Growing a Greener World - Growing A Greener World®

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HomeAboutTV EpisodesFind A StationRecipesCanning Preserving BlogGardening ArticlesGrowing a Greener World SEASON 11 UPDATEWe are excited to bring you season 11 of Growing a Greener World! With more time at home this year, this season puts the focus on making the most of resources we have at home. You ll get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into a day in the life of host and creator, Joe Lamp l, as he maintains his raised bed garden which serves as the set for many Growing a Greener World episodes.We also show you practical hands-on gardening tips this season like pruning (episode 1107), foodscaping (episode 1102), tips for making more plants (episode 1112), and container gardening (episode 1110).  You ll meet two young gardeners in episode 1105 who have been mentored by none other than Brie Arthur in a heart-warming story about inspiring the next generation of gardeners.With the pandemic keeping us off the road this year, you might also recognize some guests from past episodes as we revisit some of our favorite stories from previous seasons.You ll get to meet some of our team behind the scenes in episode 1113 to see what they re growing in their own home gardens. Plus, we put the spotlight on a few members of the Growing a Greener World and joegardener® communities. We hand-picked several individuals who share touching stories about how they used gardening to nourish their families and their neighbors during the quarantine.Tune in each week to your local public television station for new episodes. If your local station doesn’t broadcast the latest episodes, watch them here or from our GGWTV YouTube channel beginning September 5, 2020. Subscribe to that channel for free to receive notifications. A new episode is released every Saturday throughout the fall.Growing a Greener World is an Emmy Award-winning TV show appearing on national Public Television that features organic gardening, green living and farm-to-table cooking. Each episode focuses on compelling and inspirational people making a positive impact on the planet through gardening and shares DIY information that we can all use at home. Currently in its ninth season, this gardening series covers everything from edible gardening, urban homesteading and hobby farming to seasonal cooking, canning and preserving the harvest.Read more MOST POPULAR OF GGWEpisode 808: The Green Bronx Machine (2018 Emmy Award Winner!)It only takes a moment after meeting Stephen Ritz of The Green Bronx Machine to know that this is a man devoted to changing the lives of his students. Through passion, patience, and the power of a plant that produces real food (as in fresh fruits and vegetables), Stephen Ritz and his Green Bronx Machine are building healthy minds and bodies and empowering thousands of children to discover and exploit the potential they never knew they had.Continue reading and watch now Episode 807: Hope for Heros Spend any amount of time talking to farmers, and you’re sure to hear some inspiring stories: people working with their hands… people working with nature… people working for better communities. And while growing food is often something that’s passed down from generation to generation, some of the best stories come from men and women for whom farming is a second career.Continue reading and watch now  Episode 801: A Year in the Life of the Garden Farm; Part IThis day has been a long time coming. About eight years actually. You see, Growing a Greener World® is mainly a gardening show. Yet for the past seven years, each season premier has happened in the dead of summer—typically the Fourth of July weekend of all things. Not the best time to roll out a new season of let’s all get outside and garden shows.Continue reading and watch now Episode 802: A Year in the Life of the Garden Farm; Part IIIn this episode, we pick up where we left off in part I. In episode 802 – It’s all about the fall garden today at the Garden Farm. Here in the north Atlanta, GA area, gardening is easily a year-round event, if you allow it. The problem is, most people we know around here who have a summer garden, quite by mid-July. That is such a shame. Some of the best parts about gardening happen after summer ends.Continue reading and watch now Episode 803: Epic Tomatoes with Craig LeHoullierThis episode, Epic Tomatoes was inspired by Craig LeHoullier’s book Epic Tomatoes: How to Select and Grow the Best Varieties of All Time. For anyone who loves growing heirloom tomatoes, and the stories behind them, this is a must-read book for sure and a great addition to your own, or anyone’s library for that matter.Continue reading and watch now Episode 620: Bringing Nature HomeOur love affair with alien plants, along with unchecked habitat loss to urban sprawl is taking a significant toll on important native plants. In too many areas of the country, there’s no place left for wildlife. By bringing nature home in the landscapes and gardens we ourselves create, we can collectively start to reverse this alarming decline.Continue reading and watch now Meet the Ultimate Tomato Cage SupportSometime last summer, likely around the time my tomato plants were loaded with fruit and breaking branches right and left (again), I wrote a blog post lamenting about my fantasy of one day—some day, finding the ultimate way to support tomatoes. I think that day has finally come.Continue reading and watch now Sign up for our newsletter or blog, and updates on new episodes, videos and more!

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