with The DIG present disc guide series #018, "Euro Progressive Rock" and The DIG present disc guide series #017, "UK Progressive Rock: Mainstream - the Golden Era", both by the same authors.) 176. Gallant, David: Asia. The Heat Goes On. The Authorized Asia Biography. Summerside, PEI, Canada 2001. ISBN: 0-9688584-0-6. (A book on Asia, most interesting for Prog fans for it descibes a comparatively less known phase in the life of three important Prog musicians, Steve Howe, John Wetton and Carl Palmer. The book gives detailed insight in the band's career, even when it didn't exist. Concerning the eighties, the book unfortunately focuses mainly on Wetton. As there already is a Wetton biography and a book on ELP, more information about Howe and Downes (who has been the band's leader ever since the early nineties) would have been welcome. But this is only a minor flaw, the book is absolutely worth reading, for it describes the career of a couple of great Prog musician during a time when Prog seemed to be over. Available here.) 177. Gallo, Armando: Genesis: The evolution of a rock band. First edition, London 1978. ISBN: 0-283-98440-6 (paperback) ISBN: 0-283-98439-2 (cloth). (Reprinted three times (first reprint in 1979). An updated version was called 'Genesis: I Know What I Like'. 'Genesis: The evolution of a rock band' has also been published 178. in Germany with different pictures and a different layout. ISBN: 3-9800216-0-2.) 179. Gallo, Armando: Genesis: I Know What I Like. Los Angeles, 1980. ISBN: 0-9604036-0-4 (paperback) ISBN: 0-9604036-1-2 (cloth). (This is the updated version of 'Genesis: The evolution of a rock band'. It is a biography of the band with some amazing pictures, covering their history up to 1978 (And Then There Were Three...). Gallo is a photographer and longtime friend of the band. The book also appeared as a limited edition of 1000 copies hand bound in leather, boxed, numbered, and signed by the author. There was another printing circa 1986, but it was not updated. Rereleased with a Paul Whitehead introduction in 1998. 180. + 181. Also published in French as 'Je Sais Ce Que J'aime' (1981) and Italian as 'La Loro Leggenda'. Thanks to John Kuge.) 182. Gallo, Armando: Genesis: From one fan to another. London/New York 1984. ISBN: 0-7119-0515-0 (paperback). 183. Also published in Tokyo 1985. Same book as the UK version except the cover. ISBN: 4-401-62100-X. 184. Gallo, Armando: Peter Gabriel. London/Sydney/New York/Cologne 1986. ISBN: 0-7119-0783-8 (paperback). (Lots of photos of Gabriel with Genesis and solo (most in full color), with accompanying quotes. Also includes an interesting interview about the So album, which had just been released at the time of publication. Thanks to John Kuge.) 185. Garmo, Trond Einar: Henry Cow. En analyse av avantgarderock, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2001. ISSN: 1502-6272, ISBN: 82-92267-02-6. (A 239 p. Thesis on Henry Cow at the Institute for Music, University of Trondheim (NTNU). A history of Henry Cow and an analysis of most of their work. 82 pages of transcriptions and a huge discography. The thesis was done in 1985 and has been updated for publication. The members of Henry Cow have participated in festivals of modern music in Trondheim. The book might not be available from any other place than the University bookstore in Trondheim, as the book is part of a series of publications by the institute itself, and as far as I understand, not distributed to bookstores elsewhere. (Thanks to Geir Hasnes)) 186. Germonville, Jean-Pierre: Ange - Au-Delà Du Système, Vingt Ans De Musique. Nancy, Presses Univ. de Nancy 1990. ISBN: 2-86480-449-2. (This book by Jean-Pierre Germonville traces back the complete history of the Decamps brothers' band. This work is indispensable for all Ange fans, due to its numerous photos and interviews of band members from different periods. Ange was, after all, the most famous seventies French Progressive rock band. Can be ordered here.) (160 Pages paperback book with no pictures and a bizarre cover. Includes info on all solo members too.) 188. Giammetti, Mario: Peter Gabriel. Il Trasformista. Padova 1999. ISBN: 0-88-7966-189-2. (192 pages, no photos - 1999. Editions Arcana. Focus mostly on solo career with a full discography.) 189. Giammetti, Mario: The Genesis Story. Milano 1998. No ISBN. (288 pages paperback book. Includes a short biography of the band, a detailed description of every song and a large discography.) 190. Giammetti, Mario: Genesis. Il fiume del costante cambiamento. Roma 2004. ISBN: 8835955076. (480 pages.) 191. Gifford, Clive: The Script: An Illustrated Biography. London, 1987. ISBN: 0-7119-1113-4 (paperback). (Short Marillion biography with a lot of photos and a complete discography, covering the band's history through 1986. Thanks to John Kuge.) 192. Gnuvo, Art: The Story So Far. 1988. ("The Story So Far" (1988) is a 123 page softcover book containing a Genesis and related vinyl bootleg discography which accompanied a 7" single of Genesis live at the Charleroi Festival in Brussels, Belgium January 16, 1972 (side 1: "Stagnation", side 2: "Twilight Alehouse"). Over 100 listings with label/company, country of origin, tracks, catalogue numbers, and sound quality gradings. Limited to 100 copies. It is unclear whether "Art Gnuvo" is the author's name or if the cover art is by a person or a company called Gnuvo.) 193. Göbölyös, László N.: Genesis - Teremtéstõl a Toplistákig. IRI 1987. ISBN: 963-02-49081. (A 200 pp. history of the band in Hungarian.) 194. Göbölyös, László N.: Dalnok A Balkonon. A Jethro Tull története (Lezli & Karel-Humania, Könyv, Stereo KFT 1995. (A book about Jethro Tull, in Hungarian. Lots of photos, very detailed. Limited to 1000 copies.) 196. Gonzalez, Didier: L'Histoire Du Rock Progressif. (These extremely well-researched books tell the story of the world Progressive movement from its origins up to now, dealing with chronological, geographical and stylistic aspects. Each band, from the most famous to the most obscure, is covered by a biography and a discography. Many photos of covers (In black and white). A5 format, written in French, with colour covers. 8 Volumes altogether: Tome 1: England 1965 to 1972, Tome 4: Italy 1969 to 1973, Tome 5: Italy 1974 to 1979, Tome 6: Italy 1980 to 1994, Tome 7: Germany 1969 to 1978. Can be ordered here.) 197. Gonzalez, Didier: L'Histoire Mondiale du Rock Progressif (Tomes 1, 2 e 3). Tome 2: L'école anglaise 1973 - 1982. 1992. Privately issued, no ISBN. (More information here.) 198. Graves, Barry: Classic goes Pop. In: Musik und Bildung 5, Mainz 1973, pp. 181 - 183. (The short text just mentions ELP, The Nice and Ekseption, among others. Nothing essential.) 199. Green, Jon: Promenade the Puzzle. The Poetic Vision of Peter Sinfield. (About possible connections between King Crimson and emperor Friedrich II. This is an online article. Click here.) 200. Greenland, Colin/David Lucas/Roger Dean/Martyn Dean: Magnetic Storm. San Francisco (CA) 1993. ISBN: 1-56640-449-5. (The familiar Dean Pix + very interesting information on Yes' stage sets of the 70ies.) 201. Griffin, Mark J.T.: Vangelis - The Unknown Man. 2nd edition, Aberdeen 1997. ISBN: 0-9523187-2-5. 202. Groh, Achim: Eine Diskographie Zur Deutschen Musik Szene. Neuendettelsau 1989. Published by the author. No ISBN. (A 332 page book written in German. Includes a discography of many Prog, folk labels (ohr, brain,...) and a chapter with an artist discography. Thanks to Manuel da Achada.) 203. Grosse, Francis/Bernard Gueffier: La Discographie du Rock Français. Un guide musical, historique et discographique du rock français de la fin des années 60 à nos jours. Hors série de Musea Mag, Musea MP 3017.AR, EAN-Code: 3426300030177. 1st ed. Chaumont 1984 (1000 copies), 2nd ed. 1986 (1000 copies), 3rd ed. Dombasle 1994 (2000 copies). ISSN: 1245-3692. (Can be ordered here. Musea plans to release the fourth edition in 2002, probably in the form of a CD-ROM. This edition will include at least three times more bands and records than the previous one! Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 204. Guinot, Pascal: Du Progressif Espagnol Au Flamenco Spirituel. (The work of Pascal Guinot allows to create bridges between Spanish Progressive Rock and flamenco. Can be ordered here.) 205. Guirin, François/François Ruaud: The History Of British Progressive Rock Of The Eighties. Lyon 1995. No ISBN. (A book about the british Prog scene of the eighties (yes, there was one!) Very detailed discographies, short biographies. The biggest problem is that there are no descritptions of the bands' styles. Cover by Peter Nicholls. Thanks to François Guirin. More information here.) 206. Gun, Ray: Out of Control. London 1997. ISBN 1-86154-040-X. (A collection of stuff from 3 Californian magazines with contributions by Brian Eno. Got this information from here.) 207. Halbscheffel, Bernward: Living In The Past: Rock-Opern, -Symphonien, -Suiten und Parodien. In: Kneif, Tibor (Ed.): Rock in den Siebzigern. Jazzrock, Hardrock, Folkrock u. New Wave. Reinbek 1980, pp. 40 - 81. ISBN: 3-499-17385-9. (A history of art in pop music (Beatles, Procol Harum, The Nice), covering adaptations and self composed operas, symphonies, suites and parodies, that includes investigations of the musicians' motives and the concept of the concept album. Have a look at the author's website.) 208. Halbscheffel, Bernward: Früher Jazzrock in Großbritannien - die Canterbury-Strömung. In: Jazzforschung/Jazz Research no. 22, Graz 1990. (On the Canterbury scene. You might also want to check the author's website.) 209. Halbscheffel, Bernward: Rock barock - Rockmusik und klassisch-romantische Bildungstradition. Berlin 2001. ISBN: 3-00-008178-X. (The doctoral thesis deals with the connection of Rock/Pop and classical Music. It also contains a chapter about "Progressive Rock und Avantgarde". It can be downloaded or read here. You might also want to check the author's website.) 210. Hammill, Peter: Killers, Angels, Refugees. London 1974. ISBN: 0-85947-002-4. (Peter Hammill's first book contains lyrics for all the songs from 1966 up to "Silent Corner" (1974), poems, drawings and other interesting stuff. More info here.) 211. Hammill, Peter: Mirrors, Dreams and Miracles. Westbury, England 1982. No ISBN. (Contains lyrics and short stories 1974 - 1980. More info here.) 212. Hanson, Martyn: The story of The Nice: Hanging on to a Dream. London 2002. ISBN: 1900924439. (A book on The Nice. This book has several faults. First and most severe fault: Keith Emerson wasn't available for interviews. The reason is that he wanted to save his best stories for his own book, but certainly this one lacks his input. Secondly, the book is written in very poor english, which even I, not being a native speaker realise. Then there are certain things lacking, for example: All bandmembers are introduced in little biographies with the strange exception of Pat Arnold, without whom The Nice would never have existed. Then we read about the band members' reactions to Emerson's dismission of the band - with the exception of Lee Jackson. On the other hand, it has strong appendices: discographies, gig lists and the beformentioned biographies. In the end: a weak book, but the only one about an important band.) 213. Harrison, Gavin: Rhythmic Illusions. London 1996. ISBN: 1576236870. (72 pages. Bill Bruford provided the foreword to the drummer's book. More information here.) 214. Hartwich-Wiechell, Dörte: Pop-Musik. Analysen und Interpretationen. Köln 1974. ISBN: 3-87252-078-4. (Especially interesting is a chapter on "Zeugnisse des Eklektizismus und der Rückwendung", pp. 282 - 297. She offers a matrix for adaptions of classical music, starting with close reproduction and ending at free interpretation and mere stylistic inspiration. Among others, she discusses ELP's "Abaddon's Bolero" and The Who's "Tommy". On pp. 279 - 281 she also discusses Deep Purple's "Child in Time".) 215. Haskell, Gordon: The Road to Harry's Bar. Edinburgh 2006. ISBN: 1840189878. (The ex-member of King Crimson has written his autobiography.) 216. Heckstall-Smith, Dick: The safest place in the world. A Personal History Of British Rhythm and Blues. London 1984. ISBN: 0704326965. (Dick Heckstall-Smith played the Saxophone in the Graham Bond Organisation and Colosseum, amongst many others!) 217. Hedges, Dan: Yes. The authorised biography. London 1981. ISBN: 0-283-98761-8. (A very detailed band history up to the Drama-age. Not at all one of those "Chris is a great bass player" books. Very detailed discography.) 218. Henke, James: Human Rights Now! The Official Book of the Concerts for Human Rights Foundations World Tour. New York 1989. ISBN: 0881624624. (This book is the official record of the concert tour taken by the megastars shown on its cover (including Peter Gabriel) in 19 cities from London to Buenos Aires to raise world consciousness of human rights and the plight of political prisoners world-wide.) 219. Herold, Horst: Symphonic Jazz - Blues - Rock. Zum Problem der Synthese von Kunst- und Unterhaltungsmusik in symphonischen Werken des 20. Jahrhunderts. (= Populäre Musik und Jazz in der Forschung. Interdisziplinäre Studien. Bd. 5). Münster 1999. ISBN: 3825842967. (The book focuses mainly on Jon Lord's orchestral works. The analyses are well done, but there are a lot of typos, errors and wrong information, especially on the background of works that aren't the main focus of the book. He didn't read any of the english books on the subject. A bad researched bibliography.) 220. Hewitt, Alan: Opening the Musical Box: A Genesis Chronicle. London 2000. ISBN: 0-946719-30-6. (Featuring interviews with all members past and present, a discography & gigography.) 221. Hillage, Steve/Miquette Giraudy: The Little Book of Words. Privately issued, no ISBN. (A reprint of a long, long deleted booklet by Steve Hillage and Miquette Giraudy containing the complete song-lyrics of 'Fish Rising', 'L' and 'Motivation Radio'. 40 page booklet. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 222. Hinners, Andreas: Progressive Rock. Musik zwischen Kunstanspruch und Kommerz (= Diplomica 25). Marburg 2005. ISBN: 3-8288-8942-5. (An analysis of Progressive Music (based on the examples of Fred Frith, Frank Zappa, Soft Machine, John McLaughlin, Bill Laswell, Heiner Goebbels, Miasma and Asgard) as a popular music between artistic claim and commercialism. Unfortunately not very well researched: author didn't know the Prog-Bibliography!) 223. Hinton, Brian: Message to love. The Isle of Wight Festivals, 1968-70. Chessington 1995. ISBN: 1860741479. 224. Hiromi, Ito & others trans.: Into The Magical Mirror. Tokyo 1989. ISBN: 4783724105. (Six Japanese poets translate the lyrics of their favorite tunes, and write essays on them. One of the lyrics is King Crimson's.) 225. Hodgson, Alan J.: The Phantoms of 3000 Years: A look at some of the myths behind the music of Jethro Tull. First edition 1993. Second and extended edition, Birstall 2000. ISBN: 0-9538444-0-4. (A booklet of 75 pp. which contains 15 insightful essays from "Living In The Past - The Alternative Jethro Tull Fanzine" and 5 poems. The essays give background information on aspects of English folklore so many Tull-songs are referring to or based on. Further information and orders: Stormwatch Publications, C/o Alan Hodgson, 48 Kirk Gate, Birstall, West Yorkshire, England WF17 9PB, Email: 226. Hoffmann, Raoul: Die elektrische Klassik. Emanzipations-Versuche der Rock-Bands. In: Hoffmann, Raoul: zoom boom. Die elektrische Rock- und Popmusik. München 1974, S. 136-152. (An article about the classical Prog bands of the seventies. Trying to find positive examples of "elektrische Klassik", he focuses on King Crimson and Frank Zappa. Thanks to Ralf J. Günther) 227. Hojn, Andrzej/Michal Wilczynski: SBB Wizje. Autoryzowana historia zespolu. Katowice 2003. ISBN: 83-919431-0-0. (A biography of the Polish progressive trio SBB, including a compilation CD.) 228. Holdsworth, Allan: Melody Chords For Guitar. 1997. Centerstream Publishing, Anaheim Hills, California. ISBN: 1-57424-051-X. (Excerpt from the Preface: ‘The aim of this book is to provide the guitarist with a simplified method of learning chords, in diagram form, for playing accompaniments in orchestral and instrumental performances of modern popular music and also for playing popular melodies in "chord-solo" style.') 229. Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001. ISBN: 0815337159. (A collection of very hetergeneous articles. Intelligent analyses are followed by absolute rubbish. But the good ones outweigh the others. Check my comments on the articles.) 230. Holm-Hudson, Kevin: A Promise Deferred: Multiply Directed Time and Thematic Transformation in Emerson Lake and Palmer's "Trilogy". In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 111 - 120. ISBN: 0815337159. 231. Holm-Hudson, Kevin: The "American Metaphysical Circus" of Joseph Byrd's United States of America. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 43 - 62. ISBN: 0815337159. 232. Holm-Hudson, Kevin. Apocalyptic otherness: Black music and extraterrestrial identity in the music of Magma. Popular Music and Society, Dec. 2003. (This is an online article. Click here.) 233. von der Horst, Dirk: Precarious Pleasures: Situating "Close to the Edge" in Conflicting Male Desires. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 167 - 182. ISBN: 0815337159. 234. Howard, Greg: The Chapman Stick, at home in the world of progressive rock. 2000 (from Progression Magazine). (This is an online article. Click here.) 235. Howe, Steve/Tony Bacon: The Steve Howe guitar collection. London 1994. ISBN: 871547-64-4. (A luxurious book with foldout pages and lots of pictures. Steve describes each instrument and gives explanations on the songs he used the guitars on and why.) 236. Howie, Tomás: Rhythms of Progressive Rock. (Includes analyses of pieces by Yes, Genesis, Jethro Tull and King Crimson. This is an online article. Click here.) 239. Iwamoto, Kouichirou: Fantastic Illustrated Music Book. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4924880396. (In Japanese. A catalogue of prog rock in 60's & 70's with photos of 1,500 album jackets.) 240. Iwamoto, Koh'ichiroh (ed.): Label Book 1: Strange Days. Compile Series vol.2. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-900340-57-X. (Harvest, Vertigo, Apple and Immediate catalogue in japanese.) 241. Iwamoto, Koh'ichiroh (ed.): Label Book 2: Strange Days. Compile Series vol.4. Tokyo 2002. ISBN: 4-900340-67-7. (Virgin, Caroline, Charisma, B&C, Pegasus, Mooncrest and Dandelion catalogue in japanese.) 242. Iwamoto, Koh'chiroh (ed.): Label Book 3: Strange Days Compile Series vol.6. Tokyo 2003. ISBN: 4-900340-77-4. (Island, Bronze, Help, Obscure, Manticore, Swan Song and Dawn catalogue in japanese.) 243. Iwamoto, Koh'chiro: The Imaginative Rock Music Guide: Psychedelic, Progressive Rock & Freak Beat. Tokyo 1995. ISBN:4-924880-39-6. (Similar to he Tapestry of Delights without photos but with enormous label lists.) 244. Jackson, Philip: Acid Dragon Dossier: Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums. (Two volumes on 60 pages. Vol. one: The origins of progressive rock: how prog was born. Vol. two: A guide to the 100 best prog albums. More information here. French magazine Acid Dragon has published a certain number of special reports. Written in English, those files soon proved to be an essential source of information about an entire segment of progressive rock. The 40-page book "Storia Di Un Minuto" (by Thierry Sportouche and Jacques Toni, see below) is a guide through the great names of the Italian Progressive music of the Seventies. Fifty groups are listed, with reprints of covers. Texts in English. "The Brass Lizards" (by Jacques Toni, see below) lists Progressive bands with brass instruments (Colosseum, Soft Machine, etc...). As for "Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums", it was published by Phil Jackson and offers a subjective classification of the best 100 albums ever made. Can be ordered here.) 245. Jacob, Dirk: Marktstudie und Marketingkonzeption zu dem Segment Progressive Rockmusik (Prog-Rock). Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule Nürtingen, WS 1996/97. 246. Jacobs, Brian: Keith Emerson. Interviews. Keyboard Magazine edition. Japan 1992. ISBN: 4-8456-0040-4. (It seems to be a collection of interviews in Japanese of 263 pages. It is not clear whether it is a book or magazine format. More information here, if you can read it... Can be ordered here.) 247. Jacobsen, Finn: Berührungspunkte des Progressive Rock mit artifizieller Musik in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren (Magisterarbeit, Universität zu Köln, Wintersemester 1998/99.) 248. Johansen, Claes: Procol Harum. Beyond the pale. London 2000. ISBN: 0946719-28-4. (Includes bibliographical references, discography and index.) 249. newly addedJones, Martin: Lovers Buggers & Thieves: Garage Rock, Monster Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Folk Rock. London 2005. ISBN: 1900486415. 250. Josephson, Nors S.: Bach Meets Liszt: Traditional Formal Structures and Performance Practices in Progressive Rock. In: Musical Quarterly, vol.76, no. 1 (Spring 1992), pp. 67-92. (In this article, Josephson shows, how Progressive Rock Music has been influenced by classical music of any era. This article is most interesting, because Josephson does not restrict himself to adaptions and interpretations by Progressive Rock musicians, but focuses on their original compositions.) 251. Joynson, Vernon: The Tapestry of delights. The comprehensive guide to british music of the beat, R&B, psychedelic and progressive eras 1963 - 1976. 3rd Edition, Glasgow 1998. ISBN: 1899855084. (Maybe the most detailed and best researched discography listed here. There is a great website: In fact, it contains the whole thing!) 252. Joynson, Vernon: Fuzz, Acid and Flowers. A comprehensive guide to american garage, psychedelic and hippie rock (1964 - 1975). Glasgow 1998. ISBN: 0-9512875-8-3. (Another one of Joynson's huge discographies. There is a great website: In fact, it contains the whole thing!) 253. Joynson, Vernon: Dreams, Fantasies and Nightmares from far away lands. Canadian, Australasian and Latin American Rock and Pop 1963 - 1975. Glasgow 2000. ISBN: 1899855106. (Another one of Joynson's huge discographies. No website for this one.) 254. Juan Hernández, Javier de: Jethro Tull. Traducción de las canciones, Antonio Ortega. Madrid 1984. No ISBN. 255. Kahyaoglu, Orhan: Jethro Tull. Katkida Bulunan: Bora Çetin. Çiviyazilari; Müzik, Eglence. 1. Edition Ekim, Istanbul 1991, 2. Edition Ekim, Istanbul 2000. ISBN: 9758086766. (A 348 pages book about Jethro Tull, in Turkish. Contains some photos, some lyrics (both in english and turkish), and a chronological history about every album. It also contains a tour schedule from 1968 until 1998, and a detailed index on Jethro Tull websites on the internet. Go to the book's website.) 256. Kal'nickij, Vladimir: Rusificirovannyj King Crimson. Saint-Peterburg 2000. ISBN: 5-306-00043-6. 257. Kamin, Philip: Phil Collins. Wauwatosa, WI 1985. ISBN: 0-88188-352-2. (Biography and discography.) 258. Kamin, Philip/Peter Goddard: Genesis. Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins & Beyond. New York 1984. ISBN: 0-8253-0243-9. (Introduction by Phil Collins. Thanks to Brad Hancock.) 259. Karl, Gregory: King Crimson's Larks' Tongues in Aspic: A Case of Convergent Evolution. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 121 - 142. ISBN: 0815337159. 260. Kawamoto, Akitsugu: ‘Can You Still Keep Your Balance?': Keith Emerson's anxiety of influence, style change, and the road to prog superstardom. In: Popular Music XXIV 2, May 2005, pp. 223-244. 261. Keeling, Andrew/Mark Graham: A Musical Guide to King Crimson. Volume 1: Larks' Tongues in Aspic.(CD-ROM) (It is the first in a series of interactive musical guides to the music of King Crimson. It is illustrated with musical notation diagrams that you simply click with your mouse to play using your computer's sound card. Plus there's a full score of "Larks' Tongues In Aspic". "This guide takes you through all the complexities of the music, stripping away layer after layer to reveal the inner workings of the exquisite machinery of harmony, counterpoint and rhythm that, seemingly so effortlessly, go together to make: "Larks' Tongues In Aspic"." More information here) 262. Keeling, Andrew/Mark Graham: Musical Guide to „In the Wake of Poseidon" by King Crimson. (CD-ROM) 2004. (It is the second in a series of interactive musical guides to the music of King Crimson. It is illustrated with musical notation diagrams that you simply click with your mouse to play using your computer's sound card. Plus there's a full score of "In the Wake of Poseidon".) 263. King, Michael: Wrong Movements: A Robert Wyatt History. Wembley 1994. ISBN: 0-946719-101-1. 264. There has been a japanese Translation: Tokyo 1997. ISBN:4-7926-0281-5. 266. Kneif, Tibor: Avantgarde: zum Beispiel Rockmusik. Notizen anläßlich der Deutschland-Tournee von Gentle Giant. In: Musik und Bildung 8, Mainz 1976, pp. 104/105. (Kneif discusses the music of Gentle Giant as an example of rather complicated rock music put forth against the argument, that rock is much simpler than classical music and therefore not really suitable for musical education.) 267. Kneif, Tibor: "Roll over Beethoven". Zur Beethoven-Rezeption in der Rockmusik. In: Musik und Bildung 8, Mainz 1976, pp. 535. (Kneif discusses Beethoven adaptions by rock bands like Vanilla Fudge, Ekseption, ELO and Curved Air.) 268. Kneif, Tibor: Über sogenannte Rockopern. In: Musik und Bildung 9, Mainz 1977, pp. 49/50. (Kneif discusses the question, what is a rock opera? Featured examples are "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Tommy", "ARK 2" (by Flaming Youth) and several Kinks albums.) 269. Kneif, Tibor: Was ist ein "Concept Album"? In: Musik und Bildung 9, Mainz 1977, pp. 301/302. (Kneif tries to find a definition of the term "concept album" and discusses Zoot Money's "Transition", The Mothers' "Absolutely Free", The Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper", and Genesis' "Foxtrot" among others.) 270. Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 131 - 144. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4. (This article is more or less a combination of earlier writings by the same author. It is most interesting for those parts that go beyond what Kneif had written before, these are just a few additions.) 271. Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik. In: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music VIII/2, 1977, pp. 237 - 251. 272. Kneif, Tibor: Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 168 - 170. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4. (The article does not provide a song by song analysis, but rather an overview of the album.) 273. Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik. Ein Handbuch zum kritischen Verständnis. Reinbek 1982. ISBN: 3-499-16279-2. (Pages 167 - 189 are about progressive music, but more references to Prog can be found throughout the book.) 274. Kneisel, Christian: Wo das Kraut wächst. Rock in der Bundesrepublik. In: Kneif, Tibor (Ed.): Rock in den Siebzigern. Jazzrock, Hardrock, Folkrock u. New Wave. Reinbek 1980, pp. 197 - 245. ISBN: 3-499-17385-9. (A history of 70ies Krautrock in the Bundesrepublik. 275. Knight, Brian L.: Rock in the Name of Progress. (A Prog overview, full of mistakes! It is an online article. Click here.) 276. Koch, Ralf: Deutsches Progressiv Rock Verzeichnis. 1st edition 1995. Published by the author. No ISBN. (The book contains information about german prog bands (still) active in 1995. It is regularly continued in the british "wonderous stories" magazine. Thanks to Carsten Busch.) 277. Kosinski, Piotr/Krzysztof Dmochowski: Marillion. Grendel, Fish i Hoggy. Kraków 1992. ISBN: 83-85335-05-6. 278. Kull, Greg: The Anatomy Of Man. (Accompanying Echolyn's albums ‘As The World' and God Pounds His Nails are sections of Greg Kull's ‘The Anatomy Of Man'. Here is the ‘The Anatomy of Man', complete and unaltered. The 14,000 words that make the Anatomy were written from February through August of 1994 while ‘As the World' was being produced. Accompanying the ‘Anatomy' is a selection of Kull's earlier writings, all contributing to what the author calls, "words and sketches". ‘The Anatomy of Man' represents the beginning of a prolific period where another eighty or so poems were written in 1994, 1995, and 1996.) 279. Kulluvaara, Jonne: Suomalainen progressiivinen rock 1967-2001. Popparienkeli Oy 2002. ISBN: 9529148259. 280. Kuloda, Shilow (or: Kuroda, Shiro?): Yes. Ongaku Tomo (Japan) 1979. ISBN: 4-276-23330-5. (Discography and tour dates with some photographs. Reprinted in 2000?) 281. Kurosawa, Susumu: Psychedelia in Japan. Tokyo 1994. ISBN: 4-401-61377-5. (240 page book written in Japanese. Includes complete discography and singles cover pictures of Japanese Psych and Prog bands from 1966 to 1972. A very complete book and very useful for collectors, for it includes lps, singles and cd catalog numbers. Thanks to Manuel da Achada.) 282. Lafiteau, Jean-Louis: L'Encyclopédie Des Musiques Progressives. Metz 1999. No ISBN. (3.800 bands are covered with some biographical information, descriptions of the music and discographies plus occasional cross-links. Thanks to Carsten Busch. Can be ordered here.) 283. Lake, Greg: Word Sculptures. Lyrics from the Musical Life of Greg Lake. Greg Lake Ltd. c/o Pilato Entertainment, Rochester, NY 1997. ISBN: 0966505409. (The Greg Lake website says: "The book features the lyrics to over 40 of Greg Lake's songs, including "Lucky Man", "In The Court Of The Crimson King", "Daddy", "Take A Pebble", "From The Beginning", "Closer To Believing", "Still... You Turn Me On", "Karn Evil 9", "C'est la Vie", "Watching Over You", "Manoeuvres" etc. Additionally, there is an introduction by Greg Lake, and a photo section spanning Greg's entire musical career." More information can be found on Greg's website. Thanks To John Kuge.) 284. Lake, Steve: BRUHAHA für EBERHARD oder keiner popt Klassik schöner als SCHÖNER. In: Rock Session. Magazin der populären Musik. Bd. 5. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1981, pp. 253-255. ISBN: 3-499-17413-8. (This article, which originally had been published in english in the Melody Maker is a very critical comment on Eberhard Schoener's classic-rock event in Munich, 1980, that also included Procol Harum and Jon Anderson and the New Life Band. Thanks to Ralf J. Günther.) 285. Lange, Georg: Classic-Elemente in der Popmusik und ihre pädagogische Relevanz. Examensarbeit Hamburg 1971. 286. Laufenberg, Frank: Genesis kommt: alles über die Welt-Tournee '92. Auf Europa-Tour vom 28. Juni bis 2. August. Presented by Volkswagen. Bergisch Gladbach, Bastei-Lübbe 1992. ISBN: 3-404-72523-9. Also published as: 287. Genesis en Tournee. Delta Press, France, 1992. ISBN: 3-404-72523-9. (51 pages with mostly photos from the 'We Can't Dance' tour but does have some nice older shots.) 288. Lawhon, Mark E.: Classic Concerts of the 1970s: The Encores Continue. Lawhon Publications LLC. Photos of rock & jazz giants in concert, including The Who, Yes, Ted Nugent, Return to Forever & Jaco Pastorius! Leathers Publishing, Overland Park, KS 2004. ISBN: 1585972797. (Included are over 300 photos of: The Who, Yes, Ted Nugent, Return to Forever, Peter Gabriel, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Head East, Gary Wright, Rush, Jethro Tull & many others.) 289. Leitner, Olaf: Rockszene DDR. Aspekte einer Massenkultur im Sozialismus. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1983. ISBN: 3-499-176971. (This is a book about rock music in the GDR in general, but there is also some very intersting information about GDR-Art Rock. The book also includes a small encyclopaedia including bands like Lift, Stern Combo Meißen etc. Thanks to Ralf J. Günther.) 290. Leonard, Deke: Rhinos, Winos & Lunatics. The Legend of Man, a rock'n'roll band. Bordon 1996. ISBN: 1-900711-00-1. 291. Levin, Tony: Beyond the Bass Clef. The life and art of Bass playing. Woodstock, NY (USA) 1998. ISBN: 0-9668137-0-7. (A collection of very inhomogenic stuff, held together by Tony's great sense of humour. Contains anecdotes, autobiographical information, espresso philosophy, and a list of band names never used by Tony. Available at Tony's website.) 292. Levin, Tony: Crimson Chronicles. Volume 1: the ‘80's. Woodstock, NY 2004. ISBN: 0-9668137-1-5. (A collection of over 200 very briefly commented photos documenting the life of the Crimson King during the eighties. Chapters: „Beginnings", „Discipline", „On Stage", „Travel", „Photo Sessions", „Recording", „On The Road", „Other Bands", „Robert Fripp", „Bill Bruford", „Adrian Belew", „Tony Levin" and „More Road Shots". Available at Tony's website.) 294. Lindenthal, Martin: Express yourself. Yourself ... ? Madonna und Phil Collins. Die Imageanalyse von Popstars anhand zweier markanter Figuren. Dipl.-Arb., Wien, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, 1993. 295. Lindhout, Helen: Beyond the Threshold of a Dream (A Journey into the Music of Justin Hayward). Menlo Park, Firthispake Publications 2000. ISBN: 0620179228. 296. Livgren, Kerry/Kenneth Boa: Seeds of Change: The Spiritual Quest of Kerry Livgren. rev. and expanded ed., Nashville, Sparrow Press 1991. ISBN: 0917143035. (This is a book that contains information on Livgren's musical career in and out of Kansas, but focuses mainly on Livgren's personal spiritual quest. If you're interested in exploring his lyrics, you will find, that they come from a man who was sincerely asking those questions and looking for answers and finally found his destination in Christianity.) 297. Loog Oldham, Andrew: Stoned. London Secker & Warburg, 2000. ISBN 0-436-28866-4. (This is the autobiography of the Stones manager who also was the manager, among others, of The Nice, taken from conversations between Oldham and Pete Townshend, Keith Richards, Mary Quant and others. Throughout it all, Oldham emerges as brilliant, manipulative, slightly sinister and ultimately unknowable.) 298. López, Jaime: Yes. Traducción de las canciones, Alberto Manzano. Barcelona 1990. Reprinted in 2000. No ISBN. 299. López, Jaime: Yes. Video Rock. Barcelona 1990. ISBN: 84-345-5289-2. (Thanks to Janell Duxbury.) 300. López, José Miguel: Robert Fripp & King Crimson. Música de alto riesgo (Colección La encrucijada, Vol. 5). Madrid 1994. ISBN: 84-88857-06-3. 301. Louis, Jeroen: Ian's Central Theme. Aqualung revisited. (This is an online article. Click here.) 302. Lucky, Jerry: The progressive rock files. 4. Edition, Burlington (ONT), Canada 1998. ISBN: 1-896522-10-6. (Not very detailed history of Prog, including Neo Prog - whatever that is, plus a list of bands and their most interesting albums.) 303. Lucky, Jerry: 20th Century Rock and Roll: Progressive Rock. Burlington, Ont. 2000. ISBN: 1-896522-20-3. (Contains band histories and - too often incomplete discographies of the well-known Prog artists.) 304. Macan, Edward L.: 'The Spirit of Albion' in twentieth-century English popular Music: Vaughan Williams, Holst and the Progressive Rock Movement. In: Music Review, vol. 53, no. 2 (May 1992), pp. 100-125. (Macan shows the influence, the music of Vaughan Williams and Holst had on the „Big Five".) 305. Macan, Edward L.: Rocking the classics. English progressive rock and the counterculture. New York/Oxford 1997. ISBN: 0-19-509888-9. (The book does not tell the story of prog in chronological order, but is rather thematically structured. Most interesting are the analyses of four pieces (Tarkus, Close to the Edge, Firth of Fifth, Wish you were here (the album)) and there is also a chapter on "related styles". It has a discography and a bibliography. There is a review of Macan's book by Mark Spicer. See below.) 306. Macan, Edward: Endless Enigma. A Musical Biography of Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Chicago 2006. ISBN: 0-8126-9596-8. (The book covers the band' history from the recording sessions for their first album in June 1970 to their final implosion in December 1998, the book is both a biography of the band and a critical survey of all of the ELP albums (including ELPowell and Three), as well as of the solo work of Emerson, Lake and Palmer individually. Find out more here. Thanks to Edward L. Macan.) 307. Malherbe, Didier: L'anche des métamorphoses. Sonnets. Chambéry 2001. ISBN 2-87661-236-4. (French Poetry.) 309. Manzano, Alberto/Peter Hammill/Miguel Angel Fernández Álvarez/Paco B. Peiro: Canciones. Traducción de Alberto Manzano (=Canciones 135). Madrid, Editorial Fundamentos. 1993. (Genesis lyrics in english and spanish.) 310. Marengo, Renato/Michael Pergolani: Enciclopedia del Pop Rock napoletano. Roma, RAI-ERI 2003. ISBN - 88-397-1230-5. (345 Pages about the Rock and Prog scene in Naples.) 311. Marengo, Renato/Michael Pergolani/Mario De Felicis/Umberto Telesco: Song 'e Napule. Rome 1998. ISBN 88-397-1029-9. (The Rock and Prog scene in Naples. Contains discography and name index.) 312. Martin, Bill: Avant Rock: Experimental Music from the Beatles to Bjork. Chicago/La Salle 2000. ISBN: 0-8126-9500-3. 313. Martin, Bill: Listening to the future. The time of progressive rock, 1968 - 1978. Chicago/La Salle ILL 1998. ISBN: 0-8126-9368-X. (The book tries to provide a theory of Progressive Rock from a marxist's point of view (Hey! There are some left in the U.S.! Unbelievable!). The second part is a Prog history as "a guided discography", ‘68 - ‘78. Then Martin adds another chapter on Prog until ‘97.) 314. Martin, Bill: Music of Yes. Structure and vision in progressive rock. 2. Edition, Chicago/La Salle 1997. ISBN: 0-8126-9333-7. (This is not a band history, but contains interpretations of Yessongs, from the marxist's point of view. The focus is on the "main sequence", that is The Yes Album through Going for the One. For these albums Martin provides song for song analyses. He also adds interpretaions of songs from the other albums and the band members' solo efforts.) 315. Martin, Bill: Pro Secrets Of Heavy Rock Singing. London, 2002. ISBN: 1860744370. (Pro-Secrets of Heavy Rock Singing is the first instructional book to exclusively address the unique aspects of heavy rock singing. Based on the insights from seasoned rock professionals, the author uses detailed interviews to reveal how to hit high notes, increase power, avoid vocal burnout, improvise on stage and more. James LaBrie is interviewed in this book as well as quoted in almost every chapter. The other singers included in this book are Bruce Dickinson, Geoff Tate, Joe Lynn Turner, Tim "Ripper" Owens, David Draiman, John Bush, Angela Gossow, Ray Alder and more. You can visit Bill Martin's website here.) 316. Marziano, Alfredo: Peter Gabriel. Suoni senza frontiere. Auditorium, Milano 1998. ISBN: 88-86784-11-2. (Contains a Peter Gabriel bibliography and discography.) 317. Matovina, Dan: Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger. San Mateo, Calif., Frances Glover Books 1997. ISBN: 0965712214 (pbk), 0965712206 (hardback). Re-published in 2000. ISBN: 0-9657122-2-2. (436 pages book plus CD a 19 track/72 minute CD of previously unreleased demos of Pete Ham & Tom Evans, Iveys live/demos, interviews from radio/ backstage, and more. This material is oriented to help follow the book's storyline and each "track" is marked in the book. The new edition includes complete appendices of live dates and studio listings of The Iveys and Badfinger covering the years 1965 to 1975. Might be of interest for Yes fans, as Tony Kaye was a member of Badfinger.) 318. Matsui, Takumi: British Jazz Rock: Exceed Press Pop Culture Series. Tokyo. 1999. ISBN: 4-89369-725-0. (In japanese.) 320. Matsui, Takumi: King Crimson. Groups, solo & related works. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4924880531. 321. Matsui, Takumi: Yes. Solos and related books. Tokyo 1997. ISBN:4-88745-006-0. (158 pages in japanese.) 322. Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): Marquee Encyclopedia of American (Progressive) Rock. (cover title: Encyclopedia of American Rock: Progressive Rock Side). Tokyo 1995. No ISBN. (Japanese language edition, 270 pages. Contains Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Jazz Rock, Hard Rock, Psychedelic, Avant-Garde Music, Folk, Trad. from A to Z. In English are: music categories, group names, record titles, and record labels with release numbers and dates. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 323. Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): Marquee Encyclopedia of European Rock 2. Germany 1969-1994. (cover title: Encyclopedia of German Rock: Marquee Special Edition). Tokyo 1994. No ISBN. (A detailed account of not only the 1969-1994 German rock scene and the East German, Austrian and Swiss scenes as well. Included in the 244 information packed pages are 16 pages of record reviews in full colour. Enough printed in English. Comes with a large colour collage poster. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 324. Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): Marquee's Encyclopedia of European Rock 3. France Eric Satie - 1994. Tokyo 1994. No ISBN. 325. Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): UK Progressive Rock 1970s Vol. 1. Marquee Special Edition. Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, ELP. Tokyo 1996. ISBN: 4-7926-0274-2. (Album description and band histories by band members. Collection of interviews. Only available at Marquee.) 326. Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): UK Progressive Rock 1970s Vol. 2. Marquee Special Edition. Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Yes, Genesis. ELP. Tokyo 1997. ISBN: 4-7926-0280-7. (UK Progressive Rock 60s-70s. Japanese LP jackets selection, best 10 progressive rock by professionals 1960s and 70s described by members of the bands. Interviews with ex-members of Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesis, Yes and ELP. Only available at Marquee.) 327. Matthews, Rodney/Rick Wakeman: Between Earth and the End of Time. Limpsfield 1995. ISBN: 1-899670-02-4. (This is a CDROM featuring Matthews' fantasy art and Wakeman's Music.) 328. Mauro, André/Breno Ninini: Rock Germânico no Brasil. (This is an online article. Click here.) 329. McAleer, Ken: A progressive rock portfolio. Illustrated, designed by Ken McAleer. Central New Yorker, Syracuse, N.Y. 1970. No ISBN. 330. McFarlane, Ian (ed.): Freedom Train. Victoria/Australia, Pristine Productions/Third Stone Press. No ISBN. 331. Volume 1, Issue 1 (1994): McPhee, Kahvas Jute, Madder Lake, Master's Apprentices, Spectrum, Ariel, Geoff Crozier. 332. Volume 1, Issue 2 (1995): Chain, Healing Force, Tamam Shud, Sebastian Hardie, Galadriel. 333. Volume 1, Issue 3 (Special Collectors' Edition, 1996): The Australian Progressive, Hard Rock and Blues Record Guide. ("Freedom Train" is dedicated to Australian progressive rock between 1969 and 1977. Articles feature bands/artists in a similar format: an overview of their career, discography, family tree and interview. The third edition tackles a record guide of the period. 500 copies per issue.) 334. McLaughlin, John: John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra. New York 1976. No ISBN. 335. Meyers, Brian: To Be The Play. A Timely Meditation On The Creations And Performances Of Jethro Tull. Annapolis 1978. No ISBN. (This is, according to the author, a "timely meditation on the creations and performances of Jethro Tull" in the form of a dialogue between a young Tull fan and a middle-aged professor of English Literature. The fan is trying to persuade the professor that "Anderson is the strongest poet ever to appear in the entire Western Tradition", supporting his argument referring to Harold Bloom's work of literary theory, 'The Anxiety of Influence', Nietzsche's 'The Birth of Tragedy' and William Blake's 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'. E-book version of "To Be The Play" will be released in the near future. Thanks to Neil Thomason.) 336. Michelone, Guido/Giuseppe Valenzise: Bibidi Bobidi Bu : la musica nei cartoni animati da Betty Boop a Peter Gabriel. Roma 1998 (=Suonerie 6.) ISBN: 88-8210-081-2. 337. Milkowski, Bill: Rockers, Jazzbos & Visionaries. New York 1998. ISBN: 0-8230-7833-7. (A collection of interviews, Brian Eno is one of the „Visionary" interviewees. Got this information from here.) 338. Mirenzi, Francesco: Rock progressivo italiano. Vol. 1: La storia, i protagonisti, i concerti. Roma 1997. ISBN: - 88-8210-007-3. 339. Mirenzi, Francesco: Rock progressivo italiano. Vol. 2: I gruppi: il racconto dei protagonisti. Roma 1997. ISBN: - 88-8210-008-1. (A well researched work with a lot of inside stories.) 340. Mizukami, Haruko: Dream On! The legends and true stories of super rockers. Tokyo 1987. ISBN: 4880634298. (In Japanese. King Crimson, Genesis, Pink Floyd are included in the book.) 341. Monti, Cesare/Wanda Spinelli: Lucio Battisti e la Numero Uno. Milano 1999. No ISBN. (Nice photo book with the story of Numero Uno label.) 342. Montanari, Valdir: Rock Progressivo. Papirus Ed., Campinas 1985. (More information here. Order here.) 343. Moore, Allan F.: Jethro Tull's "Aqualung". New York/London 2004. ISBN: 0-8264-1619-5. 344. Moore, Allan F.: On the pop-classical split. In Derek B. Scott (ed.): Music, culture and society. Oxford 2000, pp.161-164. 345. Moore, Allan F.: Review of Expression in Pop-Rock Music edited by Walter Everett, Music and Letters 82/1, February 2001, pp.145-9. 346. Moore, Allan F.: Review of Understanding Rock by John Covach and Graeme M. Boone, Music and Letters 80/1, February 1999, pp.153-6. 347. Moore, Allan F.: Signifying the spiritual in the music of Yes. In: Contemporary Music Review 14/3-4, 1996, pp. 25 - 33. (Moore tries to discover the spiritual in the music, the lyrics and the instrumentation. 348. Moore, Allan F.: Rock: The Primary Text. Developing a musicology of rock. Buckingham/Philadelphia 1993. ISBN: 0-335-09787-1 (hardcover) ISBN: 0-335-09786-3 (paperback). New edition, Burlington, VT, October 2001: ISBN: 0754602982. (According to Edward Macan, this is "an ambitious work which attempts nothing less than to create the first stylistic survey of rock from ist inception to the present." Mark Spicer adds: it "devotes considerable attention to progressive rock, including detailed analyses of music by King Crimson and Jethro Tull.) 349. Moore, Allan F.: (ed.): Analysing popular music. Cambridge 2003. ISBN: 052177120X. 350. Moore, Allan F.: Jethro Tull and the case for modernism in mass music. In: Moore, Allan F.: (ed.): Analysing popular music. Cambridge 2003. ISBN: 052177120X. 351. Moraghan, Sean: Mike Oldfield - A Man and His Music. London 1983. ISBN: 0-9519937-5-5. (A biography of Mike Oldfield. Also has some pictures. Thanks to John Kuge.) 352. Morris, Dave:"Jethro Tull, Progressive Rock and Thematic Approach". Rochester 2000. (This is an online article. Click here.) 353. Morse, Tim: Yesstories. Yes in their own words. New York 1996. ISBN: 0-312-14453-9. 354. There has been a japanese edition: Tokyo 1998. ISBN: 4-401-70129-1. (The Title says it all: this book is a compilation of statements by current and former members of the band, in chronological order.) 355. Mosbø, Thomas J.: Yes - but what does it mean? Exploring the music of Yes. Milton WI 1994. (Doesn't have an ISBN). (A rare book of interpretations of Yessongs. Not a band history. The interpretations are rather esoterical and subjective, so may not be approved of or understood by everybody, but then, they could be closer to what Jon really meant than Bill Martin's thoughts. Sometimes you get the impression, that Mosbø tries to find the sonata form in too many Yessongs, also in those that don't really have one (like "Changes"). Very useful are his detailed descriptions of all Yes albums, solo albums and videos available and his notes on song structures of Yessongs and solo works.) 356. Moseley, Lawrence: Jethro Tull : Gutter Prose, Kitchen Rhymes, Art For Your Time. 2000. (About „Thick as a Brick". This is an online article. Click here.) 357. Murley, Mark: Across the Threshold. 30 Years of Music and Retrospection. Lenexa, KS, Addax Publishing Group 2002. ISBN: 1886110999 (cloth), 188611093X (leather). 360. Nahoum, Leonardo: Enciclopédia Do Rock Progressivo. 1st edition 1994. Published by the author. No ISBN. 2nd edition with appendix, 1995. Published by the author. No ISBN. (This is a brasilian Prog encyclopaedia. In Portuguese! Surprised? The book is a very good one, although the very dedicated fan might miss a couple of bands. The biographies are sometimes very short, and here and there are a few incomplete discographies. Thanks to Carsten Busch. Can be ordered here.) 362. Nanni, Giancarlo: Rock progressivo inglese: la storia, le tendenze/quando il rock diventò europeo (1965-1974). Roma 1998. ISBN: 88-8210-051-0. (You can get the book here.) 363. Newman, Richard: The Making of Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. The story of a record which has sold over 15,000,000 copies and helped to found the Virgin empire. Ely 1993. ISBN: 1-870951-174. (Hardback book telling the story of how Tubular Bells became reality, complete with Mike's own memories and thoughts. Can be ordered at the Mike Oldfield website. Thanks to John Kuge.) 364. Nollen, Scott Allen: Jethro Tull. A History of the Band, 1968-2001. Jefferson, North Carolina 2002. ISBN: 0786411015. (Foreword by Ian Anderson, Afterword by Dave Pegg. More information here.) 365. Nuttall, Jeff: The bald soprano. London 1989. ISBN: 1871548152. (On Lol Coxhill, a Canterbury scene saxophone player, who played with Kevin Ayers, Hugh Hopper, Caravan (amongst others) and released a couple of solo albums.) 366. Oldfield, Mike: Born in the UK. London 1988. ISBN: 0863692419. (A novel by Mike Oldfield? I don't know!) 367. Olshausen, Ulrich: Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 171 - 172. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4. (Olshausen describes the songs one by one, but there are no analyses.) 368. Olshausen, Ulrich: Text und Textrezeption in der Rockmusik: Zum Beispiel "Genesis". In: Musik und Bildung 7, Mainz 1975, pp. 323. (This is a very very bad article about (Progressive) Rock Lyrics. Ohlshausen seems to have very little knowledge of the subject, and the information he has, is often misintepreted. I've never seen so many mistakes on just one page. Do not read this.) 369. Ortmann, Andy: Eine Henry Cow-Story. In: Hanni Manni - Kritik der Ware Popmusik Nr. 6. München 1978. (Bad text about Henry Cow. Not very useful.) 370. Ortmann, Andy: Henry Cow. In: Humann, Klaus/Carl-Ludwig Reichert (ed.): Rock session 3. Magazin der populären Musik. Reinbeck bei Hamburg 1979, pp. 339 - 353. (Much better than Ortmann's other attempt. Includes a discography.) 371. Ootaka, Shun'ichi: A Young Persons' Guide to Progressive Rock in England, Germany, Italy, France, U.S.A., Japan etc. Tokyo 1999. ISBN: 4-276-96073-8. (In japanese. A guidebook to prog rock in UK, Germany, France, Italy, US, Japan.) 372. Ottermann, Isabell/Margaret Maxwell/Armando Gallo: Phil Collins: live. Hamburg 1990. ISBN: 3-927801-10-0. 373. Pallavicini, Piersandro: Quei bravi ragazzi del rock progressivo. Roma 1998. Second Edition: Roma 1999. ISBN: 88-241-0537-8. (An italian book featuring a Prog history and a description of the various "schools" (like Canterbury, Neo Prog) and national scenes. It also has a chapter on Prog bootlegs. There is an appendix featuring Prog labels, Fanzines and internet sources.) 374. Palmer, Carl: Applied Rhythms. Modern Drummer Publications, Cedar Grove NY 1987. No ISBN. (Contains transcriptions of a few tracks, mainly Asia stuff, but also some ELP (the shorter, simpler songs) along with Carl's comments on each song. Get the book on the modern drummer publications website.) 375. Palmer, John R.: Yes, ‘Awaken' and the progressive rock style. In: Popular Music 20/2, 2001, pp. 243 - 261. (This article contains an analysis of ‘Awaken'.) 376. Paparoni, Demetrio (ed.): Brian Eno, Mimmo Paladino. I Dormienti. Milano 2000. ISBN 88-88098-00-3. (A book with photographs by Giuseppe Avallone of the Roundhouse exhibition and sketches by Paladino and Eno. Texts are both in Italian and in English. Includes a CD. Quote from the last page: "This book contains a CD of music composed specifically by Brian Eno to accompany I dormienti, The Sleepers, an exhibition of work by Mimmo Paladino and Brian Eno shown in the Undercroft of London's Roundhouse. 100 copies of this book are in a special edition accompanied by an aquatint etching with drypoint and presented in a fired terracotta case, both designed by Mimmo Paladino." Got this information from here.) 377. Parkyn, Geoff: Genesis - The illustrated Discography. London 1983. ISBN: 0-7119-0163-5. (reprinted as) Parkyn, Geoff: Genesis - Turn It On Again: An Illustrated Discography. London 1984. ISBN: 0-7119-0442-1. (Discography and Photos. Thanks to Carsten Busch.) 378. Patterson, Archie: A History Of European Progressive Music: The Golden Age. Portland/USA 2000. (CD-ROM) 379. Patterson, Archie: Eurock: European rock and the second culture. Torrance, CA 2004. ISBN: 0-9723098-0-2. (The Book includes all the feature articles published during the 30 years of Eurock Magazine. Everyone from Amon Düül & Can to Tangerine Dream, Art Zoyd to Univers Zero, Ash Ra Tempel to Savage Rose, Urban Sax & many more. It also contains new interviews conducted for Eurock from 2002 to 2004. A Special Bonus feature is the previously unpublished tome on Krautrock from 1971 by the late Editor of Creem Magazine and rock journalist Lester Bangs "Amon Düül: A Science Fiction Rock Spectacle". Buy here.) 380. Peiro, Paco B./Alberto Manzano/Miguel Angel Fernández: Peter Hammill: Canciones. Traducción de Alberto Manzano y Miguel Angel Fernández, selección y prólogo de Paco B. Peiro. Madrid 1989. No ISBN. 381. Pereira, Jeferson Araújo: As Obras Primas do Rock Progressivo. Independente Ed. 2001. (More information here. Order here.) 382. Perleberg, Achim/Anja Preuß/Gert Hof et al.: Art In Heaven - The Millennium Event - The World's greatest Lightshow. Bochum 2000. ISBN: 3-9807371-0-1. (This book contains photos and text about the making of the Berlin 2000 event ("‘Art In Heaven' is a new genre of outdoor event, a unique synthesis of the arts. It is a fusion of numerous art forms: different musical styles, light, pyrotechnics an special effects, creating a stunning architectural choreography, a unified whole. The world premiere of ‘Art In Heaven' took place on Millenium Eve at the Siegessäule victory column in Berlin, in the presence of more than 500.000 visitors. And more than 800 million people who experienced the new milennium via their TV screens also saw the spectacular light show."). Complete information about this book is available here. It can be ordered by emailing 383. Pethel, Blair: Keith Emerson: The emergence and growth of style. A study of selected works. Ann Arbor 1988. No ISBN. (A doctoral thesis in musicology. Very detailed analyses.) 385. Picart, Hervé/Jean-Yves Legras: Genesis. Paris 1979. ISBN: 0223-2979. (A french book with many pictures.) 386. Piferi, Riccardo: Premiata Forneria Marconi. Roma 1981. No ISBN. ("The first half of this book consists of a long and interesting interview with Di Cioccio, Djivas and Mussida, covering many well-known (and several lesser known) aspects of PFM's career between 1968 and 1981. In the second half of the book, lyrics of 20 PFM songs are reprinted. Italian translation of English lyrics is provided for 4 songs. Finally, an LP discography is provided.") 387. Pinhas, Richard: Les larmes de Nietzsche. Deleuze et la musique. Preface de Maurice G. Dantec. Paris 2001. ISBN: 2080678140. (Pinhas is the mastermind of the Band Heldon.) 388. Pirenne, Christophe: Le Rock Progressif Anglais (1966-1977). Paris: Honoré Champion 2005. ISBN: 2745312006. 389. Platts, Robin: Genesis: Inside & Out. Burlington, Ontario (Canada), 2001. ISBN: 1-896522-71-8. (Here's what John Kuge says about the book: A new book that covers the band's history through Calling All Stations, and includes interviews, bootleg info, photos, discography and set lists. Additional information here.) Vincent, Jean-Claude: Seventies. Offemont 1996. ISBN:2-95098876-0-5. (The founder of the Crypto label and discoverer of Ange tells the story of the French scene, with lots of funny stories. Can be ordered here.) 391. Polkow, Dennis: "Rock Meets Classical." In: Musical America, vol. 112, no. 1 (January/February 1992), pp. 16-21. (Polkow shows Stewart Copeland's and Paul McCartney's recent „classical" compositions in the context of The Moody Blues, ELP and Lloyd Webber.) 392. Poor, Kim: Genesis Lyrics. Illustrated by Kim Poor. London 1979. ISBN: 0283-98527-5 (paperback) ISBN: 0283-98526-7 (hardback). (Here's what John Kuge says about the book: Kim Poor is a Brazilian artist who is perhaps best known for her album covers for Steve Hackett (she also is/was his girlfriend). This book features the lyrics to selected Genesis songs from Trespass through Wind & Wuthering, with accompanying paintings by Poor. It also includes a brief band biography and photos, and introductions by Jo Durden-Smith and Chris Welch.) 393. Poulet, Francis: Mona Lisa 1970-1980. Ou L'aventure "Pop" de cinq Orléanals. 1999. Privately Published, No. ISBN. (This book, documenting the career of the group Mona Lisa led by singer Dominique Le Guennec, was written by their original drummer. Can be ordered here.) 394. Prato, Paolo: Musical Kitsch: Close Encounters Between Pops and Classics. In: Popular Music Perspectives 2. Goteborg: International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), 1985, pp. 375 - 386. (This is an article about the connection between Pop music and classical music. Prato mentions a number of Prog and non-Prog Bands as examples, such as ELP, The Nice, Renaissance, Pink Floyd and Colosseum. Most of them are regarded as Kitsch by the author.) 395. Prevost, Bernard: Rock Progressif... Les Réferences D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'hui…. 9th edition 1999. Published by the author. No ISBN. (An uncommented discography. Thanks to Carsten Busch. To get the 2001 Edition of the listing with almost all the band's progressive production (6200 references!), contact Bernard Prevost: 396. Protat, Denis: Encyclopédie du hard-rock des Seventies. Paris, Èd. Alternatives 2004. ISBN: 2-86227-411-9. (1200 groups and 3600 discs worldwide on 160 pages: hard-rock, progressive rock, psychedelic, blues-rock.) 397. Pucci, Celso: Can. Unanimidade subterrânea. Especial para o "Estado de São Paulo" 31. julho 1997. (This is an online article. Click here.) 398. Puig, Damián G./Julio Murillo/Adolfo Pérez: Moog'rock. Emerson Lake & Palmer, Yes, Genesis (= Colección Vibraciones: Cuadernos de rock). Barcelona 1977. ISBN 84-7311-011-0. (85 pages) 399. Quinn, Marc: Incarnate. Marc Quinn. London 2000. ISBN 1-86154-048-5. (An overview of the artist's work, which includes a conversation between Brian Eno and Quinn. Got this information from here.) 400. Rain: Gravity. Morrisville, NC 2004. ISBN: 1-4116-1572-7. (A collection of 26 dark poems by Rain on 100 pages. Buy here.) 401. Randall, David: In and out of focus. The Music of Jan Akkerman and Focus. Wembley 2003. ISBN: 0-946719-44-6. ("Long-time associate David Randall has assembled Akkerman's journey, lavishly illustrated, from cult hero to guitar superstar.") 402. Rees, David: Minstrels in the Gallery. A history of Jethro Tull. London 1998. ISBN: 0946719225. also published as: 403. Rees, David: Minstrels In The Gallery. Die Geschichte von Jethro Tull. 2001. ISBN: 3-925005-60-9. Czech edition published as: 404. Rees, David: A Little History Of Jethro Tull - First Thirty Years. 2000. 406. Riemann Silke: Die Inszenierung von Popmusikern als Popstars in Videoclips: eine Untersuchung anhand der Videoclip-Kompilationen "US" - Peter Gabriel (1993), "HIStory" - Michael Jackson (1995) und "Greatest Flix II" - Queen (1991). Berlin, Pharus-Verl. 1998 (Dissertation Humboldt-Universität Berlin 1998). ISBN: 3-929223-52-X. 407. newly addedRiley, Glenn: Progressive Rock Guitar. A Guitarist's Guide to the Style and Techniques of Art Rock. Köln 2005. ISBN: 0739035371. (95 Pages.) 408. Rizzi, Cesare: Progressive. Firenze 1999. ISBN: 88-09-21787-X. (The book provides bibliographies and discographies of the most important, but also of the less known bands of the genre. There is also a chapter dedicated to the italian scene.) 409. Rizzi, Cesare: Progressive & underground in Gran Bretagna ed Europa 1967-1976. Firenze 2003. ISBN: 88-09-03230-6. (The story of classic Progressive Rock. 188 bands with biographies, discographies, including, but not focusing on italian Prog, plus complete discografies of Harvest and Vertigo labels. 192 pages, in italian) 410. Rizzi, Cesare/Fulvio Beretta: Enciclopedia del rock italiano. Milano 1993. ISBN: 88-7966-022-5. (About one third of the book is about the italian Progressive Rock scene (pp. 189 - 392). Unfortunately, Casiraghi focuses mainly on the big names. Btf says: "A huge encyclopedia, organised in three main chapters: 60s, 70s and 80s. Detailed description of all groups and solo artists of the native italian rock scene, with full discographies of all vinyl and CD releases. This big heavy hardcover book of 600+ pages is an essential reference work about italian rock! The interesting chapter dedicated to the Seventies was compiled by Giordano Casiraghi and has a nice introduction written by PFM's drummer, Franz Di Cioccio.") 411. Robinson, David: The Directory of British Progressive Rock. 1st edition 1992, 2nd edition 1993, 3rd edition 1995. Published by the author, no ISBN. (The book contains information about british Prog bands (still) active in 1992/93/95. Thanks to Carsten Busch.) 412. Robinson, Scott: YesTales. An Unauthorized Biography of Rock's Most Cosmic Band, in Limerick Form. Writers Club Press (iUniverse), Lincoln 2002. ISBN: 0-59522452-0. (The book is exactly what the title says, so if you are a collector of band histories in limerick form, you definitely should get it! WARNING! Do not order at iUniverse. They took my money and never sent me the book!) 413. Robison, Brian: Somebody Is Digging My Bones: King Crimson's "Dinosaur" as (Post)Progressive Historiography. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 221 - 242. ISBN: 0815337159. 414. Rojo, Jose Andres: Peter Gabriel. Madrid 1989. New edition 1994. ISBN: 84-376-0828-7. (153 pages, 13 pictures in b/w and 9 in color. Biography and translated lyrics.) 415. Rosa, Enrico: Baskursus. "Begydere". Distributed by Do-Re. Privately issued, no additional information available. (Enrico Rosa was a member of the italian band Campo di Marte. "A very affective guide into learning how to play the bass and be very well aware of the harmonic functions. Walking,chords and harmonics are included, giving an all round knowledge to any student. This book is also a perfect method for any musician wishing to play bass as a second instrument." The book is in danish. Thanks to Enrico Rosa.) 416. Rosa, Enrico: Guitar Voicing Vol. I. 2002. Privately issued, no more information available. (Enrico Rosa was a member of the italian band Campo di Marte. 61 Pages. "Turnarounds, Substitutions, Forth, and Symmetric chords. This is the first of a continuing series of guitar books of harmony, due to help guitarists into creating arrangements or any background in the jazz idiom as well as in any other style." Thanks to Enrico Rosa. Available Available here.) 417. Rosa, Enrico: Guitar Voicing Vol. II. 2002. Privately issued, no more information available. (Enrico Rosa was a member of the italian band Campo di Marte. 34 pages. "Upper Structure. A book that will give to any guitarist a more complete way of making music. US 3-4-5 voices and combinations with other voicing techniques including very useful patterns for the interpretation of chords in the Jazz idiom." Thanks to Enrico Rosa. Available here.) 418. Rosa, Enrico: Guitar Voicing Vol. III. 2002. Privately issued, no more information available. (Enrico Rosa was a member of the italian band Campo di Marte. 36 pages. "Symmetric chords related to melodic minor, whole tone and diminished scales. More knowledge and possibilities to create music and paint it, with the infinite colors of harmony. A Must for a musician who is near to get the understanding of music idioms. Thanks to Enrico Rosa. Available here.) 419. Rosca, Vic: Jon Anderson Inspired Poetry: Leap Into The Inconceivable. Frederick, MD 2005. ISBN: 1424101131. (119 pages. The author writes: „I present in this book, in rhyme, a world that learns along with the reader to believe in the process of Life. Whether in mystic times, present or distant futures, Love, as life expressed in its highest form, is everything while experiencing the human condition. We have to forgive and share, accept and embrace, love and be loved if we want to make a better future for ourselves. Since the mystery of life was something that fascinated me, a lot of the verses refer to this search and hope to offer a glimpse of some universal truths. I believe we are at the point of reaching a better understanding of ourselves and our reality slowly moving into other dimensions. I invite you to go on the journey that I went when writing these poems, knowing that if they will capture your attention just for a moment I have accomplished my purpose of making them available to you.") 420. Rostek, André: A Collectors Guide to Marillion and Fish. Berlin 2002. ISBN: 3-931624-15-3. (The book is an essential guide to Marillion and Fish: it contains complete data of all 1,500 official Marillion and Fish records on vinyl and CD released worldwide between 1982 and 2000 (including catalogue numbers, title listings etc.), appr. 250 unofficial releases (bootlegs, radio shows etc.), tour dates of Marillion and Fish, listings of all MARILLION and Fish songs ever recorded (with all different versions), Top 20 Marillion rarities with their current market value, cover versions of Marillion titles, important label discographies. order here.) 421. Rudolf, Michael: Round about Jutesack. Yes, "Yessongs" (= The Essence of Rock, Bd. 1). Hannover 2001. ISBN: 3-932324-81-1. (A guy trying to be very funny writes about the "Yessongs" album. Nothing really new. The book is the first in a series, Maybe there'll be more of interest in the future.) 422. Ruffner, M.A.: "Women's Attitudes Towards Progressive Rock Radio". Journal of Broadcasting 17 (1972), pp. 85 - 94. 423. Rüsenberg, Michael: Britische Szene 1966: "Wir glaubten wirklich, neue Welten aufzutun..." Ein Gespräch mit Jon Hiseman. In: Humann, Klaus/Carl-Ludwig Reichert (ed.): Rock session 3. Magazin der populären Musik. Reinbeck bei Hamburg 1979, pp. 231 - 238. (An interview with Jon Hiseman.) 424. Russell, Paul: Genesis - A Live Guide 1969-1974: Play me my Song. Wembley, U. K. 2003. ISBN: 0946719586. 425. Russo, Greg: Flying Colours: The Jethro Tull Reference Manual. New York 2000. ISBN: 0964815761. 426. Rycenga, Jennifer: Tales of Change within the Sound: Form, Lyrics, and Philosophy in the Music of Yes. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 143 - 166. ISBN: 0815337159. 427. Samagaio, Frank: The Mellotron Book. Hal Leonard Publishing 2002. ISBN: 1931140146. 428. Sandner, Wolfgang: Chuck Berry, Johnny B. Goode und Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 164 - 167. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4. (Sandner compares Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" and Gentle Giant's "Interview". You think it doesn't work? Well...) 429. Sandner, Wolfgang: Neue Musik und Rockmusik. Beispiele zur Wechselwirkung musikalischer Ausdrucksformen. In: Musik und Medizin 1, 1978, pp. 81 - 84. (This is a short overview about the connections between Rock and modern classical music.) 430. Scaruffi, Piero: Storia del rock. Vol. 2: Underground & progressive, 1967-1973. Milano 1989. ISBN: - 88-85859-3 -9. 431. Scaruffi, Piero: Storia del rock. Vol. 3: Dal glam al punk, 1974-1980. Milano 1990. ISBN: - 88-85859-9 -6. 432. Schacht, Janis: Genesis. London 1984. ISBN: 0-86276-257-X. (Band history, sections for each member talking about solo projects, as well as a terse discography. A lot of information is borrowed from other books. Thanks to Carsten Busch.) 433. Schaeffer, John: New Sounds. The Virgin Guide to New Music. London 1987. ISBN 0-86369-375-X. (An americo-centric survey of new music, with annotated discographies. Brian Eno is cited on numerous occasions. Got this information from here.) 434. Schipani, Franco: Specialstar Genesis booklet included in Ciao 2001 magazine from 1987. (16 pages of color photos from the 1980s, interviews, and concert reviews. No catalog number.) 435. Schmidt, Hans Christian: Per aspera ad Nirwanam. Oder: wie progressiv ist die Rockmusik-Ästhetik der 70er Jahre? In: Brinkmann, Reinhold (Hrsg.): Avantgarde. Jazz. Pop. Tendenzen zwischen Tonalität und Atonalität. Neun Vorlesungstexte. Mainz 1978, S. 104ff. (Schmidt asks the question „how progressive is the aesthetics of 70ies rock music" and compares statements of (prog) rock musicians with the aesthetics of 19th century romanticism.) 436. Schmidt, Hildegard/Wolf Kampmann: Can Box Item II: Book. Münster 1998. ISBN 3-933642-01-09. (This book was part of the Can Box set.) 437. Schober, Ingeborg: Brian Eno: Musik vom Untergang der Titanic aus dem Pinguin-Café und anderes Obskures. In: Humann, Klaus/Carl-Ludwig Reichert (ed.): Rock session 3. Magazin der populären Musik. Reinbeck bei Hamburg 1979, pp. 354 - 359. (A short biography followed by a description of the „Obscure Records"-concept and an annotated discography of important Obscure-releases.) 438. Schober, Ingeborg. Tanz der Lemminge. Eine Musikkommune in der Protestbewegung der 60er Jahre. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1979. ISBN 3-499-17260-7. Re-published Augsburg 1994. (A book about Amon Düül.) 439. Schramm, Karl/Burns, Gerard J. (editors). Jethro Tull. Complete Lyrics. Heidelberg, 1993. ISBN: 0-86359-977-X (hardcover). Updated edition 2000. ISBN: 3930378116. (Here's what John Kuge says about the book: This book was released in conjunction with Jethro Tull's 25th Anniversary Boxed Set, and contains all of Ian Anderson's lyrics from every Tull album up to and including 'Catfish Rising', in addition to those from Anderson's first solo album, 'Walk Into Light'. It also includes some photos, and Anderson provides the introduction and commentary about each album. For other titles see also the songbooks list.) 440. Schuler, Manfred: Rockmusik und Kunstmusik der Vergangenheit. Ein analytischer Versuch. In: Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 35, Heft 2, 1978, pp. 135 - 150. (Schuler seems to fear that rock music is a danger to the high culture classics due to it's "destructiveness"... He disusses the Beatles, Procol Harum's "A whiter Shade of Pale", The Nice's "Brandenburger", Ekseption's "The Fifth" and ELP's "Pictures at an Exhibition".) 443. Seibold, Wolfgang: Beat und Kunstmusik. Zwei unvereinbare Gegensätze für die Schulmusik? In: Musik und Bildung 5, Mainz 1972, pp. 172 - 176. (The Text features a very short survey of The Nice's "Ars Longa Vita Brevis".) 444. Sexton, Martin/Paul Hitchman (ed.): We Love You. London 1998. ISBN 1-86154-088-4. (Book and CD. The publishers brought together musicians and artists for a set of collaborations. Brian Eno provides a track called "Sensual Zero Gravity" , which is an extended version of "Coasters" from The Drop. Got this information from here.) 445. Shaw, Matthew: A dissertation about ELP's „Pictures at an exhibition". 24 pages, 2005. 446. Shaw-Parker, David: The Lemming Chronicles. London, Pandoras Box, 1995. ISBN: 0952472503. (On Peter Hammill. More information here.) 447. Sheinbaum, John J.: Progressive Rock and the Inversion of Musical Values. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 21 - 42. ISBN: 0815337159. 448. Shibuya, Youichi: The Theory of Evolution of Rock Music. Tokyo 1990. ISBN: 410146703X. (In Japanese. 0ne of the chapters is about prog rock titled 'Progressive Rock; Beyond the Negativism.') 449. Shibuya, Youichi: Holy Scripture of Rock. Tokyo 1997. ISBN: 4947599537. (In Japanese. The author tries to show that there have been certain logical thought behind the rock music and the necessity in the history of rock music. Naturally, one of the chapters is on prog rock.) 450. Shibuya, Youichi & Matsumura, Yusaku: Rock Music After You Turn 40 Years Old. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4947599375. (In Japanese. A dialogue of two rock music fanatics. One of the chapters is titled ‘Do you know progressive rock?') 451. Shintami, Jun & Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Rrogressive Rock. Tokyo 2004. ISBN: 4401618580. (In Japanese. A guidebook of more than 500 albums of UK prog rock.) 452. Siepen, Elmar: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Rockmusik in Deutschland: Die Gruppe "CAN". Frankfurt am Main 1994. ISBN: 3-631-46443-6. 453. Sierra i Fabra, Jordi: Historia y Poder del Rock Catala. Barcelona 1977. ISBN: 84-7175-117-8. (A 181 page book in spanish about progressive rock from Cataluña between 1969 and 1977. Includes complete history of bands, gigography and a complete discography with lps and singles by 45 bands like Atila, Fussion, Pan & Regaliz, Maquina,.. Thanks to Manuel da Achada.) 454. Sierra i Fabra, Jordi: Rick Wakeman: Mitos y leyendas del brujo de Yes (= Colección Música de nuestro tiempo, Serie B, 1). Barcelona 1977. ISBN: 8471751186. ((112 p.) More information here.) 455. Silas, Petri: The 2 cycles of Finnish progressive Rock. In: Finnish Music Quarterly 2, 2003, pp. 32 - 37. 456. Silva, Diego: Phil Collins. Barcelona, Salvat. (Includes (p. 64-103) selección de canciones Discografía: p. 59-61) 457. Sinfield, Peter: Under the sky. A collection of lyrics and poems. London 1973. ISBN: 0-85115-0349. (Contains the Lyrics to some King Crimson and ELP songs, along with other poems.) 458. Skaradzinski, Jan/Piotr Kosinski/Marek Piatkowski: King Crimson. Kraków 1995. ISBN: 83-85335-29-3. (This is a discography.) 459. Skaradzinski, Jan/Piotr Kosinski/Marek Piatkowski: Jethro Tull. Oprac. czesci dyskograficznej. Kraków: Wydawn. Rock-Serwis, 1997. ISBN: 83-85335-34-x. (A Discography.) 460. Small, Christopher: Music, Society, Education. A radical examination of the prophetic function of music in Western, Eastern and African cultures with its impact on society and its use in education. London, Calder 1977. ISBN 0-7145-3530-3, 0-7145-3614-8. re-issued as: Small, Christopher: Music, society, education. Hanover, NH, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1996. ISBN: 0-8195-6307-2, 0-7145-3614-8. (A book suggested to Bill Bruford by Robert Fripp during the formation of King Crimson in 1981.) 461. Smith, Bradley: The Billboard guide to progressive music. New York 1997. ISBN: 0-8230-7665-2. (A very interesting discography for it contains a number of rather obscure people & bands. Recommended to those who like to explore new stuff.) 462. Smith, Sid: In the Court of King Crimson. London 2001. ISBN: 1-900924-26-9. (The best band history I've ever read. There's one thing that distinguishes it from all the others: critique. I guess this is due to the special intellectual air of KC/Robert Fripp. There is just one minor problem: you never know, where a quotation starts and where it ends, because of a bad layout. Apart from that it's absolutely essential. You can order the book here. Thanks to Daniel Kirkdorffer, webmaster of the Elephant Talk website.) 463. Smyth, Gilli: The Nitrogen Dreams of a Wide Girl. Outposts Publications. 1966. Privately issued, no ISBN. (A collection of Smyth's poems, first published in 1966. 20 poems written by Smyth in the early sixties on the themes of femininity, love, 'the revolution in the head' and a certain 'fredfish'. Dedicated to the pre-Soft Machine group the Wilde Flowers. 24 pages. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 464. Smyth, Gilli: We Who Were Raging in the Late '60's and Early '70's. 1987. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Prose poem booklet containing Smyth's examination of the counter-culture movement in open verse written in 1987. (This poem is also included in the 'Politico, Spirito, Historico' book, see below). 12 page booklet. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 465. Smyth, Gilli/Babs Kirk: The Mind Book. 1989. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Long prose poem on the Animus written in the '80's and first published in 1989. With illustrations by Babs Kirk. 52 page book. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 466. Smyth, Gilli: Politico Historico Spirito. 1994. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Smyth's personal and factual history of Gong. Smyth's radically re-written and expanded Gong history book. Originally released by Voiceprint in 1994. Gong have had a long and colourful story, starting with the 1968 revolution when founders Daevid Allen and Gilli Smyth had to flee as "revolutionaries". This is the story of the band through all its many stages and diversifications up to now. Includes Smyth's poem ‘We Who Were Raging in the Late 60's and Early 70's' and a Gong timeline overview. 40 page book. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 467. Smyth, Gilli: Godly Talk. 2001. Privately issued, no ISBN. (20 page A5 format booklet of lyrics and poems by Gilli, Illustrations by Taliesin Allen. Some of the lyrics in this volume made their first public appearance on the recent Gong tours. Titles include 'The Song of O', 'If We Were Gods and Goddesses', 'I Am Invisible' and 'Mysterious Stranger'. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 468. Smyth, Gilli: Vagaries of Godly Talk. 2002. Privately issued, no ISBN. (40 page A5 format book. Illustrations by Taliesin Allen. 23 perceptive, satirical pieces, with themes such as e-mails from God. meeting your clone and bizarre physics. A sequel to 'Godly Talk'. Can be ordered at Planetgong.) 469. Sonnemann, Ralf/Stoeferle, Peter/Hargreaves, Matt: Voices in the Dunes. The Tangerine Dream worldwide discography. Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany). No year, No ISBN. 470. Southern, Terry: Virgin. A history of Virgin records. Axminster No year. ISBN: 1-89911600-1. 471. Spicer, Mark S.: Large-Scale Strategy and Compositional Design in the Early Music of Genesis. In: Everett, Walter (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999, pp. 77 - 111. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6. (An analysis of „Supper's Ready".) 472. Spicer, Mark S.: A Review of Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture, by Edward Macan. In: Covach, John/Walter Everett (Editors): American Rock and the Classical Music Tradition. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. (= Contemporary Music Review, vol. 18, no. 4). ISBN: 9057551195, pp. 149 - 158. 473. Spicer, Mark: (Ac)cumulative Form in Pop-Rock Music. In: twentieth-century music 1/1 2004, pp. 29–64. (This is an online article including an analysis of Yes' "I've seen all good people". It can be found here.) 474. Spoon, Georgiana: Brightly Over the Threshold. A 30 Year Celebration of the Moody Blues. 1993. Privately issued, no ISBN. (Only 300 copies have been printed.) 475. Sportouche, Thierry: Poésie Progressive. Lyon. (French translations of Genesis, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Marillion, Twelfth Night etc. lyrics. 24 pages. Can be ordered here or here.) 476. Sportouche, Thierry/Jacques Toni: Acid Dragon Dossier: Storia Di Un Minuto. A comprehensive guide to the Italian progressive rock of the 70's. Lyon. (A comprehensive guide to the Italian progressive rock of the 70's. 40 pages. More information here. French magazine Acid Dragon has published a certain number of special reports. Written in English, those files soon proved to be an essential source of information about an entire segment of progressive rock. The 40-page book "Storia Di Un Minuto" is a guide through the great names of the Italian Progressive music of the Seventies. Fifty groups are listed, with reprints of covers. Texts in English. "The Brass Lizards" (by Jacques Toni, see below) lists Progressive bands with brass instruments (Colosseum, Soft Machine, etc...). "Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums" (by Phil Jackson, see above) offers a subjective classification of the best 100 albums ever made. Can be ordered here.) 477. St. Michael, Mick: Genesis - Testi Con Traduzione a Fronte. Milano 1982. ISBN: 88-85008-43-7. (English to Italian translations of Genesis songs from ‘From Genesis to Revelation' to ‘Abacab', although not every song is included. Updated in 1988 with about 50 more pages.) 478. St. Michael, Mick/Peter Gabriel: Peter Gabriel: In his Own Words. New York 1994. ISBN: 0711936358 (paperback). 480. Staiti, Alessandro/Giampiero Cara: Peter Gabriel. Diritti umani subito. Edizioni Leti (Big Parade) 1989. (98 pages of colour fotos.) 481. Star, Renaldo: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1986. (16 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.) With a similar cover, differing only in color and a different photograph used, apart from that looking exactly the same is: Stuart, Bruce: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1987. ISBN: 0-921183-05-4. (32 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.) 482. Stofer, Franck (ed.): Japanese Independent Music. Talence Cedex/France 2001. ISBN 2-9515644-0-6. (The fullest picture available of Japan's explosively radical musical underground of the '80s and '90s... Revised and expanded from the previous French edition. 362 page book + 18 track sampler CD. More information here. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 483. Storti, Riccardo: Progressive in italia. Genova 2003. No ISBN. (A 32pp survey of classic 70s Prog in Italy. Can be ordered here.) 484. Storti, Riccardo: Codice Zena: itinerari musicali. Milano 2005. ISBN - 88-901-6480-8. (Storti tells the story of the Genova prog scene since the late 60's, with interviews and discographies.. In italian.) 485. Strong, Martin C.: The great psychedelic discography. Edinburgh 1997. ISBN: 0-86241-726-0. (Also known as: The great rock discographies Vol.1: progressive and psychedelia). (A good discography of the main Prog and Psychedelic bands.) 486. Stuart, Bruce: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1987. ISBN: 0-921183-05-4. (16 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.) With a similar cover, differing only in color and a different photograph used, apart from that looking exactly the same is: Star, Renaldo: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1986. (16 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.) 487. Stump, Paul: Digital Gothic. A critical discography of Tangerine Dream. Wembley (UK). 1997. ISBN: 0-946719-18-7. 488. Stump, Paul: The music's all that matters. A history of progressive rock. 2. Edition, London 1998. ISBN: 0-7043-8036-6. (This is a Prog history, focusing on british Prog, from the art school roots in ‘67 to the nineties. It also has a bibliography and a discography of what the author regards as essential Prog albums.) 489. Stump, Paul: Go ahead John: The Music of John McLaughlin. Wembley 2000. ISBN: 0946719241. 490. Stump, Paul: Gentle Giant. Acquiring the Taste. Wembley 2005. ISBN: 0-946719-61-6. (Finally! Finally! It's here. A great biography in true Paul Stump style, complete with a 20 page (too short!) essay by Geir Hasnes, that analyses GG's Music more deeply than Stump does.) 491. Takami, Horoshi/Numero Ueno: History of Japanese Progressive Rock 1970-1990. Tokyo. 1994. No ISBN. (In Japanese.) 492. Tamm, Eric: Brian Eno, electronic musician: progressive rock and the ambient sound, 1973 - 1986. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1987. (Berkeley, Univ. of California, Diss., 392 pp.) 493. Tamm, Eric: Robert Fripp: From King Crimson to Guitar Craft. Boston/London 1991. ISBN: 0-571-12912-9. 494. There has been a japanese edition, published by Takarajima-sha (Tokyo 1993. ISBN:4-7966-0653-X). (An interesting biography, escpecially the chapter on Fripp & Gurdijeff. It's completed by the author's personal experiences with Fripp on a guitar craft course in 1984. The book, differently titled "Robert Fripp - From crimson king to crafty master", can be downloaded from Eric Tamm's own website.) 495. Tamm, Eric: Brian Eno: His Music and the Vertical Color of Sound. Boston/London 1991. ISBN: 0306806495. Reissued 1989, ISBN: 0-571-12958-7. (The book can be downloaded from Eric Tamm's own website.) 496. Tatsumi, Takayuki: Philosophy of Progressive Rock. Tokyo 2002. ISBN: 4582831346. (In Japanese. The author defines prog rock as the Chimera and sees sublime beauty in Prog rock. He interprets King Crimson, ELP, Pink Floyd, Yes etc.) 497. Tenshin, Yasufumi: Age of Superstars. Tokyo 1994. ISBN: 4401613139. (In Japanese. The fourth chapter is on Hard Rock and Prog Rock.) 498. Thomason, Neil R.: Jethro Tull, Celtic or English? From: The St. Cleve Chronicle, March 1998. (This is an online article. Click here.) 499. Thompson, Dave: Turn It on Again: Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, and Genesis. San Francisco, CA 2004. ISBN: 0879308109. („Turn It On Again" is one of the best band biographies I ever read (and I read a lot of them). It documents the complete history of the band within the context of their time and looks aside to contemporary bands. It critically explores the relationship between the band and the members' solo careers. Drawing on new exclusive interviews with band members past and present, as well as the musicians' friends and associates, author Dave Thompson chronicles Genesis' evolution from their progressive-rock era to being mainstream rock stars, and the continuing careers of its most famous alumni.) 500. Tiberio, Ida: Peter Gabriel. Xplorazioni nel mondo reale. Firenze 1998. ISBN: 88-09-21472-2. 501. Toni, Jacques: Acid Dragon Dossier: The Brass Lizards. ("The Brass Lizards" lists Progressive bands with brass instruments (Colosseum, Soft Machine, etc.).) More information here. French magazine Acid Dragon has published a certain number of special reports. Written in English, those files soon proved to be an essential source of information about an entire segment of progressive rock. The 40-page book "Storia Di Un Minuto" (by Thierry Sportouche and Jacques Toni, see above) is a guide through the great names of the Italian Progressive music of the Seventies. Fifty groups are listed, with reprints of covers. Texts in English. "Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums" (by Philip Jackson, see above) offers a subjective classification of the best 100 albums ever made. Can be ordered here.) 502. Toop, David: Ocean Of Sound. Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds. London 1995. ISBN 1-85242-382-X. (David Toop's book traces the development of ambient music, and features interviws with Aphex Twin, Brian Eno, Kraftwerk, Ryuichi Sakamoto and others. Got this information from here.) 503. Torelli, Ivan.: Il rock progressivo italiano degli anni Settanta (tesi di laurea al momenta inedita, discussa presso l'Università degli Studi di Parma - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia) Parma 2003. No ISBN. 504. Torre, Luis Fernando: Vangelis. (Rock pop 45) Madrid 1998. ISBN 84-376-1595-X. (In Spanish. Some photographs of covers are in color. The book follows Vangelis' career chronologically, dealing with Forminx, Aphrodite's Child, his solo work, his collaborations. There's a good discography as appendix.) 505. Trummer, Thomas: Gitarrensound und Spieltechnik von Allan Holdsworth. Diplomarbeit, Universität Graz, 2001. 506. Tsukamoto, Yashima/Ken'ichi Nakano: NewXcellent1. Japan 1999. No ISBN. (Basically a catalogue of Genesis bootleg CDs with track information, running times, quality ratings, catalog numbers, etc. 160 pages.) 507. Vargas, Alexandre: Peter Hammil - Camaleão na Sombra da Noite. Assírio e Alvim Ed., Lisboa. (More information here.) 508. Vassia, Franco: I campi della memoria, semi di beat, folk & rock. San Sebastiano da Po 2001. No ISBN. (Franco Vassia is the editor of the italian prog magazine "Nobody's Land". Vassia collected all the interviews he has done over the years for his magazine and published a selection of interviews into the "Campi della memoria" softcover book (It contains interviews with Vittorio Nocenzi (Banco), Mauro Pagani, Franco Mussida and Franz Di Cioccio (PFM), Aldo Tagliapietra and Michi Dei Rossi (Orme), Vittorio De Scalzi (New Trolls), Joe Vescovi (Trip), Gianni Leone (Balletto di Bronzo), Furio Chirico, Gigi Venegoni and Beppe Crovella (Arti & Mestieri), Giancarlo Onorato (Indaco), James Senese and Franco Del Prete (Napoli Centrale) among other rock and pop artists). The book is entirely written in italian, with a b/w photo section. Buy here.) 509. Vasváry-Tóth Tibor: Yes - A rockzene rendszere. PCD Multimedia Kft. Budapest 1994. ISBN: 9630441764. (Very rare monography on Yes written in Hungarian, with band bio, album reviews, solo careers, discography, videography and other infos. 512 pages.) 510. Vasvári-Tóth, Tibor/Krisztina Újvárossy-Nagy: Emerson Lake and Palmer. Budapest 1999. (Rare Hungarian biography with band biography, album reviews, 48 page database. 360 pages.) 512. Vickers, Peter: Genesis Collectibles. Compiled by Peter Vickers. Bangor 2001. Privately published, no ISBN. (This book is of tremendous size and there are some very rare pieces in it. It goes far beyond the usual discography by adding lists of Promos, Tapes, Box Sets, Compilations, Interviews and Radio Shows, Tributes, Bootlegs (The biggest list of Genesis Bootlegs available), Books, Programmes, Paper Articles, Flyers, Tickets, Posters and Videos on 984 pages. Private printing of 25 copies. Also available on CD Rom. Contact: Thanks to Peter Vickers, who has been very friendly and helpful.) 513. Vickers, Peter: Genesis. The Top 200 Worldwide Rarities. Bangor 2005. Privately published, no ISBN. (A huge volume of the 200 most collectible singles, albums and CDs worldwide, and an introduction by Peter about collecting his rarities. Each entry has its serial number, pictures, a tracklist, and further data as well as the current price. Private printing of 200 copies. Contact: Thanks to Peter Vickers, who again has been very friendly and helpful.) 514. Vig, Wendy/Jon Anderson: Fountains of Gold. Chester, NY 1997. ISBN: 0-9623-6939-X. (Here's a description by the author, Wendy Vig: Fountains of Gold is a special collaboration of simple poetry written by myself and beautiful artwork done by Jon Anderson of the rock group YES. He writes in his introduction: "Hi, Wendy was one of the first people I met on the 'net', she would send these very sweet and simple poems, I told her she should put together a book of poems and I would love to paint for them. They are magical in the way they speak volumes, yet not many words appear in front of your eyes, well, just sit back and drink some tea and enjoy this very unique book." Jon Anderson. More information on the opio website. Thanks to John Kuge.) 515. Vigorito, Giampiero: Genesis. Milano 1981. No ISBN. (A biography. The name is "Giampiero", not "Sergio".) Pognant, Jean-Claude: Seventies. Offemont 1996. ISBN:2-95098876-0-5. (The founder of the Crypto label and discoverer of Ange tells the story of the French scene, with lots of funny stories. Can be ordered here.) 517. Voorbij, Jan: "Do You Still See Me Even Here.........?" Seven years of Virtual Jethro Tull community. 2001. (This is an online article. Click here.) 518. Wakeman, Rick: Say Yes! An autobiography. London/Sydney/Auckland 1995. ISBN: 0-340-62151-6. (Humourous autobiography of the Yes keyboarder. Some say, there's not enough Yes in there, but then, how long was Wakeman with them? Very honest.) 519. Wakui, Kohji (ed.): Deep Forest of British Rock 1955-1975. Tokyo. 2001. No ISBN. (A japanese disc guide.) 520. Wakui, Kohji (ed.): Deep Forest of British Rock 1976-1990. Tokyo. 2001. No ISBN. (A japanese disc guide.) 521. Wall, Mick. Market Square Heroes: The Authorized Story of Marillion. London, 1987. ISBN: 0-283-99426-6. (The most complete biography of the band, up to and including Clutching at Straws. Foreword by Fish. Thanks to John Kuge.) 524. Wanda, Jürgen: Blue guitar. Die Geschichte der Moody Blues. Balve 1996. ISBN 3-925005-74-9. (A band history with discography.) 525. Warner, Timothy: Pop Music - Technology and Creativity. Trevor Horn and the Digital Revolution. Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series. Burlington 2003. ISBN: 0-75463132-X (paperback), 0-74563131-1 (hardback). (This book draws on the author's personal experience as a musician, producer and teacher of popular music to discuss the ways in which audio technology and musical creativity in pop music are inextricably bound together. This relationship, the book argues, is exemplified by the work of Trevor Horn, who is widely acknowledged as the most important, innovative and successful British pop record producer of the early 1980s. In the first part of the book, Timothy Warner presents a definition of pop as distinct from rock music, and goes on to consider the ways technological developments, such as the transition from analogue to digital, transform working practices and, as a result, impact on the creative process of producing pop. Part two analyses seven influential recordings produced by Trevor Horn between 1979 and 1985: 'Video Killed the Radio Star' (The Buggles), 'Buffalo Gals' (Malcolm McClaren),'Owner of a Lonely Heart' (Yes), 'Relax' (Frankie Goes to Hollywood), 'Slave to the Rhythm' (Grace Jones), and albums by The Art of Noise and Propaganda. These records reveal how the creative use of technology in the modern pop recording studio has informed Horn's work, a theme that is then explored in an extensive interview with Horn himself. Complete with a Trevor Horn discography and Bibliography.) 526. Watkinson, David: Perpetual change - 30 years of Yes. London 2001. ISBN: 0-85965-297-1. Second edition, London 2002. (The revised edition contains the Yes history until the return of Rick Wakeman in 2002. For more information, go here, this is Watkinson's official website.) 527. Watkinson, David: Title? 2004. (Watkinson wrote a booklet about the Warriors (a pre-Yes band that featured, among others, Jon Anderson, David Foster and Ian Wallace.), that is related to his Yes-memorabilia exhibition.) 528. Weiss, Ralph: New Facts & Old Files. Discographie by Ralph Weiss. Süssen 1994. Privately issued, No ISBN. (A 90 page Mike Oldfield discography in german. Order the book from here.) 529. Welch, Chris: Close to the Edge. The story of Yes. London/NY/Sydney 1999. ISBN: 0-7119-6930-2. (A detailed Yes history by someone who was close to the band back then, but apparently hasn't been since the middle eighties. Thus the chapters get shorter towards the end.) 2. Edition, London/NY/Sydney 2000. ISBN: 0-7119-8041-1. (Welch added a chapter on "The Ladder". A revised paperback edition of "Close to the Edge", covering up to 'In a Word' and the band's 2002 touring, has been released in March 2003.) 530. Welch, Chris: The Complete Guide to the Music of Genesis. London 1995. ISBN: 0711954283. (A CD sized book which has a brief history of the band surrounding each album and a summary of each song on that album. 134 pages. 532. Welch, Chris: The secret Life of Peter Gabriel. London/New York 1998. ISBN: 0711968128. also published as: Welch, Chris: La vita segreta di Peter Gabriel. Trad. di Michele Lauro. Firenze 2000. ISBN: - 88-09-01513-4. 533. Welch, Chris/Robert Ellis: Genesis special: The invisible report. London: Metal Hammer 1987. No ISBN. (A 72 page Metal Hammer/Hurricane special.) 534. Whitaker, Sterling C.: Unsung Heroes of Rock Guitar. Self-published through ImprintBooks, Charleston, S. C. 2003. ISBN 1-59109-758-4. (The book consists of in-depth interviews with fifteen of rock music's most underrated guitarists - which is, in my humble opinion, depending on who you ask -, including Mick Abrahams, Randy Bachman, Martin Barre, Craig Chaquico, Larry Crane, Rik Emmett, Peter Frampton, Gary Green, Bruce Kulick, Howard Leese, Doug Marks, Trevor Rabin, Steve Rothery, Ty Tabor, Richard Williams. Thanks to Sterling Whitaker. Buy the book here here) 535. Whiteley, Sheila: An investigation into the relationship between progressive rock and the British counter-culture 1967 - 1973. Boston Spa. - Open Univ., Diss. 1989. 536. Whiteley, Sheila: Progressive rock and psychedelic coding in the work of Jimi Hendrix. In: Middleton, Richard (editor): Reading pop. Approaches to textual analysis in popular music. pp. 235-261. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0-19-816612-5 (ib.), 0-19-816611-7 (h.) 537. Whiteley, Sheila: The space between the notes. Rock and the counterculture. London/NY 1992. ISBN: 0-415-06816-9. (Only included here because of it's title. The line from "Close to the Edge" may suggest that this book deals with Prog which is not the case. It focuses on Cream, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, the late Beatles and the Stones.) 538. Wienrich, Stephanie/Nicholas Albery/Mary McHugh (ed.): Seize the day : 366 tips from famous & "extraordinary ordinary" people. London 2001. ISBN: 0701169389. (Has a foreword from Brian Eno. More information and ordering here.) 539. Wilkinson, Mark: Masque - The Graphic World Of Mark Wilkinson, Fish And Marillion. Haddington 2000. ISBN: 0-9539-5510-9. (Author of most of Marillion's & Fish's sleeves, Mark Wilkinson is a designer of Roger Dean (Yes) or Paul Whitehead (Genesis)'s calibre. A 178-page book gathers his best works commented and illustrated by original documents. The book includes transcripts of a series of conversations between Fish and Wilkinson. Can be ordered here or here.) 540. Wincentsen, Edward/Rhonda Conley: The Moody Blues Companion. New York, Wynn Publishing 2001. ISBN: 0964280892. 541. Wooding, Dan: From Tabloid to truth. Hemet, CA 2004. ISBN: 0974716359. (Rick Wakeman wrote the foreword to this autobiography.) 542. Wooding, Dan: Rick Wakeman: The caped crusader. London 1978. ISBN: 0-7091-6487-4. (A biography from the golden age. Interesting for there's not too much that can also be found in Wakeman's autobiography.) 543. Wright, Jonathan: Tales from graphic oceans. A study of the role of graphic design in English progressive rock and the concept album (1967-76). Dissertation (M.A.), University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art, Division of History of Art and Design. Original typescript 1997. 544. Wyatt, Frank: Oblivion Sun. Far Gone Books 2000. (A book of poetry by Happy the man member Wyatt. I have no idea if this book has already been published. It is impossible to get any information, even from the pubisher.) 545. Yamazaki, Naohiro/Kagawa, Masahiko/Furuta, Suguru/Matsumoto, Masayuki(eds.): Marquee's Encyclopedia of European Rock 1966-1987. 1st edition, Tokyo 1987. No ISBN. 2nd edition, Tokyo 1990. No ISBN. (Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 546. Yamazaki, Naohiro (ed.): Marquee Special Edition: Encyclopedia of British Rock. Marquee Special Edition. Part 1: Progressive Rock & Its Periphery. Tokyo, 1990. No ISBN. (Covers British Rock, Progressive Rock, Psych, Folk, Jazz and Industrial/New Wave. Japanese language edition, 232 pages which include 62 pages of record reviews in full colour plus interviews with Bill Bruford and Rick Wakeman. In English are: music categories, group names, record titles, record labels with release numbers and dates, band member names, instrumentation and a huge concluding discography and also a massive Canterbury group family tree, as provided by the immortal Pete Frame, among others. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 547. Yamazaki, Naohiro (ed.): Marquee Encyclopedia of European Rock 1. Italy 1965-1993. (cover title: Encyclopedia of Italian Rock: Marquee Special Edition). Tokyo. 1993. No ISBN. (While available only in a Japanese editon, each record cover is shown along with its artist name, title, record label, catalog number and date in English. 258 pages of reviews on Italian records, including 45s, released from 1965-1993. Also included are 8 full-colour pages of rare '70's group photos. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 548. Zeitz, Petra: Genesis. Rastatt 1992. ISBN: 3-8118-3902-0. (German book with very nice Gabriel-era pictures.) 549. Zeitz, Petra: Phil Collins: ein ganz normaler Superstar. Bergisch Gladbach 1991. ISBN: 3-404-61207-8. 550. Zill, Didi: Jethro Tull. Die legendäre Band in Fotografien von 1969 bis 1984. Berlin 2003. ISBN: 3-89602-462-0. (320 pages of photographs.) 551. Zito, Giovanni: Jethro Tull Il flauto nella roccia. Ed. Geronimo 1997. (Buy here.) 552. No author: echolyn: echolyn Global Guide to ‘As the World'. West Point, PA, Bridge, 1995. (Small booklet that includes lyrics and commentary. Thanks to John Covach.) 553. No author: echolyn: ‘Suffocating the Bloom' - The Gardener's Guide. West Point, PA, Bridge, 1992. (Small booklet that includes lyrics and commentary. Thanks to John Covach.) 554. No author: Genesis - Imagenes y canciones. Venezuela 1988. 'Volume 1' with lyrics and history from 1968-1974. 'Volume 2' 1976 - 1986. No ISBN. (96 (Vol. 1)/159 (Vol. 2) page spanish book which contains the English and Spanish lyrics to songs. Also has a brief history and black & white photos, most of which are common ones from Armando Gallo. Includes a small color poster. Vol. 1 was reprinted in 1993 with a different cover) 555. No author: (ed. Musea/Sonore/Art Zéro Magazine): Musiques Japonaises Indépendantes des Années 90. Metz/France 1998. ISSN: 1245-3692. (A discography (in French) of Japanese independant music running from progressive up through noise and a few place in between, although mostly featuring rock related strangeness. Not complete by any means, but a good start with listings for 500 artists from Dada to Agencement to Geihoh Yamashiro Gumi to Aube and the artists on the CDs. Includes one disc of 'rock progressif japonais' with Ars Nova, Teru's Symphonia, Motoi Sakurraba, Wappa Gappa, Gerard, Side Steps, Makoto Kitayama with Shingetsu Project, Magdelena, Bellaphon, Mugen, Outer Limits, Deja Vu, and Pageant; and another disc with Hoppy Kamiyama, Haco, Bondage Fruit, Kondo Tatsuo, Trembling Strain, Ruins, Tetsuo Furudate, Gaji, Yuko Nexus6, Acid Mother Temple, Soh Band, Keiji Haino, and Otomo Yoshihide/Sachiko M. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 556. No Author: Peter Gabriel: interviste, storie e travestimenti. Discografia completa da solo e con i Genesis. Milano 1985. ISBN: 0-88-85008-7-1. 557. No author: Procol Harum. Shine on archive 1-5. London 1997. ISBN: 0953299902. (A band history. Reprinted from: Shine on, no.1-5, 1979-1993?) 558. No author: Progressive Music - Discography And Price Guide. CD-ROM. International music discographies/Megaworld 2001. (This CD-ROM by International Music Discographies gives the possibility to access an impressing database. Format: Windows 95, 98, or NT. Can be ordered here. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 559. No author: Progressive Rock strikes back (1). Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4872790855 (cloth). (In Japanese. A reprinted edition of special issues of magazines on Pink Floyd, ELP, Jethro Tull, Moody Blues, Focus, PFM, Soft Machine, King Crimson, Can and others.) 560. No author: Progressive Rock strikes back (2). Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4872790863. (In Japanese. A reprinted edition of special issues of magazines on Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Moody Blues, Procol Harum, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Boston, UK, Asia, Barclay James Harvest, Alan Parsons Project etc.) 561. No author: Rockin' On ed.: Rock giants 70's. Tokyo 1993. ISBN: 4947599243. (In Japanese. Interviews with rock musicians in 70's including Pink Floyd and Robert Fripp.) 562. No author: Yes. Group, solos and related works. FM books, Tokyo 1997. No ISBN. (A discography.) 565. Author? Canciones 1 & 2. Madrid 2000. ISBN: 84-245-0856-4 and 84-245-0857-2. Spanish lyrics translations to Genesis songs from ‘Trespass' through ‘Duke' (book 1) and ‘Abacab' through ‘Calling All Stations'(book 2). 192 pages and 185 pages respectively.) 566. Author? Dall'Africa all'Oriente - la nuova musica del mondo. Edizioni La Repubblica 1996. (About Peter Gabriel.) 568. Author? Genesis. 1986. No ISBN. (A 22 page magazine type publication with sections on each member and some nice photos.) 569. Author? Genesis. Spain 1987. (A 20 page magazine type publication with almost everything on the ‘Invisible Touch' tour. Includes a large poster.) 570. Author? Genesis 80's. Spain 1986. (A 22 page magazine type publication with sections on each member and some nice photos. Includes a large poster.) 571. Author? Genesis con Peter Gabriel - Leyendas. Argentina 1986. No ISBN? (A short band history (38 pages) with some pictures.) 572. Author? Genesis File. X New 1. (Excellent Japanese Book relating to the various Genesis Bootlegs around the world. Black & White text with a separate colour section in the back showing the covers of each item.) 573. Author? Genesis. La Leggenda Continua. Fratelli Gallo Editori. 1984. No ISBN. (64 pages and large size. Many color pictures, some exclusive. As "Fratelli Gallo" means Gallo brothers, the editors might be Armando Gallo and his brother. Can be ordered here.) 574. Author? Genesis. Biographie, Discographie, Concerts. "The Lamb" en francais. Montreal 1980. (A newspaper style publication with 24 pages of very rare B&W photos.) 575. Author? King Crimson. Goldmine. January 10, 1992. Krause Publications 1992. (Probably a Fanzine special.) 578. Author? King Crimson. Tokyo. 1995. No ISBN. (compilations of the articles on King Crimson which appeared on the progressive rock magazine ‘Marquee') 579. Author? La Saga Genesis. 1987. CV Stars Number 6. (French only book with 100 pages and many excellent photos. No real catalogue number.) 580. Author? La Traque Du Son Neuf. 1998. (About 100 non-commercial albums (New Musics, avant-garde, electronic…). Each album gets a detailed description. Artists include: Ron Geesin, Ghedalia Tazartes, Verto, Art Zoyd, Luc Marianni, Pole, Musica Electronica Viva, Cro Magnon, Mnemonists, Jorge Reyes, Decibel and a lot of other famous or obscure artists. Can be ordered here.) 581. Author? Love generation 1966-1979. Tokyo 2000. ISBN: 4-276-96092-4. (304 page book written in Japanese. Includes complete discography and singles cover pictures of Japanese Folk, Psych and Prog bands from 1966 to 1979. A very complete book and very useful for collectors, for it includes lps, singles and cd catalog numbers. Also has a list of the 101 best lps. Thanks to Manuel da Achada.) 582. Author? Marquee 1981-1990. Tokyo. 1995. No ISBN. (compilations of the articles which appeared on the progressive rock magazine ‘Marquee', now which has changed its contents and style compeletly, between 1981 and 1990) 584. Author? Mike Oldfield. Dark Star Back Issues. 1994. (This 100 page paperback book contains the highlights from Mike Oldfield fanzines, including rare album reviews, a comprehensive UK discography up to and including 1994 with a summary of all interesting international releases, views and articles on Mike's music (including some humorous ones just for fun!) and a collection of exclusive photographs. It also includes a free discography update to 1999. This is what the Mike Oldfield website says.) 585. Author? Minstrels Of Rock 'n' Roll. History of Jethro Tull. 1996. (A book about Jethro Tull, in Russian. Contains no photos, but a detailed history and discography about the group.) 586. Author? Musiques Japonaises Indépendantes. Des Années Quatre-Vingt Dix. 1999. (This 140-page book presents more than five hundred bands of improvised musics, Progressive rock, punk, psychedelic, free-jazz, jazz-core, Rock in opposition, avant rock, avant-pop, minimalism, noise and other jazz-rock… Two compilations ("Le Meilleur Du Rock Progressif Japonais" and a second one dedicated to the other mentioned styles.) complete this book. Can be ordered here.) 589. Author? Peter Gabriel. Edito - Inedito - Inatteso. Edizioni Sconcerto, Roma 1983. 590. Author? Phil Collins & Genesis. Music Exclusive Number 2. France 1993. (20 pages of biography with below average text and numerous mistakes.) 591. Author? Progressive Rock Strikes Back 1. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-87279-085-5. (both compilations of the articles on progressive rock which appeared on the ngaku Senka magazine. The „Marquee" magazine also published some compiled „Special" issues: „King Crimson" „Marquee: 1981-1990") 592. Author? Progressive Rock Strikes Back 2. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-87279-086-3. (both compilations of the articles on progressive rock which appeared on the ngaku Senka magazine. The „Marquee" magazine also published some compiled „Special" issues: „King Crimson" „Marquee: 1981-1990") 593. Author? Rock Talk. ('Rock' Stories, contributors include Daevid Allen & Keith tha Bass. A collection of rock stories and tall tales from a range of contributiors such as Roy Harper, John Cooper Clarke, John Otway and Wilko Johnson among many others. Keith tha Bass's recalling of one very long, very crazy day on the Here & Now Tour Bus is worth the entry price alone, but then there's also Allen on the roots of Gong. 190 page paperback book. Can be ordered here.) 594. Author? Storia - Testi - Foto inedite. Edizioni Sconcerto, Roma 1982. (About Peter Gabriel.) 595. Author? The Invisible Report - Metal Hammer Special UK 1987. (About 50 pages of text, Invisible Touch concert photos, Japan tour information, and 3 mini-posters.) 596. Author? Triana. La historia. (In Spanish. 170 page biography with discography and plenty of photos, includes bonus CD. 600. Author? Title? Greece 19?? (A Jethro Tull lyrics book, in Greek. Contains no photos, only lyrics in english and a translation into greek.) 601. Author? Title? Greece 19?? (A Jethro Tull lyrics book, in Greek. Contains 1 photo, AND lyrics in english and a translation into greek.) 602. Author? Title? Turkey 1991. (A book about Jethro Tull, in Turkish. Contains some photos, some lyrics (both in english and turkish), and a chronological history about every album.) 610. Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 2, Gong: 69-75. 2006. (This is part 2 of Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming. Soft Machine 66 - 69. 1994. More info here.) 611. Budd, Vince: Jon Lord. The Gemini Man. Gnosis Press 2006. (The author is concentrating on the orchestral works of Jon Lord. 104 Pages.) 612. Cimino, Michael: Badfinger and Beyond - The Authorized Biography of Joey Molland. 2006. (Joey Molland has been telling his life story to Michael Cimino for a book which will be Joey's life story growing up in Liverpool and his career with Badfinger. In will be told in a narrative-type format with many anecdotes included. Might be of interest for Yes fans, as Tony Kaye was a member of Badfinger. More information here.) 613. Dean, Roger: Dragons Garden. 2006. (Anounced as the „sequel to „Views" and „Magnetic Storm"". 160 pages of paintings and drawings. There will also be a limited (1000 copies) edition of all three books boxed and signed by Roger (and Martyn?) Dean which will also include a 32 page book of b/w prints and - be expensive...) 614. Fahey, Todd Brendan: Service with a smile. The Book of Happy The Man. Far Gone Books, 2004. (A biography of 70s Washington D.C.-area Prog Rock group Happy the Man written in cooperation with founding members of HTM. The first book nobody wants to sell! I asked Far Gone Books and the HTM webmaster several times for more information but didn't get any answer.) 615. Lupis, Giuseppe: Dissertation about Keith Emerson („My DMA dissertation, which will include the reprint and piano arrangement of 13 mostly out-of-print compositions by Keith Emerson is scheduled for April 20, 2006. In my DMA dissertation you will find among other information: where to find his music scores, what has been published, what is out-of-print, what is new." From: 616. Marshall, Polly: "The God of Hellfire". The crazy life and times of Arthur Brown. Wembley 2005. ISBN: 0-946719-77-2. (Carl Palmer was Arthur Brown's drummer from May 1968 until June 1970. Expected in December.) 617. Moore, Allan F.: Review of Progressive Rock Re-considered edited by Kevin Holm-Hudson. In: twentieth-century music. Forthcoming. 618. Moore, Allan F./Anwar Ibrahim: Sounds like teen spirit: identifying Radiohead's idiolect. In: Joseph Tate (ed.): Strobe-Lights and Blown Speakers. Essays on the music and art of Radiohead. Burlington 2005, pp. 139 - 158. 619. Rosa, Enrico: Blues voicing. Forthcoming. (Enrico Rosa was a member of the italian band Campo di Marte. "A complete book about voicing the blues in its many different formulas." Thanks to Enrico Rosa.) 620. Rosa, Enrico: Open Strings. Forthcoming. (Enrico Rosa was a member of the italian band Campo di Marte. "Chords with harmonics, chords with open strings and harmonics,including compositions with the use of harmonics." Thanks to Enrico Rosa.) 621. Tate, Joseph (ed.): Strobe-Lights and Blown Speakers. Essays on the music and art of Radiohead. Burlington 2005. 622. Another forthcoming release is the Audion CD-ROM from Ultima Thule-Audion. 2004. ("Work is underway on collating a CD-Rom that will feature all the early out-of-print Audions, that's the first 10 issues (all laid-out as nice reprintable A4 html pages, viewable with any web browser - which avoids any special software) with lots of extras, like colour photos (where available) and improved readability. The CD-Rom will also include a revised version of the "East Euro Discography", the essential pages from "The Audion Guide to Nurse With Wound" an index and other surprises." Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 624. Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 3. (This volume will cover the period from 1975 to Allen's work with Bill Laswell and his return to Australia. 629. Anderson, Jon/Kathy South: Visions of Light (working title). (According to Wendy Vig, co-author of 'Fountains of Gold', the book will not be published due to contractual problems. It should have included lyrics by Jon Anderson and artwork by Kathy South which apparently incorporates photographs of Jon. Thanks to John Kuge and Wendy Vig.) 631. Blasquiz, Klaus: still seems to be working on a book about Magma (the same book as mentioned in '72?) in 1994: „I intend to write a book on Magma that will be a precise diary with many photographs and illustrations." 633. Coad, Tanya: A book about Jon Anderson. (Says Chris Welch in his book "Close To The Edge".) 634. David Foster: Yours is no Disgrace. (David Foster, as Jon Anderson a member of The Warriors in the 60ies and co-founder of the Band Badger (featuring Tony Kaye of Yes) is currently working on a book called „Yours is no Disgrace", seemingly about the formative Years of Yes, Foster's friendship with Anderson and his contribution to the early Yes catalogue.) 635. Freeman, Garry: Yes—A Live Guide 1968-1979. (Garry Freeman (author of "The Bootleg Guide" and the forthcoming "Emerson, Lake and Palmer—A Live Guide 1970-1978") is beginning work on "Yes—A Live Guide 1968-1979" (Helter Skelter Publishing). The book aims to review as many shows as possible from this period, including details on equipment specifications and so on.) 636. Freeman, Steven/Allan Freeman: A new book about Italian progressive rock (Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 637. Freeman, Steven/Allan Freeman: A new book about French progressive rock (Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 639. Halbscheffel, Bernward: A book called "Progressive Rock - Die Ernste Musik der Rockmusik" is planned. 640. Hasnes, Geir: A book on composition techniques in progressive rock. (Geir Hasnes own fan magazine 'Proclamation - the Occasional Gentle Giant Magazine' (5 issues) contains articles, in depth interviews and transcriptions and analyses of the group's music.) 643. James, Billy/Joey Molland: a book on Badfinger with Joey. (He is sticking to the Badfinger story and unlike Michael Cimino's book which is based on Molland's whole musical career.) 644. Kull, Greg: On the Grounds between Progress and Convention. (In the last quarter of 1996, Kull started another novel, but it remains unfinished.) 645. Kull, Greg: Poems. (Some eighty poems were written in 1994 through 1996 and have yet to be published.) 647. Leroy, Aymeric: A book about the Canterbury scene. (No publication date is known yet. "The book will aim to provide the definitive history of the Canterbury scene, as documented in the extensive press archive I have had access to, and as told by ist protagonists, a lot of whom I have already conducted thorough and exclusive interviews with. The book will also offer a critical perspective on the vast musical legacy of that scene." Source.) 651. Molland, Joey/Billy James: When I Was A Boy - My Life With Badfinger. Bentonville 2006. (The new book on Badfinger written by band member Joey Molland with Billy James, formerly announced as "Day after Day - The story of Badfinger" has a new title "When I Was A Boy - My Life With Badfinger". Also the book will most likely contain a bonus DVD with rare photos, live video footage, contracts and other items of interest.) 652. Nicholson, Yvonne: Jethro Tull - Before This Was And After (Nicholson was Ian Anderson's girlfriend in the late sixties. Her book offers insight in the embryonic Tull and Anderson's development into a professional musician. More information and a preview can be found at Nicholson's website. A 39 preview is here.) 653. Panagiotopoulos, Stathis: Who's the white-haired gentleman? (A Jon Lord Biography.) 654. Pfeifer, Eric: Krautrock (Eric Pfeifer is working on a Diplomarbeit about Krautrock) 655. Pfeifer, Eric: CD-List (Pfeifer is also working on a list of bands and albums from the 60s and 70s wich were important for several reasons.) 656. Rabey, Brian: It's for you! The Magic And Musical Mayhem Of Jethro Tull. (Brian Rabey is working an a biography of the band due for release in 2003. There is more information and a preview of three chapters available here.) 657. Regenthal, Werner: Progressive Rock Archive (A work in progress, that will, besides the usual discographical information, include some additional dates like a musical categorization, comments, biographies, some information about artistical influences and comparisons, releases of special editions like coloured Lps, Picture LPs or CDs, Singles etc., releases on cassettes and digital audiotape, cover/sleeve reproduction and maybe some animation. It is not yet sure, whether it will be published as a CD-ROM or as a number of books. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.) 658. Sallak, Bill: working on a master's degree in music history about the appropriation of minimalist composition techniques by progressive rock musicians. 659. Sefton, Michael: writing a book on the rarities of Progressive and Psychedelic music of the 60's and 70's. 660. Vander, Christian: „I plan to write a philosophical book. The book will look like a novel. I already have 800 pages written." 663. Wakeman, Rick: Writing a book about Yes. („I want to do one from what it's like inside the band. People think we are serious but it really is a lot of fun.")This was the first reaction I got from Prog fans, when I told them that I wanted to start a Progressive Rock bibliography. This website is obviously a statement against this amazingly stupid and even more amazingly well known sentence. The most amazing thing about it, however, is, that it is probable, that it was a musician, who uttered it. Why is such a sentence stupid?First of all: Why shouldn't one dance about architecture? Why limit the dancers' artistic freedom by saying 'you shouldn't dance about architecture'? In fact, Prog musicians wrote songs about architecture, such as Yes' 'Angkor Wat'!Secondly: Why say that writing about music is senseless? Above all, writing (about anything) is communication. And how else should we reach each others minds than by means of communication? So by writing about music, an author wants to share his thoughts with us. In any case, we can learn from him and in the worst case we learn, that his thoughts are the same as ours.So don't be too quick saying ‘why should I read a book about music, the music itself says it all!' You might even be right, but are you sure you understand ‘it all'? I'm not. And even if you are, it is only your understanding. It might not be the same as your friends' or the musicians'. That's why you discuss ‘Close to the Edge' or wether Prog was over in 1974 or in 1977 or if Pink Floyd was a Progressive Rock band. So you share your thoughts. Because the music is worth it. Like anything else. And that's why people write about music or dance about architecture.Enough criticism. When you start reading about Progressive Rock, you will realise very quickly, that it is great to learn about the background of the music. It adds to your understanding if you know where the musicians come from, how they work together or how their songs are constructed. You might learn that changes in sound do not so much depend on changes in personnel but on changes in the writing process. You might learn that there is a single musical motive that is the key to a 15 minute song. And you might also learn, why some bands are progressive and others just sound progressive.Which is quite an experience, I promise you!So here's a list of eleven books that might be considered as ‘essential', which doesn't mean they are better than others. They are just the right books to start with: Although much has been written about Progressive Rock - much more than you probably thought, and sure more than I thought in the beginning -, there are a lot of questions still left unanswered, a lot of problems unsolved. Having exchanged emails for years with quite a lot of people, I got the impression that it would be interesting to know what people think should be written about. And it might be helpful in any way you feel it to be.Time will tell what this could be good for.So if you have any suggestions, please send me an email ( I will post your suggestion here. 1. There have been quite a lot of band biographies. The "big five" (ELP, Genesis, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Yes) have already been the subject of a number of books. But I think, one band is missing: There is no other band to which the name "Symphonic Rock" is more applicable than Renaissance. This commonly underrated band still has a lot of fans who would be interested in a biography. 2. Hi Nik, I wholeheartedly agreed with the first paragraph. Renaissance were indeed a great band. I first came across Keith Relf in days gone by in the Kingston-upon-Thames area when he was with the Yardbirds. In addition, I would like to see a book on Gryphon, who incidentally still have a lot of fans, myself included. Bob from Sussex 3. I don't want to start a nationalist discourse, but there is something I am very interested in. Many listeners continue to express their preference for certain national scenes. Others argue they could tell where a band comes from just by listening to a few bars of their music. These are subjective opinions, but I think it would be an interesting task to find out if there is something in the music itself - in the sound, in the way it is composed, in the Melodies, Rhythms - that makes it typical and could be seen as the reason for the listeners' impression. My guess is, that "national styles" only exist as traditions of reception, but it would be interesting to know. 4. Most interesting to me is the question how something so unlikely as Progressive Rock could evolve at the time it did. Typified by Yes, Progressive Rock combined "opposites" like analytic vs. synthetic weltanschauung, rationalism vs. irrationalism, science vs. esoterics. It grew from the fertile grounds of the revolutionary social and political movements of the sixties and soon incorporated religion and esoterics which gave birth to the New Age movement. The musicians tried to bring these two together by surprisingly falling back upon the classical music tradition and combinig it with a bit of Jazz, Folk and Rock. Understanding and describing this bringing together so many heterogeneous influences needs a completely new methodology. Neither the traditional sociology of Rock Music nor the Prog musicology can explain the synthetic thinking that prevails in esoterics nor can the hermetic sciences explain the musical side of Prog or their social extensions. But in order to fully understand Progressive Rock, one will need to bring different methods together, if the analysis shall be apt to its object. 5. As you can see, I am interested in literary references in Progressive Rock. Reading through the list I put on this website, one can get the impression that references to literary and philosophical works are a special feature of Progressive Rock music. I don't know if this is right. So I'd like to read a study that compares the quantity and the qualtity of these references to those in other (popular) musics. This could contribute to the clarification of the question, whether the "high cultural" air is rightly applied to Progressive Rock. 6. I would like to see a history of german Progressive Rock. As far as I know, it has been at least as complicated as the british scene of the seventies, with people joining bands, leaving, rejoining. There are several discographies, but no real history. John, Philadelphia, PA 7. As far as I know there has never been a band biography of Magma. This would be a great thing to have! (A note from the webmaster: I checked this information and found out that there has been a Magma biography by Antoine des Caunes, but it was in french. So bad luck for those who don't speak the language.) Massimo, Torino, Italia 8. I would like to read an in depth study of Yes' "Tales From Topographic Oceans". This album seems to be avoided by musiclogists, the notes of Jennifer Rycenga in "Progressive Rock Reconsidered" are just too short. The study I would suggest would not only focus on the music but also on the lyrics and their spiritual background in order to show if there is a connection between the two or not. Jean-Marcel, Nîmes, France 9. I read somewhere that a Camel biography was being written. I'd like to read it! What happened? John, Philadelphia, PA You are right, there was a Camel biography project by Martyn Hanson, but unfortunately, the book won't be written.From here you can go to lists that focus on Progressive Rock in general or single bands and artists.I didn't add a "british section", because there would be too many overlappings with the sections "Progressive Rock in general", "Canterbury scene", "ELP", "Genesis", "Gentle Giant", "Jethro Tull", "King Crimson" etc., etc.Please keep in mind that books or articles not named on one of the following lists might also mention the band you're intersted in. Here I just compiled texts that clearly belong to the following categories.You should also know that the two larger lists, the commented list and the uncommented list include more titles than you will find here, e. g. books on other bands!Progressive Rock in general The Nice/Emerson, Lake & Palmer/AsiaFrench Progressive Rock GenesisGerman Progressive Rock Gentle GiantItalian Progressive Rock Jethro TullJapanese Progressive Rock Asia/Brian Eno/King Crimson/U.K.The Canterbury scene Marillion & FishBooks written by Progressive Rock artists The Moody Blues Mike Oldfield Van der Graaf Generator Yes/Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe/Asia/Vangelis/BadfingerLiterary references in Progressive RockLast update: September 21 2006: I added no less than 20 references! Check for new additions by typing "newly added" into the 'find' window (press Ctrl+f)As you may guess, this is a list of literary works that inspired Prog musicians to write some of their best music. This is not taken as seriously as the Prog-Bibliography, so there may be a lot missing, also some really obvious stuff, but give me some time...Of course, there have also been stories the musicians wrote themselves, like Jon Anderson's 'Olias of Sunhillow', Patrick Moraz' 'Story of I' or Dave Greenslade's 'The Pentateuch of the Cosmogony', but they are not mentioned here, because if you have the albums, you also have the stories...right? 1. Alf Laila Wa-Laila This famous compilation of stories has diverse origins. The link and frame story comes from India, along with some other stories, others come from the jewish tradition, from Persia, from Arabia, from Egypt etc. As you might expect, both the content of the collection and the content of the stories changed over the centuries. Earliest precursors can be traced down in the 8th century a. d. I won't even summarize the frame story, because my sources say, 1001 Nights is the most famous collection of stories in universal literature (it doesn't say how many people actually read it, though...), so you should know it - at least according to my source. I Nomadi from Italy recorded an album called 'Mille e una sera' in 1971. Renaissance adapted (parts of) it on their wonderful 'Sheherazade'-Album. They also had two volumes of 'Tales of 1001 nights', released in 1990. Scheherazade, a band from Japan, recorded an album called 'Scheherazade' in 1992. 2. Beowulf This is the largest old english epic, originating from the 8th century. It tells the story of the hero Beowulf and his fights against Grendel. There has been a french band called Grendel in the nineties. See also John Champlin Gardner: Grendel 3. The Bible Certainly the most influential of all the books listed here - apart from the Shastric scriptures, which are far from being one book. It has been put to music by the italian group Rovescio della Medaglia ('La Bibbia'), a great album that should be part of any good Prog collection. Aphrodite's Child's '666' (1972) is clearly a reference to the number of the beast, mentioned in the Apocalypse. There are several bands named after the apocalypse: Apocalypse from Brasil, Apocalypse from Israel and Apocalypsis from Greece. Dice from Sweden had an album called 'The four riders of the apocalypse' (1978). The word Armageddon is mentioned in the Bible in Rev. 16:16, it is the name of the battlefield, where the great final battle between the King of Kings and the Antichrist will take place. Maybe not. Anyway, the Great Battle will of course be won by the Holy Lamb. Novela from Japan recorded an album called ‘Harmagedon' in 1983´. There was a german band called 'Die Engel des Herrn'. Eden was the name of a late seventies band from Germany. A song by Eloy is called 'Apocalypse: Silent cries divide the nights'. It appeared on 'Silent cries and mighty echoes' (1978) and, reworked, I think, as 'Apocalypse ‘93' on 'Chronicles I'. The Enid recorded an album called 'Salome' in 1986. A band from Poland took their name from chapter two: Exodus. Moreover, a certain band named 'Genesis' took their name from chapter one. newly added"666 is no longer alone" is a line from the same band's 'Supper's Ready' (on 'Foxtrot', 1972) 'The Power and the Glory" (The Title of the 1974 Gentle Giant album) ist a quote from Matthew 6:13. The Gods, which some may recognize as one of Greg Lake's early bands and the embryo which later became Uriah Heep, recorded an album called 'Genesis' in 1968. Not really Progressive Rock, but history. The nineties band Golgotha (UK) picked their name from the bible. A seventies band from Germany was called Gomorrha. Illusion from the UK recorded an album called Madonna Blue in 1977. Isaiah is a band from Austria who recorded an album of the same name in 1975. Wojciech Jasinski from Poland recorded an album called 'Apokalipsa' in 1997. There is a band from Argentina called La Biblia. Latte e miele, an italian band recorded an album called 'Passio secundum Mattheum' in 1972. Lucifer's Friend is the name of a seventies band from Germany. And Lucifer Was is the name of a swedish band from the nineties. Geoff Mann (UK) recorded an album called 'Psalm enchanted evening' in 1985. Paternoster from Austria recorded an album called 'Paternoster' in 1972. "Pater noster" means "our Father" and is the beginning of the Lord's Prayer. Quasar Lux Symphoniae (Italy) retold the story of Abraham on their double album ‘Abraham - One act Rock Opera' (1994). Vox Dei from Argentina released an album called 'La Biblia' in 1981. Witthüser & Westrupp, a german duo, recorded an album called 'Der Jesus Pilz - Musik vom Evangelium' in 1971. 4. The Book of Kells This latin manuscript is assumed to have been written in the monastry of Columkill on the scottish island Iona around the year 800. It's illustrations belong to the most beautiful in early medieval art. Iona (UK) recorded an album called ‘The book of Kells' in 1992. 5. newly addedThe Book of Dzyan The band Dzyan's name comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Dhyâna' (mystic meditation). "The Book of Dzyan" is an ancient text of Tibetan origin. It is the first volume of the commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-te, and a glossary of the public works of the same name. It also happens to be the basis for „The Secret Doctrine", one of the basic texts of the theosophical movement founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in 1875 and there can even be found some references to it in the fictional works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Thanks to Peter Gunther. 6. Carmina Burana This extensive collection of medieval secular poetry (315 texts), collected in Austria and found in 1803 in Benediktbeuern has been put to music by Carl Orff in 1937. Ray Manzarek, keyboarder of The Doors re-recorded it with rock instruments in 1983 as ‘Carmina Burana'. 7. La Chanson de Roland In 1978, The Enid recorded their second album, `Aerie Faerie Nonsense,' another concept album, which told the story of Roland, the young knight aspirant questing his way across the world. ‘La Chanson de Roland' was written around 1100 in France. The medieval Hymn inspired quite a number of bands: Devil Doll from Italy recorded an album called ‘Dies irae' in 1996. Dies Irae from Germany recorded an album of the same name in 1971. Formula 3, another italian band recorded their ‘Dies Irae' in 1970. 9. The Epic of Gilgamesh This collection of mythical stories about the king Gilgamesh (ca. 2600 b. c.) originate in it's oldest version from 2000 b. c. It is, thus, one of the oldest literary texts of mankind. It gave it's name to the british band Gilgamesh and their album 'Gilgamesh', which in it's oldest form originates from 1975. 10. Greek Mythology Here are a couple of names from greek mythology. Names that aren't listed here may be found under Publius Ovidius Naso: Metamorphoses. 'Caronte" is an album by the italian band The Trip. It alludes to Charon, ferryman on the river Styx. The character of Danae, daughter of Akrisios of Argos, mother of Perseus gave her name to the album 'Danae" (1997) by the italian band Gatto Marte There were two bands called Janus in the seventies, one from Italy and one from Germany. Quasar Lux Symphoniae, also from Italy, recorded an album called 'The enlightening march of the argonauts" in 1997, alluding to the crew members of Jason's ship Argo. 11. Kalevala The finnish national epic, compiled by the scholar Elias Lönnet between 1831 and 1835, who formed the still heterogenous Kalevala out of smaller units of medieval Karelian poetry, has been the inspiration for Jan Sibelius and for a project initiated by the finnish Prog magazine Colossus, 'Kalevala. A Finnish Progressive Rock Epic", a triple album released in 2005. 12. King Laurin and his Rosengarden The anonymous story of the dwarf king Laurin and his "Rosengarten" belongs to the bavarian/tirolean Dietrich epics. It dates back as far as the 13the century, but sources might be older. Mad Puppet, a band from Austria recorded an album called 'King Laurin and his Rosengarden" in 1994. Here is what I found on the 'net: "The ‘Mabinogion' is a collection of great Welsh tales and legends. The existant manuscripts date back to the thirteenth century, but their style and content indicate an earlier origin, possibly up to two hundred years earlier. The stories are all about members of the Welsh royal family and their households, but as embodiments of the ancient gods and goddesses of the land. There are four main branches: ‘Pwyll Prince of Dyfed', ‘Branwen The Daughter of Llyr', ‘Manawyddan The Son of Llyr' and ‘Math The Son of Mathonwy' and other associated tales (depending on the version) including ‘The Lady of the Fountain', ‘Geraint and Enid', and the tale of Taliesin. This collection was first preserved in the ‘Peniarth' manuscripts (ca 1200?), then the ‘White Book of Rhydderch' (‘Llyfyr Gwyn Rhydderch') written about 1300-1325 and later in the ‘Red Book of Hergest' (‘Llyfyr Coch o Hergest'), written between 1375-1400. Most scholars believe that all but the three "romances" date to the tenth or eleventh century, and are based on much early mythology. The name is a misnomer, as the word "mabinogion" doesn't exist in Welsh. It was a mistake made by the scribe, existing only at the end of Pwyll pendeuc Dyfed. The real word is "mabinogi," which some translate as "tales for youth," "tales of the Mabon" or "tales of the hero." They derive this meaning from "mabon" or "meibon", meaning a young man or youth. It is also the name of a god, Mabon ap Modron. This name only applies to the first four tales. Mostly written between 1375-1425, the ‘Red Book of Hergest' is the work of one Hywel Fychan fab Hywel Goch of Fuellt, for his employer, Hopcyn ap Tomas ap Einion of Ynys Tawe. So called for the red leather binding and for the house of Hergest, Herfordshire, where it was compiled. Presented in 1701 to Jesus College, Oxford, by a Rev. T. Wilkins, of Llanbleithain, Glamorgan in Wales." (Source.) Mike Oldfield says, he called his 1974 album ‘Hergest Ridge' because "it's a nice hill. It looks different from whatever direction you look. And it has all sorts of associations with old Welsh legends. You find it in the Mabinogion. There's iron age relics right on the very top." 14. Neurotica This title of a 1950s literary magazine which published many Beat writers gave name to King Crimson's song on the ‘Beat' album (1982). 15. Nibelungenlied This middle high german epos was written around 1200 a. d. Among others, it tells the story of Siegfried and the dragon which inspired the italian band Errata Corrige to write their album ‘Siegfried, il drago a altre storie' (1976). The german band 'German Oak' recorded an album called 'Nibelungenlied' in 1976. 16. Popol Vuh This is the Holy Book of the Maya. It tells the story of the creation of the world and the forefathers of the Quiché Indians. Popol Vuh from Norway released an album called ‘Popol Vuh' in 1972. 17. Renga Poetry This japanese chain poetry, originating from the 8th century a. d., has provided the idea for Jon Lord's and Eberhard Schoener's composition 'Window'. Just like the stanzas of the Renga poems, the movements of 'Window' were composed by different persons. 18. The Shastric Scriptures (It is not easy to write about a religion you're not familiar with in a language that is not your own. I apologize for any mistakes I made, concerning the form or the content of the following.) There have been a lot of legends spreading around Yes' 'Tales from Topographic Oceans'. A couple of them can be cleared here. First of all: The guy's name is Paramahansa Yogananda. NOT Paramhansa Yoganada. And he is NOT the author of the Shastras. Yogananda is a Yogi - as I heard from someone who should know it, a minor Yogi -, founder of a certain 'Self-Realization Fellowship' which surely can be found on the ‘net, who published his 'Autobiography of a Yogi' in 1950. In the footnote 6, Chapter 10 (page 83) he gives a short (NOT a 'lengthy') description of the four part Shastras (which means 'Holy Books'), which really is too short to even understand it - not to mention the Shastric Scriptures. So I read more about them. Here's what I found out: The Shastras are divided into four categories by the Indian tradition: 1. Shruti ('The directly revealed works': Veda) (Remember the title of part one: 'The revealing science of god'!) The Veda ('knowledge') contains the oldest texts of indian literature. These religious texts, mostly songs, maxims, aphorisms or other prose, originate from the 18th century b. c.! The youngest parts are from the third century b. c. They had been handed down orally from generation to generation until the 16th century a. d. when they were written down for the first time in the oldest indoeuropean language known, although the everyday language had developed naturally. The Veda consists of four parts or Samhitas (collections), the Rigveda, the Samaveda, the Yajurveda and the Atharvaveda. To each of these, there are theological explanations (4 Brahmanas), the dangerous parts of the rituals are collected separately (4 Aranyakas), also the secret teachings (Upanishads) and the guiding texts (Sutras). The latter are ranked among the Smiriti by the Indian tradition (see below). - The Rigveda ('The holy knowledge put down in verses'): The oldest of the four collections. It contains 1028 hymns, arranged in 10 Mandalas, created by bards who were inspired by gods. These hymns are religious-magical songs of praise, that are intended to obtain the gods goodwill and generosity while at the same time contributing to their well-being and powers. They belong to the sacrificial ceremonies of the Brahmans. Others have narrative contents. - The Samaveda ('The knowledge of the melodies'): The Samaveda-Samhita contains the chants used in the rituals. The texts originate from the Rigveda, but they are modified for the musical necessities. There are two parts: the four songbooks (Gana) and the three vers-collections (Arcika) - The Yajurveda ('The knowledge of the sacrificial sayings'): These are the sacrificial sayings (mantras) the priest has to murmur while performing the ritual. There is no consistent tradition, so there have been many different Samhitas by different schools. The rituals are based on a magical weltanschauung. For example: two things that have only one feature in common, are identical, like, if the names of two things have the same number of syllables, they are the same! Apart from short and simple rituals, there are also ones that take a hole year and more! In addition to those original rituals, there are others, younger ones, that have been compiled from parts of those. So it is very hard to find out their original senses and purposes. - The Atharvaveda ('The knowledge of the Atharvans'): The Atharvans were firepriests, but at the time when the Veda was compiled, they had already been mythical persons of the past. The nucleus are popular magic formulas from indoeuropean times, but the language is considerably younger than that of the Rigveda. The Atharvaveda is handed down in two schools, the Saunaka-Samhita (containing 6000 hymns and verses) and the Paippalada-Samhita (containing 12.000 hymns and verses). The magic formulas of the first part of the Saunaka-Samhita deal with everyday magic, (formulas for love, against illnesses etc.). Their power is based on the spoken word and on similarities of the objects used during the rituals. The second part contains speculations of priests concerning various religious and magical topics. The third part contains topics related to the rites of the course of life, like wedding-rituals or death-rituals. The Paippalada-Samhita is similarly structured. 2. Smiriti (NOT 'Suritis') ('The knowledge which is kept in memory': Mahabharata and Ramayana, Vedanga and the Sutras) (Part two of 'Tales' is called: 'The remembering') - The huge epic Mahabharata had been formed between the 4th century b. c. and the 4th century a. d.: different parts were written at different times. It contains 106.000 double verses in 19 books. It tells the story of the enmity between two related familes, the Pandava and the Kaurava both striving for royal dignity. There are different parts inserted into the narrative, like the Bhagavadgita, a didactic text containing a dialog between the warrior Arjuna and Krishna, an incarnation of the god Vishnu about the task of a warrior to kill even relatives. In the end Krishna/Vishnu reveales the ways to redemption. Other parts are Nalopakhyana, a love story, and Moksadharma, a juridical text. - The Ramayana is another epic, completed in the 2nd century a. d., but parts of it are considerably older. 24.000 double verses. It tells the story of Ramas life and his love to Sita. Rama is another incarnation of Vishnu. Again there are other texts inserted. - Vedanga: These are texts that are connected to the Veda, which are not of supernatural origin. The Vedanga contains the six auxiliary sciences for the performance of the rituals, like phonetics (for the correct pronounciation of the ritual's words), metrics, etymology, grammar, astronomy and 'Kalpa', a systematic presentation of the sacrifice. 3. Purana 'Allegories originating from the ancient times'. There are 18 of them. (The title of part three is 'The ancient') They originate from the first millennium b. c. The Puranas originate from warriors' circles, and are sung by bards. A Purana is supposed to deal with five topics: cosmogony, destruction and recreation, genealogy of the gods, periods of the Manvantara, genealogy of the kings, but not all of them are structured like this. 4. Tantra Rites and rituals (...) Mostly written in comparatively bad sanscrit, the Tantric texts deal with the practical sides of religious life, like initiation rites, erotic rites, magical formulas, forms of Yoga. They are revealings of the god Shiva. Tantric writings exist since the second half of the first millennium a. d. I admit I haven't read the Shastric scriptures themselves, I doubt it is possible at all. But I guess one can conclude, that 'Tales from Topographic Oceans' was inspired just by the famous footnote, and not by the large volume of Shastric scriptures. The ‘Autobiography of a Yogi' is the book that caused Jamie Muir's departure from King Crimson. Tantra is the name of a seventies band from Portugal. 19. Voluspa Ragnarök ("faith of the gods") is the norse myth of the end of the world. After the final battle of gods and giants, which ends with the defeat of the gods earth and cosmos are destroyed. Only Lif und Lifihrasir, two humans, survive. After Ragnarök a new world of peace and joy will arise. The myth of the Ragnarökr can be found in the Voluspa, the introducing part of the Edda. The german word for "Ragnarök", "Götterdämmerung" was first used by Michael Denis (1772), 100 years later, Richard Wagner called the final Opera of his "Ring" "Götterdämmerung". Ragnarök was the name of a seventies band from New Zealand Ragnarök from Sweden released an Album called ‘Ragnarök' in 1976. 20. The Myths and Legends of King Arthur... Rick Wakeman once said that he read about eight books before planning the album's concept. So which one shall we choose? I decided to name the earliest sources of the well known story, Geoffrey of Monmouth's 'Historia regum Britanniae', a history of the the early english kings (completed in 1139) and Wace's 'Le roman de brut', based on the 'Historia' (completed in 1155). Also connected with the King Arthur myth is the island of Avalon which gave it's name to a german band. Another german band from the early seventies called themselves Excalibur. Several bands named themselves after an important but not original ingredient of the King Arthur myth: the Holy Grail: Graal, a nineties band from France. Grail from the UK, who recorded an album of the same name in 1970. There have been several bands and albums named after the magician Merlin: Happy the Man from the US recorded a son called 'Merlin of the High Places' in 1976 which was finally released on 'Death's Crown' in 1999. Kajak from the Netherlands recorded an album called 'Merlin' in 1981. Merlin, a band from Argentina, recorded an album of the same name in 1980. A neo-prog band from Germany is called Merlin. And there is the italian 'Merlin - The Rock Opera' project from 2000. Also connected with the King Arthur myth are the following names: Pendragon, a neo-Prog band from the UK. Taliesyn, a nineties band from Germany. Galahad, a band from the UK, released an album called 'Galahad' in 1994. Galahad is the son of Lanzelot and Elaine. 21. The Private Life of Henry VIII A paperback Rick Wakeman read on a flight to Chicago on a Yes tour. It gave him the idea for 'The six wives of Henry VII'. It might have been one of the following: Morrison, Nancy Brysson: The Private Life of Henry VIII, Robert Hale, London, 1964. Biro, Lajos: The private life of Henry VIII. Story and dialogue by Lajos Biro and Arthur Wimperis. Edited, with an introduction, by Ernest Betts. London, Methuen, 1934. 22. Edward Albee: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? This famous play about two couples solving their problems and some alcohol has been first published in 1962. Sigmund Snopek III (from the US) put it to music as - ‘Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?'. 23. Vera Stanley Alder: The Initiation of the World Vera Stanley Alder wrote a number of spiritual/new age/inspirational books in the 1930's that came back into vogue during the late 1960's and early 1970's. When young people were looking for deeper answers, Alder's work was re-printed. Jon Anderson answered an interview question about ‘Olias of Sunhillow' (1976), referring to inspiration from her book ‘The Initiation of the World' (1937). The book is divided into two sections: The first section gives a brief synopsis of the ageless wisdom and is entitled 'Review of Spiritual Science'. The second section is a 'Review of Material Science' and here one is able to see how science is "beginning to verify all that is taught in the ageless wisdom". There is an explanation of the "great root races" and a description of the characteristics of each. One is able to trace the "spiritual development of humanity" from way back and into the immanent future of the "Aquarian age". Don't ask me. (Thanks to Kornegay) 24. Dante Alighieri: La Comedia Dante's poem (which consists of 14230 verses), also known as "La Divina Commedia" (since Lodovico Dolce's edition, 1555) was written between 1307 and 1321. The allegorical travels through the Inferno, Purgatorio and Pardiso have inspired the band Brasse from the Netherlands to their album 'Dante's Inferno' (1997) and Il Giro Strano from Italy to 'La Divina Commedia' (1973). The echolyn album 'mei', (2002), is being described by the band as "...a combination of Jack Kerouac's 'on the road' and Dante Alighieri's 'Inferno' section of the Comedia. Mutantes from Brasil released an album called 'A Divina Comedia ou ando melo desligado' in 1970. 25. Richard Bach: The Bridge across forever Neal Morse says he's been inspired to write the song ‘Bridge across forever' on Transatlantic's album of the same name (2001) by the books ‘Bridges of Madison County' (Robert James Waller, 1992) and Richard Bach's ‘The Bridge across forever' (1970). He said he actually "stole" a line from the former. ‘The Bridge Across forever' is a semi-autobiographical love story. It is about Bach's successful quest for finding his soul mate. This book reflects many of his views on life and his unique way of thinking. 27. William Blake Gordon Giltrap's album ‘Visionary' (1976) was inspired by the works of William Blake. 'Visionary' was originally released in 1976 and was the first part of a trilogy of albums to be released on The Electric Record company, which saw Giltrap's move from his folk background to a wider market. The inspiration for the record was based on the works of the artist and poet William Blake (1757 - 1827). 28. William Blake: And did those feet in ancient times (Jerusalem). From the Preface to 'Milton' Blake's poem from (ca.) 1804 features prominently on ELP's 'Brain Salad Surgery' album. ELP used C. Hubert H. Parry's Hymn from 1916, but reworked it for the Rock idiom. Part 7 of Genesis' 'Supper's ready' also refers to that poem. The track ‘Blake's New Jerusalem' on Tim Blake's ‘Blake's New Jerusalem' (1978) starts with a quotation from Blake's work. Blake's "Satanic Mills" appear in Yes' ‘Machine Messiah' from ‘Drama' (1980). Castanarc's song ‘New Jerusalem' from ‘Rude Politics' (1988) was inspired by Blake's poem. 29. William Blake: The Fly Tangerine Dream did renditions of Blake's poem ‘The Fly' (1789/1794) on their album ‘Tyger' (1987). 30. William Blake: Garden of Love This poem had first been published in the collection ‘Songs of Experience' (1794). ‘Garden of Love' is the name of a mini album by Kevin Ayers and the Whole World (1963, words by William Blake, music by David Bedford) which contains the 1970 piece for chamber ensemble and rock group (Kevin Ayers, Mike Oldfield, Robert Wyatt, David Bedford, Lol Coxhill) inspired by William Blake's poem. 31. William Blake: The Tiger Blake's most famous poem had first been published in the collection ‘Songs of Experience' (1794). Tangerine Dream did a rendition of Blake's poem on their album ‘Tyger' (1987). 32. Giovanni Boccaccio: Decamerone This is maybe the most famous collection of short novels. Boccaccio wrote 100 of them and a fame narrative about the pestilence in Florence (1348) between 1349 and 1353. Decameron, a seventies band from the UK got their name from there. 33. Paul Bowles: The sheltering Sky The title of the King Crimson song from their 1981 album ‘Discipline' comes from Bowles' novel, published in 1949. This existentialist book about two people, Port and Kit Moresby, is set in the desert of Tangier. The book has also been inspirational for the song ‘Sartori in Tangier' from ‘Beat', 1982. See also Jack Kerouac: Satori in Paris. 34. Hermann Bote: Ein kurtzweilig Lesen von Dyl Ulenspiegel geboren uss dem Land zu Brunsswick. It is unclear, but probable, that Bote is the author of the book about the famous german fool. There was a german band called Eulenspygel in the seventies and Ougenweide, another german band called their 1976 album ‘Eulenspiegel' 35. Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles The Martian Chronicles (1950) is a collection of linked short stories rather than as a novel. They tell the story of an attempt to colonize Mars and the first contact with the martians. One striking feature of many of these stories is the progressive political values which they embrace. Written during the height of the Cold War anti-Communist hysteria, they criticize imperialism, racism, environmental pollution, censorship, and the nuclear arms race. Solaris from Hungary recorded an album called ‘Marsbéli Kronikak - The martian Chronicles' in 1984. 36. Bertold Brecht Heiner Goebbels' and Alfred Harth's album ‘Brecht - Zeit wird knapp' (1981) is a setting to music of some of Brecht's texts. 37. Bertold Brecht: Über den Selbstmord The Art Bears put Brecht's poem ‘On suicide' to music on their album ‘Hope and Fears' (1978). 38. Emily Jane Brontë: Wuthering Heights First published by 'Ellis Bell' in 1847, this is Brontë's/Bell's only novel. A book about elemantary forces and revenge, it was quite inspirational for Phil Collins' old band. It inspired the title and cover art of Genesis' 'Wind and Wuthering' album, as well as the instrumentals ''unquiet slumbers for the sleepers...' and ' that quiet earth'', the titels of which are, in fact, the final words of the book. 39. Peter Currell Brown: Smallcreep's Day (A 1965 novel, described as a ‘surreal satire of automation', that inspired Mike Rutherford's first solo album. Side one tells the story of Mr. Nobody, who goes about his daily tasks at the factory, ensnared in a nine to five routine, and a boring life style alleviated by dreams of love.) 40. William Seward Burroughs: The Soft Machine A novel that gave it's name to one of the most important bands of the late sixties. When Robert Wyatt left the band after 'Four', his new outfit was named 'Matching Mole' which is a pun on the french translation of 'soft machine', 'machine molle'. 41. Samuel Butler: Erewhon Erewhon (an anagram of the word "nowhere") is a fictitious land providing the background for this satire on victorian England, published in 1872. Notturno Concertante from Italy recorded an album called ‘Erewhon' in 1993. 42. George Gordon Lord Byron: Don Juan Byron's opus magnum, a satirical epic published between 1819 and 1824, has inspired Gentle Giant's 'Wreck" from 'Acquiring the Taste" (1971). 43. George Gordon Lord Byron: When we Two parted A line in ‘Think Of Me With Kindness', from Gentle Giant's 1972 album ‘Octopus' is a slightly changed quote from Lord Byron's poem (written in 1808, first published 1816): ‘When we two parted in silence and tears,/half-broken-hearted to sever for years,/pale grew thy cheek and cold,/colder thy kiss.' Gentle Giant changed it into: ‘when we two parted in tears and silence'. 44. Albert Camus Gentle Giant's ‘A Cry for Everyone' from their 1973 album ‘Octopus' is inspired by the literature and philosophy of Albert Camus. 45. Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Bill Bruford's 1979 album ‘One of a Kind' includes the song ‘Fainting in Coils', with words taken from Carroll's famous novel from 1865. Annie Haslam, singer of the UK band Renaissance, recorded her first solo album, called 'Annie in Wonderland' in 1977. On the first album by Hatfield and the North (1973), there is a song called „Lobster in Cleavage Probe". The sixth line, "like a teatray in the sky", is a parody of a line in „Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", spoken by the Mad Hatter. Thanks to Peter Gunther. Shadowland (UK) recorded an album called 'Mad as a hatter' in 1996, the title is a allusion to the figure of the Mad Hatter. Another figure, the March Hare features in Jon Anderson's song 'We have heaven' from 'Fragile' (1972). 46. Lewis Carroll: Jabberwocky This poem has been inspirational for Clive Nolan's collaboration with Oliver Wakeman. 47. Lewis Carroll: Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there The follow-up to the surprisingly successful ‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', published in 1872 tells the story of Alice's adventures in the world behind the mirror. It inspired the Neo-Prog band Shadowland to write their album ‘Through the looking glass' (1994). Peter Hammill had a song called "This side of the looking glass" on "Over" (1976). 48. Carolyn Casady: Heartbeat Revisiting the Beat writers during the time of recording ‘Beat', Adrian Belew christened his song after Casady's memoirs of her times with Jack Kerouac and Neal Casady, published in 1976. 49. Carlos Castaneda: Journey to Ixtlan The Jon and Vangelis song ‘Journey to Ixtlan' from 'Page of Life' (1991) is named after Castaneda's book, published in 1986. There has been an album called 'New voyage to Ixtlan' by the brasilian band Alpha III (2000), but I'm not sure that there is a connection. 50. Carlos Castaneda: The Power of Silence This book (published in 1991) and other mystical/spiritual writings by Castaneda were used by Jon Anderson as the subject of his solo album ‘Toltec', which was originally to be titled ‘The Power of Silence'. On Jon's Opio website, several other Toltec books are mentioned: Ken Eagle Feather: A Toltec Path and Victor Sanchez: Toltecs of the New Millennium. 51. Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales This collection of tales in verse and prose has been published posthumously around 1478. Caravan released an album of the same title in 1976. newly added„A Nod and a Wink" (2002) is the title of a Camel album. The title of the song „The Miller's Tale" is also the name of a chapter of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Well, actually it's called „The Miller's Prologue and Tale". It is the counterpart of the Knight's Tale, for it is a vulgar, ribald, and satirical fabliau in stark contrast to the courtly love of the former. Don't know if there really is a connection to the Camel song, but anyway, thanks to Peter Gunther. 52. Marcus Tullius Cicero: De re publica De re publica is a discussion of political theory in six books. It deals with topics like political constitution, realization of Justice, legislation etc. The italian band Deus ex Machina recorded an album called De re publica in 1995. 53. Arthur Charles Clarke: Childhood's End ‘Watcher of the Skies', from Genesis' 1972 album ‘Foxtrot', is based on Arthur C. Clarke's novel from 1953, as well as Van der Graaf Generator's ‘A childlike faith in childhood's end', the last track on ‘Still Life' (1976). The Overlords, an alien race, have been sent to Earth by a higher power to prepare the human race to transcend their present form of existence to a ‘spiritual realm', a higher level of existance. Thanks to Julius J. Saroha. The line ‘Watcher of the Skies' also appears in Keats' 1817 sonnet ‘On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer', where the experience of reading Chapman's translation of Homer (1616) is compared to the feeling Cortez must have had, but I doubt that you could easily bring the two together. I think the Appearance of the same line in the Genesis song is merely a coincidence because the lyrics of the song clearly go into a different direction. "Then felt I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken Or like stout Cortez, when with eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific -- and all his men Looked at each other with a wild surmise Silent, upon a peak in Darien." 54. Arthur Charles Clarke: The Sentinel Mike Oldfield's ‘Tubular Bells 2' (1992) starts with a track named ‘Sentinel'. Oldfield fans had had some discussion about its links to the story of the same name by Arthur C. Clarke. This short story first appeared in "10 story fantasy" in 1951, under the title "Sentinel of eternity" and was the inspiration for the theme developed in the film '2001: A space odyssey'. Oldfield's next album was based on one of Clarke's early novels, 'The Songs Of Distant Earth'. Thanks to Martín Hernández. 55. Arthur Charles Clarke: The songs of distant earth Arthur C. Clarkes science fiction novel, first published in 1958, about an attempt to colonize other planets after the destruction of earth, inspired Mike Oldfield to record his 1994 album of the same name. Clarke was impressed enough with the music to write the liner notes. Thanks to John Kuge. 56. Arthur Charles Clarke: Sunjammer ‘Sunjammer' (1964) is another Clarke story title (now known as ‘The Wind From The Sun') used by Mike Oldfield. There is a songs of the same name on ‘Tubular Bells 2' (1992). 57. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the ancyent Marinere First published in 1798, re-worked and republished as ‘The Ancient Mariner. A Poet's Reverie', this lyrical ballad has been inspirational to David Bedford, who released his musical version as ‘The rime of the ancient mariner' in 1975. The narrative was provided by actor Robert Powell and Mike Oldfield added some guitar work. 58. Erich von Däniken Erich von Däniken is a swiss author, who holds the firm opinion, that the human race has been influenced by aliens several times during its development. Not really literature, but interesting (if somewhat adventurous) enough to be mentioned here as influential to the nineties band Von Däniken (UK). 59. Samuel R. Delany: Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones Happy the Man's ‘Time Considered as a Helix of Precious Laughs' from the 1977 album ‘Happy the Man' is based on Delany's science fiction story (published in 1968). 60. August Derleth: The Lurker at the Threshold On ‘Grendel', Marillion's longest track (from ‘Script for a Jester's Tear', 1983), a reference is made to ‘The Lurker at the Threshold', a short story similar to H. P. Lovecraft's work, and sometimes even published under the wrong name. First collected in 1945. 61. René Descartes (Renatus Cartesius) Descartes (1596 - 1650) is regarded as the father of modern rationalism. His sentence "cogito, ergo sum" inspired quite a number of people, including the french band Ergo sum who recorded only one album, ‘Mexico' back in 1971. 62. Philip K. Dick: Do androids dream of electric sheep? ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep', originally published 1968, is Dick's most well known novel, due to the fact that the movie ‘Blade Runner' was based on this story. It is the futuristic story of Rick Deckard, a Blade Runner. He is a special police officer assigned to terminate human replicants who live unnoticed in the San Francisco of 2021. The replicants are perfect reproductions of humans who are manufactured to do hard physical labor in the colonization of distant planets. When a group of replicants go on a murder spree, hijack a ship and return to Earth, it is Deckard's job to search and destroy these villianous Androids. Throughout the course of the book, Deckard finds himself caught between his own feelings and the requirements of his job to kill. Teru's Symphonia from Japan recorded an album called ‘Do androids dream of electric camel?' (sic) in 1997. 64. Stephen R. Donaldson: Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant ‘Home by the Sea' from ‘Genesis' may be a description of the Caamora Giants in Stephen R. Donaldson's ‘Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant' (1980, part of the ‘Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever' series). This is a story about a visitor (thief?) who enters a large, old house by the sea. Once inside, he is trapped along with the other ghosts who erred similarly and are doomed to tell their stories over and over again. 65. Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles The latest collaboration of Clive Nolan and Oliver Wakeman, ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles' (2002) is based on Doyles classic Sherlock Holmes-novel from 1901/02. 66. Ken Eagle Feather: A Toltec Path A User's Guide to the Teachings of Don Juan Matus, Carlos Castaneda, and Other Toltec Seers Jon Anderson's album ‘Toltec', which was originally to be titled ‘The Power of Silence' seems to have been inspired by several writings of Carlos Castaneda (‘The Power of Silence'), Victor Sanchez and Ken Eagle Feather. Eagle Feather delves into things like chakras, out-of-body experiences and chanelling. The book has been published in 1995. See also: Victor Sanchez: Toltecs of the New Millennium and Carlos Castaneda: The Power of Silence. 67. Umberto Eco: Il nome della rosa The lyrics for the song 'The Abbey of Synn' from Ayreons 1996 album 'Actual Fantasy' were inspired by this 1980ies classic about the power of literature. 68. E. R. Eddison: Worm Ouroborous National Health's song ‘Tenemos Roads' (from their 1977 album ‘National Health') is about ancient civilizations on the planet Mercury and was inspired by ‘The Worm Ouroborous' (first published in 1926). 70. Thomas Stearns Eliot: Burnt Norton The Title ‘The Deception of the Thrush' (on ProjeKct Two's ‘Live Groove', 1998, on ProjeKct Four's ‘West Coast Live', 1999 and on King Crimson's ‘Heavy ConstruKction', 2000) is taken from Eliot's poem ‘Burnt Norton' (written in 1934), which is part of ‘The four Quartets'. See also Thomas Stearns Eliot: The waste Land. 71. Thomas Stearns Eliot: The waste Land In their song 'The Cinema Show' from their 'Selling England by the pound' album (1973), Genesis cleverly combined several literary traditions. The basic substance of the lyrics is derived from Eliot's poem 'The waste Land' (1922), maybe the peak of his early work. This is where they also took the personal from, such as Tiresias, a seer from grecian mythology, who plays an important role in Sophokles tragedy 'Oidipus Tyrannos' and in Homer's Odysseia (see also William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Homer: Odysseia, Sophokles: Oidipus Tyrannos). A son on Curved Airs' 'Second' album (1971) is called 'Piece of Mind' and contains some lyrics from 'The waste Land'. The ProjeKcts (ProjeKct Two on ‘Live Groove', 1998, ProjeKct Four on ‘West Coast Live', 1999) and King Crimson (on ‘Heavy ConstruKction', 2000) used a tape of Eliot reading his poem on the live performances of "The Deception of the Thrush". See also T. S. Eliot: Burnt Norton. 72. Euripides: Bacchae The Ottawa Music Company (a bandcollective with Henry Cow, Egg and Khan) recorded music for Rob Walker's production of Euripides' 'The Bacchae' (written before 406 a. d.) in 1972. 73. Valerio Evangelisti: Cherudek Time Machine's album 'Evil' (2001) tells a story about the spreading of the evil (whatever this may be, we should ask George W. Bush about that one, I guess) and it is inspired by Evangelisti's novel, published in 1997. 74. Todd Brendan Fahey: Room 55, the Hotel von Onna, Amsterdam Frank Wyatt, one of the founders of the prog-jazz/rock quintet Happy The Man, has released a solo CD (‘A Certain Whisper' (2001)) featuring a track called ‘A Dream of Amsterdam', which was written for and dedicated to author Todd Brendan Fahey, after Wyatt's reading of his essay ‘Room 55, the Hotel von Onna, Amsterdam' from the unpublished ‘Essential preMortem: Fugitive Writings of Todd Brendan Fahey'. 75. Howard Fast: The Vision of Milty Boil Genesis' ‘Get 'em Out by Friday' (from ‘Foxtrot') is a retelling of Howard Fast's ‘The Vision of Milty Boil' from the collection ‘The General Zapped an Angel' (1970), which is part fantasy, part vicious satire on marketing. 76. Tiberio Fiorillo Scaramouche is a figure o f the Commedia dell'arte (the italian form of extempore comedy), a braggart, created by Tiberio Fiorillo around 1640. A german band called Scaramouche released an album of the same name in 1981. 77. Robert Frost: Nothing Gold can stay A song on Farpoint's album ‘From Dreaming To Dreaming' (2004) is called ‘O lost" which is obviously inspired by Thomas Wolfe's book 'Look homeward Angel' and Robert Frost's ‘Nothing Gold can stay'. In its first published version, in The Yale Review (October 1923), under the present title, the poet caught both the moment of transitory perfection and the sense that the Edenic ideal must give way to earthly dying beauty: Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leafs a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay . 78. Paul Gallico: The Snow Goose Camel's album of the same name has been a musical interpretation of this book. The author was not very content with what the band had done, for he had had different ideas. Above all, Gallico had not been consulted on the use of the book's name, which caused legal action. 79. John Champlin Gardner: Grendel Published 1971, 'Grendel' is Gardner's most important book and one of his best known works. It is a parody of 'Beowulf', telling the story from the monster's point of view. Grendel, the cynical nihilist is a sarcastic critic of men. The existentialist and post-modernist traditions are obvious. Fish based the lyrics of Marillion's epic 'Grendel' on this book. 80. John Gay: The Beggar's Opera This famous parody, first performed in 1728 connects dialogue and ballads and shows the opposite of the High Society. It has been the source for Brecht's and Weill's 'Dreigroschenoper' and gave it's name to a scottish Progressive Rock band. 81. Alan Ginsberg: Howl and other Poems On King Crimson's ‘Beat'-Album (1982), the song "The Howler" might allude to Alan Ginsberg's poem ‘Howl', published 1956 in his debut bundle of poetry, called ‘Howl and other Poems'. Thanks to Robert Eksteen. 82. Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust Goethe's famous tragedy in two parts (published in 1808 and 1832) is the german adaption of the Doctor Faustus story. The italian band Aton's based their 1994 album 'Dr. Faust' on it. A german band from the seventies called themselves Faust. An album called 'Mephistopheles' has been released by the australian band Mephistopheles in 1975. 83. René Goscinny/Albert Uderzo: Astérix le Gaulois This french comic strip series is world famous for it's great stories and educational content. It tells the story of the inhabitants of a little gaulish village who fight against the roman conquerors. The german band Asterix took it's name from there and also called their debut album ‘Asterix' (1970). 85. Günter Grass: Die Blechtrommel Grass's debut novel from 1959 is the first of a trilogy (Danziger Trilogie) and tells the story of the life of Oskar Matzerath, his parents and grandparents between 1899 and 1952. The book is named after Oskar's tin drum, which is also the name of a german Neo-Prog band. 86. Robert Graves: The White Goddess In 1998, The Enid released `White Goddess,' an ecological parable loosely based on the legendary work of Robert Graves (1895 - 1985). He was a poet, novelist, classicist, mythographer and lecturer. In his career he was first admired for the poems he wrote from the front as a combatant in the first world war. He then became recognised as one of the finest love poets writing in the English language. ‘The White Goddess' is a key book for modern Pagans and Wiccans. Subtitled 'A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth', Robert Graves investigates the links between poetry, mythology and the worship of "The Goddess". ‘The White Goddess' was one of the first widely available books which uncompromisingly advocated a Goddess-centered spirituality. It is written from the point of view of a working poet struggling to reconcile the ancient crafts of poetry and mythology with the brutality of the twentieth century. 87. William Golding: Lord of the Flies The song "Flower King of Flies" from The Nice's debut "The Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack" (1967) has been inspired by Golding's classic novel about fascism, published in 1954. 89. Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff: Beelzebub's tales to his grandson It is known, that Robert Fripp came in touch with the teachings of Gurdjieff and his follower H. G. Bennett during the seventies. There has been a bibliography of Gurdjieff's works, compiled by J. Walter Driscoll, which lists over 1,700 books, so the one mentioned here can only be a vicarious one. I chose it, because it is widely regarded as Gurdjieff's most important work. The three volume thing starts with the advice to read it thrice to get the full meaning, and - of course - to get a greater awareness and full self-confidence. But I guess, if you ignore that advice, it shows that you already have gained a considerable amount of self-confidence... 90. Robert Anson Heinlein: Starship Troopers This fascistoid classic science fiction novel from 1959 about a young man growing up in a militaristic society and his career in the army during a war aginst the 'bugs', primitive insectoid aliens strangely provided Jon Anderson with the title and perhaps some of the imagery for the song 'Starship Trooper' from 'The Yes Album'. Thanks to John Kuge. 91. Robert Anson Heinlein: Stranger in a strange land This counterculture bible of the 60ies, tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, orphaned progeny of the first manned expedition to Mars, who has been raised by Martians and brought back to Earth by a second human expedition. Though he is a man in his twenties, Smith looks at absolutely everything on this new planet through the ignorant eyes of a baby, and faces the job of learning how to be a human being. If the world government of Earth will let him, that is, for Smith, through a legal fluke, not only has sole survivor rights to the space drive that his mother invented, but also to the surface of Mars. In a Byzantine maneuver that makes Watergate seem minor, the government holds Smith hostage while it tries to figure out how to seize his assets. Ben Caxton, a muckraking reporter, suspects the worst and attempts to rescue Smith. The problem is, if you can't fight City Hall, how can you even begin to fight a world government? Enter Caxton's friend, Jubal Harshaw, attorney, physician, hack writer, bon vivant, curmudgeon, anarchist. He caches Smith in Freedom Hall, his Poconos enclave, and takes on the dual chore of fighting the world federation for Smith's liberty and of educating Smith in the ways of his biological race. The youth is an apt student, a strange admixture of human infant and Martian superman, and as time goes on, he manages to win more and more people over to his own alien viewpoint. He becomes a kind of messiah--with explosive results. Sounds quite like an inspiration for Spock's Beard's ‘Snow' album (2002), doesn't it? In fact, the album contains a song called ‘Stranger in a strange land'. 92. Ernest Hemingway: The old man and the sea This short novel, his last completed work was published in 1952. It tells the story of an old fisherman and his fight against a huge sword-fish. The Old Man And The Sea, a band from Denmark, recorded an album of the same name in 1972. 93. Frank Herbert: Dune Frank Herbert's philosophical science fiction novels have been inspirational for David Matthews, who recorded a fusion album called Dune in 1977. There is a french Neo Prog band called Arrakeen, after the capital of the planet Arrakis. 94. Hesiodos: Theogonia The greek Hesiodos tells the story of the creation of the first woman, Pandora by Hephaistos in v. 507 - 616. This has been inspirational for a couple of bands: Caja de Pandora, a band from Mexico, recorded an album of the same name in 1991. Gerard from Japan released their album 'Pandora's Box' in 1997. Prometheus from the US took their name from the story of Prometheus, who stole the fire from the gods and brought it to the human beings, which is also being told by Hesiodos (v. 507 - 616). They released their self-titled album 'Prometheus' in 1994. 95. Hermann Hesse The German band Between recorded an Album called ‘Hesse between Music' in 1974, a record that contained lyrics by Hermann Hesse. 96. Hermann Hesse: Die Morgenlandfahrt Jon Anderson quoted Hesse's book as an inspirational source for the ‘Close to the Edge' times. The book has been published in 1932. I'm not sure about this one: There has been an album called 'Journey to the east' by Castanarc (1984) which may have been inspired by Hesse's book Written between 1919 and 1922 Nowadays regarded as puberty literature, Hesse's works have been read by a lot of people in the sixties and seventies. For those who want to find out about the background of Yes' 'Close to the edge', Siddhartha is the book to read. The river you hear at the beginning and at the end of the song plays an important role for young Siddhartha, Hesse's protagonist. There has also been a german band called Siddharta in the seventies. 98. newly addedHippokrates „Ars longa, vita brevis" („art is long, life is short") is part of an aphorism by Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460-357 BC). The full text (after Seneca's rendering in De Brevitate Vitae sect. 1.) translates as "Life is short, [the] art long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment difficult: The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient, the attendants, and externals cooperate." The first two phrases are often quoted by themselves, and thus misconstrued to mean that art is longer-lasting than individual lives. It seems more likely that Hippocrates meant that learning one's craft is a process that only ends with one's death. I don't know which meaning The Nice had in mind when they recorded their album „Ars Longa Vita Brevis" in 1968. Thanks to Peter Gunther. 99. Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin A german Prog band named itself Hölderlin, after a german poet (1770 - 1843). A nineties band from Germany is called Hölderlin Express. 100. Homeros: Ilias This epic in 15.000 verses is the earliest text of greek poetry. The title ‘Ilias' is derived from ‘Ilion', which is another name for the city of Troy. Troya is also the name of a german band from the seventies. 101. Homeros: Odysseia In their song 'The Cinema Show' from their 'Selling England by the pound' album (1973), Genesis cleverly combined several literary traditions. The basic substance of the lyrics is derived from Eliot's poem 'The waste Land' (1922). Tiresias, a seer from grecian mythology, does not only appear in the poem and in Sophokles' tragedy 'Oidipus Tyrannos', but also in Homer's Odysseia (ca. 700 b. c.). (see also Thomas Stearns Eliot: The waste Land, William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Sophokles: Oidipus Tyrannos). XII Alfonso from France recorded an album called 'Odyssees' in 1999. newly addedThe french band Artcane recorded an album called „Odyssee" in 1977. Thanks to Peter Gunther. newly added'Odyssey' is also a song on the album 'Paradise Lost' by US Band Aztec Jade (2000). David Bedford released an album called 'The odyssey' in 1976. On Caravan's first album (1968) there's a songs called 'Where But For Caravan Would I?'. The first line of the second stanza starts with the words "Wine coloured sea". In the Odyssey "Wine dark sea" describes Odysseus' wet surroundings in many chapters. A song by Eloy which is called 'End of an Odyssey', originally apperared on 'Time to turn' (1982) and, reworked, I think, on 'Chronicles I' (1993) King Crimson's 'Islands' is a loose concept album that evokes the Homeric ideal of seafaring travel. Circe and Odysseus are mentioned in the first song on the album, 'Formentera Lady'. There have also been speculations of a connection between 'Islands' and James Joyce's 'Ulysses'. Odissea, a band from Italy, released an album called 'Odissea' in 1973. Polifemo from Argentina named themselves after the one-eyed giant and recorded an album called 'Polifemo' in 1976. A Symphony X album was called 'The Odyssey'. A nineties band from Germany called 'Ulysses' released their only album 'Neronia' in 1993. They might also be named after James Joyce's 'Ulysses'. 102. Victor Hugo: Notre-Dame de Paris This novel, published in 1831 caused a revolution of the literary taste in france. Main protagonist of this roman poème in three volumes is Quasimodo, the bellringer of the gothic cathedral Notre-Dame. Quasimodo is the name of a US band from the nineties and of an album by Quaterna Requiem (Brasil) released in 1994. 103. Johan Huizinga: Homo ludens Krabat's 1997 album ‘Homo ludens' appears to be influenced by this classic on history of civilization published in 1938. 104. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World The album title ‘Grave new world' (1972) by the Strawbs might be an allusion to this famous dystopy. Saens' album 'Prophet in a statistical world" (2004) was inspired by the dystopic novels '1984", 'Brave new world", 'The Time Machine" and 'This Perfect Day" 105. Hywel Fychan fab Hywel Goch of Fuellt: The Red Book of Hergest See The Mabinogion. 106. Robert Jordan: The Wheel of Time Robert Berry's ‘A Soundtrack for ‘The Wheel of Time' (2001) features music inspired by the 9 books of Jordan's ‘The Wheel of Time' series which started in 1990 with ‘The Eye of the World'. The books tell the story of the battles against the Dark One in the recurring Age of Legends. 107. James Joyce: A portrait of the artist as a young man Richard Palmer-James says about ‘Exiles' (in Sid Smith's book about King Crimson): "The atmosphere of the piece is influenced by the last couple of paragraphs of James Joyce's ‘A portrait of the artist as a young man'". ‘Portrait', a book about the development of a young artist, was Joyce's first novel, published in 1916. 108. James Joyce: Finnegan's Wake Finnegan's Wake, a nineties band from Belgium, took their name from Joyce's "strangest dream that was ever half dreamt", an epical history of mankind. 109. James Joyce: Ulysses Written between 1914 and 1921, this milestone of 20th century literature has been considered as having been inspirational to Peter Sinfield, who wrote the lyrics for King Crimson's 1971 classic 'Islands'. Whether this is the case or not, I cannot decide, neither Robert Fripp nor Peter Sinfield have made statements concerning this topic. But the are a couple of connections: In the chapter 'Eumaeus' there is a sailor's tale and the chapter 'Lestrygonians' begins with Leopold Bloom feeding seagulls... See also Homer: Odysseia. A nineties band from Germany called 'Ulysses' released their only album 'Neronia' in 1993. They might also be named after Homer's Odysseia. 110. Mary Margaret Kaye: Palace of the Winds "Hawa Mahal" is also known as the Palace of the Winds. It forms the east wall of the City Palace complex in Jaipur. It is the most famous building in Jaipur because of its western facade which contains 953 small casements in a huge curve, each containing a balcony and a crowning arch. The windows let cool air circulate throughout the palace and they provide a place for the women to watch what is going on in the city without being seen. Mary Margaret Kaye published a novel called "Palace of the Winds", but I am not sure whether this was the inspiration for the german band Mind Over Matter to record their album ‘Palace of the Winds' (1995). 111. John Keats: Fall of Hyperion Robert John Godfrey, mastermind of The Enid, released a solo album called ‘Fall of Hyperion' in 1974. The album comes to a close with ‘The Dreamer', which on the album is accompanied by a quotation from Keats, "Turn the Key deftly in the oiled wards And seal the hushed casket of my soul". 112. John Keats: Lamia ‘The Lamia' from Genesis' 1974 concept album ‘The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway' seems to be derived from ‘Lamia', published in 1820. The Lamia are fabulous creatures, similar to vampires, used as bugbears in the antiquity. The content of ‘Lamia' is mainly derived from an episode of Philostratos' ‘Life of Apollonios of Tyana', which was used by Robert Burton in his ‘Anatomy of Melancholy' (1621). 113. Wilfred Kellogg: The Urantia Book It was published by the Urantia Foundation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Illinois, in 1955 and contains 2097 pages. Examining its contents you will discover that it claims to be written by numerous celestial beings as a special revelation to man living on this world, Urantia. In fact, it's a mixture of science fiction and (sometimes pseudoreligious) adventist writings by Wilfred Kellogg, that tries to combine scientific knowledge and (christian) religion, and retells the commonly known episodes from the Bible, most importantly the 'Life and Teachings of Jesus'. Fun reading, but spanning over 2000 pages, I doubt anybody has read it through at all. Not very well known outside the US (surprise, surprise!) it inspired Christian Vander and Klaus Blasquiz of Magma. The brazilian Band Ashtar recorded an album called 'Urantia' in 2002. It's a mixture of Prog, Metal and Folk. 114. Jack Kerouac: On the road 'mei', the echolyn album (2002), is being described by the band as "...a combination of Jack Kerouac's 'on the road' (first published in 1957) and Dante Alighieri's 'Inferno'. 115. Jack Kerouac: Satori in Paris This novel about Kerouac's search into his own heritage, published in 1966, has been, along with Paul Bowles' ‘The sheltering Sky', inspirational for King Crimson's ‘Sartori in Tangier' from ‘Beat', 1982. ‘Satori' is a Zen phrase, meaning enlightenment. 116. Stephen King: Wizard and Glass. A song on Farpoint's album 'Grace' (2003) is called 'Nevermore' and might be inspired by Stephen King's book 'Wizard and Glass' (1997), book 4 of a fantasy series called 'The dark Tower'. 117. Heinrich Kramer (Heinrich Institor): Malleus Maleficarum The Malleus Maleficarum is a writing against witches, the central text of the hysterical european witch-hunt. It was first printed in 1486 in Speyer, Germany. A nineties band from Italy called themselves Malleus, maybe an allusion to the title of the book. 'White Hammer' by Van Der Graaf Generator (from their 1969 album 'The least we can do is wave to each other') is about the 'Malleus Maleficarum'. Thanks to Robert Eksteen 118. R. D. Laing: Knots The lyrics for ‘Knots', from Gentle Giant's 1973 album ‘Octopus', come from the small book of word games, poems and thought exercises by the psychologist R.D. Laing, published in 1970. They used various poems to build the lyrics for the song. For the sources, see here. The line ‘Each man in all men/All men in each man' has not been written by Jean-Paul Sartre, as some websites report. 'Knots" also provided lyrical inspiration for 'Playing the Game" from Gentle Giant's 'The Power and the Glory" (1974) 119. newly addedEdward Lear: The Owl and the Pussycat "The Owl and the Pussycat" is a famous nonsense poem by Edward Lear, first published in 1871. It features four anthropomorphised animals, the owl, the pussycat, the 'piggy-wig' and a turkey, and revolves around the love between the title characters, who are married by the Turkey in the final stanza. On the Kevin Ayers album „Yes, We Have No Mananas" (from 1976) there is a song called „The Owl". This is a take on Lear's poem, from the Pussycat's point of view. Thanks to Peter Gunther 120. Clive Staples Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia Steve Hackett's song 'Narnia,' from his second solo album, Please Don't Touch, was inspired by this series of fantasy children's books, particularly volume 1: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The Chronicles have been published in seven volumes between 1950 and 1956. There has been a UK band called Narnia in the seventies, but I don't know for sure if they took their name from the chronicles. 121. Clive Staples Lewis: The Screwtape Letters 'My dear Wormwood', part three of echolyn's suite 'Letters' is directly inspired by Clive Staples Lewis's 'The Screwtape Letters'. This is a satire in 31 letters, first published in 1942. In these letters Screwtape, an experienced devil, advises his nephew Wormwood how to win the soul of his mortal charge by utilisation of his little weaknesses. 122. newly addedClive Staples Lewis: The weight of glory A story by Glass hammer member Steve Babb called „The Lady of Lirazel", which is based on Alfred Lord Tennyson 1832 poem „The Lady of Shallot" is the basis for the album „The inconsolable secret" (2005). The album's title comes from Lewis' book „The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses", a compilation of essays on Christianity by C.S. Lewis. "The Weight of Glory" was first given at Oxford University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, June 8th, 1941. See also Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany: The King of Elfland's Daughter. Azathoth On Arzachel's eponomymoulsy titled debut from 1969, there is a song called ‘Azathoth'. Azathoth, a creature that appears in several texts, is described by Lovecraft in ‘The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath' (a short story first published in 1938) as: "...that last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity—the boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes; to which detestable pounding and piping dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic ultimate gods, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless Other Gods whose soul and messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep." C'thlu Thlu ‘C'thlu Thlu' is the name of a song on Caravan's album ‘For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night" (1973) The artwork of Vangelis' ‘The Dragon' (1971) is said to depict C'thlu Thlu rising from R'lyeh, but I am not really convinced. C'thlu Thlu is a monster-god appearing in several of Lovecraft's texts, most obviously in ‘The Call of C'thlu Thlu', a short story written in 1926 and published in 1928. It is described as: "If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings... It represented a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. This thing, which seemed instinct with a fearsome and unnatural malignancy, was of a somewhat bloated corpulence..." The name "C'thlu Thlu" doesn't come from Sumerian mythology. This is a hoax perpetrated by the "Simon" edition of Lovecraft's ‘Necronomicon' which combines elements of Sumerian mythology and the Lovecraft myths. The name was purely an invention of Lovecraft's. Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth Shub-Niggurath (also called "The goat with a thousand young", a god of fertility) and Yog-Sothoth are two creatures that feature in several narratives by Lovecraft. Shub-Niggurath is also the name of a French band whose influences range from "electroacoustic and modern jazz to 17th century Italian and contemporary classical." They recorded a song called ‘Yog-Sothoth' on their 1985 album ‘Shub-Niggurath' which reappears on 1987's ‘ Les morts vont vite' Yoggy is described in ‘Through the Gates of the Silver Key': "It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self—not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweep—the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. It was perhaps that which certain secret cults of earth have whispered of as Yog-Sothoth, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the crustaceans of Yuggoth worship as the Beyond-One, and which the vaporous brains of the spiral nebulae know by an untranslatable Sign..." The Band Halloween used texts written by Lovecraft for four songs on their album ‘Laz' (1989): - 'The Wood': Lyrics are from Lovecraft's poem of the same name (January 1929) - 'Waltz': Lyrics are from Lovecraft's 'Clouds' (From: A Cycle of Verse [November-December 1918]) and the first stanza of 'Psychopompos: A Tale in Rhyme.' (late 1917-summer 1918) - 'Yule Horror': Lyrics are from Lovecraft's 'Festival.' (December 1925) - 'Laz': Lyrics are from Lovecraft's 'The Nightmare Lake.' (December 1919) 125. newly addedH. P. Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness Djam Karet, californian progressive band, recorded a song called „At the Mountains of Madness" for their 1991 album „Burning the Hard City". „At the Mountains of Madness" is a novella by horror writer H. P. Lovecraft, written in February/March 1931 and originally serialized in the February, March and April 1936 issues of „Astounding Stories". It has been reproduced in numerous collections since Lovecraft's death. 126. Howard Phillips Lovecraft: The Call of C'thlu Thlu On Solstice's album ‘New Dark Age' (1998) there is a song of the same name on which the opening paragraph of Lovecraft's ‘The Call of Cthulhu' is read. C'thlu Thlu is a monster-god appearing in several of Lovecraft's texts, most obviously in ‘The Call of C'thlu Thlu', a short story written in 1926 and published in 1928. It is described as: "If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings... It represented a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. This thing, which seemed instinct with a fearsome and unnatural malignancy, was of a somewhat bloated corpulence..." The name "C'thlu Thlu" doesn't come from Sumerian mythology. This is a hoax perpetrated by the "Simon" edition of Lovecraft's ‘Necronomicon' which combines elements of Sumerian mythology and the Lovecraft myths. The name was purely an invention of Lovecraft's. 127. Howard Phillips Lovecraft: The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. The german progmetal band Payne's Gray described their sole album 'Kadath decoded' (1995) as "the musical interpretation of H.P. Lovecraft's masterpiece ‘The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath'", a short story, written in January of 1927, first published in 'Beyond the Wall of Sleep' in 1943. newly added Le Orme, an Italian progressive rock band recorded an album called 'Beyond Leng' in 1975. The album title is a phrase from 'The Dream-Quest'. 128. Howard Phillips Lovecraft: The Music of Erich Zann Univers Zero put Lovecraft's short story (published in 1922) to music, on their album ‘Ceux Du Dehors' (1981), by a short collective improvisation called ‘La Musique D'Erich Zann'. The liner notes describe it as "a collective improvisation inspired by a short story by H.P. Lovecraft." 130. John Malloy/Willy Malloy: Gallowglass According to Sid Smith, on ‘Larks' Tongues in Aspic Part I' (1973) King Crimson used voices from the play ‘Gallowglass' by John and Willy Malloy which had been recorded by Bill Bruford off his radio at home. It was Jamie Muir's idea to use voices on that track, and ‘Gallowglass' was chosen at random. I couldn't find out anything about the play, it is even probable, that it has never been published at all. More information welcome! 131. Mao Tse Tung: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung Matching Mole's "Little red record" (1972) has the book depicted on cover. The Nice's song title "The thoughts of Emerlist Davjack" (from the 1967 album of the same title) is an allusion to the book title "The thoughts of Chairman Mao Tse-tung". 132. Gustav Meyrink: Der Golem Gustav Meyrink used the old jewish legend about Rabbi Löw and his creation, a being made of loam for his novel (1915). A german band from the seventies named themselves Golem, but I am not sure which source they used. There has also been a drama called ‘Der Golem' by Leiwick Halpern which is unfortunately not as famous as the novel, so it is improbable that the musicians of Golem knew it. 133. John Milton: Paradise Lost This epic poem of 19565 verses, first published in 1667 in ten books and written in blank verse (a second, reworked edition with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification was published in 1674) tells the story of the fight between Satan and his evil forces against god, the creation of the world and the fall of man. newly added‘Paradise Lost' is a song by After Crying (on „Show", 2003). newly addedIt's also the name of an album by the US Band Aztec Jade (released in 2000). Novela from Japan released an album called ‘Paradise Lost' in 1981. 134. Heiner Müller: Der Auftrag Heiner Goebbels' album ‘Der Mann im Fahrstuhl' (1988), featuring an appearance of Fred Frith and several other german and english musicians, is based on the play by the german author Heiner Müller (1980) which deals with the morals of french revolutionaries. 135. newly addedFriedrich Nietzsche: Also sprach Zarathustra 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None' (english title) is a book written during the 1880s by the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche. The work is a treatise on philosophy, a work of literature, and in parts a collection of poetry and in others a parody of and amendment to the Bible. Consisting largely of speeches by the book's hero and prophet Zarathustra, the work's content extends across a vast range of styles and subject matter. The album 'Zarathustra' by the italian group Museo Rosenbach (released in 1973) contains songs like "L'Ultimo uomo" and "Superuomo", named after certain chapters from Nietzsche's book. Thanks to Peter Gunther. 136. Nostradamus (alias Michel de Nostredame): Les Prophéties de Michel de Nostredame (1555 - 1568) This drug addict and deceiver from the sixteenth century has often been misunderstood as a seer of future times. Pelema Bokiou/Nostradamos from Greece recorded an album called ‘Pelema Bokiou/Nostradamos' in 1972. Solaris from Hungary released an album called ‘Nostradamus - Book of Prophecies' in 1999. 137. Novalis (alias Friedrich von Hardenberg) The song 'Novalis' on Steve Howe's 1991 album 'Turbulence' refers to the german poet Novalis (1772 - 1801), who also gave his name to a german band. 138. George Orwell: Coming Up For Air According to Derek Shulman, Gentle Giant's song ‘Memories Of Old Days' (on ‘The Missing Piece', 1977) refers to a George Orwell novel, which might be ‘Coming Up For Air'. This is suggested by the line ‘He should come up for air....'. The novel is about a man who returns to the small village where he grew up. He has to realise, that all he remembers from his childhood has gone. Orwell's interest in political development can already be detected in this 1939 text. 139. George Orwell: 1984 Orwell's dystopical novel about a totalitarian regime, first published in 1949 (!) served as the inspiration for three progressive artists: Rick Wakeman, Hugh Hopper and Anthony Phillips released concept albums based on this book. Saens' album 'Prophet in a statistical world' (2004) was inspired by the dystopic novels '1984', 'Brave new world', 'The Time Machine' and 'This Perfect Day' Finished ca. 8 a. d. Names that aren't listed here may be found under Greek Mythology. Anyone's Daughter released an album called 'Adonis' in 1979 (read book X, verses 503 - 739). The story of Hermaphroditus and the nymph, told in book IV, verses 285 - 388, has been put to music by Genesis, in the song 'Fountain of Salmacis' on their 1972 album 'Nursery Cryme'. The story of Daphne and Apollon (I 452-567) apparently impressed the members of an Italian band enough to call themselves Daphne and record an album of the same name in (1996). There was a band called Dedalus from Italy, who recorded an album of the same name in 1973 (reference to book VIII, verses 182 - 235). Icarus from the UK named their 1972 album 'The marvel world of Icarus'. Ikarus from Germany released their album 'Ikarus' in 1971. Kansas took the character of Icarus for ‘Icarus: Borne on Wings of Steel' (from ‘Masque' (1975)) from the Metamorphoses. It has also been used by the italian band St. Tropez, on their album 'Icarus' (1992). Minotaurus a seventies band from Germany, who recorded an album called 'Fly away' in 1978, seem to have been inspired by the story of the Minotaurus living in King Minos' Labyrinth on Crete (VIII 152 - 182). The story of King Midas (IX 85), who converted everything he touched into gold, inspired the Japanese neo-prog band Midas and the UK band Renaissance, who recorded a song called 'Midas Man' on their album 'Novella'. newly addedOn „Odyssee" (1977) by french band Artcane, there is a song called „Le Chant D'orphee". The character of Orpheus (X and XI) has also inspired the band Skryvania to the write the song 'Le Chateau d'Orphee' (on their album Skryvania (1978)). The story of Sisyphos (X 44) seemingly inspired the suisse band Sisyphos. Visible Wind from Canada used the imagery of the beautiful boy, who fell in love with his own reflection for their album 'Narcissus goes to the moon' (1997) (book III, verses 341 - 510). 142. Kenneth Patchen ‘Avant-garde: Moderne Chormusik' (1969) includes 'Two Poems for Chorus on Words of Kenneth Patchen' by David Bedford and his album 'Instructions For Angels' (1977) was apparently inspired by Patchens' poems about angels. 143. Mervyn Peake: Gormenghast A song by the Strawbs called ‘Lady Fuchsia', from their 1973 album ‘Bursting at the seams' is based on the character from Mervyn Peake's ‘Gormenghast' (‘Titus Groan') trilogy (1946 - 1959). Fuchsia is the sister of Titus Groan, the rebellious seventy-seventh earl of Gormenghast. The british band Fruupp recorded a song called ‘Gormenghast' on their album ‘Modern Masquerades' (1975). 144. Tom Phillips: A Humument The words ‘this night wounds time' from from the back cover of ‘Starless and bible black' come from cover artist Tom Phillips' epic work ‘A Humument'. ‘A Humument' is Tom Phillips' treated version of a Victorian novel. Phillips buys copies of William´Mallock's novel "A Human Document" and covers the pages with paint and other artwork, leaving bits of text peeking through as a sort of poetry. The first Humument pages were made in 1966 and it continues its life as a work in progress right up to the present with eight new pages published since the last Thames and Hudson revised edition in 1997. (A Humument homepage. Scans of every page of the first edition are available online here. The original version of "This night wounds time" is here) 145. Robert Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance MAO Inhibitor's first album is going to be called ‘Culture of one'. In an interview, Igor Khoroshev said: "The phrase came from Robert Pirsig's book ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' (first published in 1974). He uses it to describe the personal insanity of a genius. Both Carl [Jacobson] and I were very impressed by the book." 146. Platon: Kritias (ca. 340 b. c.)/Timaios (ca. 340 b. c.) The Fall of the island's civilization has been described by Platon in the two famous dialogues. Several bands have named themselves and/or their albums "Atlantis": Atlantis from Germany (album 'Atlantis', 1972), Atlantis from the US (album 'Atlantis', 1997) and Atlantis Philharmonic from the US (album 'Atlantis Philharmonic' 1974). Earth & Fire from the Netherlands called their 1973 album 'Atlantis'. The german band Eloy based their 1977 album ‘Ocean' on the Atlantis myth. It contained a song funnily called 'Atlantis - Agony at June 5th, 8498, 13p.m.'. Group Therapy from Japan recorded an album called Atlantis in 1999. The album ‘The Sentinel' by Pallas (released 1984) contains ‘Rise and Fall' and ‘Atlantis', which are both about Atlantis. The ELP influenced italian Band The Trip released an album called ‘Atlantide' in 1972. 147. newly addedEdward Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany: The King of Elfland's Daughter A story by Glass hammer member Steve Babb called „The Lady of Lirazel", which is based on Alfred Lord Tennyson 1832 poem „The Lady of Shallot" is the basis for the album „The inconsolable secret" (2005). The name „Lirazel" comes from Lord Dunsany's fantasy novel „The King of Elfland's Daughter" (1924). See also Clive Staples Lewis: The weight of glory. 148. Edgar Allan Poe The Italian band E. A. Poe was named after the american Poet Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849). 149. Edgar Allan Poe: The Fall of the House of Usher Peter Hammill has done an operatic treatment of Poes short story, published in 1839. It was released in 1991 and later reworked and rereleased in 1999. 150. Terry Pratchett: Discworld David Greenslade released his album ‘From the Diskworld' in 1994 which is based on and using quotes from Terry Pratchett's ‘Discworld', a series of fantasy novels, which started in 1983 with ‘The Colour of Magic'. 152. François Rabelais: Gargantua et Pantagruel First published in five independent volumes 1532 - 1564, it has been named 'Gargantua et Pantagruel' by later editors, to emphasize the connection between the five books. This is one of the main works of french literature. It tells the story of two giants, Gargantua and Pantagruel, a ludicrous aventure without a linear structure. The work is full of irony and humour, but also there are a lot of critical comments on religion, science, medizine and all the rest. The work has been the inspirational source for several Gentle Giant tracks, most of them featured on 'Acquiring the taste' and 'Octopus'. Gentle Giant have also been inspired by the writings of Jean Paul Sartre. 153. Sri Ramakrishna In recent years, in line with his fascination with Eastern religions, Jon Anderson has taken an interest in the writings of Sri Ramakrishna. Apparently, Sri Ramakrishna had a vision that he was to be the "string that runs through the pearls of the world". The pearls being the world's religions and their leaders. He's been dead many years now. The current keeper of the faith is a Hawaiian women, Audrey Kitagawa. She is the leader of a group known as "The Spiritual Family", probably not nearly as cultish as it might sound. The relationship between Ms. Kitagawa, Jon, his wife Jane and his 3 children led to a lot of the themes on Yes' 'Magnification' (2001), especially "In the Presence of...". Thanks to Kornegay. 155. newly addedArthur Rimbaud: Le Bateau ivre 'Le Bateau ivre' ('The drunken boat') is a verse-poem written by french poet Arthur Rimbaud in 1871, which is considered to be revolutionary in its use of imagery and symbolism. It is weaved around the delirious visions of a personified boat, lost at sea. The poem is one of the longest of Rimbaud's oeuvre. There is a song called 'Once Upon an Ocean' on Kevin Ayers' album „Sweet Deciever" (1975), Which contains the words "drunken boat". Thanks to Peter Gunther 158. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Le petit prince You may have already wondered, when this one would come up. This humanist fairy-tale about the discovery of friendship has been published in 1943 and has become one of the most succesful books ever since. Ekseption's third album, simply entitled 'Ekseption 3' claims to be inspired by the book, but I just can't see why. It doesn't contain anything else than the Bach, Beethoven or Rachmaninov adaption usually played by the band. 159. Victor Sanchez: Toltecs of the New Millennium Jon Anderson's album ‘Toltec', which was originally to be titled ‘The Power of Silence' seems to have been inspired by several writings of Carlos Castaneda, Ken Eagle Feather and Victor Sanchez This is a book review I found at ‘Having lived among Mesoamerican Indians for 15 years, the anthropologist Victor Sanchez informs his readers that Toltecs do not believe in their gods but perceive them directly. Sanchez identifies these natives as living descendants of the famous Toltec sages of Pre-Columbian times and, noting that their ‘separate reality' cannot be understood unless directly experienced, he takes us into their world, introducing their rituals and beliefs, which, incredibly, seem to substantiate much of Carlos Castaneda's depiction of Indian spirituality. In their profound communion with nature, the living Toltecs have much to teach the urban spiritual warrior.' The book has been published in 1996. See also: Ken Eagle Feather: A Toltec Path and Carlos Castaneda: The Power of Silence. 160. Theodor Schwenk: Das sensible Chaos : Strömendes Formenschaffen in Wasser und Luft This book, first published in 1962, combines aesthetics with science to emphasize the nature of water and its link with life inspired Stve Howe to the piece 'Sensitive Chaos" on his album 'Turbulence" (1991). 161. Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe Not hist best, but certainly one of his most popular works, this three part novel (published in 1819) tells a story from the times of the crusades. A german band from the nineties called themselves Ivanhoe. 162. Sir Walter Scott: Lady of the Lake This narrative in verses, first published in 1810, tells a story from 16th century england. Starcastle's first album ‘Starcastle' (1976) has a nice piece called ‘Lady of the Lake'. 163. William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream First performed an published in 1600 (as 'A Midsommer Nights Dreame'), Shakespeare's play has been inspirational for quite a number of musicians and composers, including Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Benjamin Britten and Carl Orff. Also among them is Steve Hackett, who's 1997 album of the same name is an instrumental interpretation of Shakespeare's play for acoustic guitar and orchestra. The british band Oberon recorded an album called 'A midsummer night's dream' in 1971. Red Jasper (UK) released an album of the same name in 1993. 164. William Shakespeare: Comedy of Errors Shakespeare's shortest play, written between 1591 an 1594 deals with the power of faith. It inspired the band Comedy of Errors (from the UK) to write their album - surprise - ‘Comedy of Errors' (1986). 165. William Shakespeare: Hamlet First performed in 1602, 'The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke' this famous play has been less inspirational than one might expect. It took me a while to realise that the album title 'Essere o non essere? Essere, essere, essere!' by the italian band Il Volo is based on a quotation from the play (it is easy to guess which one). 166. William Shakespeare: Macbeth First performed in 1606, Shakespeare's tragedy seems to have inspired Gentle Giant to write their song ‘The Moon Is Down' (from their 1971 album ‘Acquiring the taste'). The line appears in Act II, Scene 1, Line 2. But it is also discussed, that John Steinbeck's World War II story ‘The Moon Is Down' (1942) is the source for the lyrics. Social Tension from Japan called their 1989 album 'Macbethia' and their 1999 album 'It reminds me of Macbethia'. 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow', a section of 'Epitaph' on King Crimson's first album 'In the court of the crimson King' (1969) is the beginning of a speech by Macbeth. (Thanks to Peter Gunther). 167. William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice First published in 1600 - as ‘The Most Excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice' - the figure of the Jew Shylock might have given his name to the french seventies band Shylock, but I am not sure about this one. 168. William Shakespeare: Othello First performed in 1604, 'The Tragoedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice' this famous play about Jealousy gave its name to the nineties band The Othello Syndrome from the UK. 169. William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet First published in 1597 as 'An Excellent Conceited Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet'. In their song 'The Cinema Show' from their 'Selling England by the pound' album (1973), Genesis cleverly combined several literary traditions. The basic substance of the lyrics is derived from Eliot's poem 'The waste Land' (1922). Romeo and Juliet certainly came from Shakespeares tragedy. (see also Thomas Stearns Eliot: The waste Land, Sophokles: Oidipus Tyrannos, Homer: Odysseia). 170. William Shakespeare: The Tempest Henry Cow wrote the music for a performance of Shakespeare's comedy, which may have been his last work (first performed in 1611). Here is what Chris Cutler says about the event: "During this tour, we were simultaneously preparing music for a second play, Shakespeare's The Tempest, for which we nominated our own director, John Chadwick. The play was a success I think: it was certainly quite unorthodox and provocative - a strong alternative reading of the text. Our musical contribution, though, seemed not really to do it justice. That was my feeling anyway. Perhaps we were over-confident, or just over-stretched? Whatever the reason, we ended up with too little time to do the job thoroughly. Fred's ‘Solemn Music' is the only music that survived from this (on side two of ‘Unrest')." (source: 171. William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, or What You Will Twelfth Night, a Neo-Prog band from the UK took their name from this last romantic comedy Shakespeare wrote, which was first published in 1602. 172. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus This classic horror novel about a creator and his responsibility for the creature has been first published anonymously in 1818, in it's final version in 1831. The name 'Electric Frankenstein' was taken as a pseudonym by the italian guitarist Paolo Tofani (of Area) for his solo projects in the mid-seventies. 173. Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ozymandias Featuring a variety of inspired settings incorporating neo-classical, ambient and rock motifs, Tom Newman provides a musical backdrop for the powerful and much acclaimed poem of Percy. B. Shelley which has been published in 1818 on his album ‘Ozymandias' (1988). 174. Clifford Donald Simak: Our Children's Children (1974) It has often been said that Moody Blues' ‘To Our Children's Children's Children' seems to be a musical score for Simak's novel, but it isn't! The record has been released in 1969, the novel has been published in 1974...! But here's another one: Gandalf from Austria recorded an album called 'To our children's children' in 1994. 175. Socrates (470 - 399 b. c.) Socrates from Greece recorded an albm called 'Socrates drank the conium' in 1972. 176. Alexander Solshenizyn ‘Mother Russia', a track from Renaissance's ‘Turn of the cards' (1974) is about Alexander Solshenizyn. Thanks to Joe Lynn, Northern Lights Web Site. 177. Sophokles: Oidipus Tyrannos In their song 'The Cinema Show' from their 'Selling England by the pound' album (1973), Genesis cleverly combined several literary traditions. The basic substance of the lyrics is derived from Eliot's poem 'The waste Land' (1922). Tiresias, a seer from grecian mythology, does not only appear in the poem, he also plays an important role in Sophokles' tragedy 'Oidipus Tyrannos' (ca. 425 b. c.), warning Oidipus an Kreon. (see also Thomas Stearns Eliot: The waste Land, William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, Homer: Odysseia). 178. Norman Spinrad Spinrad wrote lyrics for Heldon's album ‘Only Chaos is Real' (2001) and can be heard singing here and there on their albums: His words and voice, often processed through a vocorder, can be heard on ‘East/West' (by Richard Pinhas, 1980) and ‘Only Chaos is real' (by Pinhas' band Heldon, 1998). 179. newly addedNorman Spinrad: The Iron Dream Norman Spinrad has been involved in music for many years, recording several albums with Richard Pinhas' band Heldon. In fact, the group Heldon itself derives its name from an allegorical locale in an early Spinrad novel called ‘The Iron Dream' (1972). 180. John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath Camel's ‘Dust and Dreams' (1991) is based on ‘Grapes of Wrath', first published in 1939. 181. John Steinbeck: The Moon Is Down In this masterful account set in Norway during World War II, Steinbeck explores the effects of invasion on both the conquered and the conquerors. Occupied by Nazi troops, a small, peaceable town comes face to face with evil imposed from the outside -- and betrayal born within the close-knit community. The story, published in 1942 might have been the inspiration for Gentle Giant's song ‘The Moon Is Down' from their 1971 album ‘Acquiring the taste'. But it is also discussed, that the source was a line from Shakespeare's ‘Macbeth'. 182. Robert Louis Stevenson: The strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde This classic horror novel from 1886 has been put to music by Renaissance (‘Jekyll and Hyde') on their 1979 album ‘Azure D'Or'. 183. Bram Stoker: Dracula The German band Birth Control called their 1980 album 'Count on Dracula!'. A 70s band from the UK called themselves 'Bram Stoker'. A band called Dracula from Romania called their 1996 album 'Dracula'. Gentle Giant's ‘Alucard' from their 1970 debut album is derived from this most famous horror story, published in 1897. No doubt about this one: Read the song title backwards... 184. newly addedAlfred Lord Tennyson: The Lady of Shallot The Glass Hammer-album „The inconsolable secret" (2005) is based on band member Steve Babb's ballad „The Lady of Lirazel" which is based on Alfred Lord Tennyson 1832 poem „The Lady of Shallot", a tragic story about a young lady, a curse and a knight. See also Clive Staples Lewis: The weight of glory and Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany: The King of Elfland's Daughter. 185. Thomas d'Angleterre: Tristan Maybe the earliest delivered Tristan-romance (around 1150-1160?). Only fragments have survived. it tells the tragic love story of Tristan and Iseut. On Skryvania's album 'Skryvania" (1978) there is a song called: 'Tristan & Iseult". And of course there is the album 'Wurdah tah" by Zeuhl godfather Christian Vander, the music of which was used as the soundtrack of Yvan Lagrange's film 'Tristan & Iseult". 186. Dylan Thomas: Under milk wood The line ‘Starless and bible black', used by King Crimson on various occasions (e. g. as an album title in 1974) is from Dylan Thomas' poem ‘Under Milk Wood', published in 1954. This ‘play for voices', in its earlier stages entitled ‘Llareggub, a Piece for Radio Perhaps' was performed at the YMHA in New York City in 1953, with Thomas himself reading the parts of First Voice and the Reverend Eli Jenkins. It's first words are: "FIRST VOICE [very softly]: To begin at the beginning: It is Spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched, courters'-and- rabbits' wood limping invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboat-bobbing sea." There is a band called ‘Hobbit'. The Prelude to 'The Lord of the Rings' has been inspirational for Pär Lindh, who based his 1996 Album 'Bilbo' on it. 188. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings Written between 1937 and 1949, first published 1954/55. Surely the work that had the greatest impact on Prog Musicians. All the bands' names come from here (Isildur's Bane, Gandalf etc.)! And there are a lot more albums that deal with this book than just Bo Hansson's 'Lord of the Rings': On Anyone's Daughter's 1980 album ‘Anyone's Daughter' there is a song called ‘Moria'. There is a song called ‘Lothlórien' on Argent's 1971 album ‘Ring of Hands'. The band Calm from Finland recorded a song called 'Burial Song Of Theoden' in 1997. Camel's album ‘Mirage', released in 1974, contains the song ‘White Rider' (as part of suite ‘Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider'), which apparently is about Gandalf. Dagorlad is the name of a great plain in the north of Mordor. An Italian Band named themselves after thos plain. Prog Metal band Fates Warning recorded a Tolkien inspired track called ‘Shadowfax' on their album ‘Night on Brocken' (1984). There have been two Prog bands called Galadriel: one from Australia, who recorded an album of the same name in 1971, and a Neo-Prog band from Spain. There is a Progressive Rock/New Age artist from Austria called Gandalf. a US band called Gandalf recorded an album of the same name in 1969. Glass Hammer from the USA recorded an album called 'Journey of the Dunadan' in 1993. Isildur's Bane, who also took their name from Tolkien's writings, put 'The Lord of the Rings' to music on their Album ‘Sagan om ringen' (1988). On ‘Sea Reflections' (1985) there is a song called ‘Bilbo'. On Krabat's 1997 album ‘Homo ludens' there is a track called ‘Lord of the Rings'. Lothlórien from Italy, also a nineties band, took their name from the home of the Galadhrim. There has been a band called Minas Tirith which unfortunately doesn't exist anymore (Thanks to Rudo Jockin, once a member of the band). A US band from the seventies where called Mithrandir, which is another name of Gandalf. ‘Mines of Moria' is the title of a track on The Moor's album ‘Every Pixie Sells a Story' from 1993. Moria Falls is a nineties band from the UK. There is a track called ‘Helms Deep' on Mostly Autumn's album ‘The Last Bright Light' (2001)and another album: ‘The Unexpected Album: Music Inspired by The Lord of the Rings' (2001). The band The Nazgûl from Germany recorded an album of the same name in 1976. Mike Oldfield's album "Amarok" lists a "Glorfindel guitar" as one of the instruments played. The Norwegian band Prudence have a song called ‘Gandalf' on their ‘No. 3' album (1974). Rivendell is one of the names for the hidden refuge of Elrond Peredhil, founded in the Second Age against the assaults of Sauron in Eriador. It lay in a deep valley in the western foothills of the Misty Mountains, and endured under the Lordship of Elrond through the War of the Ring and beyond. A spanish band from the nineties is called Rivendel (sic). Rivendell is a band from Finland who put a couple of Tolkien's poems to music. Shadowfax is a US band who recorded an album called 'Watercourse way' in 1975. St. Elmo's Fire, a US band recorded a song called ‘The Balrog' for their album ‘Splitting Ions in the Ether' (1980). On german Prog band Sylvan's album ‘Deliverance' (1998) there is a Tolkien inspired song called ‘A Fairytale Ending'. Under The Sun, a US prog band, recorded a Tolkien-inspired song called ‘The Time Being' on their 2000 album ‘Under the Sun'. 189. Tolkien: The Silmarillion The band Glass Hammer has recorded two Tolkien albums: ‘Journey of the Dunadan' (1993) and ‘The Middle Earth Album' (2001). Ilúvatar released an album called ‘Ilúvatar' in 1993. Lórien, a nineties band from Germany, named themselves after the gardens of Valinor. The Ex-Prog-band Marillion, formerly known as ‘Silmarillion', found their name when they cut off the first syllable of the title. The Silmarillion has been published in 1954/55. A nineties band from Sweden is called Valinor's Tree. The german band Yavanna recorded an album called 'Bilder aus Mittelerde' in 1984. 190. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoj: War and Peace First published as 'Vojna I Mir' in 1868/69 As many Yes fans may know, this has been the source for 'Gates of Delirium' on 'Relayer' (1974). 191. Laurens Van Der Post: The Seed and the Sower The album `The Seed and the Sower', released by two members of The Enid under the name Godfrey and Stewart was based on the book by Laurens Van Der Post, first published in 1963. This post-World War II tale is a joint reminiscence rendered by two Englishmen who have survived the war in the South Pacific, including concomitant internment in a Japanese POW camp. 192. Jules Verne Mangala Vallis is a new prog-rock band from Italy, whose debut, "The book of dreams", is a concept album inspired by Jules Verne, which was realeased on February 8th 2002, Verne's birthday. 193. Jules Verne: Journey to the centre of the Earth An obvious one. This book, first published as 'Voyages au centre de la terre' in 1864, has been the inspirational source of one of the seventies' classical albums, Rick Wakeman's 'Journey to the centre of the earth' and his ‘Episode II', 'Return to the centre of the earth', an album which is a lot better than your friends might want to make you think... 194. Jules Verne: Twenty thousand leagues under the sea The character of Little Nemo in the song ‘Scenes From A Night's Dream' from the Genesis album ‘...And Then There Were Three...' (1978) may be an allusion to Jules Verne's classic novel ‘Vingt mille lieues sous les mers' (1870) about three men who discover that a ship-sinking "monster" is if fact a submarine commanded by the mysterious Captain Nemo. 195. Richard Wagner: Götterdämmerung I know this is an opera, but I also know, that Wagner's texts (he wrote them himself) are widely regarded as exceptional works of late german romanticism. I don't know if Asgard read it, but I want to mention it here fore the sake of completeness. "Götterdämmerung" (1848) is the last opera in a circle of four called "Der Ring des Nibelungen". Wagner combined the Nibelungenlied and certain norse myths for this huge body of work. The italian band Asgard recorded an album called ‘Götterdämmerung' in 1991. 196. Robert James Waller: Bridges of Madison County Neal Morse says he's been inspired to write the song ‘Bridge across forever' on Transatlantic's album of the same name (2001) by the books ‘Bridges of Madison County' (1992) and Richard Bach's ‘The Bridge across forever' (1970). He said he actually "stole" a line from the former. ‘Bridges of Madison County' tells a love story, which has been the source for motion picture starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep. This is the story of Robert Kincaid, photographer and free spirit searching for the covered bridges of Madison County, and Francesca Johnson, the farm wife waiting for fulfillment of a girlhood dream. "It shows readers what it is to love and be loved so intensely that life is never the same again". 197. Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine H. G. Wells' novel, published in 1895, seems to have inspired the german band Eloy, for the name of the band was based on the Eloi race featuring in the book. newly addedDzyan released an album called „Time Machine" in 1973. Thanks to Peter Gunther. Rick Wakeman released an album called ‘Time Machine' in 1988, but it doesn't seem to have any relationship to the H.G. Wells novel. Saens' album 'Prophet in a statistical world' (2004) was inspired by the dystopic novels '1984', 'Brave new world', 'The Time Machine' and 'This Perfect Day' On Beggar's Opera's album „Waters of Change" (1971) is a song called „Time Machine". Thanks to Peter Gunther. 198. Oscar Wilde: The picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde's Paraphrase of the greek myth of Narcissus (published in 1891) gave it's name to the german Dorian Gray, a band from the seventies. There was an italian seventies band called Il Ritratto di Dorian Grey. Cherry Five's album 'Cherry Five" (1974) features a track called "Picture of Dorian Grey". 199. Charles Walter Stansby Williams: The Region of the Summer Stars The Enid released their first recording - a concept album called `In the Region of the Summer Stars' - in 1976. The album was based on the Tarot sequence and on the writings of Charles Walter Stansby Williams (1886-1945). Charles Williams was a leading member of the Oxford literary group "The Inklings", whose chief figures were C. S. Lewis and J. R. R Tolkien. He was a prolific author of plays, fantasy novels, poetry, theology, biography and criticism. His novels deal with the irruption of supernatural elements into everyday life. A legal officer has bequeathed to him the original set of Tarot cards; the investigation of a murder in a publisher's office merges with the rediscovery of the Holy Grail; the ghost of a girl killed in an accident helps thwart a plot for world domination.... His poetry included a volume of poems on themes connected with the Arthurian cycle, called ‘The Region of the Summer Stars' (1944). 200. Henry Williamson: Tarka the Otter ‘Tarka' is a project Anthony Phillips began recording in 1977 and finished in 1988. It is a collaboration with the author's son and guitarist Harry Williamson (a former member of Gong Maison and Mother Gong), recorded with a full symphony orchestra. It has been originally written as the film score for the classic British children's novel (written in the 1920s and published in 1927), however, it was never used. 201. Thomas Wolfe: Look homeward Angel An autobiographical novel, published in 1929, that tells the story of a family and their son Eugene Gant, hungry for life. A song on Farpoint's album ‘From Dreaming To Dreaming' (2004) is called ‘O lost' which may be inspired by Thomas Wolfe's book and Robert Frost's poem ‘Nothing Gold can stay'. 202. Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival This epic in 25810 verses, written between 1200 and 1210 tells the story of Parzival, an knight of king Arthur's round table. His educator, Gurnemanz, gave his name to the german seventies band. Another german band from the seventies was called Parzival. I Pooh from Italy wrote an album called Parsifal in 1973. The difference in the spelling might be owed to the german composer Richard Wagner, who used this version of the name as the title of an opera. 203. newly addedWilliam Wordsworth: I wandered Lonely As a Cloud („The Daffodils") On Genesis' opus magnum „The Lamb Lies Down on broadway" there is a song called „The Colony of Slippermen". The first verse runs "I wandered Lonely As a Cloud" which happens to be the title of a poem by William Wordsworth (1804). It was inspired by an event two years earlier when Wordsworth and his sister came across a "long belt" of daffodils. It was first published in 1807 (revised version 1815). Thanks to Peter Gunther. 204. Émile Zola: Germinal This is the thirteenth novel of the set "Les Rougon-Macquart". It deals with the hard life of the Mineurs and their families in a coal-district in the north of france. The novel has been published in 1885. The italian band Germinale recorded an album of the same name in 1994. 205. Various Poets The italian band La stanza della musica recorded only one self-titled album (in 1978). The lyrics are all taken from poetry: 1. Er giorno der giudizzio (G. Belli) 2. Pensiero buono del mattino (Arthur Rimbaud). Find the italian version here and the french original and an english translation here. 3. L'addio (Umberto Saba) 4. O vaghe montanine pasturelle (Franco Sacchetti) 5. Pianefforte 'e notte (Salvatore Di Giacomo) 6. Chi non è innamorato (L. de Medici) 7. Scherzi per ventagli (Giuseppe Parini) 8. Definendo l'amore (Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas) 9. Rondinella Pellegrina (Tommaso Grossi) 10. Canzone di Niccolò (Niccoló Macchiavelli) 11. L'assenza (Guido Gozzano)During my research for the main bibliography I occasionally come across songbooks. I will collect here what I find, and add new things from time to time. So what you see does not at all claim to be complete.Please note that I am not a collector of songbooks myself. Questioning me would result in a friendly advise to check the resources listed on the home page.Last update: July 7, 2005. I could remove some of the question marks. If you can offer any information or can help in any way, send me an email.Pinksterboer, Hugo (ed.): The Late 70s: From Progressive Rock to Heavy Metal, from the Funkiest Funk and Soul to the Emerging Underground, from the Women of R (Guitar Recorded Versions). Milwaukee, WI 1993. ISBN: 0793520258. (208 pages: ‘Bad blood' (Neil Sedaka), ‘Bad case of loving you' (Robert Palmer), ‘Bad girls' (Donna Summer), ‘Baker Street' (Gerry Rafferty), ‘Bennie and the Jets' (Elton John), ‘Boogie fever' (Sylvers), ‘Boogie Wonderland' (Earth, Wind and Fire with The Emotions), ‘Car wash' (Rose Royce), ‘Dream on' (Aerosmith), ‘Dust in the wind' (Kansas), ‘Fire' (Ohio Players), ‘Gold' (John Stewart), ‘Got to get you into my life' (Earth, Wind and Fire), ‘Grease' (Frankie Valli), ‘Heaven knows' (Donna Summer with Brooklyn Dreams), ‘Hot blooded', ‘Hot stuff' (Donna Summer), ‘How deep is your love' (Bee Gees), ‘I will survive' (Gloria Gaynor), ‘If I can't have you' (Yvonne Elliman), ‘It's a heartache' (Bonnie Tyler), ‘ It's so easy' (Linda Ronstadt), ‘ Jive Talkin'' (Bee Gees), ‘ Just the way you are' (Billy Joel), ‘ Lay down Sally' (Eric Clapton), ‘ Let Your love flow' (Bellamy Brothers), ‘ Listen to what the man said' (Wings), ‘ Lonesome loser' (Little River Band), ‘ My life' (Billy Joel), ‘ Night fever' (Bee Gees), ‘ No more tears (Enough is enough)' (Barbra Streisand & Donna Summer), ‘ Piano man' (Billy Joel), ‘ Rich girl' (Hall & Oats), ‘ Shadow dancing' (Andy Gibb), '(She's) Some kind of wonderful' (Grand Funk Railroad), ‘ Shining star' (Earth, Wind and Fire), ‘ Sometimes when we touch' (Dan Hill), ‘ Stayin' Alive' (Bee Gees), ‘ Time passages' (Al Stewart), ‘ Walk this way' (Aerosmith), ‘ With a little luck' (Wings), ‘ Year of the cat' (Al Stewart), ‘ You should be dancing' (Bee Gees).)Author?: The Art of Rock. New York, TRO Andover Music 1971. (The book contains the scores for 30 songs, including Procol Harum, The Moody Blues (5 songs), Traffic (2 songs), Black Sabbath (2 songs), King Crimson (2 songs), Michael Chapman (2 songs), and one song each by The Who, T Rex, Arrival, Bead Game, Blood Sweat & Tears, David Bowie, The Byrds, and Joe Cocker.)No author: The Essential Progressive Rock Guitar. Warner Brothers Publications, Inc. (US), Miami 1996. ISBN: 1-57623-472-X. (Contains music by Dream Theater, Genesis, Jethro Tull, Journey, Led Zeppelin, Rush and Yes.)No Author: Progressive Rock: Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing. No year, ISBN:4-401-34698-X (Full score transcription with tabulature. Includes: '21st Century Schizoid Man' (King Crimson), ‘Roundabout' (Yes), ‘Owner of the Lonely Heart' (Yes), ‘Money' (Pink Floyd), ‘The Sheriff' (ELP), ‘Stories in Your Eyes', ‘Watchers of the Skies' (Genesis), ‘In the Dead of Night' (U.K.), ‘Ceasar's Palace Blues' (U.K.).)Return to topnewly addedNo Author: Reverences: Anthologie des grands success du groupe Ange. Paris, International Music Publications, 1996. No ISBN. (Godevin la Vilain', ‘Les Longues Nuits d saac', ‘Si J tais le Messie', ‘Ballde pour une Orgie', ‘Exode', ‘La Bataille du Sucre', ‘Fils de Lumiere', ‘Au Dela du Deliere', ‘La Gare de Troyes', ‘(Je N uis) La pour Personne', ‘Saga', ‘Reveille-Toi', ‘Aurelia', ‘Sur la Trace des Fees', ‘Ode a Emile', ‘Le ballon de Billy', ‘Le Vieux de la Montagne', ‘Aujourd'ui C'est la Fete chez L pprebti Sorcier', ‘Le Soir du Diable', ‘Le Cimetiere des Arlquins', ‘Vu d n Chien', ‘Hymme a la Vie', ‘Ces Gens-La'.)Return to topNo author: The Music of Asia (Guitar). Warner Brothers Publications, Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. GF0227.No author: Asia Sounds (Band Score). Warner Brothers Music (Japan) c/o Nichion, Inc. & Taiyo Music, Inc. ISBN: 4-401-34311-5.No Author: Band Score: Taken from the Album Asia and Astra. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 1992. ISBN: 4-401-34642-4 (Full score transcription with tablature. Including: ‘Heat of the Moment', 'Sole Survivor', ‘Time Again', ‘Wildest Dreams', ‘Don Cry', ‘The Smile Has Left Your Eyes', ‘The Heart Goes On', ‘True Colors'.)No author: Heat of the Moment. Warner Brothers Publications Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. VS1698 091382.No author: Sole Survivor. Warner Brothers Publications Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. VS1791 032583.No Author: Super Best. Tokyo 1991. ISBN: 4-8108-5904-5. (Full score transcription with tablature. Including: ‘Wildest Dream', ‘Don Cry', ‘The Last You Know', ‘True Colors', ‘Open Your Eyes', ‘Go', ‘Voice of America', ‘Wishing', ‘Countdown to Zero', ‘Too Late', ‘After the War', ‘Prayin 4 a Miracle'.)No author: Only Time Will Tell. Warner Brothers Publications Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. VS1750 112982.No author: Don't Cry. Warner Brothers Publications Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. VS1891 120783.No author: The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. Warner Brothers Publications Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. VS1929 023084.No author: Go. Warner Brothers Publications Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. VS4484.No author: Don't Cry. For the Young Jazz Ensemble. Warner Brothers Publications, Inc. (US). Ed.-Nr. 309-04020.Asia guitar tablature can be found here.Return to topnewly addedNo Author: Le Piu Belle Canzoni: 1976-1985. Milano. 1990. No ISBN. (Arranged for vocals and piano with chord symbols(in Italy). Including: 'Il Rgno', ‘E Cosi Giovanni, ma', ‘Garofano Rosso', ‘Tema di Giovanna', ‘Canto di Primavera', ‘E Mi Viene da Pensare', ‘Niente', ‘Capolinea (parte 1 e 2)', ‘Dove Sara?', ‘Paolo, Pa', ‘Senza Riguardo', ‘Baciami Alfredo', ‘Buona Notte, Sogni d ro', ‘Buone Notizie', ‘Michele e il Treno', ‘Moby Dick', ‘Lontano Da', ‘Grande Joe', ‘Mexico City', ‘Baby Jane'.)Return to topnewly addedNo Author: da Mi Ritorni in Mente a una Giornata Uggiosa. Roma. 1993. No ISBN. (Words and melodies with chord symbols including songs performed by Formula Tre.)Return to topCampo di Marte:The original scores of Campo di Marte (1973) and of the new live album will be soon on the internet. Check Enrico Rosa's website or Campo di Marte's website.Return to topBryan, Colgan/Aaron Stang (Editors): Dream Theater. Awake. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1995. ISBN: 089724608X. (Contains the transcriptions for all the songs on the album.)Buk, Askold/John Petrucci (Editors): Guitar World presents John Petrucci's Wild Stringdom. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 2000. ISBN: 0769291023. (Paperback Book & Cd.)Petrucci, John: Rock Discipline (with CD). Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1996. ISBN: 1576234746. (Paperback Book & Cd.)Petrucci, John (editor): Dream Theater. Metropolis: Scenes from a Memory. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 2000. ISBN: 0769296521. (Contains the transcriptions for all the songs on the album.)Portnoy, Mike: Mike Portnoy Anthology, Volume 1. Hudson Music 2002. ISBN: 0634046241. (Note-for-note transcriptions of nine drum performances hand-picked by Mike for this book, including classic music by Dream Theater, spanning from their 1992 release ‘Images And Words' through their 1999 ‘Scenes From A Memory'. Transcribed are "Metropolis Part 1", "6:00", "Hell's Kitchen", "When The Water Breaks" from Liquid Tension Experiment 2, and the 31-minute epic "All Of The Above" from Transatlantic's SMPTe album.)No author: Dream Theater. Falling into Infinity. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1998. ISBN: 0769218261. (Contains the transcriptions for all the songs on the album.)No author: Dream Theater Full Score Anthology. Miami 2002. ISBN: 0757981380. (96 pages. The book contains full guitar, drum, bass and keyboard transcriptions and includes ‘Dance of Eternity', ‘Erotomania', ‘Home', ‘Just Let Me Breathe', ‘Pull Me Under', ‘Peruvian Skies', ‘Under a Glass Moon' and ‘Voices'.)No author: Dream Theater. Images & Words. Personality Book. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1995. ISBN: 0897240308. (Contains the transcriptions for all the songs on the album.)No author: Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence. Miami 2002. ISBN: 0757995284. (Complete transcriptions (guitar and vocals) to all the songs on the double CD set. Including: ‘The Glass Prison', ‘Blind Faith', ‘Misunderstood', ‘The Great Debate', ‘Disappear', ‘Overture', ‘About to Crash', ‘War Inside My Head', ‘The Test that Stumped Them All', ‘Goodnight Kiss', ‘Solitary Shell', ‘About To Crash (Reprise)', ‘Losing Time/Grand Finale' on 200 pages)Dream Theater guitar tablature can also be found here.Return to topDorff, Daniel: Keith Emerson. "Piano Concerto No. 1". Complete Music Score for Piano and Orchestra. Adapted for 2 Pianos by Daniel Dorff. Leadchoice, King of Prussia, PA 2001.Lefferts, Michael (Editor): Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1977. ISBN: 0769202993.Palmer, Carl: Applied Rhythms. Cedar Grove NY, Modern Drummer Publications 1987. No ISBN. (Contains transcriptions of a few tracks, mainly Asia stuff, but also some ELP (the shorter, simpler songs) along with Carl's comments on each song. Get the book on the modern drummer publications website.)No author: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Anthology. Palm Beach International. No year.Emerson, Keith et al.: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Anthology. New York, Warner Brothers Publications 1981.No author: Emerson, Lake & Palmer "Best Of". Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing. ISBN: 4-401-34886-9. (Full score songbook. 80 pages. Contents: ‘Tarkus - Eruption', ‘Blues Variation' (from ‘Pictures At An Exhibition'), ‘Promenade' (from ‘Pictures At An Exhibition'), ‘From The Beginning', ‘The Sheriff', ‘Karn Evil 9 - 1st Impression Part 2'. Email your orders to Lost Horizons.)No author: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Emerson, Lake and Palmer. London, Manticore 1977.No author: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Greatest Hits. London/New York, Amsco Publications/Music Sales 1996. ISBN: 0-8256-1536-4 (US), 0-7119-5421-6 (UK). (Piano/Vocal to: 'C'est la vie', 'The Endless Enigma', 'From the Beginning', 'I believe in Father Christmas', 'Karn Evil 9 (1st Impression Part II)', 'Lucky Man', 'Still... You turn me on', 'Take a pebble', ' Trilogy'.)No author: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Tarkus. London, Manticore 1971. Re-published in 1980.No author: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Tarkus. New York, Warner Brothers Publications. 1980.Return to topBanks, Tony: The Way We Walk Songbook. Volume 1 & 2. London 1992. ISBN: 711933758 (vol. 1), 0711934800 (vol.2). (Each track from the album, arranged for voice, piano & guitar. Contents: ‘Land of confusion', ‘No son of mine', ‘Jesus He knows me', ‘Throwing it all away', ‘I can't dance', ‘Mama', ‘Hold on my heart', ‘That's all', ‘In too deep', ‘Tonight, tonight, tonight', ‘Invisible touch', ‘Old medley (Dance on a volcano ; Lamb lies down on Broadway ; The musical box ; Firth of fifth ; I know what I like)', ‘Driving the last spike', ‘Domino (part I ‘In the glow of the night', part II ‘The last domino')', ‘Fading lights', ‘Home by the sea', ‘Second home by the sea'.)Belton, Benny: Phil Collins. You'll be in my heart. Words and music: Phil Collins. Arr. for accordion orchestra: Benny Belton. Stäfa, W. Wild 2000. No ISBN.Clark, Stephen/Sadie Cook: Phil Collins: 9 songs for piano vocal with guitar boxes. Woodford Green, International Music Publications 1994. ISBN: 1859091911. (Contents: 'Against all odds', ‘I missed again', ‘Another day in paradise', ‘Easy lover', ‘A groovy kind of love', ‘One more night', ‘In the air tonight', ‘You can't hurry love', ‘Two hearts'.)Coates Plays Phil Collins: Easy Playing Piano Arrangements. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1991. ISBN: 0769213774.Cuellar, Carol (editor): Genesis: Abacab. Hit & Run Music 1982. ISBN: 0769204651. (All music from the album.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): Genesis Anthology. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1983. ISBN: 0769204619. (Music to ‘Abacab', ‘Behind the Lines', ‘Dance on the Volcano', ‘Duchess', ‘Follow You Follow Me', ‘Heathaze', ‘I Know what I like', ‘Illegal', ‘Keep it Dark', ‘The lamb lies down on Broadway', ‘Mad Man Moon', ‘Mama', ‘Man on the Corner', ‘Many too Many', ‘Misunderstanding', ‘No Reply', ‘The Vine', ‘Paperlate', ‘Taking it all too hard', ‘That's All', ‘Turn it on again', ‘A Trick of the Tail', ‘Your own special way'.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): Genesis deluxe anthology. Secaucus, N.J., Warner Brothers Publications/Hit & Run Music 1993. ISBN: 0769204589. (276 pages.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): Genesis/Invisible Touch. Warner Brothers Publications 1986. ISBN: 0769204678.Cuellar, Carol (editor): The Best of Genesis. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1983. ISBN: 0769204600. (Music to ‘Abacab', ‘Duchess', ‘Follow you follow me', ‘I Know what I like', ‘The Lamb Lies down on Broadway', ‘Man on the corner', ‘Many too Many', ‘Misunderstanding', ‘No Reply', ‘Paperlate', ‘Ripples', ‘Turn it on Again', ‘Your Own Special Way'.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): The New Best of Phil Collins. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1994. ISBN: 0897243021.Cuellar, Carol (editor): The new Phil Collins deluxe anthology. Piano, vocal, guitar. Secaucus, N.J., Warner Brothers Publications/Hit and Run music 1986. ISBN: 0769202802. Re-issued 1993 (ISBN: 0769202802) and 1997. (240 pages, for voice and keyboard instrument; includes chord symbols and guitar diagrams.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): Phil Collins Anthology. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1986. ISBN: 076920273X.Cuellar, Carol (editor): Phil Collins/Serious Hits... Live! Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1991. ISBN: 0769202748.Delisa, Jeannette (editor): Drum Techniques of Phil Collins. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1986. ISBN: 0769202713.Donato, Ray: The best of Genesis. For easy guitar. Arranged by Ray Donato. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications 1987. (11 songs for voice and guitar in staff notation, tablature and guitar chord symbols. Includes: 'Invisible Touch', 'Your own special way', 'Follow you, follow me', 'The lamb lies down on broadway', 'Man on the corner', 'Abacab', 'No reply at all', 'Paperlate', 'Ripples', 'Turn it on again', 'Duchess'.)Donato, Ray: The best of Genesis and Phil Collins for Guitar: Dual Dynamite. Arranged by Ray Donato. Secaucus, N.J., Warner Brothers Publications 1986. Re-published 2002. ISBN: 0769204872.Evans, Peter: Genesis anthology. Twenty-five classic songs. Arranged for piano, voice & guitar. London, Wise Publications/Hit & Run Music 1998. ISBN: 0711970874.Evans, Peter (editor): It's easy to play Phil Collins. London, Wise Publications, 1987. ISBN: 071191138X. (Easy to read, simplified arrangements of fifteen songs. Arranged for piano/vocal with chord symbols.)Evans, Peter (editor): Phil Collins. Guitar chord songbook. Volume 1. Compiled by Peter Evans. London, Wise Publications 1993. ISBN: 0711934355. (Words with guitar chord boxes (but no melodies) for 20 songs.)Evans, Peter (editor): Phil Collins. Guitar chord songbook. Volume 2. Compiled by Peter Evans. London, Wise Publications 1993. ISBN: 0711935297. (Words with guitar chord boxes (but no melodies) for 20 songs.)Evans, Peter (editor): Phil Collins rock score. Five famous Phil Collins songs scored for small groups. Compiled by Peter Evans. London, Wise Publications 1988. ISBN: 0711911940. (Contents: 'Don't lose my number', ‘Easy lover', ‘Inside out', ‘One more night', ‘Sussudio'.)Evans, Peter (editor): The concise Phil Collins. London, Wise Publications 1994. ISBN: 0711940894. (54 songs composed or sung by Phil Collins, mostly from the 1980s. Words printed as text on preliminary pages, melody lines with words and guitar chord symbols.)Evans, Peter (editor)/Arthur Dick: Phil Collins for guitar tab. Ten great songs in easy-to-read guitar tablature & standard notation, including chord symbols, melody line & lyrics. Compiled by Peter Evans. Music arranged by Arthur Dick. London, Wise Publications/Music Sales 1995. ISBN: 0-7119-3749-4. (10 songs composed by Phil Collins (one together with Daryl Stuermer) for voice and guitar. Guitar part in standard and tablature notation with chord symbols. Contents: 'Another day in paradise', ‘Both sides of the story', ‘Don't let him steal your heart away', ‘I wish it would rain down', ‘I don't wanna know', ‘Inside out', ‘Like China', ‘Thunder & lightning', ‘Who said I would?', ‘The roof is leaking'.)Evans, Peter (editor)/Daniel Scott: Phil Collins greatest hits. For all keyboards. Thirty-six of his best songs arranged for all keyboards. Arranged by Daniel Scott, compiled by Peter Evans. London, Wise Publications 1990. ISBN: 0711923582. (For voice and keyboard.)Jones, Derek: Genesis. Calling all stations. The songs arranged for piano, voice & guitar, complete with lyrics & guitar chord boxes. Arranged by Derek Jones. London 1997. ISBN: 0711970505. (79 pages, includes the whole album.)Lilore, Joseph: Genesis. Includes Super-Tab notation: authentic bass lines transcribed off the record. Arranged by Joseph Lilore. Bass superstar series. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications/Hit & Run Music 1987.Sausen, Neal: Phil Collins. Drum techniques of Phil Collins. Transcribed by Neal Sausen. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications 1986. (Transcriptions of the drum parts to thirteen songs written and performed by Phil Collins.)Worth, Jacquelyn: The best of Phil Collins. For guitar. Includes super-tab notation. Arranged by Jacquelyn Worth. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications 1981 (re-issued 1989). The best of guitar series. GF 0369. (Includes: ‘In the air tonight', ‘Against all odds', ‘Take me home', ‘Sussudio', ‘You can't hurry love', ‘Tonight, tonight, tonight', ‘Don't loose my number', ‘Seperate lives', ‘One more night'.)No author: And Then There Were Three. New York, Wise Publications 1978. ISBN: 0-86001-577-7 or 0-8256-6032-7. (All music from the album.)No author: A Trick of the Tail/Wind and Wuthering Songbook. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications, first published 1978. 2nd edition: London, Wise Publications, 1980. ISBN: 0-86001-696-X. (Rereleased by Warner Brothers, Miami in 1994 with a different cover and guitar tab. It includes ‘Squonk', ‘Wot Gorilla', ‘Dance on a Volcano', ‘Los Endos', ‘Blood on the Rooftops', ‘Robbery Assault & Battery', ‘Ripples', ‘Afterglow'.)No author: Best of Genesis. Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI 2001. ISBN: 0634020714. (Includes: ‘I Can't Dance', ‘Abacab', ‘Follow You, Follow Me', ‘Hold On My Heart', ‘Jesus He Knows Me', ‘Man On The Corner', ‘Misunderstanding', ‘Never A Time', ‘No Reply At All', ‘Throwing It All Away', ‘Turn It On Again', ‘Your Own Special Way', ‘Invisible Touch', ‘Land Of Confusion', ‘No Son Of Mine', ‘That's All', ‘Tonight, Tonight, Tonight'.)newly addedNo Author: Complete Best Genesis. Band Score. Ritto Music, Tokyo 1992. ISBN: 4-8456-0161-3. (Full score transcription with tabulature. Includes: ‘The Knife', ‘Watcher of the Skies', ‘Firth of Fifth', ‘Mad Man Moon', ‘One for the Vine', 'Afterglow', ‘Follow You Follow Me', ‘Invisible Touch'.)No author: Duke Songbook. 1980. ISBN: 0-86001-749-4. (All music from the album along with photos drawings and lyrics. 66 pages.)No author: Genesis: Anthology. New York, Warner Brothers Publications, n. d.No author: Genesis Anthology. Vol. 1: The First Genesis Book. London, Wise Publications 1985. ISBN: 0-7119-0698-X. (Voice and piano, with guitar chord symbols. Music to ‘A Trick of the Tail', ‘Afterglow', ‘Ballad of Big', ‘Blood on the Rooftops', ‘Carpet Crawl', ‘Cul de Sac', ‘Dance on a Volcano', ‘Deep in the Motherlode', ‘Down and Out', ‘Entangled', ‘Firth of Fifth', ‘Follow You Follow Me', ‘Heathaze', ‘I Know What I Like', ‘The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway', ‘Many Too Many', ‘Misunderstanding', ‘Please Don't Ask', ‘Ripples', ‘Snowbound', ‘Squonk', ‘Turn it on Again', ‘Undertow', ‘Your Own Special Way'.)No author: Genesis Anthology. Vol. 2: The Second Genesis Book. London, Wise Publications 1985. ISBN: 0-7119-0699-8. (Voice and piano, with guitar chord symbols. Music to ‘Abacab', ‘Alone', ‘Another Record', ‘Behind the Lines', ‘Duchess', ‘Duke's Travels/End', ‘Illegal', ‘Just a Job', ‘Keep it Dark', ‘Like it or Not', ‘Lurker', ‘Mama', ‘Man of our Times', ‘Man on the Corner', ‘No Reply', ‘Paperlate', ‘Silver Rainbow', ‘Taking it all too hard', ‘That's All', ‘Who Dunnit?'.)No author: Genesis. Invisible Touch. London, Wise Publications 1986. ISBN: 0-7119-1043-x. (voice and piano with guitar chord symbols)No author: Genesis Songbook. First edition with Interviews and B&W photos. London, Wise Publications 1977. ISBN: 0-86001-352-9. (Music to all of ‘Trick of the Tail' plus ‘Dancing out with the Moonlit Knight', ‘Firth of Fifth', ‘Get 'em out by Friday', ‘I Know what I Like' and ‘Watcher of the Skies'.)No author: Il Meglio dei Genesis. Edizioni Musicali Iller srl, Italy 1984. (Lyrics and Music to ‘Mama', ‘Misunderstanding', ‘The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway', ‘Paperlate', ‘Many too Many', ‘Abacab', ‘Ripples', ‘I Know What I Like', ‘Turn it on Again', ‘Duchess', ‘Your Own Special Way', ‘Man on the Corner', ‘Follow You Follow Me'.)No author: Mama Songbook. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1984. Ed.-Nr. VF 1098. (Music from the album.)No author: Music of Phil Collins. Paris, Warner Brothers Publications 1985. (Piano and voice, with guitar boxes.)No author: Phil Collins anthology. London, Wise Publications 1985. ISBN: 0-7119-0775-7. (Arranged for piano/vocal with guitar boxes.)No author: Phil Collins. Both Sides. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1993. ISBN: 0897241487.No author: Phil Collins for easy guitar. London, Wise Publications 1987. ISBN: 0-7119-1159-2.No author: Phil Collins. Hits. London, Wise Publications 1998. ISBN: 0711972826. (16 songs from the 1998 compilation album for voice and piano, with guitar chord symbols. Contents: 'Another day in paradise', ‘True colours', ‘Easy lover', ‘You can't hurry love', ‘Two hearts', ‘I wish it would rain down', ‘Against all odds', ‘Something happened on the way to heaven', ‘Separate lives', ‘Both sides of the story', ‘One more night', ‘Sussudio', ‘Dance into the light', ‘A groovy kind of love', ‘In the air tonight', ‘Take me home'.)No author: Phil Collins Made Easy: Guitar Tab. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications. ISBN: 0769204864.No author: The best of Phil Collins for all electronic keyboards. London, Warner Brothers Publications 1990.No author: Phil Collins. The SFX series for all home portable keyboards, 25. London, Wise Publications 1986. ISBN: 0711910707. (Words and melodies with chord symbols. Contents: 'Against all odds', ‘Don't lose my number', ‘Easy lover', ‘I cannot believe it's true', ‘I don't care anymore', ‘I missed again', ‘In the air tonight', ‘Inside out', ‘One more night', ‘Separate lives (Love theme from White nights)', ‘Sussudio', ‘You can't hurry love'.)No author: Seconds Out. New York, Music Sales 1978.No author: Seconds Out Songbook. London, Wise Publications 1978. ISBN: 0-8256-6026-2 or 0-86001-352-9. (Music to ‘Squonk', ‘Carpet Crawl', ‘Robbery', ‘Afterglow', ‘Firth of Fifth', ‘I Know What I Like', ‘The Lamb', ‘The Musical Box', ‘Supper's Ready' and ‘Cinema Show'.)No author: Three Sides Live Songbook. (Most music from the album with color photos and an article. Music to ‘Abacab', ‘Turn it On Again', ‘Dodo', ‘Behind the Lines', ‘Duchess', ‘Sarah Jane', ‘Follow You, Follow Me', ‘Cage', ‘Misunderstanding', ‘Cinema Show', ‘Slipperman', ‘Afterglow', ‘One for the Vine', ‘Fountain of Salmacis', ‘It', ‘Watcher Of The Skies'.)No author: You + Phil Collins. London, Wise Publications 1995. ISBN: 071194878X. (Seven songs arranged for guitar in standard notation and guitar tab. Contents: 'Another day in paradise', ‘Don't lose my number', ‘I don't wanna know', ‘I wish it would rain down', ‘One more night', ‘Thunder & lightning', ‘Inside out'. Includes compact disc with backing tracks and full instrumental performances.)Return to topAnderson, Ian: Jethro Tull "Stand up", "Aqualung", "Benefit". The complete words and music from three of Jethro Tull's most famous albumsin one book. Arranged for easy guitar. London 1971. ISBN: 0-86001-193-3.Anderson, Ian: Rock score: five great Jethro Tull songs scored for small groups. Complete with lyrics. London, Wise publications 1990. ISBN: 0-7119-2193-8. (Includes: 'A new day yesterday', ‘Aqualung', ‘Cross eyed Mary', ‘Living in the past', ‘Locomotive breath'.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): Flute Solos Created by Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1994. ISBN: 0898988934. (As the solos are excerpts from the complete pieces, they are often improvisational passages, containing different melodic ideas and voicings, and not always include the original melody. The book includes: 'Baker St. Muse', ‘Crash Barrier Waltzer', ‘Big Dipper', ‘Bouree', ‘Bungle In The jungle', ‘The Chequered flag', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Cup Of Wonder', ‘Fire At Midnight', ‘From Later', ‘Living In The Past', ‘Look Into The Sun', ‘My God', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘Passion Play Edit', ‘Thick As A Brick Edit 31', ‘The Third Horrah', ‘The Whistler', ‘The Witch's Promise')Cuellar, Carol/Aaron Stang (editor): Jethro Tull Greatest Hits. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1994. ISBN: 0898988918.Cuellar, Carol (editor): Ian Anderson. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1994. ISBN: 0898988934.Cuellar, Carol (editor): Twenty Years of Jethro Tull. ASIN: 0898986583.Evans, Peter: The Greatest Songs of Jethro Tull. London, Wise Publications, n.d. ISBN: 0-7119-0847-8 (Score for vocal and piano with guitar chord boxes. Includes: ‘Aqualung', ‘Living in the Past', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Nothing is Easy', ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘Teacher', ‘Too Old Rock and Roll (too Young to Die)', ‘War Child', ‘Songs from the Wood', ‘Cross Eyed Mary'.)O'Brien, Kerry: Jethro Tull. Greatest hits for guitar. As recorded by Jethro Tull on Chrysalis Records. Transcribed by Kerry O'Brien. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music 1991. ISBN: 0895245361 (pbk.). (Guitar, vocal, with tablature. Includes: 'Aqualung', ‘Locomotive breath', ‘Steel Monkey', ‘Kissing Willie', ‘Beastie', ‘Bungle in the jungle', ‘Skating away', ‘Cross-eyed Mary', ‘Minstrel in the gallery', ‘Living in the past', ‘Under wraps #1', ‘Black Sunday', ‘Under wraps #2', ‘Thick as a brick'.)Okun, Milton (editor): 20 years of Jethro Tull. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music 1988. ISBN: 0895244071 (Piano-vocal-guitar. 'Aqualung', ‘Black satin dancer', ‘Bungle in the jungle', ‘Cold wind to Valhala', ‘Farm on the freeway', ‘Grace', ‘Living in the past', ‘Locomotive breath', ‘Love story', ‘Moths', ‘A new day yesterday', ‘Nursie', ‘One white duck/nothing at all', ‘Only solitaire', ‘Pibroch (cap in hand)', ‘Songs from the wood', ‘Sweet dream', ‘Teacher', ‘Thick as a brick', ‘Velvet green'. Includes a Tull family tree.)Schramm, Karl (Hrsg.): Jethro Tull Songbook. Heidelberg, Palmyra, 3. edition 1997. ISBN: 3-9802298-5-8. German edition:Schramm, Karl (editor): Jethro Tull 25th songbook. Ins Dt. übers. von Karl Schramm in Zusammenarbeit mit Gerard J. Burns und Kathrin Razum. Heidelberg 1993. ISBN: 3-9802298-5-8.Stang, Aaron (editor): Jethro Tull. Greatest Hits. Vol. 1: Electric Tull. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1994. ISBN: 0898988918. (Volume 1 - Electric Tull features Martin Barre's classic guitar work on: ‘Aqualung', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Teacher', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘Bouree', ‘Bungle in the Jungle', ‘Living in the Past', ‘Minstrel in the Gallery', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘Sweet Dream', ‘To Cry You a Song', ‘Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die'.)Stang, Aaron (editor): Jethro Tull. Greatest Hits. Vol 2: Acoustic Tull. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications. ISBN: 0898988926. (Volume 2 includes: ‘Fat Man', ‘My God', ‘Skating Away', ‘Thick As a Brick Edit #1', ‘Mother Goose', ‘A Cheap Day Return', ‘Glory Row', ‘Life's a Long Song', ‘A Song for Jeffrey', ‘Sossity, You're a Woman', ‘Up to Me', ‘Witch's Promise', ‘Wond'ring Aloud'.)No author: Bursting Out - Jethro Tull Live. Almo Publications 1979 (Includes: ‘Aqualung', ‘Conundrum', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘The Dam Busters March - Medley', ‘Flute Solo Improvisation - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Bouree', ‘Hunting Girl', ‘Jack In The Green', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Minstrel In The Gallery', ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘No Lullaby ‘, ‘One Brown Mouse', ‘Quatrain', ‘Skating Away', ‘Songs From The Wood', ‘Sweet Dream', ‘Thick As A Brick', ‘Too Old To Rock & Roll'.)No author: Crest Of A Knave. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music 1987. (Includes: ‘Steel Monkey', ‘Farm On The Freeway', ‘Jump Start', ‘Said She Was A Dancer', ‘Budapest', ‘Mountain Men', ‘Raising Steam'.)No author: Heavy Horses. Almo Publications 1978. (Includes: ‘Acres Wild', ‘And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps', ‘Heavy Horses', ‘Journeyman', ‘Moths', ‘No Lullaby', ‘One Brown Mouse', ‘Rover', ‘Weathercock'.)No author: Jethro Tull. 5 Of The Best. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music 1991. Ed.-Nr.: HLS2506231.No author: Jethro Tull Anthology. Walter Kane & Son Inc., 1971. (Includes: ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘Back To The Family', ‘Bouree', ‘Fat Man‘, ‘For A Thousand Mothers', ‘Jeffrey Goes To Leicester Square', ‘Look Into The Sun', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘Reason For Waiting', ‘We Used To Know', ‘A Song For Jeffrey', ‘Beggars Farm', ‘Cat's Squirrel', ‘Dharma For One', ‘Move On Alone', ‘My Sunday Feeling', ‘Round', ‘Some Day The Sun Won't Shine For You', ‘Sweet Dream', ‘Witch's Promise', ‘A Time For Everything', ‘For Michael Collins, Jeffrey And Me', ‘Inside', ‘Nothing To Say', ‘Play In Time', ‘Son', ‘Sossity You're A Woman', ‘Teacher', ‘To Cry You A Song', ‘With You There To Help Me', ‘Aqualung', ‘Cheap Day Return', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Hymn #43', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Mother Goose', ‘My God', ‘Slipstream', ‘Up To Me', ‘Wind-Up', ‘Wond'ring Aloud'.)No author: Jethro Tull Anthology Series. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications. (Includes: ‘Aqualung', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Teacher', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘Bouree', ‘Bungle in the Jungle', ‘Living in the Past', ‘Minstrel in the Gallery', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘Sweet Dream', ‘To Cry You a Song', ‘Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die', ‘Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of the New Day)', ‘Life's A Long Song', ‘Mother Goose', ‘Sossity, You're A Woman', ‘Thick As A Brick Edit #1', ‘Witches Promise'.)No author: Jethro Tull. Aqualung. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications. (Includes: ‘Aqualung', ‘Cheap Day Return', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Hymn', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Mother Goose', ‘My God', ‘Slipstream', ‘Up to Me', ‘Wind-Up', ‘Wond'ring Aloud'.)No author: Jethro Tull - Aqualung Guitar Tablature. Groups & Solo Artists. Acoustic/Electric Guitar. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IMP2574A.No author: Jethro Tull. Best Of. Vol. 1 & 2. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IM21529.No author: Jethro Tull - Complete Lyrics Handbook. Groups & Solo Artists. Lyrics. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IMP18370.No author: Jethro Tull - Greatest Hits 1 Guitar Tablature. Groups & Solo Artists. Acoustic/Electric Guitar. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IMP4194A.No author: Jethro Tull - Greatest Hits 2 Guitar Tablature. Groups & Solo Artists. Acoustic/Electric Guitar. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IMP2978A.No author: Jethro Tull. Greatest Hits For Guitar. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music 1991. (Includes: ‘Aqualung', ‘Beastie', ‘Black Sunday', ‘Bungle In The Jungle', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Kissing Willie', ‘Living In The Past', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Minstrel In The Gallery', ‘Skating Away‘, ‘Steel Monkey', ‘Teacher', ‘Thick As A Brick', ‘Under Wraps #1', ‘Under Wraps #2'.)No author: Jethro Tull. Rock Island. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music 1990. Ed.-Nr.: HLS2527705. (Includes: ‘Kissing Willie', ‘The Rattlesnake Trail', ‘Ears Of Tin', ‘Undressed To Kill', ‘Rock Island', ‘Heavy Water', ‘Another Christmas Song', ‘The Whaler's Dues', ‘Big Riff And Mando', ‘Strange Avenues'.)No author: Jethro Tull: "Stand up", "Aqualung", "Benefit". The complete words and music from three of Jethro Tull's most famous albums in one book. London, Wise Publications 1971. ISBN: 0-86001-193-3.No author: Living In The Past. Warner Brothers Publications. (Includes: ‘Alive And Well And Living In', ‘Bouree', ‘By Kind Permission Of ‘, ‘Dharma For One', ‘Doctor Bogenbroom', ‘Driving Song', ‘From Later', ‘Hymn 43', ‘Just Trying To Be', ‘Life Is A Long Song', ‘Living In The Past', ‘Love Story', ‘Nursie', ‘Singing All Day', ‘Song For Jeffrey', ‘Sweet Dream', ‘Teacher', ‘Up The Pool', ‘The Witch's Promise', ‘Wond'ring Again'.)No author: Minstrels In The Gallery. Warner Brothers Publications 1976. (Includes: ‘Baker St. Muse', ‘Black Satin Dancer', ‘Cold Wind To Valhalla‘, ‘Grace', ‘Minstrel In The Inc. Gallery', ‘One White Duck', ‘Requiem'.)No author: M. U.: The best of Jethro Tull. New York, Chrysalis Music Corp./Warner Brothers Publications 1976. (For voice and keyboard includes chord symbols and guitar chord diagrams. The book includes: ‘Aqualung', ‘Bungle In The Jungle', ‘Fat Man', ‘Living In The Past', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘A Passion Play Edit #8', ‘Rainbow Blues', ‘Skating Away', ‘Teacher', ‘Thick As A Brick Edit #1'.)No author: Songs From The Wood. Almo Publications 1977. (Includes: ‘The Whistler', ‘Songs From The Wood', ‘Velvet Green', ‘Jack-In-The-Green', ‘Hunting Girl', ‘Cup Of Wonder', ‘Ring Out, Solstice Bells', ‘Fire At Midnight', ‘Pibroch (Cap In Hand)'.)No author: The best of Jethro Tull: the anniversary collection. piano/vocal/guitar. London, Wise Publications/Music Sales 1993. ISBN: 0-7119-3620-x. (All 36 songs from the double-CD album in varied arrangements, including full rock score, piano/vocal/guitar, short score format, and lyrics & chords. The book includes: A Song For Jeffrey', ‘Beggar's Farm', ‘A Christmas Song', ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘Bouree', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘Living In The Past', ‘To Cry You A Song', ‘Teacher', ‘Sweet Dream', ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Mother Goose', ‘Aqualung', ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Life Is A Long Song', ‘Thick As A Brick', ‘A Passion Play', ‘Skating Away', ‘Bungle In The Jungle', ‘Minstrel In The Gallery', ‘Too Old To Rock & Roll', ‘Songs From The Wood', ‘Jack-In-The-Green', ‘The Whistler', ‘Heavy Horses', ‘Dun Ringill', ‘Fylingdale Flyer', ‘Jack-A-Lynn', ‘Pussy Willow', ‘Broadsword', ‘Under Wraps #2', ‘Steel Monkey', ‘Farm On The Freeway', ‘Jump Start', ‘Kissing Willie', ‘This Is Not Love')No author: The Best Of Jethro Tull. Volumes 1 & 2. Almo Publications 1978. (Include: ‘Aqualung', ‘Bungle In The Jungle', ‘Thick As A Brick Edit #1', ‘Teacher', ‘Living In The Past', ‘Fat Man', ‘Nothing Is Easy', ‘A Passion Play Edit #8‘, ‘Skating Away', ‘Rainbow Blues‘, ‘Locomotive Breath', ‘Bouree', ‘Warchild', ‘Thick As A Brick Edit #4', ‘A Passion Play Edit #9', ‘Too Old To Rock & Roll', ‘A New Day Yesterday', ‘Glory Row‘, ‘Cross-Eyed Mary', ‘Minstrel In The Gallery', ‘To Cry You A Song'.)No author: The best of Jethro Tull. Port Chester, NY, Cherry Lane Music, no date. (Transcriptions of the pieces in "M. U. - The Best of Jethro Tull" and "M. U. - The Best of Jethro Tull, Volume two".)No author: The best of Jethro Tull. London, Wise Publications 2000. ISBN: 0711983925. (10 songs for voice and piano, with guitar chord symbols. Contents: 'Aqualung', ‘Living in the past', ‘Locomotive breath', ‘A new day yesterday', ‘Nothing is easy', ‘Songs from the wood', ‘Steel monkey', ‘Sweet dream', ‘Teacher', ‘Too old to rock 'n' roll, too young to die'.)No author: War child. Jethro Tull. New York, Chrysalis Music 1975. (For voice and piano, with chord symbols and guitar chord diagrams. The book includes: ‘Back-Door Angels', ‘Bungle In The Jungle', ‘Ladies', ‘Only Solitaire', ‘Queen And Country‘, ‘Sea-Lion', ‘Skating Away', ‘The Third Hoorah', ‘Two Fingers‘, ‘Warchild'.)No author: The Best of Kansas. Guitar Recorded Versions. Performed by Kansas. Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI. Ed.-Nr.: 690277. (104 pages of authentic note-for-note transcriptions with tablature. Contents: ‘Carry on Wayward Son', ‘Dust in the Wind', ‘Fight Fire with Fire', ‘Hold On', ‘Icarus (Borne on Wings of Steel)', ‘Journey from Mariabronn', ‘On the Other Side', ‘Paradox', ‘Play the Game Tonight', ‘Point of Know Return', ‘Portrait (He Knew)', ‘Song for America', ‘What's on My Mind'. Includes an introduction by Kansas guitarist Kerry Livgren and a discography.)No author: Kansas: Two for the show. New York, Warner Brothers Publications, 1979.Emerson, Roger: Dust in the Wind (6-PACK). By Kerry Livgren. Performed by Kansas. Arranged by Roger Emerson. Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI. Ed.-Nr.: 40326195. (12 pages. 6-PACK includes six original copies of this piece. Includes parts for violin/cello and acoustic guitar.)Holmes, Roger: Carry On Wayward Son. Performed by Kansas. Arranged by Roger Holmes. Young Jazz (Jazz Ensemble). Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI. Ed.-Nr.: 7010078. (Contents: ‘Carry On Wayward Son'.)No author: Dust in the Wind. Performed by Kansas. Easy Piano. Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI. Ed.-Nr.: 110055. (4 pages. Contents: ‘Dust In The Wind'.)No author: Dust in the Wind. Performed by Kansas. Guitar Sheet. Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI. Ed.-Nr.: 663005. (6 pages. Contents: ‘Dust In The Wind'.)No author: Dust in the Wind. Performed by Kansas. Piano, vocal, guitar. Hal Leonard Pub., Milwaukee, WI. Ed.-Nr.: 353510. (6 pages. Contents: ‘Dust In The Wind', arranged for piano and voice with guitar chords.)Return to topNo author: King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing 1991. ISBN: 4-401-34619-X. (Full score songbook. 72 pages. Contents: ‘21st. Century Schizoid Man', ‘I Talk To The Wind', ‘Epitaph', ‘Moon Child', ‘In The Court Of The Crimson King'. Email your orders to Lost Horizons.)Return to topPortnoy, Mike: Mike Portnoy Anthology, Volume 1. Hudson Music 2002. ISBN: 0634046241. (Note-for-note transcriptions of nine drum performances hand-picked by Mike for this book, including classic music by Dream Theater, spanning from their 1992 release ‘Images And Words' through their 1999 ‘Scenes From A Memory'. Transcribed are "Metropolis Part 1", "6:00", "Hell's Kitchen", "When The Water Breaks" from Liquid Tension Experiment 2, and the 31-minute epic "All Of The Above" from Transatlantic's SMPTe album.)Liquid Tension Experiment guitar tablature can be found here.Return to topVander, Christian: Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh. Partitura. 7th records 1993. (All the Music from the album, with all those incredible lyrics. Remember: Kobaïa iss de Hündin!)Return to topDay, Roger: Marillion: Brave. All the songs from the album in varied arrangements: piano, vocal & guitar & short score format, including lyrics & guitar chord boxes. Music arranged by Roger Day. Music processed by Paul Ewers. London 1994. ISBN: 071194198X. (19 songs from the Marillion 1993 album "Brave". For voice and piano, with guitar chord symbols. Contents: ‘Bridge', ‘Living with the big lie', ‘Runaway', ‘Goodbye to all that', ‘(i) Wave', ‘(ii) Mad ', ‘(iii) The opium den', ‘(iv) The slide', ‘(v) Standing in the swing', ‘Hard as love', ‘The hollow man', ‘Alone again in the lap on luxury', ‘(i) Now wash your hands', ‘Brave', ‘Paper lies ', ‘The great escape', ‘(i) The last of you', ‘(ii) Fallin' from the moon', ‘Made again'.)Day, Roger: Marillion. Clutching at straws. Arr. by Roger Day. London 1987. ISBN: 0-7119-1298-x.Day, Roger: Marillion. The thieving magpie. La gazza ladra. Piano, vocal, chords. Arr. by Roger Day. London 1989. ISBN: 0-7119-1837-6. (Contents: ‘La gazza ladra/ Rossini', ‘Slainte mhath', ‘He knows you know', ‘Chelsea Monday', ‘Freaks', ‘Jigsaw', ‘Punch and Judy', ‘Sugar mice', ‘Fugazi', ‘Script for a jester's tear', ‘Incommunicado', ‘White Russian', ‘Misplaced childhood, part 1 & 3 (comprising: ‘Pseudo silk kimono', ‘Kayleigh', ‘Lavender', ‘Bitter suite', ‘Heart of Lothian', ‘Waterhole (Expresso bongo)', ‘Lords of the backstage', ‘Blind curve', ‘Childhood's end?', ‘White feather').)No Author: Misplaced childhood. Marillion. London 1985. ISBN: 0-86359-288-0.No author: Marillion: Kayleigh. Marillion Music, Ilford (Voice and piano with guitar chord symbols)No author: Marillion: Lavender. Words and music by Mark Kelly et al. Marillion Music, London (Words and melody with guitar chord symbols)Marillion tablature can also be found here.Return to topCuellar, Carol (editor): The New Best of the Moody Blues. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1999. ISBN: 0769207197. (Contains: ‘Gemini Dream', ‘I Know You're Out There Somewhere', ‘Nights in White Satin', ‘The Other Side of Life', ‘Ride My See-Saw', ‘I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)', ‘Question' and more.)No Author: The Greatest Moods of the Moody Blues. Fort Lauderdale (FL), no date, no ISBN. (Arranged for vocal and piano with chord symbols. Including: 'Cities', ‘Leave This Man Alone', ‘I Can Face the World without You', ‘Fly Me High', ‘Day Must Come', ‘L l Be Here Tomorrow', ‘London is Behind Me', ‘Overture', ‘Morning Glory', ‘Another Morning', ‘Peak Hour', ‘Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon)', ‘Time to Get Away', ‘Twilight Time', ‘Nights in White Satin', ‘Late Lament', ‘Resolvement', ‘Legend of Mind', ‘Voices in the Sky', ‘Vision of Paradise', ‘The Actor', ‘Lovely to See you', ‘Are You Sitting Comfortably?', ‘Never Comes the Day', ‘Gypsy (of a Strange and Distant Time)', ‘I Never Thought I Live to be a Hundred', ‘I Never Thought I Live to be a Thousand', ‘Question', ‘It Up to You', ‘Dawning is the Day', ‘Procession', ‘The Story in Your Eyes', ‘You Can Never Go Home', ‘Long Summer Days', ‘King and Queen', ‘What am I Doing Here'.)Author?: The Moody Blues songbook. Selection from the albums 'Every good boy deserves favour' and 'Seventh sojourn'. New York, MCA Music 1973. ASIN: 0793535425.Author?: Moody Blues. Greatest Hits. Mass Market Paperback/Warner Brothers Publications, 1999. ISBN: 0863597289.Author?: Moody Blues. A Question of Balance. Mass Market Paperback/Warner Brothers Publications 2000. ISBN: 0769291325. (Includes: 'Question', ‘How Is It (We Are Here)', ‘And the Tide Rushes In', ‘Don't You Feel Small', ‘Tortoise and the Hare', ‘It's Up to You', ‘Minstrel's Song', ‘Dawning Is the Day', ‘Meloncholy Man', ‘The Balance'.)Author?: The Moody Blues. A Question of Balance/To our children's children's children. New York: MCA Music 1970.Author?: Moody Blues (=The great songs of the sixties & seventies, vol. 5). London, Essex Music 1982. (Piano, vocal, guitar.)Author?: The best of the Moody Blues. Warner Brothers Publications 1994.Author?: The best of The Moody Blues. Secaucus, N.Y., Warner Brothers Publications 1989.Return to topnewly addedNo Author: Musica Sempre. Milano. 1990. No ISBN. (Words and melodies with chord symbols (in Italy). Including: 'Al Bar Dell ngolo', ‘Andro Ancona', ‘Annalisa', ‘Concerto Grosso', ‘Concerto Grosso N.2', ‘Davanti agli Occhi Miei', ‘Duemila', ‘Faccia di Cane', ‘Ho Veduto', ‘Il Sole Nascera', ‘In St.Peter Day', ‘Io Che Ho Te', ‘La Prima Goccia Bagna il Viso', ‘Padre O rien', ‘Quella Carezza della Sera', ‘Quella Musica', ‘Sensazioni', ‘Signore Io Sono Irish', ‘Susy Forrester', ‘Ti Ricordi Joe?', ‘Tom Flaherty', ‘Una Minera', ‘Una Nuvola Bianca', ‘Venti o Cent Anni', ‘Visioni', ‘Vorrei Comprare una Strada'.)Return to topNo author: IMP presents Mike Oldfield: 8 hits including ‘Tubular Bells'. Woodford Green, International Music Publications 1987. ISBN: 0-86359-464-6.No author: Mike Oldfield. Woodford Green, International Music Publications 1987. ISBN: 1-85909-027-3. (Contains: 'Tubular Bells (extract)', ‘Hergest Ridge (extract)', ‘In Dulci Jubilo', 'Portsmouth', ‘Crime Of Passion', ‘Moonlight Shadow', ‘On Horseback' and 'Family Man'.)No author: Mike Oldfield. 8 hits incl.'Tubular bells'. London, Virgin Music/IMP 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 1987. ISBN: 0-86359-464-6. (piano,vocal,chords.)No author: Mike Oldfield. Hot Songs. Piano & Keyboard. Woodford Green, International Music Publications 1993 (Reprint. Originally published 1987). ISBN: 1859090273. (Four instrumental pieces (arranged for piano with chord symbols) and 4 songs (melody, words and guitar boxes) Contents: 'Tubular bells', ‘Hergest ridge', ‘In dulci jubilo', ‘Portsmouth', ‘Crime of passion', ‘Moonlight shadow', ‘On horseback', ‘Family man'.)No author: 10. Mike Oldfield 1973 - 1983. London, Virgin Music 1983. (Another songbook. Contains: 'Tubular Bells (extract)', ‘Hergest Ridge (extract)', 'Ommadawn (extract)', ‘Incantations (extract)', ‘Platinum (extract)', ‘QE2 (extract)', 'Portsmouth', ‘Guilty', ‘Five Miles Out', ‘Family Man', ‘Moonlight Shadow', ‘Crime Of Passion' and a biography, photos and discography.)No author: The Best Of Mike Oldfield - Elements (piano/vocal/guitar). Woodford Green, International Music Publications 1994. ISBN: 1-85909-157-1. ('Tubular Bells', ‘Family Man', ‘Moonlight Shadow', ‘Heaven's Open', ‘Five Miles Out', ‘To France#, 'Foreign Affair', ‘In Dulci Jubilo', ‘Shadow On The Wall', ‘Islands', ‘Etude', ‘Sentinel', 'Ommadawn', ‘Portsmouth', ‘Incantations', ‘Amarok'.)No author: Tubular Bells. London, Wise Publications 1974. ISBN: 0-86001-249-2. (A songbook that also contains an introduction by Karl Dallas to Mike Oldfield and his work, an analysis of 'Tubular Bells' by composer David Bedford, together with many portraits of Oldfield by David Bailey.)No author: Tubular Bells II. Piano & Keyboard. Woodford Green, International Music Publications. ISBN: 0-86359-949-4. (Sheet music with photos from Edinburgh premiere concert.)No author: Tubular Bells II - Concert Score. Woodford Green, International Music Publications. ISBN: 1-85909-004-4. (Contains (almost) all the tracks of the CD.)No author: Tubular Bells III. Piano & Keyboard. Woodford Green, International Music Publications. ISBN: 1-85909-617-4.Return to topnewly addedNo Author: 25 La Nostra Storia. Milano. 1992. No ISBN. (Words and melody with chord symbols (in Italy). Including: 'Vieni Fuori', ‘Quello Che Non Sai', ‘Piccola Katy', ‘In Silenzio', ‘Tanta Voglia di Lei', ‘Pensiero', ‘Noi Due nel Mondo e nell nima', ‘Io e Te per Altri Giorni', ‘Eleonora Mia Madre', ‘Se Sai, Se Puoi, Se Vuoi', ‘Pierre', ‘Dammi Solo un Minuto', ‘Ci Pensero Domani', ‘Notte a Sorpresa', ‘Cantero per Te', ‘Chi Fermera la Musica', ‘Non Siamo in Pericolo', ‘Lettera da Berlino Est', ‘La Mia Donna', ‘Se Nasco un ltra Volta', Giorni Infiniti', ‘Per Te Domani', ‘Chi Vuoi Che Sia', ‘Concerto per un asi', ‘Uomini Soli'.)Return to topNo author: Premiata Forneria Marconi: Celebration. Le più belle canzoni. BMG Ricordi 1996. (Sheet music (one melody line, occasionally another line for comping, guitar tablature and chords) and lyrics to 10 PFM songs (6 songs from 1971/74 albums, 4 from 1979/81 albums).)Author?: Premiata Forneria Marconi: Passpartù. Madimud Music s.r.l. editor 1978. (Simplified sheet music (melody line only, plus chords) and lyrics to the eight songs of the Passpartù album.)Return to topEvans, Peter (editor): The Best of Procul Harum [sic]. New York, London, Cologne, Sydney, Wise Publications 1978. ISBN: 0-86001-502-5. (72 pages. Contains piano/vocal score with guitar-boxes and words for: ‘A Salty Dog', ‘As Strong As Samson', ‘A Whiter Shade Of Pale', ‘Broken Barricades', ‘Conquistador', ‘Grand Hotel', ‘Homburg', ‘Nothing But The Truth', ‘Shine On Brightly', ‘Simple Sister', ‘Something Magic', ‘Still There'll Be More', ‘The Devil Came From Kansas', ‘The Mark Of The Claw' and ‘Whiskey Train'.)Terry, George/Ed di Biase: Conquistador and other Songs from "Procol Harum live in Concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra". New York, Andover Music 1972. LC Call No.: M1630.18.B7836. (Off-the-record transcriptions plus special section of piano arrangements with guitar chord diagrams. Transcription arrangements by Ed Di Biase. Piano arrangements by George Terry. Includes: ‘Conquistador', ‘A Salty Dog', ‘All This and More', ‘In Held 'Twas in I', ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale'. Each number appears twice, as 'transcription' and as 'piano'.)No Author: Procol Harum (=The great songs of the sixties & seventies, vol.4). London, Essex Music, no date, no ISBN. (Arranged for vocal and piano with chord symbols. Including:Conquistador', ‘All This and More', ‘A Salty Dog', ‘In Held was in I', ‘She Wandered through the Garden fence', ‘Homburg', ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale', ‘A Christmas Camel', ‘In the Wee Small Hour of Sixpence', ‘Quite Rightly So', ‘Your Own Choise', ‘shine on Brightly', ‘The Devil Came from Kansas'.)Author?: Exotic Birds. 1974. (Full piano/vocal score with additional instruments/voices.)Author?: Procol Harum's Ninth. New York, Warner Brothers Publications 1975. (Includes all ten tracks.)Author?: Grand Hotel. 1973. (Full piano/vocal score with additional instruments/voices.)Author?: Homburg. London, Essex Music 1967.Author?: Il Tuo Diamante. Milano, Edizioni Musicali Mario Aromandi. (The Italian version of ‘Shine On Brightly'.)Author?: Senza Luce. Milano, Edizioni Musicali Mario Aromandi. (The Italian version of ‘A whiter shade of pale'.)Return to topDunford, Michael/David W. Jepson/Betty Thatcher: The northern lights. Music by Michael Dunford, arr. David W. Jepson, words by Betty Thatcher. International Music Publications, London 1993. (For SATB with piano.)Dunford, Michael/David W. Jepson/Betty Thatcher: The northern lights. Music by Michael Dunford, arr. David W. Jepson, words by Betty Thatcher. Banks Music, York 1993. (For SATB with piano.)Dunford, Michael/Betty Thatcher: Northern Lights. 1978.McCarty, Jim/Betty Thatcher: Bound for Infinity. 1972.McCarty, Jim/Betty Thatcher: On the Frontier. 1973.Sosin, Donald: Renaissance. Transcribed and arranged by Donald Sosin, with preface by Betty Thatcher. Warner Bros Publications (UK)/Warner Bros. Music (USA) 1978. No ISBN. (Contains notations and lyrics for 'Carpet of the Sun', 'Ashes are Burning', 'At The Harbour', 'Mother Russia', 'Running Hard', 'Ocean Gypsy', 'Can You Hear Me', 'Midas Man', 'Back Home Once Again', 'Day of the Dreamer', 'Northern Lights' and 'A Song For All Seasons'.)Lyrics with chord Symbols can be obtained from their web-site.Return to topPortnoy, Mike: Mike Portnoy Anthology, Volume 1. Hudson Music 2002. ISBN: 0634046241. (Note-for-note transcriptions of nine drum performances hand-picked by Mike for this book, including classic music by Dream Theater, spanning from their 1992 release ‘Images And Words' through their 1999 ‘Scenes From A Memory'. Transcribed are "Metropolis Part 1", "6:00", "Hell's Kitchen", "When The Water Breaks" from Liquid Tension Experiment 2, and the 31-minute epic "All Of The Above" from Transatlantic's SMPTe album.)Return to topAikin, Jim: Off the Record - An Organ Solo by Eddie Jobson. Keyboard, September 1981. (A ‘Keyboard' article that included a transcription of the Hammond C-3 solo from ‘Night after Night' by Jim Aikin of Keyboard Magazine.Bruford, Bill: When in doubt, roll! Cedar Grove, NY 1988. ISBN: 0-7935-3529-8. (Contains transcriptions of a few tracks, also some Yes stuff, along with Bill's comments on each song. Get the book on the modern drummer publications website.)Holdsworth, Allan: Best. Hit Songs. CBS/Sony Songs 198? ISBN: 4-11-770300-5. (This transcription book is available only in Japan. The book contains complete transcriptions of the following songs, including tablature: ‘Where Is One', ‘White Line', ‘Three Sheets To The Wind', ‘Road Games', ‘Tokyo Dream', ‘Metal Fatigue', ‘Home', ‘Panic Station'. The entire songs including the guitar solos are fully transcribed.)Holdsworth, Allan: Just For The Curious. Transcriptions by Hemme Luttjeboer. Edited by Aaron Stang. CPP Media, Miami, Florida 1993. (The book is available in two different versions, one version comes with a compact disc, and the other comes with a cassette. It contains all of the examples from Allan's instructional video as well as several examples not found on the video. In addition to this there are complete transcriptions, chords and solos, from the video performances of the following songs: ‘Proto-Cosmos', ‘Looking Glass', ‘The Things You See', ‘Zone', and ‘House Of Mirrors'. Both standard musical notation as well as Tablature are included.)Holdsworth, Allan: Super Guitarist. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing 1994. ISBN: 4-401-15301-4. (The book contains complete transcriptions of the following songs: ‘In The Dead Of Night', ‘Mental Medication', ‘One Of A Kind (Part One)', ‘Three Sheets To The Wind', ‘Road Games', ‘The Things You See (When You Haven't Got Your Gun)', ‘Shallow Sea', ‘5 To 10', ‘Tokyo Dream (From "Wardenclyffe Tower +3")'. The entire songs including the guitar solos are fully transcribed.)Holdsworth, Allan/Christopher Hoard/Fred Amendola: Reaching For The Uncommon Chord. 21st Century Music Productions, Wayne, New Jersey 1985. (Guitar Transcriptions, Text, Performance Notes, and Photos. A Selected Discography is also included. Included are ‘The Abingdon Chasp', ‘Fred', ‘Home', ‘Letters Of Marque', ‘Shallow Sea', ‘Temporary Fault', ‘Three Sheets To The Wind', ‘Tokyo Dream', ‘The Unmerry-Go-Round', and ‘White Line'. The guitar solos are not transcribed. Holdsworth also comments on his work with many of the bands he has performed with over the years. Another section explores the guitars and equipment he has used over the years.)Jobson, Eddie: A ‘Keyboard' (October 1984) article written by Jobson on rock improvisation included transcriptions of parts of ‘Prelude' (From "Zinc") and ‘Carrying No Cross'.No Author: UK. Best Collection: Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 2000. ISBN: 4-401-36056-7. (Full score transcription with tablature. Including: 'In the Dead of Night', ‘Alaska', ‘Time to Kill', ‘Rendezvous 6:02', ‘The Only Thing She Needs'.)No author: New Age Piano Sampler. Milwaukee, WI 1988. ISBN: 0881888559 (79 pages. Contains ‘After the sunrise' (Yanni), ‘Blue racer' (Jim Chappell), ‘Disturbance in Vienna' (Eddie Jobson), ‘Homecoming' (John Jarvis), ‘Mother night', ‘Nostalgia', ‘Port of mystery' (Yanni), ‘Tender ritual' (Jim Chappell), ‘Tuscany', ‘Velocity of love', (Suzanne Ciani), ‘Waiting', ‘Wide open spaces' (John Jarvis).)Author?: UK: ‘Nothing To Lose', Warner Brothers Publications.Return to topCarson Turner, Barrie: O'Dowd, George, Vangelis, Gershwin, George: Karma chameleon. Chariots of fire. Porgie and Bess: Summertime. Woodford Green 1986. ISBN: 0863594263. (Karma chameleon (words and music by O'Dowd et al.), Chariots of fire (music by Vangelis), Summertime (music by George Gershwin words by Dubose Heyward) arranged by Barrie Carson Turner.)Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. 1492. The conquest of paradise. For brass band. Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1996.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. 1492. The conquest of paradise. For brass quartet (organ & percussion ad libitum). Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1996.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. 1492. The conquest of paradise. For brass quintet (organ & percussion ad libitum). Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1996.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. 1492. The conquest of paradise. For chorus & brass band. Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1999.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. 1492. The conquest of paradise. For chorus & wind band. Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1999.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. 1492. The conquest of paradise. For wind band. Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1996.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. Chariots of fire. For brass band. Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1995.Glenesk Mortimer, John: Vangelis. Chariots of fire. For wind band. Arr.: John Glenesk Mortimer. Pop collection. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1996.Hare, Nicholas: Vangelis. Chariots of fire. Arranged by Nicholas Hare. Kaleidoscopeeasy music for varied ensembles 28. London 1988.McIntosh, John: Mitch Murray, Vangelis. Roger Miller, Herbie Flowers. (=Soundpack I). Oxford 1987. ISBN: 0193214601. (Contents: ‘Turn on the sun' (Mitch Murray/Peter Callander), ‘Chariots of fire' (Vangelis), ‘King of the road' (Roger Miller), ‘Carillon' (Herbie Flowers/Ian Gomm).)Stone, Jeffrey: Vangelis. Chariots of fire. "Theme from Chariots of fire" for brass quintet. Arr.: Jeffrey Stone. Collection Philharmonic Brass Luzern. Crans-Montana/Hamburg 1995.newly addedNo Author: Sound Cosmos. Tokyo, Tokyo Ongaku Shoin, 1983. ISBN: 4-8114-1444-6. (Arranged for piano with chord symbols. Includes: 'Theme from Antacrtica', ‘Antarctica Echoes', ‘Kinetic', ‘Song of White', ‘Life of Antarctica', ‘Other Side of Antarctica', ‘Deliverance', ‘Chariots of Fire', ‘Abraham Theme', ‘Eric Theme', ‘Heaven and Hell', ‘Alpha', ‘Memories of Green', ‘La Petite Fille de la Mer'.)newly addedNo Author: Successi Cinema. Roma, BMG, 1990. No ISBN. (Melodies with chord symbols(in Italy) including ‘Chariots of Fire' and ‘Blade Runner End Title'.)No author: The best of Vangelis. Milano 1998. No ISBN. (Contains piano arrangements of ‘Alpha', ‘Antarctica Echoes', ‘Titles' (from ‘Chariots of Fire'), ‘Closing Titles' (from ‘Bounty'), ‘Conquest of Paradise', ‘Deliverance', ‘Dervish D', ‘Five Circles', ‘Hymn', ‘La Petite Fille de la Mer', ‘l'Enfant', ‘Main Theme' (from ‘Missing'), ‘Memories of Green', ‘Pulstar', ‘So Long Ago So Clear',‘Theme From Antarctica' and ‘Dragon'.)No author: Chariots of Fire. (The long suite that is the B side of the LP or the last track on the CD. Incomplete)Bruford, Bill: When in doubt, roll! Cedar Grove, NY 1988. ISBN: 0-7935-3529-8. (Contains transcriptions of a few tracks, also some Yes stuff, along with Bill's comments on each song. Get the book on the modern drummer publications website.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): New Best Of Yes. Warner Brothers Publications/International Music Productions/Chappell 1993. ISBN: 0769208398. Re-issued 1999. Ed.-Nr.: IM22333. (Includes ‘And You And I', ‘Don't Kill The Whale', ‘I've Seen All Good People', ‘Leave It', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart', ‘Roundabout', ‘Wonderous Stories'.)Cuellar, Carol (editor): Yes. Big Generator. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications 1988. ISBN: 0769208630. (For voice and keyboard; includes chord symbols and guitar chord diagrams. Includes: ‘Almost like love', ‘Big generator', ‘Final eyes', ‘Holy lamb', ‘I'm running', ‘Love will find a way', ‘Rhythm of love', ‘Shoot high, aim low'.)Curtin, John: Yes. Union. Warner Brothers Publications (US), Cat.-Nr. VF1728; International Music Productions/Chappell (UK), Ed.-Nr.: IM21850. 1991. (Includes 14 songs transcribed & arranged by John Curtin: ‘I Would Have Waited Forever', ‘Shock to the System', ‘Masquerade', ‘Lift Me Up', ‘Without Hope You Cannot Start the Day', ‘Saving My Heart', ‘Miracle of Life', ‘Silent Talking', ‘The More We Live - Let Go', ‘Angkor Wat', ‘Dangerous (Look In the Light of What You're Searching For)', ‘Holding On', ‘Evensong', ‘Take the Water to the Mountain'.)Donato, Ray: Yes. Guitar Superstar Series. Warner Brothers Publications (US) 1988?. Ed.-Nr.: 2155. (Includes: ‘And You And I', ‘Don't Kill The Whale', ‘Wonderous Stories', ‘I've Seen All Good People', ‘Roundabout', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Leave It', ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart'.)Esposito, Tony (editor): Yes. Talk. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1994. ISBN: 0-89724-394-3. (Piano/Vocal/Chords (arranged for piano and voice, with guitar chords to the entire album.)Freuler, Doug: The best of Yes for guitar. Arr. by Doug Freuler. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications. Ed-Nr.: GF 0327.Howe, Steve: Guitar Pieces in Tablature. Transcriptions by Hemme Luttjeboer, Mick Barker and Colgan Bryan. 1st edition 1980, 2nd, revised edition Miami/London 1999. ISBN: 0-7692-9076-0. (Includes: 'Leaves Of Green', ‘Clap', ‘Diary Of A Man Who Vanished', ‘Meadow Rag', ‘Mood For A Day', ‘Ram', 'Sound Chaser (excerpt)', ‘Surface Tension' and comments by the meastro himself.)Muston, Geoffrey: Journey to the Centre of the Earth. The Journey. Recollection. The Battle. The Forest. Words and music: Rick Wakeman. Transcribed for piano by Jeff Muston. London, Rondor Music 1974.Muston, Geoffrey: Rick Wakeman's Criminal Record. London, Rondor Music 1978.Muston, Geoffrey: The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Music and lyrics by Rick Wakeman. Transcribed for pianoforte by Jeff Muston et al. London, Rondor Music 1975.Stang, Aaron (editor): Yes. Classic Yes - Selections from YESYEARS. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1993/94. Re-issued 1999. (Guitar Tab. Includes: ‘Hold On', ‘I've Seen All Good People (a.Your Move, b. All Good People)', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Money', ‘Montreux's Theme', ‘Owner of a Lonely Heart', ‘Roundabout', ‘Tempus Fugit'.)Wakeman, Rick: The Six Wives of Henry VIII. London, Rondor Music 1977.Wheeler, Bill: Yes. Drum Superstar Series. Transcribed by Bill Wheeler. Warner Brothers Publications (Cat. DF0020)/International Music Productions/Chappell (Ed.-Nr.: IM21315). (Includes: ‘And You And I', ‘Don't Kill The Whale', ‘Wonderous Stories', ‘I've Seen All Good People', ‘Roundabout', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Leave It', ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart'.)No author: 90125. Warner Brothers Publications (US) 1984. Ed.-Nr.: VF 1103. (Includes: ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart', ‘Hold On', ‘It Can Happen', ‘Changes', ‘Cinema', ‘Leave It', ‘Our Song', ‘City Of Love', ‘Hearts'.)No author: Close to the Edge. Amsco Music Publishing (UK) 1972. Ed.-Nr.: 1163.No author: Close to the Edge. Amsco Music Publishing (UK) 1972. Ed.-Nr.: 020656. (Included a 7'' interview single.)No author: Close to the edge. London, Wise Publications 1972. (This book contains all music and lyrics from 'Close to the edge' plus selections from 'The Yes album' and 'Fragile'(piano/vocals).)No author: Fragile. London, Warner Brothers Publications 1972. Ed.-Nr.: T358.No author: Fragile/The Yes Album. London, Warner Brothers Publications 1972. Ed.-Nr.: VF 0218.No author: Going for the one. Warner Brothers Publications (US) 1978. (Includes: ‘Going For The One', ‘Turn Of The Century', ‘Parallels', ‘Wonderous Stories', ‘Awaken'.)newly addedNo Author: Kowaremono (=Fragile). Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 2002. ISBN: 4401361172.No author: Relayer. London, Warner Brothers Publications 1974. Ed.-Nr.: 20753.No author: The Best of Yes. Warner Brothers Publications 1984. (Includes: ‘Owner Of A Lonely Heart', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Roundabout', ‘Don't Kill The Whale', ‘And You And I', ‘Leave It', ‘I've Seen All Good People', ‘Wonderous Stories'.)No author: The Best of Yes & Rush For Guitar - Dual Dynamite. Warner Brothers Publications/International Music Productions/Chappell 1991. Ed.-Nr.: IM21861. (Includes 17 songs, ‘And You And I', ‘I've Seen All Good People', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Roundabout' among others.)No author: The Yes Album. London, Warner Brothers Publications 1971. Ed.-Nr.: 043.No author: Time and a Word. Amsco Music Publishing (UK) 1970. Ed.-Nr.: 1163.No author: Tormato. Warner Brothers Publications 1979. Ed.-Nr.: VF 0660. (Includes: ‘Future Times', ‘Rejoice', ‘Don't Kill The Whale', ‘Madrigal', ‘Release, Release', ‘Circus Of Heaven', ‘Onward', ‘On The Silent Wings Of Freedom', ‘Arriving UFO'.)No author: Yes. Best Of Yes. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IM20104.No author. Yes. Complete Deluxe Edition. Woodford Green, International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IM20752. Secaucus, NY., Warner Brothers Publications. No Year, no ISBN. (Contains all songs from "Yes" through "Drama", but only the short songs are complete.)No author: Yes/solo. Warner Brothers Publications (Germany) 1976/77.No author: Yessongs. London, Wise Publications 1973. Ed.-Nr.: 1163A. (This book includes selections from 'Close to the edge', 'The Yes album' and 'Fragile' (piano/vocal) plus 24 pages of exclusive photographs.)No author: Yesterdays. Amsco Music Publishing (UK) 1975. Ed.-Nr.: 1670F.No author: Yes. Bass Superstar Series. International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IM21324. (Includes 8 songs.)newly addedNo Author: Yes Best: Band Score. Tokyo. 1994. ISBN: 4-401-34758-7. (Full score transcription with tablature. Includes: 'Roundabout', ‘Long Distance Runaround', ‘Mood for a Day', ‘Heart of the Sunrise', ‘And You and I', ‘Siberian Khatru', ‘Owner of a Lonely Heart'.)No author: Yes. Complete Vol. 1. Warner Brothers Publications (US) 1976.No author: Yes. Complete Vol. 2. Warner Brothers Publications (UK/US) 1977. Ed.-Nr.: VF0486. Re-published in the U.S. in the early-1990s by International Music Productions/Chappell. Ed.-Nr.: IM20234. (Includes: ‘Siberian Khatru', ‘And You And I', ‘Close To The Edge', ‘Excerpts From "The Six Wives Of Henry VIII"', ‘The Revealing Science Of God - Dance Of The Dawn', ‘'The Ancient' - Giants Under The Sun', ‘Ritual - Nous Sommes Du Soleil', ‘The Remembering - High The Memory', ‘To Be Over', ‘Sound Chaser', ‘The Gates Of Delirium', ‘Dear Father'.)No author: Yes. Selections From Yes Years (G/Tab). International Music Productions/Chappell (UK) 1991. Ed.-Nr.: IM22276. (Includes 10 songs.)No author: Yes. The Best of. Warner Brothers Publications. Ed.-Nr.: 21061.No author: Yes. The Best of. London, Warner Brothers Publications 1980. Ed.-Nr.: KY15686. (Includes: ‘Time and the word', ‘Going for the one', ‘Siberian Khatru', ‘Wonderous Stories', ‘Turn of the Century', ‘Starship Trooper', ‘And You and I', ‘Parallels', ‘Roundabout'.)Here you can see which books I'd like to have. Please send an email to if you know where to get them or if you have a copy to sell! 1. Flesca, Valentino: Il pop & progressive in Italia. Varese 1995. Published by the author, no ISBN. 2. Frame, Pete: Yes - The Trip to Asia. Belgium? 1983. 3. Kuloda, Shilow (or: Kuroda, Shiro?): Yes. Ongaku Tomo (Japan) 1979. ISBN: 4-276-23330-5. 4. Lewis, Laurie: Yes Photos. 1979. 5. Sierra i Fabra, Jordi: Rick Wakeman: Myths & Legends of the Yes Wizard. Ifabra, Unilibra (South America), 1977. No ISBN. 6. Sinfield, Peter: Under the sky. A collection of lyrics and poems. London 1973. ISBN: 0-85115-0349. 7. Staiti, Alessandro: Robert Fripp & King Crimson. Roma 1982. No ISBN. 8. Vasváry-Tóth Tibor: Yes - A rockzene rendszere. PCD Multimedia Kft. Budapest 1994. ISBN: 9630441764. 9. Vasvári-Tóth, Tibor/Krisztina Újvárossy-Nagy: Emerson Lake and Palmer. Budapest 1999. 10. Wright, Jonathan: Tales from graphic oceans. A study of the role of graphic design in English progressive rock and the concept album (1967-76). Dissertation (M.A.), University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art, Division of History of Art and Design. Original typescript 1997. 1. Cuellar, Carol (editor): Yes. Big Generator. Secaucus, Warner Brothers Publications 1988. Ed.-Nr.: 21185. ISBN: 0769208630. 2. Emerson, Keith et al.: Emerson, Lake and Palmer: Anthology. New York, Warner Brothers Publications 1981. 3. Muston, Geoffrey: Journey to the Centre of the Earth. The Journey. Recollection. The Battle. The Forest. Words and music: Rick Wakeman. Transcribed for piano by Jeff Muston. London, Rondor Music 1974. 4. Muston, Geoffrey: The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Music and lyrics by Rick Wakeman. Transcribed for pianoforte by Jeff Muston et al. London, Rondor Music 1975. 5. Stang, Aaron (editor): Yes. Classic Yes - Selections from YESYEARS. Miami, Warner Brothers Publications 1993/94. Re-issued 1999. 6. No Author: UK. Best Collection: Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 2000. ISBN: 4-401-36056-7. 7. No author: King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing. ISBN: 4-401-34619-X. 8. No author: 90125. Warner Brothers Publications (US) 1984. Ed.-Nr.: VF 1103. 9. No author: Premiata Forneria Marconi: Celebration. Le più belle canzoni. BMG Ricordi 1996. 10. No Author: Yes Best: Band Score. Tokyo. 1994. ISBN: 4-401-34758-7.I thought I should add a page collecting all the links from the other pages and some others. Here it is.3. Other bibliographies4. Links to books pages, publishers', authors' and artists' pages, where you can order books5. Online bookstores6. Fun7. MiscellaneaoHere is Peg Aloi's „Love From The Fields. The Imagery Of Pagan Britain in The Songs Of Ian Anderson".oHere is Roger L. Anderson's „Ian Anderson's acoustic guitar in the early recordings of Jethro Tull".o"Songs from the wood. Comments on the Caswell essay" by John Benninghouse is here.o"Minstrel in the Gallery: History in the music of Jethro Tull" by Judson C. Caswell can be found here.oSeveral articles by Emmett Chapman, inventor of the Stick can be found here.oSeveral other articles about the Stick can be found here.oHere is „Emerson, Lake & Palmer's Trilogy." by John Covach.oHere is „Free Hand. The Gentle Art of Counterpoint" by John Covach.oHere is „Genesis' Selling England by the Pound." by John Covach.oHere is „Jazz-Rock? Rock-Jazz? Stylistic Crossover in Late-1970s American Progressive Rock" by John Covach.oHere is „Jethro Tull and the Long Song." by John Covach.oHere is „Progressive or Excessive? Uneasy Tales from Topographics Oceans." by John Covach.oHere is „Progressive Rock, "Close to the Edge", and the Boundaries of Style." by John Covach.oHere is „Stylistic Competencies, Musical Humor, and This is Spinal Tap" by John Covach.oHere is Jim DeRogatis' „Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Prog-Rock Underground (But Were Afraid to Ask)".oHereis Jim DeRogatis-website with lots of articles.oHere are ELP articles and interviews.oHere are even more ELP articles and interviews.oThis is Jon Green's Promenade the Puzzle, a very interesting site on "the poetic vision of Peter Sinfield" (subtitle). Here you will find all the hermetic scriptures you laughed at reading Umberto Eco's "Il pendolo di Foucault" or you grew fascinated with reading "The holy blood and the holy grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Anyway, a very interesting site for those who want to explore Sinfield's lyrics in depth.oHere is an article about "The Chapman Stick, at home in the world of progressive rock" by Greg Howard. Thanks to Ralf J. Günther.oHere is Tomás Howie's „Rhythms of Progressive Rock".oHere you will find the Jethro Tull Tour History and The Annotated 'Passion Play'.oHere „Rock in the Name of Progress" by Brian L. Knight.o"Ian's Central Theme. Aqualung revisited." by Jeroen Louis is here.oHere is André Mauro's and Breno Ninini's „Rock Germânico no Brasil".oHere is Dave Morris' „Jethro Tull, Progressive Rock and Thematic Approach".oHere is Lawrence Moseley's „Jethro Tull : Gutter Prose, Kitchen Rhymes, Art For Your Time".oHere is Celso Pucci's „Can. Unanimidade subterrânea.oRush is not regarded as Prog here. But, Rush fans, if you like to read, start here.oHere is Neil R. Thomason's „Jethro Tull, Celtic or English?".oThis is "TullScapes. Essays on the art of Jethro Tull".oHere is Jan Voorbij's „"Do You Still See Me Even Here.........?" Seven years of Virtual Jethro Tull community".oThe Elephant Talk website has a huge collection of interviews with King Crimson band members and alumni.oProg4you has a lot more than only Interviews.oInterviews with Renaissance band members and alumni can be found at Northern Lights.oThe Transatlantic website. Here you can find band interviews.o"And I Heard a Million Voices Singing: Texture and Color in the Music of Rick Wakeman" is an article about the orchestrational techniques used by Rick Wakeman in the music he has created with Yes, and on his own. It also includes a brief musicological treatise on progressive rock.oYes interviews can be found at Notes from the edge. Have a look at the Yeshoo site for links to even more Yes interviews.oThere is a bibliography on the website. It also has periodical publications.oBabyblaue is a german website which also has information on a couple of Prog books.oThe great site has a small bibliography of italian Prog books. You can also buy some of them there.oAnother great Prog bibliography is here at Duxbury, author of 'Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock' has another great bibliography.oBibliographie Populäre Musik in Deutschland (inkl. DDR), compiled by Peter Wicke, author of several books on german Rock and Pop Music.oInformation on Italian books can be found here.oYou can also check the books section of the PFM homepage.oThe Brian Eno Bibliography is here.oHere is a Peter Gabriel bibliography.oThe Genesis Museum has been an important bibliographical source. I "stole" some description from there.oHere is a Pink Floyd bibliography.4. Links to books pages, publishers', authors' and artists' pages, where you can order booksoPeter Banks & Billy James: Beyond and Before. You might also want to have a look at the golden treasures publishing website or the Flash website.oBuy Paolo Barotto's book 'Il ritorno del Pop italiano' at Busch's 'File under Symfo'.oMarcelo Camerlo's 'The magic land' can be ordered here.oThe original scores of Campo di Marte (1973) and of the new live album will be soon on the internet. Check Enrico Rosa's website or Campo di Marte's website.oJohn Covach's website.oRoger Dean's website.oJanell Duxbury's website.oBuy Janete El Haouli's book 'Demetrio Stratos' at on the progress of Keith Emerson's autobiography can be found at Keith Emerson's Website.oMore information about 'Keith Emerson: Interviews' can be found here.oA website for David Gallant's 'Asia. The Heat Goes On'.oGentle Giant website.oFrancis Grosse's and Bernard Gueffier's 'La discographie alphabetique du Rock Français' can be ordered here.oBernward Halbscheffel's doctoral thesis 'Rockmusik und klassisch-romantische Bildungstradition' has been published online. You might also want to check the author's website.oPeter Hammill's books.oVernon Joynson's 'The Tapestry of delights'.oVernon Joynson's 'Fuzz, Acid and Flowers'.oJean-Louis Lafiteau's 'L'Encyclopédie Des Musiques Progressives' can be ordered here.oGreg Lake's website.oTony Levin's website.oLost Horizons has two interesting songbooks: ELP and King Crimson.oModern drummer publications website.oLeonardo Nahoum's 'Enciclopédia Do Rock Progressivo' can be ordered here.oGet Giancarlo Nanni's book 'Rock progressivo inglese' here.oMore information and a preview of Yvonne Nicholson's book on Jethro Tull can be found at Nicholson's website.oMore information on Scott Allen Nollen's book on Jethro Tull can be found here.oMike Oldfield's website.oThe german Mike Oldfield website.oArticles about Mike Oldfield can be found here.oCheck the Planetgong website for Gong related releases.oInformation on Robin Platts' 'Genesis: Inside & Out' can be found here.oEnrico Rosa's site is here. Also visit his Campo di Marte website.oMore information on David Shaw-Parker's 'The Lemming Chronicles' can be found here.oInformation on Sid Smith's King Crimson book can be found at the DGM website. You can order the book here.oEric Tamm's website. Here you can find his books on Robert Fripp and Brian Eno.oThe Tullbooks page.oBuy Franco Vassia's 'I campi della memoria, semi di beat, folk & rock.' here.oFor information about Peter Vickers' 'Genesis Collectibles' ask the author himself: petervickers@hotmail.comoDavid Watkinson: Perpetual change.oJohn Wetton's website.oThere are not too many good Neo-Progressive bands, but Big Big Train and Bright Horizon are two of them.oVisit the official Genesis website.oInformation on Gentle Giant sheet Music can be found at the Gentle Giant website.oA Jethro-Tull lyrics website.oThe Progressive Newsletter website.oRadiant Records, what a record company!oFor good Progressive Rock, see also you are interested in the austrian author Arthur Schnitzler, check out sir eel records, the record company of Marl Stanley, Farquhar, Spirit Gang, god Radio and Blazz.oFor good Progressive Rock, see also Steve's Staxdrum site.oHere you can find guitar tablature for Yes, ABWH, Steve Howe, Asia and GTR.oAnother great Yes site can be found here. Chapman, Emmett: Articles: : No Author : Reverences:Anthologie des grands success du groupe Ange. Paris, International Music Publications, 1996. NO ISBN.(Godevin la Vilain / Les Longues Nuits d saac / Si J tais le Messie / Ballde pour une Orgie / Exode / La Bataille du Sucre / Fils de Lumiere / Au Dela du Deliere / La Gare de Troyes / (Je N uis) La pour Personne / Saga / Reveille-Toi / Aurelia / Sur la Trace des Fees / Ode a Emile / Le ballon de Billy / Le Vieux de la Montagne / Aujourd ui C st la Fete chez L pprebti Sorcier / Le Soir du Diable / Le Cimetiere des Arlquins / Vu d n Chien / Hymme a la Vie / Ces Gens-La)-----------------------------The Alan Parsons Project : No Author : Best: Band Score. Tokyo, Rittor Music, 1984. No ISBN.(Full score transcription with tablature. Including:Prime Time / Let Me Go Home / Don Answer Me / Dancing on a High Wire / You Don Believe / Eye in the Sky / You e Gonna Get Your Finger Burned / Can Take It with You)No Author : The Best of the Alan Parsons Project. London, Wise Publications, n.d. ISBN:0-7119-0339-5(Arranged for piano and vocals. Includes all the songs from the album of the same title)-----------------------------Asia :No Author : Super Best. Tokyo, Doremi Music Publishing, 1991. ISBN:4-8108-5904-5(Full score transcription with tablature. Including:Wildest Dream / Don Cry / The Last You Know / True Colors / Open Your Eyes / Go / Voice of America / Wishing / Countdown to Zero / Too Late / After the War / Prayin 4 a Miracle)No Author : Band Score:Taken from the Album Asia and Astra. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 1992. ISBN:4-401-34642-4(Full score transcription with tablature. Including:Heat of the Moment / Sole Survivor / Time Again / Wildest Dreams / Don Cry / The Smile Has Lest Your Eyes / The Heart Goes On / True Colors)-----------------------------Banco : No Author : Le Piu Belle Canzoni:1976-1985. Milano. 1990. No ISBN.(Arranged for vocals and piano with chord symbols(in Italy). Including:Il Rgno / E Cosi Giovanni, ma / Garofano Rosso / Tema di Giovanna / Canto di Primavera / E Mi Viene da Pensare / Niente / Capolinea (parte 1 e 2) / Dove Sara? / Paolo, Pa / Senza Riguardo / Baciami Alfredo / Buona Notte, Sogni d ro / Buone Notizie / Michele e il Treno / Moby Dick / Lontano Da / Grande Joe / Mexico City / Baby Jane)-----------------------------Sosin, Donald: Renaissance. Transcribed and arranged by Donald Sosin, with preface by Betty Thatcher. Warner Bros Publications (UK)/Warner Bros. Music (USA).(Contains notations and lyrics for "Carpet of the Sun," "Ashes are Burning," "At The Harbour," "Mother Russia," "Running Hard," "Ocean Gypsy," "Can You Hear Me," "Midas Man," "Back Home Once Again," "Day of the Dreamer," "Northern Lights," and "A Song For All Seasons".)Renaissance :Lyrics with chord Symbols can be obtain from their web-site.------------------------------Jethro Tull :No Author : The Best of Jethro Tull. Volume 1 & 2. Miami, CCP Belwin,Inc. n.d. ISBN:0-29156-06031-7(same as the version of Almo Publications?)No Author : The Greatest Songs of Jethro Tull. London, Wise Publications, n.d. ISBN:0-7119-0847-8(Score for vocal and piano with guitar chord boxes. Includes : Aqualung / Living in the Past / Locomotive Breath / Nothing is Easy / A New Day Yesterday / Teacher / Too Old Rock and Roll (too Young to Die) / War Child / Songs from the Wood / Cross Eyed Mary / ) Jethro Tull (1970) Songs From Benefit. U. S. A. 1970(48 pages, words and music for all songs on "Benefit".)----------------------Genesis : No Author : Anthology. New York, Warner Brothers Publications,n.d. No ISBN.(Score for vocal and piano with guitar chord boxes. Includes :That All / Illegal Alien / No Reply at All / Misunderstanding / The Lamb Lies Down on the Broadway / Paperlate / Many to Many / Abacab / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) / Turn It Again / Man on the Corner / Your Own Special Way / Follow You Follow Me / Heathaze / Duchess / Mama / Dance on a Volcano / Taking It All Too Hard / Behind the Lines / Keep It Dark / A Trick of Tail / Mad Man Moon / One for the Vine)No Author : Band Score. Tokyo. 1992. ISBN:4-8456-0161-3(Full score transcription with tabulature. Includes : The Knife / Watcher of the Skies / Firth of Fifth / Mad Man Moon / One for the Vine Afterglow / Follow You Follow Me / Invisible Touch) No Author : The Best of Genesis. New York, Warner Brothers Publications, 1984. No ISBN.(Score for vocal and piano with guitar chord boxes. Includes : No Reply at All / Misunderstanding / The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway / Paperlate / Many to Many / Abacab / Ripples / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) / Turn It Again / Duchess / Your Own Special Way / Man on the Corner / Follow You Follow Me)No Author. Genesis Live the Way We Walk, volume 1:the Shorts. London, Wise Publications, n.d. ISBN:0-7119-3375-8(Score for vocal and piano with guitar chord boxes. Includes : Lnad of Cofusion / No Son of Mine / Jesus He Knows Me / Throwing It All Away / I Can Dance / Mama / Hold on My Heart / That All / In Too Deep / Tonight,Tonight,Tonight / Invisible Touch)No Author. Genesis Live the Way We Walk, volume 1:the Shorts. London, Wise Publications, n.d. ISBN:0-7119-3375-8(Score for vocal and piano with guitar chord boxes. Includes : Dance on a Volcano / Lamb Lies Down on Broadway / The Musical Box / Firth of Fifth / I Know What I Like / Driving the Last Spike / In the Glow of the Night / The Last Domino / Fading Light / Home by the Sea / Second Home by the Sea)Genesis. The best of Volume 1Genesis. The best of Volume 2Genesis. Guitar Superstar SeriesGenesis Guitar Song Book (USA). (Featuring tracks from A Trick of the Tail to I Can't Dance.)Complete Best Genesis. Publisher: Ritto Music. ISBN: 4-8456-0161-3.------------------------King Crimson : No Author : In the Court of the Crimson King:Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 1991. ISBN:4-401-34619-X(Full score transcription with tablature. Includes:21st Century Schizoid Man / I Talk to the Wind / Epitaph / Moonchild / In the Court of the Crimson King)----------------------Le OrmeSheet music can be obtained from their web-site.----------------------Lucio Battisti : No Author : da Mi Ritorni in Mente a una Giornata Uggiosa. Roma. 1993. No ISBN.(Words and melodies with chord symbols(in Italy) including songs performed by Formula Tre)----------------------Mason Williams(composer of lassical Gas performed by Beggars Opera, Deep Feeling, Synergy and so on)Aaron Stang : Classical Gas:the Music of Mason Williams. Eugene (OR), Mason Williams, 1992.(Guitar score with tablature. 18 songs including Classical Gas)No Author : Classical Gas([sheet music]). Almo Publications. 3708CGTXNo Author : Classical Gas([sheet music]). Rondor Music. HY20110----------------------Moody Blues :No Author : The Greatest Moods of the Moody Blues. Fort Lauderdale (FL), n.d. No ISBN.(Arranged for vocal and piano with chord symbols. Including:Cities / Leave This Man Alone / I Can Face the World without You / Fly Me High / Day Must Come / L l Be Here Tomorrow / London is Behind Me / Overture / Morning Glory / Another Morning / Peak Hour / Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon) / Time to Get Away / Twilight Time / Nights in White Satin / Late Lament / Resolvement / Legend of Mind / Voices in the Sky / Vision of Paradise / The Actor / Lovely to See you / Are You Sitting Comfortably? / Never Comes the Day / Gypsy (of a Strange and Distant Time) / I Never Thought I Live to be a Hundred / I Never Thought I Live to be a Thousand / Question / It Up to You / Dawning is the Day / Procession / The Story in Your Eyes / You Can Never Go Home / Long Summer Days / King and Queen / What am I Doing Here)----------------------New Trolls : No Author : Musica Sempre. Milano. 1990. No ISBN.(Words and melodies with chord symbols(in Italy). Including:Al Bar Dell ngolo / Andro Ancona / Annalisa / Concerto Grosso / Concerto Grosso N.2 / Davanti agli Occhi Miei / Duemila / Faccia di Cane / Ho Veduto / Il Sole Nascera / In St.Peter Day / Io Che Ho Te / La Prima Goccia Bagna il Viso / Padre O rien / Quella Carezza della Sera / Quella Musica / Sensazioni / Signore Io Sono Irish / Susy Forrester / Ti Ricordi Joe? / Tom Flaherty / Una Minera / Una Nuvola Bianca / Venti o Cent Anni / Visioni / Vorrei Comprare una Strada)----------------------Procol Harum :No Author. Procol Harum(=The great songs of the sixties & seventies, vol.4). London, Essex Music, n.d No ISBN.(Arranged for vocal and piano with chord symbols. Including:Conquistador / All This and More / A Salty Dog / In Held was in I / She Wandered through the Garden fence / Homburg / A Whiter Shade of Pale / A Christmas Camel / In the Wee Small Hour of Sixpence / Quite Rightly So / Your Own Choise / shine on Brightly / The Devil Came from Kansas)----------------------I Pooh : No Author : 25 La Nostra Storia. Milano. 1992. No ISBN.(Words and melody with chord symbols(in Italy). Including:Vieni Fuori / Quello Che Non Sai / Piccola Katy / In Silenzio / Tanta Voglia di Lei / Pensiero / Noi Due nel Mondo e nell nima / Io e Te per Altri Giorni / Eleonora Mia Madre / Se Sai, Se Puoi, Se Vuoi / Pierre / Dammi Solo un Minuto / Ci Pensero Domani / Notte a Sorpresa / Cantero per Te / Chi Fermera la Musica / Non Siamo in Pericolo / Lettera da Berlino Est / La Mia Donna / Se Nasco un ltra Volta / Giorni Infiniti / Per Te Domani / Chi Vuoi Che Sia / Concerto per un asi / Uomini Soli)----------------------Jan Akkerman :Some of scores of his masterpiece can be obtained from his web-site.----------------------Jean-Michel Jarre :No Author : Best of Piano. Paris, ID Music, 1994. No ISBN(Arranged for piano with chord symbols. Inclding:Oxygene IV,VI / Equinoxe III,IV,V,VII / Les Chants Magnetiques II,V / Orient Express / Souvenir de Chine / Jonques de Pecheurs au Crepuscule / L rchestre sous la Pluie / Zolook / Zoolookologie / Rendez-Vous II,III,IV / London Kid /September / L migrant / Calypso I,III / Chronologie III,IV,VIII)----------------------???Vangelis: Conquest of paradise, a l'unisson. By Vangelis. Arranged by Amiot. Orchestre d'harmonie (Musique avec choeurs, voix soliste, recitant). Editions Robert Martin(Includes conductor's score and parts.)???Waterman, Patricia: Minder words and music by Patricia Waterman and Gerard Kenny. ‘Chariots of fire' music by Vangelis [arranged by Stuart Barrie] for string ensemble. Sounds like fun. Woodford Green 1986. ISBN: 0863593240.(For strings, piano and percussion)Conquest of Paradise.(featured as a full orchestral score in an American database, but it can only be requested for serious use by professional musicians.)No Author : Sound Cosmos. Tokyo, Tokyo Ongaku Shoin, 1983. ISBN:4-8114-1444-6(Arranged for piano with chord symbols. Includes:Theme from Antacrtica / Antacrtica Echoes / Kinetic / Song of White / Life of Antarctica / Other Side of Antarctica / Deliverance / Chariots of Fire / Abraham Theme / Eric Theme / Heaven and Hell / Alpha / Memories of Green / La Petite Fille de la Mer)No Author : Successi Cinema. Roma, BMG, 1990. No ISBN.(Melodies with chord symbols(in Italy) including Chariotof Fire and Blade Runner End Title)-------------------------------Steve Morse :Milton Okun : Songbook. Port Chester (NY), Cherry Lane Music, 1986. ISBN:0-89524-323-7(Guitar score with tablature. Including:Cruise Control / Refried Funky Chiken / Road Expense / Ice Cakes / Odyssey / Punk Sandwitch / Broad Street Strut / Twiggs approved / Pride O the Farm / General Lee)----------------------UK : No Author : Best Collection:Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 2000. ISBN:4-401-36056-7(Full score transcription with tablature. Including:In the Dead of Night / Alaska / Time to Kill / Rendezvous 6:02 / The Only Thing She Needs)----------------------Yes : No Author : Best:Band Score. Tokyo. 1994. ISBN:4-401-34758-7(Full score transcription with tablature. Includes:Roundabout / Long Distance Runaround / Mood for a Day / Heart of the Sunrise / And You and I / Siberian Khatru / Owner of a Lonely Heart)No Author : Kowaremono(=Fragile). Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 2002. ISBN:4401361172----------------------*No Author : Progressive Rock:Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing,. ISBN:4-401-34698-X(Full score transcription with tabulature. Includes: 21st Century Schizoid Man / Roundabout / Owner of the Lonely Heart / Money / Sheriff / Stories in Your Eyes / Watchers of the Skies / In the Dead of Night / Ceasar's Palace Blues)---------------------------Wishbone Ash : No Author : Best: Band Score. Tokyo, Shinko Music Publishing, 1993. ISBN:4-401-34722-6(Full score transcription with tablature. Includes:The Pilgrim / Where Were You Tomorrow / Time Was / Blowin Free / The King Will Come / Throw Down the Sword)No Author : Best of Wishbone Ash. N.l., EMI Music Publishing, 1981. ISBN:0-86175-154-X(Words and Melodies with chord symbols. Includes:Blowin Free /Everbody Needs a Friend / No Easy Road / Valediction / Where Were You Tomorrow / Queen of Torture / Leaf and Stream / Outward Bound / Sometime World / Time Was / Errors of My Ways / Lady Whisky / Sing out the Song / Sorrell / Ballad of the Beacon / Persephone / So Many Things to say / Doctor / Blind Eye / Throw Down the Sword / Rock Roll Widow / The King Will Come / Warrior /The Pilgrim / Phoenix / Jaibait----------------------The DT books available in band score are:A Change of SeasonsMetropolis Pt2When Dream and Day Uniteanother one with no picture and the info only in japaneseAnderson, Ian: Jethro Tull - Stand Up. Album of nine songs and a Bourée. 1970. No ISBN.Author? Nothing To Lose, Warner Bros Publications.Eno's Greatest Bits. 1980.(A photocopied collection of lyrics, photographs and excerpts from interviews with Brian Eno. This publication may have been produced by the Eno Fan Club „Enovations".)Destefani, F./F. Massoni: Brian Eno. Strategie oblique. Milano 1983.----------------------------Mike Ratledge is writing books-----------------------------Fielder, Hugh: The Invisible Report 1987. Sidgwick & Jackson, London 1984.Author? Genesis. All the lyrics 1969 - 1976. Con traduzione italiana. Italia 1977. Privately issued, no ISBN.(A 64 page book with all Genesis lyrics translated to Italian.) Clarke, Steve: Genesis: Turn It On Again. Omnibus 1984.Various authors: Peter Gabriel. Testi originali con traduzione a fronte, discografia completa, guida ai bootlegs. Genova 1999. ISBN: 88-86775-36-9.Peter Gabriel. Photo Album. 1994?.Casas, Quim: Peter Gabriel. Barcelona 1990.(95 pages, written in spanish. Includes a discography.)Author? Genesis Songbook. 1978.(From The Netherlands. Includes 54 pages of lyrics to LPs through And Then There Were Three. This rare book was made by fans at a Dutch university, it is no official release.)Author? Genesis. Biografia e Testi. Call Rose 1980.(130 pages of English/Italian lyrics, a short biography.)Author? Genesis 1969-1975 Distal (publisher!) ISBN 950-9495-63-8. Second printing 1993.(93 pages. Includes lyrics and Spanish translations for all the Albums until 1975, a brief history and some B&W photos.)

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