Bashan Foundation

Web Name: Bashan Foundation






Bashan Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation. Its sole mission is promote high quality, scientific research and arts for the benefit of humanity. Promotion of science and arts is carried on mainly by the following avenues. Special issue on the research legacy of Prof. Yoav Bashan: Inoculant formulations are essential for successful inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria Application of beneficial microorganisms and their effects on soil, plants, and the environmentPersonal Copies from the authors: Disclosure of exact protocols of fermentation, identity of microorganisms within consortia, formation of advanced consortia with microbe-based products.Yoav Bashan, S.R. Prabhu, Luz E. de-Bashan & Joseph W. Kloepper. or Application of beneficial microorganisms and their effects on soil, plants, and the environment: the scientific legacy of Professor Yoav Bashan. Luz E. de-Bashan, Paolo Nannipieri, Hani Antoun & Robert G. Lindermann. or Weathering and soil formation in hot, dry environments mediated by plant–microbe interactions. Blanca R. Lopez & Macario Bacilio. or Designing a multi-species inoculant of phosphate rock-solubilizing bacteria compatible with arbuscular mycorrhizae for plant growth promotion in low-P soil amended with PR. Paola Magallon-Servin, Hani Antoun, Salma Taktek, and Luz E. de-Bashan. or Presentation. Watch next video. Founder Dr. Yoav Bashan giving conference.Inoculant formulations are essential for successful inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria Session 6, MICROP Symposium. Vienna, Nov 23-25. 2015.Download video (100 MB) or Watch online Presentation. Founder Dr. Yoav Bashan giving conference.Who is an author or co-author of a scientific paper? La Paz. 2012.Download presentation Established: December 27, 1999. Incorporated as a nonprofit organization July 2003. Oregon, USA.This site is updated and maintainent by volunteers in honor to Prof. Yoav Bashan.Version Jul, 2020.

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This site describes activities that support environmental science, conservation of environmentally sensitive areas, surveys of important ecological sites, scientific and educational publications

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