Our Earth Is Hollow!

Web Name: Our Earth Is Hollow!

WebSite: http://www.ourhollowearth.com





Our Earth IS Hollow!Located at 85degrees North and South Latitude arePolarOpenings that lead into the hollowinteriorof our planet where the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel today dwellin perfect harmony, with lifespans equal to those of the Methuselahs of the Bible,whose only desire is to livein peace. Their flying saucers in defense of theircountry at times are seen onour surface world. They don't come to destroy, they are waiting...Waiting for us to discoverthat world peace is the onlyanswer, not without God, but WITH Him.We Must Prepare for Their Return...See the evidence, look atpossibilities, consider those who have gone there, and you willdiscovertruths thathave been hidden from thefoundationof the world...Click here to learn about the terrestrial paradise that is Our Hollow Earth... enter here

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