Department of Scandinavian, UC Berkeley

Web Name: Department of Scandinavian, UC Berkeley






After working thirty-one years as the Danish Literature Professor in the UC Berkeley Department of Scandinavian, Karin Sanders is retiring! During that time, Karin has poured her heart and soul in our small but mighty department and has done more than anyone else to create a rare intellectual and social milieu. (more ) Congratulations to Lotta Weckstrom on her promotion to Continuing Lecturer effective July 1, 2020! Congratulations to Kate Heslop on her promotion to Associate Professor effective July 1, 2020! The Scandinavian Department is pleased to announce the appointment of Timothy Tangherlini as new professor of Danish Literature and Culture effective July 2020. (more ) Congratulations to Sarah Eriksen for winning the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award 2019-2020! Congratulations to Tiffany White for winning the Birgit Baldwin Fellowship 2020-21! Congratulations to Troy Wellington Smith for winning the The Einar and Eva Lund Haugen Memorial Scholarship 2020! The Department of Scandinavian at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for an Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in the area of Danish Literature and Culture, with an expected start date of July 1, 2020. For more information  (more ) Velkommen / Tervetuloa / Velkomin / Välkommen Welcome to the Department of Scandinavian at UC-Berkeley! The languages, literatures, and cultures of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) are the focus of teaching and research in the department. The interdisciplinary curriculum ranges from topics in Viking and Medieval Scandinavian history and literature to the influential cultural contributions of the successful Nordic societies of more contemporary times. Instructors regularly teach beginning and intermediate classes in all five modern Nordic languages as well as reading and grammar classes in Old Norse at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students in the undergraduate major choose a concentration in medieval studies or in one of the modern language areas while also working in comparative and interdisciplinary ways with other cultural materials from the region. Graduate students pursuing the Ph.D. train to become comparative Scandinavianists while also developing depth and expertise in a more specific scholarly field.The faculty in the department pursue research in a variety of fields including literary studies, philology, folklore, media and film studies, theater history, art history, archaeology, and architectural history. The interdisciplinary curiosity of the faculty sets the tone for our students, who are encouraged to explore widely and creatively within the intellectual field of Scandinavian Studies. HomeProgramsPeopleCoursesResourcesOpportunitiesLanguages 2020 UC Regents. Reproduction of images, sounds, or content without permission is prohibited

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