Faculty of Humanities | Humanities Degree | McMaster University

Web Name: Faculty of Humanities | Humanities Degree | McMaster University

WebSite: http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca





Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities In the Faculty of Humanities, we think critically, solve problems, and lead change in an ever evolving world. This is McMaster University Welcome to McMaster, Canada's top research-intensive university. Together, we're building a Brighter World. Browse through hundreds of course combinations A Humanities degree provides you with the flexibility to discover, create, and innovate. LEARN MORE Welcome to McMaster’s Faculty of Humanities. Our students gain the knowledge, skills and world-class connections they need to succeed in a wide range of careers or further studies. We take pride in cultivating the next generation of thoughtful, empathetic and effective citizens and leaders who will make the world a better – and brighter – place. I invite you to learn more. Search for a course, browse through your course outlines or discover our diverse academic programs. Learn about the admission process and find out why studying at McMaster is right for you. Need help? Connect with one of our academic advisors and find the resources you need to help you on your academic journey. Locate student support resources, get involved on campus or find the best venues for entertainment onand off campus. Are you considering McMaster for undergraduate study? We would love to hear more from you. August 16, 2021 McMaster requires proof of vaccination and mandatory vaccines: A letter from the President and Provost Starting on September 7, everyone accessing campus facilities including students, faculty, staff and guests will need to provide a proof of vaccination status. The news was announced today as part of a joint statement by David Farrar, President and Vice-Chancellor and Susan Tighe, Provost and Vice-President (Academic). Throughout the pandemic we have placed the Continued Read More August 6, 2021 New Faces – Meet Dr. Aytak Akbari-Dibavar (Global Peace and Social Justice/Gender and Social Justice) Aytak Akbari-Dibavar is a decolonial feminist educator from the Global South who joins the Faculty of Humanities from the Department of Historical and Cultural Studies at University of Toronto Scarborough. She teaches from and about feminist, queer, postcolonial, and decolonial knowledge production. In addition to holding a PhD in Gender Studies and International Relations from Continued Read More The experience of a Humanities degree is the preparation for life’s skills and opportunities The humanities teach a breadth of soft skills that graduates need to succeed in the job market. Many humanities graduates become professional chameleons of sorts. We leave university with these highly developed critical thinking and communication skills and can apply them to any number of industries. Every donation can have a lasting impact. Find out how you can make a difference.

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The Faculty of Humanities at McMaster offers students the opportunity to pursue a wide range of humanities programs and gain real-world experience from renowned professors.

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