Aspergers Autism Forum

Web Name: Aspergers Autism Forum






Welcome to Autism Forums, a friendly forum to discuss Aspergers Syndrome, Autism, High Functioning Autism and related conditions.Your voice is missing! You will need to register to get access to the following site features:Reply to discussions and create your own threads.Our modern chat room. No add-ons or extensions required, just login and start chatting!Private Member only forums for more serious discussions that you may wish to not have guests or search engines access to.Your very own blog. Write about anything you like on your own individual blog.We hope to see you as a part of our community soon! Please also check us out @, all. Have you tried learning another language on your own? I ve been doing this since 2000 with Japanese. It is quite the complicated language. I ve also gotten into French, because I love Canada. What about you?For context: I have a few special interests, hobbies, obsessions...recently, I’ve noticed that one of them is becoming much more...stressful and over the top too focused on. I’m just wondering if anyone else has an obsession that can become too much for them? How did you handle it?From the beginning of the pandemic to now, except for all the stuff going on outside my home, which meant no more new episodes of shows I like, I am honestly pretty happy with the staying at home stuff. I felt/feel really relieved to not have to talk to strangers or go through the confusing and annoying social niceties of day-to-day life. I am pretty happy never leaving my house, and I feel like I get all the socializing I need from the other people in my house (mom, dad, older brother[20], younger sister[14]). Is it weird that I m not bothered by being stuck in my house or is that a normal thing for autistic people? I honestly have enjoyed not being pressured to go out and do things and I know part of it is my anxiety surrounding sometimes events and going places, but my little sister tells me it s super weird to not miss being with my friends, so I don t know. This feels too long and maybe confusing now, but whatever, if you don t understand then you can ask me for...I accepted it when I was in my 20s. Now that I am 43 years old and seeing my friends and family forum relationships and get married or hanging out with couples as they are everywhere I accept I will never have a girlfriend or be married.So since I accept it, and it does hurt especially when seeing couples like my friends who are couples its hard. The very few single girls are single by choice as they don t want a relationship.I am also tired of being hurt as any slim chance was crushed in March 2020 when the lockdown then distancing measures happened. It s hard to forum relationships virtually actually it s a complete waste of time.Now one of my friends is getting married, but I am not going to bother to attend the wedding if there will still be one with lockdowns but anyway I have been too enough of them to feel even more crummy.I am having some trouble finding research and personal narratives about internalized distress from childhood onward. So, a natural tendency towards silence, not one borne of masking. A loud expression of distress is one feature of autism I have never resonated with. My distress feels more stuck, and certainly more silent, than loud. When I was little I d sort of phase out and disconnect from my distress. I called it floating , even though I wasn t on the ceiling or a ghost or anything. I was just...porous, I guess.When grown-ups called me a little peacemaker , I came to appreciate my detachment and saw it as a way to not be bothersome to anyone, and thus to be more or less free to do my own thing, which was basically my plan all along. My middle childhood was chaotic, but even as a baby, I appeared weirdly unresponsive to anything, yet also subversive in my activity. The kid who does what they want without saying a thing. That was me. It s still me, in a lot of ways,...I used to be able to drink some milk and that would be fairly instant in calming my throat, but since I had my gallbladder removed, I tried some and was sick and been frightened to have some again, because I hate being sick.A lot of aspies talk about special interests. What would be a good definition of it?Some, including Tony Atwood, talk about how a special interest could be a thought blocker and an escape from what is difficult in life. This does not work for me as reality always kicks in when I practise my interests. I can even get very frustrated as things can be difficult. How can a special interest be an escape from reality? Practising music doesn t exactly takw me away from my difficulties. Maybe Tony Atwood refers to things line video game as it doesn t require any skills (but even that seems false)?I ve honesty never met another autistic person with a special interest in meerkats. Well just meerkats. I know someone else who claims they may be autistic but also likes the other mongooses. But then I ve never met an NT with even a casual interest in meerkats. I got cyber bullied on a Lion King fan fourm (my other special interest at the time), I kinda leaned just because someone claims to have something in common with me doesn t mean they actually do, or at least not to the extent I do. Meerkats have essentially become my identity. Meerkat Queen is actually my nickname among a few people who know me personally. Now I just need a signature clothing style set and Netflix series.HiMy daughter got her official HF ASD diagnosis just before xmas , she is 13 , we knew it was coming for the last few months , she has had noticeable mental health issues since eleven years of age . She masks a lot , struggles with school interactions and has been missing a lot of school . But since her diagnosis she has shut down , hasn t left her bed in days , won t talk about it , can t sleep , won t even interact with her family and is suffering anxiety and dizzy spell . She hasnt left the house all xmas . Keeps saying she wants to move country or die . I am sick with worry . She is seeing a therapist . I want to know how to help her . Is this normal on the back of a diagnosis ? I know I can t push her but I need to help bring her out of this depressive episode . She is not interested in reading about her condition or engaging in with others on forums . She doesn t really have any real friends or special interests . She use to read a lot but stopped that when pandemic...Hello I’m new, and I’m having a bit of a crisis. I feel very confused and quite upset as I don’t know what to do. I know that this year has not been great for everyone, and I do understand that maybe my friend (disabled but NT)whom I have known since first year university may also be feeling overwhelmed by what the year has brought into her life but... I feel like she’s been avoiding me.We haven’t had a proper in she’s constantly active on the computer for most of the day due to her being house bound,,,and more so now because of the More stringent lockdown in her country. Nothing really has changed that much for her as she doesn’t work and only socializes online even before Covid. I understand that maybe she has things to deal with herself. But...when she’s been online she’s not responding to my messages, and when she does it’s been pretty sparse. It started to decrease in activity from July, and then sporadically until the last message I received from her...

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